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Project : Class song

I. Self-evaluation

During the following self-evaluation, you should reflect on the process you went
through over the last weeks of the project. The main objective is to be honest with yourself
in order to set yourself new goals to work towards during music lessons!

N.B.: The answers must be written in the workbook.

1. Describe briefly your role within the group. Did you take an active part in the group
process? Has there been an evolution in your involvement within the group?

2. List and elaborate on at east 5 things you have learned about music, music making
and yourself during the setting?

3. What skills/new knowledge would you like to develop to improve your performance and

4. According to you, how can music-making be fun? What does it take to make it fun?

5. Other comments.

II. Self-assessment grid

Grade yourself regarding following criteria.

1. Musical participation (10) 3. End performance (10)

Project : Class song

2. Participation (10) 4. Comments

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