Mathematics Quadratic Equation MCQ

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a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6 (7) QUADRATIC EQUATIONS Page 1 (Answers at the end of all questions ) The value of a for which the sum of the squares of the roots of the equation x?~(a-2)x-a-1 =0 assume the least value is (a) 1 (b) 0 (ce) 3 (d) 2 EER 2005 ] If the roots of the equation x? - bx + ¢ = 0 be two consecuti ‘then b? = 4c equals (b) 3 (e) 2 (dy 4 [AIEEE 2005] Y . Hf both the roots of the quadratic equation x” @ k= 5 =0 are less than 5, then k lies in the interval (a) (5, 6] (b) (6, %) & (d) (4, 5] [AIEEE 2005] Let two numbers have arithm« ‘and geometric mean 4. Then these numbers are the roots of the quadratic Swati (a) - 18x + 16 18x - 16 (a) 2 + 18x + 16 = (co) x? + 18x - 16 = Wiee) ~SSprmsene euaton 92 pes (1p) <0. ten the rots are (a) 0, (B® 1,1 (ce) 0, (d) -1,2 [AIEEE 2004] =0 =0 [AIEEE 2004] jot of the equation x” + px + 12 = 0 is 4, while the equation Px + 12 = 0 has equal roots, then the value of q is (b) 12 (ce) 3 (d) 4 [AIEEE 2004] ‘The number of real solutions of the equation x” - 31x1+2=0 is (a) 2 (b) 4 (ec) 1 (d) 3 [AIEEE 2003] JUADRATIC_ EQUATIONS Page 2 (Answers at the end of all questions ) (8) The value of *a” for which one root of quadratic equation (a? - 5a + 3)x? + (3a 1)x + 2 = 0 is twice as large as the other is 2 2 1 1 a ae at a AIEEE (a) 3 (by) Ble) F(A) = [ 2003] (9) If roots of the equation x? - 5x + 16 = 0 are a, B and roots of Af®& equation x4 pK +q=0 are a? +f and then oB 2 (a) p=tandq=-56 (b) p=-1andq= (c) p=tandq= 56 (d) p =-1andq 3 cD“ 2002) (10) If a and B be the roots of the equation (x - a)( © #0, then the roots of the equation (x - a)(x-B)=¢ are (a) aande (b) band c (c) aandb (d) nn aed [AIEEE 2002, IT 1992] (11) If one root of the equation x? + <% is square of the other, then for any p and q it will satisfy the relatioy (a) pp = a(3p = 1) + ay (B) ph a(3p + 1) + a> (FS OO (e)eoateetee [IT 2004] (12) It x? + Dax + at 0 for every real value of x, then (a) a> (ce) -5 eye can a teckel tester ie [IIT 2003 } (14) The set of all real numbers x for which x? + Ix + 214 x> 0, is 2)U(Z ©) (b) (+0, = V2)U( V2, @) 1)U(1,@) — (d) (V2, ») [IT 2002] (a) (+ (e) (+ JUADRATIC_ EQUATIONS Page 3 (Answers at the end of all questions ) (15) The number of solutions of logs(x - 1) = loge(x - 3) is (a) 3 (b) 1 (ce) 2 (d) 0 [IT 20011 (16) If « and f are the roots of the equation x* + bx + ¢ = 0, where c < Ogeb, then (a)0 0, if one of the ro§ts is{equare of the other, then p is equal to 4 2 (ag (b) 1 (ce) 3 Ca @ (IT 2000) (18) If b > a, the equation (x - a)(x - Oo (a) both roots in (a,b) — (b) , a) and the other in (b, +2) (€) both roots in (b, +2) Qf) Wath Roots in (=, a) [IIT 2000} (19) The harmonic mean he of the equation (5+ V2) = (4 +8+2V/5 =0is (a) 2 (b ce) 6 (d) 8 [UIT 1999] °° (20) It the equation x* - 2ax + a” + a - 3 = 0 are real and less than 3, then < (b) 2sas3 (c)3 ava (c) all p and r (d) no p andr NT 1995) (23) Let f(x) be a quadratic expression which is positive for all real xPe f(x) + 1° (x) + £0), then for any real x (a)g(x) <0 (b)g(x)>0 (¢) g(x) =0 “ey (IIT 1990] “and p* are the roots of 0 has always + m4 8-0, then the equation x? = aqx (a) two real roots (b) two positive \gots (c) two negative roots (d) one roy ine negative root [IIT 1989] \ is a root of ax? + bx += 0, B is (24) It wand f are the roots of x? + px +q=0 (25) Let a, b, ¢ be real numbers, a root of ax’ - bx-c =0 < Q< B, then the equation a*x? + 2bx + 2c = 0 has a root y that always sa (ayy = S28 (b) Bo (e)rsa (d)acr

b>e (b) a>b>e (c)a>c>b (d) acc 0, men pane wa oe erathegP ror 0 (a) are real and negative (b) have negative re o (€) none of these [IT 1980] (32) Both the roots of the equation (x - YO a)(x= 6) + (x= ax- b)=0 are always (a) positive (b) negative < (d) none of these [IIT 1980] (33) Ht 4 m,n are real, Or roots of the equation (i= myx? = 5 (04m =0 are (a) real and equat Oo (¢) real and @ 'd) none of these [IT 1979] (34) The egiseNgrap of the equation y = x? + kx - x +9 Is strictly above the X-axis if and,o1

-5 (d) none of these [UT 1979] If @ and B are roots of the equation ax* + bx +c = 0, then (1+a407)(14+B +B) = (a) 0 (b) positive (c) negative (d) none of these QUADRATIC EQUATIONS Page 6 (Answers at the end of all questions ) (36) If the two equations ax? + bx + ¢ = 0 and px’ + qx +r = 0 have a common root, then the value of (aq - bp)(br - cq) is (a) -(ar- cp)? (b) (ap-er)? —(e) (ac - pr)? (d) (ar - cp) (37) The set of values of p for which the roots of the equation 3x” + 2x + \Q=o are of opposite signs is (a) (+ %, 0) (b) (0, 1) (c) (1, ©) (d) (0, OD (38) If the roots of the equation a(b = c)x’ + b(c - a)x + of a,b, ¢ are in . (a) HP. (b) GP. (c) AP. (d) a (39) The value of p for which the di nthe roots of the equation + px +8=0 is 2 are (a) #2 (b) #4 28 (40) If a> 0, then (a) "GB ? (41) If for ratic equation ax* + bx + c = 0, the difference of the roots is the same rOduct, then the ratio of the roots is -b bec cra sb!) bee) oe (d) none of these ) The integral values of m for which the roots of the equation mx? + (2m - 1)x + (m - 2) = 0 are rational for rational k are given by k(k +2) 4 (a) k(k +1) (e) (d) none of these JADRAT! (Answers at the end of all questions ) Page 7 (43) It x? + 6x - 27 > 0 and -x’ + 3x +4 >0, the x lies in the interval (a) (3,4) (b) (3, 4] (e) (-9, 3] 4 [4, 9) (d) (-9, 4) fog 7(x2 = ax + 5) (44) The roots of the equation 7 =x-1 are (a) 23 (by) 7 (0) 2-3 (d) BB (45) If 2, 3 are roots of the equation 2x° + mx? - 13x +n = &» values of m and n are (a) +5, -30 (b) -5,30 (ce) 5, 30 SQy fom (46) If sina and cosa are the roots of the eféaj © be +e (a) a? +b? - 2ac = 0 zo (c) (ase) +e (47) If the equations ax? + and ax? + 2bx + ¢ = 0 (b #c) have a common root, then a+ 4b + (a) 0 (b) 4 (d) none of these

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