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Calendar, Weeks of 4/10 & 4/17

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

4/10 4/11 4/12 4/13 4/14
Foreign and SAT Testing Federal Budget Federal Budget Good Friday- No
Domestic Policy School
Review Homework: Vocab Quiz #5
SSB, p. 381-
383, 532-537 Homework:
SSB, p. 520-526

4/17 4/18 4/19 4/20 4/21

Monetary & Policy and Review Review Review
Fiscal Policy Budget
Homework: Homework: Vocab Quiz #6
Homework: Quiz Homework: TBD TBD
on Foreign, TBD Homework:
Domestic, and TBD
Economic Policy

NOTE: If school is cancelled for any reason, you still are responsible for keeping up with the
readings and assignments for that day. If Ms. Ward is unexpectedly absent, continue
following your calendar as is until she revises it for you.
Reading Questions, Weeks of 4/10 & 4/17
As you complete the readings for each week, you should be taking thorough notes to
help you remember the material, sort out complex ideas, make connections to other
class content and keep track of any questions you may have.

Use the questions below as a GUIDE to help you complete your readings and notes
these questions are NOT all-inclusive! Use your own words!!! Use complete sentences
where appropriate!!! Its a good idea to LOOK UP terms/concepts/laws/cases/etc. that
are referenced in your readings that you are not familiar with!

Be prepared to take A QUIZ about any and ALL readings from SSB and elsewhere!!!

Handout, SSB, p. 381 383 & 532 537 (Wednesday 4/12)

1. Why did Congress pass the Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974? What
were the two major requirements of the Act?
2. What tasks does the Office of Management and Budget complete in the first stages
of the budget-making process?
3. What are the two steps in the Congressional budgeting process? Who is responsible
for each step?
4. What is a continuing resolution? Why are such resolutions necessary?
5. List the types of taxes collected by the FEDERAL government.
6. What is the difference between a progressive and a regressive tax structure? Which
structure is used for the federal income tax?
7. When and why was Social Security created?
8. Social Security is NOT a pension. How does it work? Why is this becoming a major
9. What are three proposals that have been made for salvaging Social Security?
10. Read the Which Side Are You On? section on p. 536. Do you think Social Security
should be privatized? EXPLAIN IN A GOOD PARAGRAPH!

Handout, SSB, p. 520-526 (Thursday 4/13)

1. What is fiscal policy? Who controls fiscal policy?
2. Why did Keynes support government intervention in the economy? What options are
available to Congress? What is the goal of each action?
3. What is discretionary fiscal policy?
4. Explain the difference between gross public debt and net public debt.
5. What circumstances helped lead to the budget surpluses from 1998-2002? What
circumstances drove the U.S. back into a budget deficit?
6. What is monetary policy? Who controls monetary policy?
7. What tools can the Fed use to stabilize the U.S. economy?
8. Explain the difference between expansionary (loose) and contractionary (tight) monetary
9. How does timing create a problem for the implementation of both monetary and fiscal

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