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UNSTRUCTURED Field Experience Log & Reflection

Instructional Technology Department Updated Summer 2015

Candidate: Mentor/Title: School/District:

Stephanee Stephens Traci Redish/ ITEC Department KSU iTeach
Course: Professor/Semester:
ITEC 7460 PL & Tech Innovation Vega / Spring 2017

(This log contains space for up to 5 different field experiences for your 5 hours. It might be that you complete one field
experience totaling 5 hours! If you have fewer field experiences, just delete the extra pages. Thank you!)

Date(s) 1st Field Experience Activity/Time PSC Standard(s) ISTE Standard(s)

01-21-17 - Planning and preparation for Future of Education Technology PSC 1.4, 5.2, 6.3 ISTE 1d, 4b, 6b
Conference (FETC) // 2.5 hours
01-27-17 - Workshop presentation at FETC // 2.5 hours

First Name/Last Name/Title of an individual who can verify this Signature of the individual who can verify this experience:
Stephanee Stephens / iTeach Director

(Place an X in the box representing the race/ethnicity and subgroups involved in this field experience.)
Ethnicity P-12 Faculty/Staff P-12 Students
P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
Asian X
Black X
Native American/Alaskan Native
White X
Multiracial X
Students with Disabilities
Limited English Proficiency
Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals
(Minimum of 3-4 sentences per question)
1. Briefly describe the field experience. What did you learn about technology coaching and technology leadership from completing this field

In January of 2017 I co-presented at the FETC (Future of Education Technology conference in Orlando, FL. The presentation, Weve Pledged to Stay
Cutting Edge: Becoming Future-Ready and the Next Steps, was a 2.5 hour workshop supported by several iTeach team members. Specially, my section
focused on embedded coaching and personalized professional development. By presenting at and attending this conference, I was able to view the horizon
of my field and collaboratively support other educators and leaders.

2. How did this learning relate to the knowledge (what must you know), skills (what must you be able to do) and dispositions (attitudes, beliefs,
enthusiasm) required of a technology facilitator or technology leader? (Refer to the standards you selected above. Use the language of the PSC
standards in your answer and reflect on all 3knowledge, skills, and dispositions.)

Knowledge In order to be accepted to present at a national and/or international level, ones knowledge about a given topic must be high. During
this session, and the planning for its delivery, I became an expert in the Future Ready Schools framework as it relates to the National Education
Technology Plan.

Skills The ability to present to a group of highly effective peers for 2.5 hours and receive excellent feedback is evidence of my ability to relate,
share, collaborate with and engage others in the important work of being a technology leader.

Dispositions It would be very difficult, indeed, to present on a topic without a firm belief in the value it holds to improve K-12 instruction.
Evident in session feedback was that our teams enthusiasm, attitudes and beliefs were one of the biggest motivators for participants to return to
their home schools and begin to implement the strategies we covered.

3. Describe how this field experience impacted school improvement, faculty development or student learning at your school. How can the impact be

Participants in our session were supported with learning and resources which would have immense impact in practice and learning at any of their schools. It
is hard, however for us to quantify this effect within the constraints of the format. Session feedback provided to us from the conference would indicate a high
level of impact.

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