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Signs and Symptoms Etiology Pertussis

Whooping cough occurs in 3 stages: Pertussis is caused by the bacillus

catarrhal, paroxysmal, and convalescent.
Commonly known as Whooping
Bordetella pertussis and it has an
incubation period of 7-10 days. Even Cough. It is an extremely contagious
Catarrhal stage: respiratory infection common in
though it is highly contagious and is a
very prevalent alignment in society, it is children.
The individual develops an irritating
cough that progressively gets worse, the most common of all diseases that
especially at night. Also, anorexia, can be preventable by routine childhood
sneezing, listlessness, conjunctivitis, and
low-grade fever may appear.

Paroxysmal stage:

This stage lasts from 3 to 4 weeks.

Within 1 to 2 weeks, the cough becomes
more irritating and violent with
inhalations that feature a high-pitched
whoop, which may be absent in older
children and adults. Coughing fits end
with the expulsion of clear mucus
followed by vomiting and can be so
severe that they can lead to hernia,
nosebleeds, and detached retina. In
addition, the child is also highly
susceptible to secondary infections like
pneumonia, Ottis media, and
Convalescent stage:

The final stage may last from 1 to 2

months. Symptoms are easily triggered,
with even the mildest upper respiratory whooping+cough
infection worsening the coughing.

Treatment Prevention Facts

The individual must be referred to a Getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent Since the 1980s, doctors have been
physician immediately. Furthermore, pertussis. In the US, the recommended pertussis reporting increasing numbers of pertussis
vaccine for babies and children is called DTap, cases, however there are still far fewer
antibiotics are eective, but only during the
which fights against diphtheria, tetanus and
early stages, before the coughing becomes cases than there were before the vaccine.

persistent. After the early stages, Yet, the number infected seems to peak
antibiotics becomes useless because the every three to five years.

bacteria is gone from your body even If a member of your family has been Pertussis is especially deadly in developing
though symptoms are still present. diagnosed, then your doctor may areas of the world because fewer people
recommend preventative antibiotics for are vaccinated. The disease infects millions
other members.
of people each year and claims hundreds of
thousands of lives.


Doctors have been dealing with the

Good hygiene is recommended to help
whooping cough for at least 500 years and
prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses.
were first able to identify and see the
Thus, you should cover your mouth and

nose with a tissue or your elbow when you

cough or sneeze and to wash your hands Today, only 10,000 to 40,000 people are
often with soap and water for at least 20 infected each year and only a few die.


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