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Location of the Sun Lab

If I draw the location of the sun in the morning, at noon, and in the afternoon, I will see
that the sun:
I think it is going to go up and down. Basically the sun comes to the east and
sets on the west. So about noon it would be in the middle and on 4pm then it will go
down. At east it goes up and west goes down.

(Add however many you need)

In complete sentences, describe what happened with the three of your drawings.
Remember to be clear in addressing what drawing, morning, noon, or afternoon. Stick
to describing, no interpretation or opinion needed, this is just the observations.
Well when it was 9AM the sun started to go up and on 11AM it went higher. Then
at 1:30PM the sun went down in my 1st observation. On my 2nd observation, the same
thing happened. 9AM goes up, 11AM goes up, 1PM goes down. On the 3rd observation
instead of 11 and 9 we did 10AM and 12PM. The 10AM went up and the 12PM went
slightly down. So basically each observation the Sun always moves. I knew all of this
because of the papaya tree by looking at it from time to time.
In complete sentences, analyze your drawings. Why do you think the sun was in the
place or places it that it was? Can you relate this to the earths rotation?
What I can say is that if it's PM the sun goes down, when it's AM it goes up. So
the Sun doesnt actually go up it's just because we are rotating. The Earth rotation just
spins while leaning. The Sun is in the Middle, and where you are the Earth is facing
away in the night and facing it on day. Thats why theres Time Zones.

Address your hypothesis, was it right or wrong? Why do you think so? What did you
learn from this experiment? What does this experiment tell you about the earths
rotation and relationship to the sun? Answer all these questions in complete and
separate sentences.
My hypothesis was right. What I said was in the east it goes up and west goes down.
The east is AM and the west is PM. Also if it was 12PM it does go down but it's kinda on
the center. I learned that depending on whether Am or PM goes up or down.

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