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Emily Thompson

Tuning Protocol Questions

Red 414

1. Why should you look at student work at the end of your RED 414
First Six Weeks Clinical Practice? How will this practice play a part
in your future professional experience?
It is important to look at student work at the end of this
clinical because it will give an idea of the growth the
students have made. This practice will play a part in my
future experiences because it will allow me to see the
progress students have made and think about what I would
do differently for the next time. It would also allow
differentiation because it allows the teacher to see who
may of struggled and who did well and allow them to plan
accordingly for the following year.

2. In your own words, describe the Tuning Protocol

a. What is the purpose of the Focus Question(s) at the
beginning of the Tuning Protocol
b. Write a few sample Focus Questions
A Tuning Protocol is a group a conference where
feedback is given.
a) The purpose of the focus question(s) as the
beginning provides a basis for what feedback is
B) Did you see an improvement in the students
narrative writing?
3. I your own words, describe the Collaborative Assessment
It when a piece of student work is presented and then the
teacher receives feedback on that students work.

4. What KEY questions do you feel would be important to consider

when participating in the Tuning Protocol at the end of your RED
414 First Six Weeks Clinical Practice?
What do we do when the students didnt learn anything?
What do we do when the students already know what we
are teaching?
Did we say what we planned to say?
5. Give several examples of WARM FEEDBACK.
I really like how you
It was clear you worked hard on
It was really interesting when.
You did a great job at
6. Give several examples of COOL FEEDBACK.
You may want to consider
Have thought about
I noticed that you .. it may be more useful
7. Thinking ahead, how will you use your 3-5 connected math
lessons for this assignment, and what type of student work would
you possibly bring back to use in the tuning protocol practice.
I would use the connected math lessons to get a better
understanding of what my kids already know by using pre
and post-tests, I would also present student work and
lesson plans to my collogues to receive feedback. The type
of student work that I would bring back to use in the
practice would be a pre and post-test of high, middle, and
low student.

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