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Rachel Ma

IM I/1/11AP
Journal 1: Week of 9/2

Read more on LGT
Start going on site again
Ask mentor questions about reading


This first week of school, Ive begun to start annotating and reading articles on the topic

of lateral gene transfer (LGT). Although Ive been on site over the summer doing work in the lab

at UMD SOM, I havent done much reading on the topic of LGT there. I am trying to start by

getting the basics of LGT down, but its a bit difficult because I can only seem to get a vague

summary of what it is and no specifics on how it works. The articles Ive found so far are also

very technical and data-based. LGT research involves many graphs, tables, and diagrams that I

need help to comprehend.

Over the next two weeks, I will return to the lab and ask Julie or Nikhil about some of the

things in the graph. It will be a bit difficult to catch Julie because she usually leaves at about the

same time Ill be arriving to the lab. One of the challenges Ive had so far over the summer is

being able to talk to my mentor; I usually work on my project under just the guidance of Nikhil.

Additionally, I am at a loss currently over how to possibly compile and organize enough

information to write a full synthesis paper. However, I will keep reading, and hope I will

understand more as time goes on.

I am trying to fit in as many SAT practice tests as I can in a month as well as piano

practice, so Im struggling a bit with time management this month - but Im trying to improve!
Rachel Ma
IM I/1/11AP
Journal 2: Week of 9/16

Read more on LGT
Make list of questions to ask Julie


These first two weeks, Ive been reading articles and went on site last Thursday. I wasnt

quite able to pick up where I left off over the summer regarding my project. I reviewed what Ive

done so far and summarized everything in my lab notebook.

Over the summer, I began PCR on replicating the 16S gene sequence in CEACAM6

plasmids. Then, the CEACAM6 underwent transformation into E. Coli cells , which were

incubated overnight. I then harvested 24 bacterial samples by centrifugation, which left purified

DNA. The DNA was digested by the BsmI enzyme and then underwent PCR and gel

electrophoresis. The largest band was extracted from the gel and purified, producing the

remaining 16S DNA sample.

Next week I plan to return and continue the project with Nikhil. I wasnt able to catch

Julie last time but I hope to have questions I can ask her next week on my articles. As of now, the

details of my project are not completely clear to me, but I am still learning and asking questions

as I go along.

Through my reading on the implications of LGT on cancer, I became interested in the

implications of LGT in humans. However, there doesnt seem to be a lot of research done and I

plan to ask my mentor about it. I hope to be able to find enough material to fully understand my

topic and write a paper on it.

Rachel Ma
IM I/1/11AP
Journal 3: Week of 10/3

Continue reading
Figure out schedule


I just went on site Monday 10/3 since we have a day off, and kind of screwed up while

alone in the lab. I was supposed to run my PCR product on a gel and then purify the DNA, and

then run the purified DNA on a gel. Well, I screwed up using the scanner to take a picture of the

first gel, because Trans UV was blinking and I pressed the wrong buttons that the bands didnt

show up. Then, I followed the procedures for purification using the DNA kit, but did not swap

the centrifugation tube with the normal 1.5 mL tube, and ended up dumping out the final eluted

DNA into the waste. Therefore, I had to start my PCR over in the afternoon. Such is a day in the

lab by myself.

At least through going on site for a day by myself taught me some more procedures and

places where I might mess up. For now, I plan to read more and determine the specific topic

within my research that I will focus on for my project. I also have to come up with a project that

is suitable for the topic. I hope to talk to Julie again after she comes back from her vacation,

because interviewing her helped a lot last week and I want to ask her for some ideas.
Rachel Ma
IM I/1/11AP

Journal 4: Week of 10/17

Continue reading
Begin project proposal
Talk to mentor


I went on site for 9 hours on Wednesday, and after PCR again, re-purifying the PCR

product, and running the purified product vs the non-purified product on a gel, the results were a

success! The two bands were in the correct places (500 bp) and I would continue next time with

the ligation. Additionally, I helped Nikhil with his real-time PCR samples, which I never had

heard of before. Real-time PCR monitors the amplification of a gene during the reaction, instead

of simply extracting the product at the end. This way, one could see the relative amount of a gene

in different samples.

After finishing my compiled annotations, I am now working on project ideas. I dont

have a specific area in LGT right now because it is very specific in itself and there is not enough

research done on it as is. My ideas so far are:

1. Paper on protocols needed to fully construct a gene transfer and sequence it, as well as

explaining other protocols used in LGT analysis

2. Presentations or video on the implications of LGT in cancer research and what it means

for us today

3. Scientific paper on my CEACAM6 project (not sure if this will be included in a paper

Rachel Ma
IM I/1/11AP

Journal 5: Week of 11/18

Continue reading
Work on IR paper
Talk to Julie


I havent been on site in a while, but as of now my goals are to continue working on

research in LGT and gene therapy. In the lab over the past few weeks I wasnt very successful in

integrating the vectors successfully into the cell, and we keep coming up with negative results.

However, next time Nikhil says that he will help me figure out the next steps to either check if

the gene was successfully placed in the cells or if we should re-do the PCR.

Meanwhile, Ive started working on my paper and will continue to look at sources and

edit the structure. I will also have to look up formatting for NHSJS and talk to Kate about how I

will try to send it out.

This year has been a little difficult so far because of how IM meets rather infrequently but

I have so many things to juggle. I hope that throughout revising my old paper and potentially

creating a new one I can be more efficient and focused. Time management has definitely been a

problem these past weeks because of piano and other obligations as well as being sick for a few

days. Learning to work around the roadblocks is my current plan.

Rachel Ma
IM I/1/11AP
Journal 6: Week of 12/9

Yesterday, my mom drove me at Centennial High School as fast as the speed limit could

go, for the purpose of my attending the dreaded Countywide Presentations. Although it was not

quite as dramatic as I had made it out to be, I was amazed at the level of my peers research and

even more so at their presentation abilities.

My favorite presentation was Jeff Smiths presentation. He didnt dress or seem too

uptight at a glance, but from the moment he began his presentation drew every single person in.

His topic was on advanced differential equations - basically, very difficult math. And yet,

through his interesting invisible person scenario opener to his breakdown of his graphs and

charts, all of us felt at ease and in the loop. We were all involved; we werent just simply

listeners watching someone talk.

The two things I gleaned from Jeff were 1) a very well thought-out presentation and

slideshow, and 2) copious amounts of practice. Which, you probably are thinking, is common

knowledge and exactly what everyone should do to prepare for a presentation. Well, I guess its

true. But seeing his presentation really taught me that theres always, always more to reach for

and improve on, and the results of hard work? An amazing product, a great five minutes for

yourself and your audience, and skills that will carry into every single portion of your life.

Every presenter in my group was well-prepared and they were all truly headed towards

success. I think overall, this afternoon was one well spent, and I truly felt motivated to take my

research and speaking skills a step further. We cant all be born with announcer-like voices and

natural ability to speak, but we can try, and Im getting there!

Rachel Ma
IM I/1/11AP
Journal 7: Week of 12/22

Continue reading on LGT
Find more primary non-review sources for IR paper
Format paper for NHSJS


Im not sure if this journal should be done, but Ill do it anyway!! Its three days before

Christmas and I guess Im supposed to have a plan for how Im going to spend my break. So

amidst studying for SATs and Mr. Englers crazy-hard midterm exam that could possibly bring

my second quarter grade to an A if I get A I have to think about my paper and its future.

I hope to finish up editing over break and maybe add a section on information overload

because it was my weaker point. While I have added more sources, I need to revise my works

cited and take out some reviews or weaker articles that I took out. Today I emailed Kate back and

wished her a happy holiday. Then, after break, Ill email her with the paper revision and we can

work out formatting the paper for submitting.

Meanwhile over break, I hope to relax somewhat and also bake more cookies for the

people at my mentorship site. My goals for break are:

1. Study for SAT

2. Study for chem and prepare to not get an A

3. Work on paper

4. Exercise and stay healthy

5. Study for SAT

Rachel Ma
IM I/1/11AP
Journal 8: Week of 2/3

Email Kate with updated edits
Formally submit paper to NHSJS
Continue research on CRISPR-Cas9 technology (ethics?)
Project proposal

This past month, Ive been switching between working on my IR paper and

brainstorming and researching for IM. I recently finished re-editing my IR paper based on the

edits Renee gave me, and will be sending it back to Kate next. I plan to send my drafted email to

NHSJS this week.

I caught up with my IM research after midterms, and talking to Julie about my research

ideas really helped expand them to go beyond what I originally planned to do. She recommended

some articles for me to understand the CRISPR gene editing technology, and connected it to my

current lab research in LGT - one of the reasons why we are studying LGT is to potentially

illuminate a feasible method of gene therapy. I have many possibilities that I can further narrow

my topic into, and next I plan to research more on the ethics of CRISPR-Cas9 testing. Possible

areas of research could include the ethics behind testing on a fetus subject, diseased subject, or a

woman who could influence the genetics of her own child through alteration of her own genome.

Last week, I read and revised Julian Arnheims research paper on climate change and

current methods of alleviating issues in the environment. Although we dont share the same

topic, reading a peers paper and seeing his writing and passion for his topic was very insightful

and inspiring. It made me reflect on my own research and how I could improve.
Rachel Ma
IM I/1/11AP
Journal 9: Week of 3/3
Send out cover letter + paper
Begin compiling outline for CRISPR paper
Finish new project proposal for CRISPR
Go on site!!!
Update on LGT experiments
Create timeline for work this year
Prepare for SLC presentation
Although this past month has been full of uncertainty and hesitation on my part, its time

to finally start to get things going on both fronts. Im nervous to send out my paper plus the

cover letter written with Kates help, but it will definitely be done this week. Additionally, I plan

to start brainstorming ideas for my SLC presentation. I will need to revisit a lot of my old

presentations and aim to be more original in this one. I hope to make it a success!

Additionally, doing some more reading on CRISPR has been really interesting and I hope

that this will lead to a good paper. Im intrigued by the modern implications of using this

technology and whether or not designer babies will become a reality in the future. I hope to

link this type of gene editing to the observed effects of LGT that I am currently studying in the

lab. I havent been on site in quite a while, but I am anxious to get back!

In the next month, I plan to focus on releasing some stress of my projects and focusing on

a creative approach. I want my presentation and report to embody an exciting, unique view on

the topics that I cover, so that my subject can be interesting to anyone. Its been difficult clearing

out my thoughts by myself, but writing this journal helped a lot. Good luck to future me carrying

this out!
Rachel Ma
IM I/1/11AP
Journal 10: Week of 3/31
More annotations
Go on site (hopefully)
One more run through for SLC presentation
Start thinking about paper controls


While these past few weeks have been difficult and stressful, Ive managed to get some

things done for both my IR and IM topics.

For IR, getting feedback on my presentation on Friday really helped me see what I

needed to work on. In terms of content, I aim to improve transitions, my intro and conclusion,

and include more definitions. On presentation, I hope to improve my movements and practice the

presentation so that it flows more. Overall, Im pretty excited for the SLC. Presentations have

never been my strong suit, so each opportunity I get to practice my skills really helps me

improve. I hope that one day, I can become a dynamite presenter like the ones I see in TED talks!

For my IM project, Ive been steadily working on readings and figuring things out.

Although I havent been able to go on site in a while, emailing Julie or Nikhil helps me figure

things out relating to my schedule and any questions I have on the topic. After I do more

research, I will be able to start my paper and hopefully go on site more as well.

For next year, Im still deciding on my goals and where I want to go next. Finishing this

paper will be the main priority, and Im unsure of whether or not Id like to continue this topic or

explore an entirely different field.

Rachel Ma
IM I/1/11AP
Journal 11: Week of 4/7
Go on site
Talk to Julie about paper, Mentor night etc.
Contact Kate over break
Read more on CRISPR, LGT etc.


Spring break is here! Over the past few weeks, I havent gone on site as much as I should

nor have I caught up on my reading, so I plan to do so over break. APs are coming up soon, so

getting hours done ahead of time should help this month and next.

I plan to talk to Julie about my readings and where she plans to expand next beyond our

current research. In the lab, I want to finish redoing the double digest of the PCR product and

vector so we can try running the experiment again. Meanwhile, Nikhil is probably leaving the lab

in a few months, so I will try to learn as much information from him as I can before then.

Over spring break, my other priority is to relax a bit and prepare for APs. I do have to

practice piano intensively to prepare for my recitals in a week, and then a big competition the

week after. I think as long as I keep it up daily it should curb stress.

In the long term over the next few weeks, I dont see myself having too much time, so I

have to take full advantage of what I do have and get a head start on some reading and working

on my project. I dont know how complete it will be by the next month, because my ideas are

still vague, but I am working on it with every article!

Rachel Ma
IM I/1/11AP
Journal 11: Week of 4/21
Evening of Excellence prep
Go on site
Read more


This coming week will be one of the busiest Ive had in a long time. After the Evening of

Excellence on Monday, preparing for APs and prom will take up a lot of my time. Thankfully,

Im planning ahead so it should be somewhat manageable.

After our preparations for Evening of Excellence, Im pretty proud of what our mentors

will be able to see displayed there for all our hard work. Ive always been extremely grateful for

all the opportunities that G/T Research provides us. In most other parts of the country, and pretty

much every country thats not America, the deep experiences that Ive gained would be

unthinkable for a high school student with no connections. I think showing our mentors

appreciation will be a great way to wind down the year. Im still not sure of where Im heading

next in my research or in other fields, but I am still figuring it out along the way.

I will visit the lab hopefully sometime next week to chat with Julie and give her my Quarter 3

summary journal to look over. Also, Nikhil is leaving the lab soon, so I want to get as much work

in and see him as much as I can before that happens. Lets hope the next few weeks go well for

my exams, piano, and work in the lab!

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