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Reflective Journal

During the week 3 of our clinical, I took care of two patients. I analyzed

each patients issues and problems to plan my care accordingly. One of my

patient is at risk for fall and infection due her surgery and multiple chronic

illness. I reflected and evaluated my nursing interventions to promote safety

and prevent any consequences from my nursing interventions. I think outside

the box for the situation at hand to give the best quality of care and

resolution for my patient. I assessed my patients status routinely and

prioritized my care as problems arise. I informed my patients for every

nursing intervention I did and acknowledge their point of view for their

healing process.

In between my rounds with both of my patients, I exercised safety for

both my patients and myself such as lowering the bed to the lowest position,

monitoring for any adverse reaction to the medications I just administered,

placing sharp objects to the proper disposal container and many more. I also

prevent infection by washing my hands before and after caring for each

patient. I also followed the protocol for any ordered isolation such as contact


I will continue to evaluate my care to promote safety for my patients.

Doing this will prevent any consequences that may affect my patients.

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