2 BPT Lesson Idea 2016

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Name: AQuoia Brown

Grade Level: 1st Grade
Content Area: Science
Basic Productivity Tool Used: Microsoft Word
Standards Addressed: S1E1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate weather data to identify weather
a. Represent data in tables and/or graphs to identify and describe different types of weather and
the characteristics of each type.
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking:
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class: The PDF I created is a tool used to help the students
re-evaluate their understanding of describing weather patterns. They will have already learned
descriptive words such as sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, stormy, and snowy. They will each be handed
a sheet and will answer the first three questions. When every student has completed that, we will go
outside (to the playground, courtyard, etc.). They will answer question four using a descriptive word.

After the activity is complete, we will go back to the classroom. I will ask the class what kind of
weather is their favorite and why. I will go around the room and let each student answer. They will
have gone over descriptive words for weather, while getting some fresh air in the process.
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): LoTi 1, because the students are focusing on
remembering and understanding the different adjectives to describe weather.

Description of the sample spreadsheet and graph/chart provided *: The PDF document has four
questions and three pictures of three different weather patterns. The students will write their
answers on the lines next to each question.

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