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Territory Card goes in this big box Tiny Epic Setup

Faction (first) and Territory cards in

Territory cards are allocated randomly, one to each player. their respective boxes.

After you have chosen your Faction, choose one of the two sides of your Wood in your color: place as follows.
Territory card. Then choose a region on the chosen side, and place two of Tower below Tower card (in center of
your Meeples in the chosen region. table).
Two Meeples in a region (see
Your other five Meeples form your supply. You might use the Setup box to Territory card box).
hold your Meeple supply and your War Die, since you dont need to refer to Research token below magic track:
Setup once the game is under way. see Faction card box.

This box isnt quite as high as a Territory card. Place the card so that it goes Resource tokens: one in each of red,
over the top border, rather than the bottom border, of the box. green, yellow; see Faction card box.

Regions yielding specific resources: Forests yield Mana; Regions yielding wild resources: Ruins. On entering, lay
Mountains yield Ore; Plains yield Food. Meeple on side, indicating that it is searching.

Faction Card goes in this big box Tiny Epic Turn: 5 Steps
First, choose a Faction card. The gameplay side, with the magic track on the 1. If all five shields are on Action card,
left and the resource track on the top and right, shows (so the picture side clear it, so that you have free choice.
doesnt). Also choose a player color: any color can be used for any faction.
2. Select an Action: place a shield on
The difference between factions is the magic track, which defines the abilities an open action, and announce it.
learned by that particular faction as a result of the Research action.
3. Take Action. You take the action.
Place your Research token (shaped like a book) in the box below your magic Then, in clockwise order, each other
track. You start with zero magical abilities; you may end with as many as 5. player may either take that action or
collect resources: one resource from
Place your three Resource tokens on the resource track (which runs from 1 to each region in which they have at
9) to indicate how your initial six resources are distributed between the three least one Meeple.
resource types. Recommended for first play: 1 Ore (red slab token placed on
the 1 space); 2 Mana (green star on the 2); 3 Food (yellow corn on the 3). 4. Check endgame conditions.

5. Pass active player token.

Research token starts here, on the Impassible regions: Water and Crags. Regions giving points at end of game:
zero space of the magic track. Capitals.

Tiny Epic Actions Tiny Epic War Tiny Epic Ending

Patrol: move one Meeple to adjacent Breaks out when Meeples from two Triggered when a player is at 6 in
region on same Territory card. factions occupy the same region. Tower or has all seven Meeples in
Quest: move one Meeple from edge Use War Die to indicate number of play or is at 5 on magic track.
region of one Territory card to edge resources you will commit: see
region of a different Territory card. Faction card for war value of each Score points at end of game for:
Build: up 1 level in Tower; pay Ore. resource; see also your Magic track. Tower (see Tower card).
Research: +1 Magic; pay Mana. Win: Your Meeple stays in region. Meeples: 1 for each (unless in Ruins).
Expand: put new Meeple into play Lose: Your Meeple goes to supply. Magic level.
from supply; pay Food. Tie: defender wins. Capitals: 1 with alliance, 2 without.
Trade: one resource for another, Alliance, formed if both players set
giving and getting same number. die to white flag: both Meeples stay. Tiebreak: Tower, Meeples, Magic.
The primary purpose of this file is to provide a playmat for the game Tiny Epic Kingdoms (TEK). The playmat provides a
summary of the games rules, and a space for the players Territory card and Faction card.

This is the other side. It is mainly an attempt to help the person explaining the rules. If you are that person, you might
give a one-sided playmat to each player, and use whatever parts of this other side you find useful to explain the game.

The Rules: Not Replaced, But Overridden

The playmat (even with the clarifications below) does not replace the TEK Rules of Engagement booklet. It will reduce,
but not eliminate, need to refer to the booklet. If the booklet and playmat disagree, the booklet wins.

However, there is a sense in which rules in the booklet may be overridden. Each faction potentially has abilities that
allow it to break certain rules in certain ways. Your rule-breaking abilities depend on the position of your Research
marker on your magic track. At game start, you are bound by the rules (at level zero). Every level up on the magic track
adds a new ability to your repertoire.

Clarifications To Playmat
Here are a few clarifications on points at which the playmat seemed to need more text, but didnt have more room.

Setup. The playmat describes setup for each player. To set up the game itself, just put the Action card and the Tower
card in the middle of the table, with the five shields next to the Action card.

Ruins. The playmat explains: that Ruins yield wild resources; that you do not score points for Meeples in Ruins at game
end; and entry into Ruins. But what about exit from Ruins? This requires two actions. First, a Patrol action is required to
stand the Meeple up; in this upstanding state, it may not collect resources. Then, on a later turn, the Meeple can Patrol
or Quest out of the region as usual.

Collect resources means: for each region in which you have at least one Meeple, collect one of the appropriate resource.

No third Meeple in. At no point may more than two Meeples, of any color, occupy the same region.

Build/Research/Expand. The number of resources you pay is equal to the level you go up to. For example: going to level
1 of the Tower costs 1 Ore; going to 2 on your Magic track costs 2 Mana; placing your 3rd Meeple costs 3 Food.

War. Set your war die secretly, while your adversary does the same. Set your war die to include all bonuses granted by
the magic level your faction has reached. Then reveal the dice simultaneously. Each player must pay (or use magic for)
the resources they committed, whatever the outcome of the war.

Alliance is more than the outcome of a war. It is an ongoingbut breakableagreement between the players/factions.
At this point I must refer you to the Rules of Engagements account of alliancesand how they may be broken.

Ending. Once game end has been triggered, play continues until step 4 of the turn in which the 5th shield was placed on
the Action card. This will be the current turn if the current turn included both the 5th shield and a game end trigger.

TEK is for 2-5 players. TEKs Rules of Engagement booklet describes the game for 3 or 4 players (as does the playmat),
then describes minor changes for 5 players, and more significant changes for 2 players. TEK includes an expansion,
comprising Exploration tiles and a rulesheet describing four variants using these tiles.

Credits, etc.
TEK is a Scott Almes design and a Gamelyn Games publication, and was a wildly successful Kickstarter project.

Im publishing this file under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (so please feel
free to improve, share, and attribute). This is version 1.0, codename Halloween, published Oct 31, 2014, by:
Andrew Watson (, AndAgainMA on

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