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CooperFX Digital Promotion Proposal

Spring 2016

Planned by Drew Howland


Table of Contents
Digital Promotion Proposal for CooperFX ...................................................................... 3
SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS/INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 3
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................. 4
COMMUNICATIONS RECOMMENDAITON/STRATEGY ................................................................... 5
Tactics ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Budget ................................................................................................................................................... 7
CooperFX Display-Based Advertising Recommendation Memo .............................. 8
CooperFX Email Messaging Campaign Recommendation Memo ......................... 10
Anniversary E-Mail Example ...................................................................................................... 11
New Product Launch Email ......................................................................................................... 12
Sample Tweets: ............................................................................................................................... 13
CooperFX Website Recommendation Memo ............................................................... 14

Digital Promotion Proposal for CooperFX


Tom Majeski, in Demarest, N.J in 2015, founded CooperFX. A long-time hobbyist and
guitar aficionado sought to save money by creating his own pedals and that transformed
into customizing pedals to his liking. Trial and error led to success and was able to make
a polished pedal that was released July 2015.


CooperFX has an opportunity to continue to grow throughout the 2016 fiscal year. With
increased orders and interest from potential clients, there is a great opportunity to expand
upon this and further increase recognition, orders and customer satisfaction. While
CooperFXs pedals are a specialty item and fit into a relatively small segment of the
guitar pedal market. To date, all publicity and brand growth has come from online forums
and through word of mouth. While there has been some social media presence through
the use of #CooperFX as a hash tag, there is a great opportunity to spread the brands
online presence. As all other aspects of the company continue to develop; it is important
to further areas of communication.

S.W.O.T. Analysis


- An increase of interest in CooperFX from customers in the last few months

- Fairly substantial following/views on forum
- Pre-sale orders for the most recent pedal is full


- Lack of online presence outside of forums

- Lack of social media presence
- Reliance on word-of-mouth publicity rather than planned, strategic


- Increase online presences via creating a simple website

- The opportunity to have a pedal reviewed and possibly endorsed by Knobs, a
prominent guitar pedal-focused YouTube channel
- To further establish CooperFX as a trusted, quality product


- Larger scale pedal manufactures

- Others in the market who operate and create similar pedals
- Overhead costs of production and production times

The central goal of this communications campaign is to further brand awareness for
CooperFX. Strategic communication dovetailed off the release of the latest batch of
pedals. Utilizing customer feedback and already established word-of-mouth publicity,
having specific and planned communications will

Organizational Goal:

- To sell 100 guitar pedals by August 31, 2016

- To increase efficiency of all communication between customers and CooperFX
- To decrease production and shipping times by 25% by August 31, 2016

Communications Objectives:

- To increase page views on forum pages by 25% by August 31,

- To generate 50-75 subscribers to CooperFXs quarterly e-newsletter by August
31, 2016
- To generate 500 page views on CooperFXs new website by August 31, 2016


Cooper FX is operating under a start-ups budget and does not have vast resources to
spend on widespread advertising and other forms of media. It will be important to create
appropriate and cost effective methods to spread the brand digitally.

Cooper FX will need to have some areas fine-tuned before a digital communications
campaign would be launched. Having a specific brand identity or logo would be
important, as well as a consolidation of key parts to the business. Establishing a business-
related email separate from Mr. Majeskis personal one will help clear up any potential
cloudiness in the line of communications from customer to company.

It is important that CooperFX has policies laid out in the event of obtaining sensitive
information and making sure customers understand that it will be protected. Using third
party sites for the transferring of funds during purchasing may be the safest option.

Based on my analysis, the organization appears to be fully prepared to implement the

recommendations that follow.


In order to achieve the aforementioned goals and objectives the media needs be beneficial
to furthering CooperFX as a whole. A website would act as a landing page, easily
searchable and have all important information in one place rather than having pieces
spread out over numerous websites. Having that established site devoted just to
CooperFX would help create greater credibility and professionalism.

The purpose of this digital communications campaign is to have CooperFX become a

well-rounded company. While it is fully operating and distributing guitar pedals; there is
little being done to promote the brand other than hey check out my pedal I made, these
are the effects that it makes. This has been working but specific and strategic forms will
further increase its success.


- Build a website as an encompassing land place for all past and future customers
looking to learn more about CooperFX
- Communicate with those customers via a quarter e-newsletter than will discuss
the more technical side of guitar pedals
- Create display-based advertisements that can be posted for free in the forums
currently used by CooperFX, they will be simple in design while establishing

These media vehicles will be relatively evergreen. Having an established and relatively
simple brand identity will be more cost effective then having something that is either not
completely effective or something that is not as appropriate for the target audiences.


The general target audience is those who are looking for specialty guitar pedals. They
likely read and participate in online forums like and have heard of and/or
used a variety of guitar pedals. Since it is more of a niche segment within the larger
music industry it will be easier to target those who belong to this segment instead of
going after the larger, more broad market of guitarists.

- Role/relationship: Audiences will be current customers, future customers, and

industry experts
- Lifestyle: The audience will have a special interest in specialty guitar pedals. It is
a very specific target audience but the product is not something created for a mass
- Behavior: Most of the target audience will be new customers and the secondary
segment will be repeat buyers.

- By media use: The primary media usage will likely be desktop/laptop users.
While they will be users of mobile as well, the forums and media vehicles will
likely best be accessed via a computer rather than a smart phone.

CooperFx will need to establish the message of credibility and professionalism. Although
it was born from forums, it will need to convey to their target audience that it is a serious
and reputable source of quality guitar pedals.

Key Messages:

- Premium design
- Unique distortion capabilities
- Small-batch but professional quality


CooperFX operates strictly in the online marketplace. Using traditional forms of media
would be too costly and ineffective. Although it is difficult to operate solely with digital
forms of media, it is still possible. CooperFX would best benefit from the use of
controlled media.

Utilizing existing social media as well as the creation of other accounts that would best fit
their business. Having a minimum of a Facebook, Instagram and Twitter on top of a fully
functioning YouTube account would be the most effective. CooperFX also has the
opportunity to be featured by a prominent YouTuber, guitar pedal reviewer and
manufacturer. His endorsement has launched other start-ups and exponentially grown
their business and increased their orders.

Having the ability to control the messages will allow CooperFX to carefully plan their
messages. The control of the message by the company will lessen risks that the messages
will not efficiently or properly get to the target audiences. This will save time, money and
effort and hopefully reduce channel interference.


CooperFX can expand its success by accomplishing its communications objectives in a

timely manner. The use of the three proposed creative pieces will further establish a
positive image of CooperFX and allow it to achieve organizational goals during the
summer of 2016.

The following is the proposed calendar along with a summary of staffing responsibilities.


Design 5/1/16 DH
Launch 6/1/16 DH
Promotion 6/1/16 DH

Display Ads

Design 5/1/16 DH
Implementation 6/1/16 DH

Organizational Emails/Other Communications

Planning 5/1/16 DH
Drafting 5/1/16 DH
Distribution 7/1/16 DH

Assessment of these projects at the conclusion of the campaign will be focus on
achievement of the stated goals and objectives and other commonly used measures:

Sales Activity The number of guitar pedals sold will be calculated and reviewed
throughout the summer months, ending August 31, 2016 and compared to the original
goal of 100 pedals sold.

Newsletter Sign-Ups The number of new e-newsletters subscriptions will be calculated

and tracked throughout the summer of 2016, ending August 31. The data will be
compared month to month to see if it met the desired number of 50-75 new subscribers.
There will also be evaluation of those who unsubscribe from the service.

Site Visitors The number of unique new visitors to the web site will be tallied and
compared to the targeted 500 visits. The timeframe will begin with the launch on June 1,
2016 and continue through to August 1, 2016.

The estimated cost for the CooperFX Digital Promotion Campaign, including: the
creation of a website, display-based ads and the drafting of organizational emails and
other strategic communications, is $, including staff time and direct out-of-pocket

Staff time (estimated at 50 hours @ $15/hour) $750

Weebly Business Plan (1 year) $25
Display-based ads promoted and posted on $0

CooperFX Display-Based Advertising Recommendation Memo

CooperFX is operating on a start-up budge. This leaves little wiggle room for

controlled media as well as paid advertising. In the past, the company posted in online

forums, like, in order to reach its target audience. So far this has been

effective and it has created what success CooperFX has experienced, but it can only get

better from there.

Utilizing these same forums but directing the public elsewhere is the most

effective strategy CooperFX can take. Now that there is an operating stand-alone website

for the company, it needs to get as much traffic as possible. Since online forums provide

an open and accepting place for any to post about whatever their heart desires, CooperFX

can use this strategically to push more people towards their website and away from

sometimes unfocused forum conversations.

With the use of simplistically designed display ads, CooperFX can effectively and

efficiently advertise their brand and their products. Once brand recognition is established,

their ceiling for success is limitless. Having the credibility already established with a

website, having a brand identity with a logo and display ads, CooperFX can begin to

establish a permanent foothold in this category of guitar pedals.

There would be a variety of sizing for the display ads ranging from banner ads to

rectangle ads to skyscraper style banner ads. They will fit industry standards for

interactive marketing units. If there is enough continued success, CooperFX will be able

to expand its advertising efforts and use more advanced, paid methods.

CooperFX Email Messaging Campaign Recommendation Memo

Having contact with potential and current publics is vital to establishing any

business. In the case of CooperFX, staying in contact with the right target audience is

what is most important. Since the guitar pedals CooperFX manufactures are more of a

specialty product, there will not be an immediate need to send emails to thousands. It will

be important that CooperFX stays in contact with those interested in upcoming pedals as

well as those who already have placed orders.

While not much will change when it comes to production, it is still important that

those interested in CooperFX hear what the company has in the works and what they are

currently doing. Utilizing a strategic email messaging campaign will only further the

success of CooperFX and improve their communication with key publics.

Having emails focused around new pedal releases as well as others with key

information about changes coming from the brand will provide a strong channel of

communication between manufacturer and consumer. It can alleviate any worries

consumers have due to the fact that CooperFX is not yet a major factor in the guitar pedal

market. Since the pedals do cost a fair amount of money, building that trust and

communication channel will be an important factor for CooperFX going forward.

CooperFX should release quarterly to monthly emails checking in with those who

subscribe to their email service. At a minimum there should be one for the first

anniversary of CooperFX as well as another for when new pedals are beginning to be

planned, manufactured and sold. This basic communication with the correct target

audience will provide stability and loyalty as well as giving CooperFX the opportunity to

continue to expand, gain more customers and receive more orders.

Anniversary E-Mail Example

CooperFX is celebrating Its First Anniversary!

From: The CooperFX Team (

To: Insert Name of Customer

Dear Valued Customer (Insert Name of Customer)

CooperFX is proud to celebrate its first year in business, July 1, 2016. Over the course of
our inaugural year we have faced some growing pains but that is what comes with great
growth. Our pedals- the Generation Loss-VHS Simulator and the AARP have humble
beginnings but have been warmly received.

With our upcoming anniversary and the pre-order of the Generation Loss far meeting our
greatest expectations, CooperFX is happy to announce a discount of 15% on our next
wave of pedals coming out September 1, 2016.

As soon as the initial wave of the Generation Loss is done being manufactured,
CooperFX is planning the launce of three new pedals for the fall of 2016. Since our
manufacturing scale is still small, it takes time to hand make each pedal, but trust us, the
wait is worth it.

Without your loyalty and support, CooperFX would not be what it is today. We hope to
continue to meet and beat your expectations for many years to come.

Best regards,

The CooperFX Team

To unsubscribe from these emails click here. Your information will not be shared or sold
to any outside party.

1234 Cooper Way
Demerast, NJ 07627

New Product Launch Email

CooperFX has a new pedal in the works!

From: The CooperFX Team (

To: Insert Name of Customer

Dear Valued Customer (Insert Name of Customer)

CooperFX has seen great success with its first two guitar pedals the Generation Loss-
VHS Simulator and the AARP. This has allowed us to continue to grow and do what we
love most- tinkering around with new ideas for pedals! With lots of trial and error and
multiple prototypes, we finally have a third pedal we are produce to offer to you.

The Sanibel is our latest digital signal processor that offers a wider range of sound
distortion. Available for pre-order September 1, 2016, with guaranteed delivery within
four weeks of the pre-order window closing, the Sanibel will be our best pedal yet.

Like always it will be expertly designed and hand crafted, this time featuring a neon
yellow metal encasement with bright red knobs. The design is not far off from our
flagship models but manufactured with more durable materials to withstand high usage.

We hope you are just as excited as we are about the Sanibel. It provides some of the best
and unique effects in the market. We will continue to innovate and improve and
CooperFX could not do that without your help.

Best regards,

The CooperFX Team

To unsubscribe from these emails click here. Your information will not be shared or sold
to any outside party.

1234 Cooper Way
Demerast, NJ 07627

Sample Tweets:
New Product:

1. #CooperFX is excited to announce the launch of our 3rd pedal, #theSanibel. Pre-
Orders being Sep. 1. Shipment within 4 weeks. Details in bio.

2. Pre-orders for CooperFX's 3rd guitar pedal #TheSanibel open on Sep. 1. Higher
quality materials, advanced sound distortion. Details in bio.

3. #TheSanibel has shipped! After months of R&D #CooperFx 3rd pedal is on its
way to consumers. A stunning bright yellow and red design.

Anniversary Promotion:

4. It's #CooperFX birthday! In honor of our first anniversary all of our next batch
of guitar pedals will be 15% off! Details in bio.

5. To show appreciation for our customers and in honor of our 1st Anniversary,
#CooperFX will be discounting all new pedals 15%. Link in bio.


6. Pre-Orders for the #CooperFX #GenerationLoss are now full. 50 of the finest
handcrafted guitar pedals will be shipped within four weeks.

Sample Text Messages:

(Insert Customer Name) Thank you for your order! Our master craftsman will build
your pedal soon. You will receive shipping confirmation shortly.

(Insert Customer Name) Your pedal has shipped! (Insert shipment-tracking number).
Feel free to contact our customer service with any questions or concerns. Enjoy!

CooperFX Website Recommendation Memo

In the 21st century, it is necessary that every business, even micro-to-small

business, have a functioning website. If a consumer ever has a question about a product

or service, one of the first things the do is just on their smart phones and searches the

name of the business that they are interested in. It can be a substantial disservice to a

business if they do not even have the most basic of websites.

In the past CooperFX operated off of online forums for guitar pedals and used

PayPal for payments. Having its own standalone website will allow the company to have

a stronger online presence. Using a website builder like Weebly is relatively affordable

and easy to manage. This will lead to easier maintenance down road and no need for

pesky programming.

For CooperFX the website needs to be relatively basic. There needs to be a

general landing page, a list of services and products and a way for consumers to contact

the business. It will be more professional looking and easier to track than an online

forum. The forums were great to get a foot in the door, but now that the business is

beginning to take off, a website will greater suit the goals of CooperFX.

As the business continues to grow, the website will too. It can be easily added to

or changed to fit the overarching theme or vibe of the business. There can also be links to

outside resources as well as to CooperFX social media accounts. The ability to link

elsewhere will only spread their online presence.

The last piece a website adds is credibility. It turns CooperFX from a

microbusiness operating off of word-of-mouth advertising and guitar forum posts to a

fully functioning, searchable website.


Website URL:


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