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Kildare Catholic College Stage 5 Year 10 Design & Technology Unit 3: Bendable Ply 2016

Overview Duration
This unit will further develop the key competencies of; knowledge and understanding of design concepts and Weeks/ Hours: 14 weeks
processes, knowledge and understanding of the work of designers and the issues and trends that influence their
Lesson number: 42 Lessons
work, knowledge and understanding of and skills in managing resources and producing quality design solutions.
Design Brief
Design and construct a household item using bendable ply.
Students are to design and make a small piece of furniture suitable for a nominated target market. To construct the
piece students will be required to develop skills in the use of the following:
Mold building
Properties of bendable ply/ timber
Techniques working with timber
Timber working tools, machinery and equipment

Catholic Values Skills and Concepts

The purpose of all learning in Catholic schools is both for the good of the individual person and the Whole School/ Cross Curricula Perspectives
common good leading to authentic transformation of persons and society as a whole. The KLA Target Skills:
interrelatedness of human knowledge means that all Learning Areas explicitly or implicitly teach 1. Apply the reflect, review, iterate process to design
about God and religious values or questions. Hence, Catholic schools need to help students reflect development.
critically on the contribution religious understanding can make within each learning area. 2. Set up tests and experiments to determine the most
suitable tool, material or techniques for use in a design
3. Undertake the following processes:
Jig / mold building
Vacuum forming timber

Dowel, biscuit and rebate joint
4. Demonstrate proficient use of Vectorworks for the
creation of isometric and orthogonal drawings.
5. Use a variety of design communication strategies
intended for a variety of audiences.
6. Manage time and resources to complete tasks with the
given parameters.

KLA Target Concepts:

The ability to critically analyse existing design solutions and the work
of other designers enables a designer to better understand and
Creative approaches to problem solving
Appropriate industry standards
Quality design and development practice
Appropriate resources and processes in the development of
design solutions
Current issues and trends in design and manufacture

Outcomes Assessment overview

5.1.1 analyses and applies a range of design concepts and processes Outcomes assessed: 5.3.1, 5.5.1, 5.6.2, 5.6.3
5.1.2 applies and justifies an appropriate process of design when developing design ideas and solutions Type: Summative - product and portfolio 30% week 7 Term 4
5.2.1evaluates and explains the impact of past, current and emerging technologies on the individual,
- Case Study report 20% Week 9 Term 3
society and environments
5.3.1 analyses the work and responsibilities of designers and the factors affecting their work Weighting: 50%

5.3.2 evaluates designed solutions that consider preferred futures, the principles of appropriate
technology and ethical and responsible design.
5.4.1 develops and evaluates innovative, enterprising and creative design ideas and solutions
5.5.1 uses appropriate techniques when communicating design ideas and solutions to a range of
5.6.1 selects and applies management strategies when developing design solutions

5.6.2 applies risk management practices and works safely in developing quality design solutions
5.6.3 selects and uses a range of technologies competently in the development and management of
quality design solutions

Content and Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment & Feedback Resources Reg
5.3.1 TED Talks Weeks 1-2
The nature and definitions of John Hodgman: Design explained
design, technology and
appropriate technology and how Watch video and ask students for comments. Key
this is applied by designers in points to draw out in discussion:
the process of developing - Design as a status symbol
quality design solutions - Making an object desirable
- Radical and iterative design processes Verbal feedback from teacher and
- Instances when form may be valued more peers throughout discussion.
The purpose of design across a than function
of focus areas of design perception/
including the interdisciplinary Question: What is Gestalt? Define this period of
nature of design which draws on design. How did it influence designers in this period?
disciplines such as
mathematics, sciences, fine art
and humanities Introductory talk for teacher to cover:
- Function over form
- Truth to materials
Identify the dependencies of - Why the Bauhaus flourished in pre war
design on other disciplines Germany
when designing solutions. - Where does Bauhaus fit in context with Art
Noveau and Minimalism

How to analyse via a case study

the interdisciplinary nature of Activity: students have 5 minutes to Google the
design. term and describe in their own words what it means.
Class discussion: how is this relevant to the current
Use research to explore how
designers apply collaborative Verbal
methods when developing a Case study preparation
design solution
As a class, examine the following designers as case

Content and Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment & Feedback Resources Reg
studies. For each designer create a summary of key
points about their work.
The interrelationship of design
with technology by analysing a
designed solution and
identifying how it was affected Eames keynote presentation & video ure.html
by the technologies and tools After watching the video and keynote students write
used in its development. a paragraph on what they have learned about the
Eames philosophy and approach to design. Teacher The design
to collect and read. Notes are used in the next lesson genius of Charles and Ray
The work of past and current to make a class summary. Eames 15 minutes.
designers across a range of
settings. Key focus points:
cultural - Solving problems rather than style mes.html
commercial - Importance of modelling and scale
industrial - Honest use of material- plywood
historical - Learn by doing
Aboriginal and Grant and Mary Featherston keynote
presentation highlights/expo-mark-ii-sound-
Torres Strait Islanders
Key focus points chair
and other
- Design is and must be concerned with http://www.australiandesignreview.
Indigenous peoples
expression of contemporary culture, but also Verbal com/features/519-design-
and the contributions
striving to be timeless and enduring. catalysts-mary-featherston
- Importance of form
males and females to - Affordable design through quality
design industries. production.
Written feedback
Careers in design and Case study
Using a variety of sources, you are to write a report
Trends in technology and design on the manufacturing processes used in the creation Teacher needs to monitor a provide
in history of bent timber objects. In the report you are required guidance on initial internet
cross to investigate both the historical and contemporary searches to ensure all students are
contemporary methods used. Structure the report using the accessing appropriate information.
cultures following questions:

Trends of designed solutions in Shaping timber has been carried out for
history and across thousands of years. Aboriginal, Torres Strait
contemporary cultures Islanders and other Indigenous peoples have
been bending timber long before the
Identify ICT applications used by technology we have today.
designers and the impact on
their work 1. Identify the species and explain the characteristics
and features of the timber that was used by

Content and Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment & Feedback Resources Reg
Creativity and problem-solving Indigenous communities to bend timber to make canoe-grows-20100818-
techniques used by designers items such as canoes. Describe the process they 12f96.html
including but not limited to: used to form the timber. Use images to support your Verbal
Needs and
opportunity Over time materials and technologies advance
analysis (SWOT providing manufactures greater opportunities dex.php/about/about-plywood1
strengths, in the development of their products.
opportunities and 2. Compare the methods of moulding and vacuuming
threats) forming. Explain what materials are used in these
Constraints processes. Support your answers with examples of
analysis product or furniture design.
Collaboration The research and development of plywood has
- Research and significantly impacted on furniture design.
3. Describe the characteristics and features of
pressed plywood and bendable plywood. How have
these timbers impacted on the furniture industry? In
your response, refer to one example of furniture
made from pressed ply and one of bendable ply.

Students are working independently on case studies.

By the end of the week a draft of at least 2/3 of the
case study is to be presented to the teacher.

5.3.1 Factors affecting design Weeks 3-4

Factors affecting a holistic Brainstorm to review what the factors are. Brief
approach to design and discussion of what is meant by each factor as review.
production including: Link to design examples in the Featherston and
Eames keynote.
Design purpose and setting
function Application of factors group work
form Read article provided on the work or Eames,
Featherston & Saarinen.
As a group identify factors that have been considered
quality in the development of specific design examples and
Human, technical and find evidence to support this. Present findings to the
environmental factors class.

human capital
(knowledge, skills and

Content and Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment & Feedback Resources Reg
techniques) Discuss which factors are relevant to the current
project and why.
appropriateness of
technology choices and Market research Revision
design decisions
Prompt: Video Milk, white lies and
resource choices permeate The Checkout ABC TV 2013 used to
and availability illustrate the power of marketing in the success and
(tools, materials, failure of any design.
time, finance).
Define market research?
Market research techniques
Describe the purpose of market research?
Use market Peer feedback as questions are
research considered for inclusion.
techniques for a Project Proposal
targeted group of
end users to Class discussion and completion of:
develop and test
design ideas. Parameters Written feedback in final
Areas of investigation submission
Criteria to evaluate success
Each student is to submit 5
Identification of needs and Creating a survey questions for possible inclusion on
opportunities: the final survey.
Underpinning theory must cover:
Identify the needs
of the end users - Demographic data
and other - Open and closed questions Collate, analyse and present data
stakeholders in - Quantitative and qualitative data using suitable methods of
their settings - Likert scales communication. Submit as part of
Design - Samples size and validity final project submission.
Establish and
document the Students are to develop a questionnaire, suitable to
requirements and the target market and gather feedback on their
design designs to help finalise criteria to evaluate.
considerations for Project Proposal and Project
the design project. - Each student submits 5 possible questions
Management completed in draft
- Class selects questions to be included
form in preparation for the final
- Format the final survey
Establish the criteria for success - Each student has to get 5 surveys
for the design project. completed
- Teacher to collate data
- Collated data is emailed to students
- Individual students responsible for analysis Print hard copy of proposed time

Content and Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment & Feedback Resources Reg
and conclusions.
5.6.1 plan flow chart to annotate weekly.
Project management
Project Management
Prepare and Final submission of project Exemplars of annotated Gantt and
implement time Individual task, students should be apply skills management must include Flow charts.
and action plans in learned in previous projects and reflecting on annotated proposed and final time
design projects feedback given in the previous submission.: plans.
Manage materials,
tools and Flow chart/ action plan
techniques when
developing the
design project
Evaluate the role
of project Clearly identify suitable criteria for success relevant
management to the household object.
Teacher to check and give verbal
when developing - Functional feedback.
the design project - Aesthetic
- Environmental

5.4.1 Idea generation Weeks 5-6

Creative and innovative idea- Inspiration analysis of existing designs (PMI)
generation using:
Explore existing designs and complete as a class an
brainstorming example of a PMI. Review elements and principles of
concept sketches design as development of design specific language. Annotated design sketches are
and maps presented ready for the final
modeling submission. Sketches should show
(computer progressive development of the
Thumbnail sketches design. Final design is presented in
interaction of hand Teacher demonstrates process for thumbnail Vectorworks as orthogonal and
and mind sketching using isometric grid paper. isometric.
Review rules quick, not to scale, lack specific detail.
Give students a time limit for completion of a set
Communication and number of sketches.
presentation techniques:
Students are to complete a rendered drawing of their
final design using vector works.

Content and Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment & Feedback Resources Reg
Demonstrate sample jigs used in timber
5.6.3 manufacturing Week 6
Identify a range of tools and Principles of bending timber
equipment, materials and Single and compound curves
techniques and calculate Constructing a traditional jig using form
requirements for the design ply and flush trim bit on the router
project. Glues
Table saw (cross cutting and ripping)
Dry gluing
Vacuum forming
Select and use tools and
Quality control points (including glue
equipment for the design and
production of the magazine

As students gather an understanding of how to

construct a jig and the variation in properties of
Justify the selected resources
bendable plywood they are required to document this
used for the project.
a series a of tests with an:
Tools and equipment
5.6.2 Experimentation with foam. Week 7
Testing and experimenting: Students conduct a class experiment with the blue Cardboard prototype of mold. Blue foam
foam as an alternative to a traditional timber jig.
Assess the They should be looking to assess: Laser cutter
suitability of
design ideas by Cost effectiveness Positive and negative test curves Adobe Illustrator
testing and Efficiency successfully constructed.
Bending ply
experimenting Effectiveness of positive and negative
Refine design jigs Glue
ideas to address Submission of testing with
Method conclusions as part of final project Vacuum former
needs and
opportunities Draw profile in Adobe illustrator submission.
Experiment to Cut on laser cutter
optimize design Glue to blue foam and shape with
solutions bandsaw, hot wire cutter and abrasive Observation of safe work
paper practices.
Vacuum form
How to apply risk management
practices for the design project. Class discussion of results. Which
achieved the more consistent and
accurate curve positive or

Content and Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment & Feedback Resources Reg
Safe work practices when negative mold.
producing the magazine rack.

Verbal feedback in relation to

workshop practices.

5.6.2, 5.6.3, Construction Students undertake each phase of Wood workshop machinery and Week 7-13
construction. This is documented equipment
Selection and use a variety of Measure and mark out materials. in the design portfolio.
appropriate techniques. Create blue foam molds for design. Vacuum former and bags
Bend ply into position in mold ready to form. Benadable ply timber
Vacuum form Teacher to check progressively.
Selection and use appropriate Trim curve to size required for design.
Observation of safe work practices
Experimentation Joining methods
Direct instruction on how to create a:
Verbal feedback from teacher
Biscuit joint throughout each stage of
Dowel joint construction.
Rebate joint
Each student must complete one of each joint. This is
to be written up as an experiment with the Peer assessment is used on an
conclusion indicating which ones they will use for informal basis to determine the
their project and why. success of processes and guide
decision-making about next steps.

5.6.2 Testing finishes Students make decision about the Tung Oil Week 14
finish to be applied, which is
Selection and use of a variety of Students to conduct test to assess suitability of the justified in the design Bees wax
finishes. available finishes for their project: documentation.
Tung oil
Environmental impact of surface Beeswax & Carnuba polish
finishes on sustainable design.

Apply selected finish to completed product.

5.4.1 Evaluation Completion of peer evaluations. Week 14

Students use these to inform their
Evaluation Peer evaluation evaluation against criteria.
Document and evaluate Students use format provided by teacher to evaluate

Content and Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment & Feedback Resources Reg
decisions made throughout the the work of others in the class. They need to identify:
design process using specified
criteria for success. Strengths
Completed evaluation submitted
Areas for improvement
Self-assess and peer-assess Evaluation against criteria
designed solutions. Written feedback by peers
Students use criteria specified at the beginning of the
project to evaluate:
Justify and document decisions Functional qualities
made during
Aesthetic qualities. Self-assessment of quality of the
the development of designed final design.
solutions. Environmental aspects
Unit evaluation
Written feedback from teacher on
Reflect on their learning in the Complete unit evaluation form for teacher use in the final submission.
design project. evaluation and modification of the unit.


Reflective Evaluation What Worked Well? Recommendations for Modification

How Do You Know?
Effectiveness of Learning and
Teaching Strategies:

Effectiveness of Assessment
Activities (Formative and

How did data and feedback inform

my practice and student learning?

How effectively were cross curricula

priorities integrated into this unit?

What targeted areas/ skills have I

identified to include in future units?

Adjustments and Considerations for Specific Students:


Start of Unit: Completion of Unit: Class:

Coordinator: Date:


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