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Social Studies Lesson Plan Template

Group Members/Group Name: _____Hayley Dray _______________________________

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: ___3rd grade geography _____________
Group Wiki/Weebly space address: ____________________hmkk.weebly.com___________________________________
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: __ Let It Begin The Shot Heard Round the World___________
Lesson Length (ie. 30 minutes): __20-30 minutes)__________________

Rationale for Instruction Why this lesson is a necessary element of the curriculum? [An example from Broward County Schools Elementary students
A rationale is an essential part of should begin to understand that as citizens of the United States, they have both rights (privacy, speech, religion, movement,
thoughtful planning of classroom assembly) and responsibilities (voting, obeying the law, helping in the community). Students should be willing to exercise
instruction. This is a brief written both their rights and responsibilities.]
statement of the purpose for instruction
and the connection of the purpose to Students will become familiar with the north American countries and the carribean.
instruction that has come before and will
NCSS Theme/Next Do you cross the curriculum? What other content fields (language arts, science, math, the arts, physical education,
Generation Sunshine State technology) do you address in this lesson?
Standards/Common Core NCSS Theme: Time, Continuity, & Change Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of
Standards (LAFS/MAFS) the ways human beings view themselves in and over time, so that the learner can:
List each standard that will be addressed 1. demonstrate an understanding that different people may describe the same event or situation in diverse ways, citing
during the lesson. Cutting and pasting reasons for the differences in views.
from the website is allowed. You must
2. Compare and contrast different stories or accounts about past events, people, places, or situations, identifying how
have a minimum of 3 standards that
represent multiple content areas identified they contribute to our understanding of the past.
in this portion of the lesson plan.

These can be downloaded from the

Label the countries and commonwealths in
Florida Dept of Education
North America and in the Caribbean.
Learning Objectives Depending on the topic, grade level and length of time required for lesson, 3-5 objectives may be acceptable. Remember a
What will students know and be able to learning objective is a statement in specific and measurable terms that describes what the learner will know or be able to do
do at the end of this lesson? Be sure to set as a result of engaging in a learning activity as well as how that learning will be demonstrated. All learning objectives
significant (related to NGSS Themes, should begin with: The student will
CCSS, and NGSSS), challenging,
measurable and appropriate learning Students will watch the following youtube video to learn the countries of north America ,
Students will know the countries and where they are located
Students will participate in a project of creating their own country

Modified 5/15 Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding

Social Studies Lesson Plan Template
Student Activities & This is the heart of the lesson plan. Be specific. Describe lesson in a step-by-step, numbered sequence, including teacher
Procedures and student activities. Be sure to include key questions for discussion, collaborative structures, etc. (This section includes
EVERYTHING and should be highly detailed!)
Design for Instruction
What best practice strategies will be
To begin, we will watch a detailed video, , this will teach the students
the countries and where they are located.
How will you communicate student
Students will then complete a project called create your own country.
What products will be developed and
created by students?
Consider Contextual Factors (learning Congratulations! You are about to become the leader of your own country! This project
differences/learning environment) that
may be in place in your classroom. gives you the opportunity to use your knowledge of Social Studies as well as your
inventive imagination to create a new country on Earth.

This map project will be displayed for others to see. Therefore, it should be just about as
large as a piece of oak tag poster board. You can use poster board, cardboard, or any
surface youd like to create your countrys map. You can use paint, markers, clay, paper,
or any craft item you have. Your project should be colorful, creative and neat. The more
detail the better!


o a name (make it catchy and creative) o a compass roseo a map keyo a capital city


o mountains o plateaus o plainso rivers

o a nearby oceano vegetation (Consider the climate of your invented country! You
wouldnt find palm trees in a cold climate!)

On the attached sheet, answer the questions about the climate of your country and the
resources we may find.

Modified 5/15 Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding

Social Studies Lesson Plan Template
Use the RUBRICprovided to be sure you understand all of the expectations of this project.
The rubric will help you achieve the best grade possible.

Assessment Be sure to include Pre/Post assessment for your entire unit plan and progress monitoring/ alternative assessment for
How will student learning be assessed? individual, daily lesson plans!
Authentic/Alternative assessments? Unit Pre-Assessment: 20 Question pretest questions taken from
Does your assessment align with your and KWL
objectives, standards and procedures?
Informal assessment (multiple modes): Describe the CLIMATE of your country. Does the weather stay the same? Does it change from season to
participation rubrics, journal entries, season? Does it change from month to month?
collaborative planning/presentation What are some of the NATURAL RESOURCES found in your country? How do the people of your country
What are the geographical features of your country? Are these features helpful to the people? Are they an
obstacle? Describe them.
You are the leader of your invented country! What are some of the HUMAN RESOURCES you will
contribute to the well-being of your country?
Describe the CULTURAL elements of your country. Do the people celebrate any special holidays? Are there
any particular foods that the people eat? Use detail in your answer.

***Materials that will be used for assessment and examples of completed tasks and projects must be included with the lesson
Resources/Materials ALL resources including but not limited too; internet sites, professional resources- books, journals (titles and authors),
childrens literature, etc. should be noted here. Citations should be in APA format.

Youtube video
PDF/ pages with project directions, assessment, and rubric on it.
Exceptionalities ESOL; Students with Learning Differences:
What accommodations or modifications
do you make for ESOL, Gifted/Talented ESOL students will see the countries with names on the video, students can work with a partner for the project.
students, Learning/Reading disabilities,

Modified 5/15 Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding

Social Studies Lesson Plan Template
These accommodations and/or
modifications should be listed within the
procedures section of the lesson plan as
well as in this section of the document.
Additional Comments and Make comments here related to ideas for homework, parent involvement, extension to the lesson plan, etc.
Notes Students will finish the assessment at home.

Modified 5/15 Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding

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