Softskill Task

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Created By :

Muhammad Aldo Hirwansyah (15213826)

Class :

Lecturer :
Ibu Ovira Nurdina

ATA 2016/2017
Conditional Setence adalah complex sentence (kalimat majemuk) yang dibentuk dari
subordinate clause yang diawali dengan subordinate conjuction if berupa condition (Syarat)
main clause berupa result/consequence (hasil).
A. Type 1 (Pattern : IF + PRESENT TENSE, S + WILL + V1 + O)

1. If i go to work, i will come early.

2. If you hungry now, i will buy some food.
3. If you work hard, you will get a great job.
4. If the weather is nice today, we will play badminton.
5. If i meet pandu tomorrow, i will go to library together.
6. If jimmy has the money, he will buy a storybook.
7. If raka does not come in the match, I will replace him to play.
8. If i has much money, i will buy a new smartphone.
9. If i has free time, i will watch fast furious 8 with you.
10. If you hungry, i will make a food for you.

B. Type 2 (Pattern:IF + PAST TENSE, S + WOULD + V1 + O IMAGINATION)

1. If he were gamer, he would have great skill.

2. If i went to medan, i would go to toba lake.
3. If i did not work now, i would go to senayan city mall with you.
4. If my sister was a singer, she would have a beautiful voice.
5. If i did not come to your party, i would visit my grandfather.
6. If i had much money, i would buy a house.
7. If kara studied hard, she would pass her exam.
8. If it cloudy tomorrow, i would play a kite.
9. If you come to my house, i would make a cookies.
10. If you were me, you would feel what i feel.

C. Type 3 (Pattern: IF + PAST PERFECT TENSE, S + WOULD HAVE + V 3 + O)

1. If i had known that you were in my school, i would have met you.
2. If he had been to a great student, he would have got a perfect college.
3. If you had been careful, you wouldnot have broken your phone.
4. If i had studied engineering, i would have made a car machine.
5. If you had remembered to invite me, i would have joined your trip.
6. If I had given the interviewer nice answer, I might have got the job.
7. If my brother told me that he did not like adidas shooes, i would have not bought it.
8. If he had gotten the target, he will be promoted as manager.
9. If indonesia had had a good badminton player, they would not have lost the game.
10. If you had told me that you went to padang last day, I would have visited your home.

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