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Lisa Teitzel 22265962 Annotation 1

Note the focus area and standard descriptor/s the Note the type of Describe the document / artefact Describe how the document
artefact / document reflects artefact / document and indicate the possible impact or / artefact meets the
result of the artefact / document on standard descriptors you
teaching and/ or student learning have identified.

This artefact is a The goal of lesson was to focus The lesson takes into account the varying
1.1 Spelling lesson and on the challenge of intellectual capabilities of the students by
Physical, social and intellectual accompanying differentiating teaching as a providing different students with their
development and
photos that I result of how well I know the own list words to practice spelling.
characteristics of students.
undertook on PEXII students and how they learn in Brighter students were provided with the
Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of physical, social with a K/1 the K/1 composite. I requested challenge to spell every word on their list,
and intellectual development and composite class. that my mentor teacher observe whereas other students were only
characteristics of students and how my spelling lesson with a focus focusing on practicing a few. (APST 1.1)
these may affect learning.
As it was a on student participation as a
composite class I result of catering for the broad The University Advisor Wrote: A
Understand how students had to ensure the range of learners, in the hope very exciting spelling lesson, which
learn lesson catered for that I can be a teacher who caters for, a broad range of learners.
Demonstrate knowledge and students who had makes a difference (Hattie, Demonstrated understanding of APSTs
understanding of research into how differing abilities 2013). and Outcomes.
students learn and the implications
across Early Stage
for teaching.
1 and Stage 1. The materials for the spelling The strategies used for learning spelling
1.5 lesson were organised well in words, rather than consisting of writing
Differentiate teaching to meet advance and I modelled how to and wrote learning, were very
specific learning needs of use each material prior to the kinaesthetic based, which suited the
students across the full range start of activities. Consistent young, energetic learners in the K/1
of abilities. reinforcement of expectations composite. (APST 1.2)
Demonstrate knowledge and ensured the lesson and my
understanding of strategies for
teaching ran smoothly and the At the beginning of the lesson, I chose
differentiating teaching to meet the
specific learning needs of students focus could remain on students particular students to begin at certain
across the full range of abilities. achieving the outcome. activities, which would better cater to
Lisa Teitzel 22265962 Annotation 1

their abilities. For example, Thomas was

By moving around the room chosen to use the sand to assist in
throughout the lesson providing developing his sensory and fine motor
feedback to students ensured abilities further. (APST 1.5)
students stayed on task and
supported their learning. The The University Advisor Wrote:
informal assessment I gained Differentiation was effective and
from this produced valuable students were fully engaged!
information for my future
teaching of these students.

The carefully chosen activities,

which had a focus on hands-on
learning and sensory
development, worked to engage
the students holistically in their
learning, as it is the quality of
pedagogy that most directly and
most powerfully affects the
quality of learning (NSW
Department of Education and
Training, 2003).
Lisa Teitzel 22265962 Annotation 1

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