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Lisa Teitzel 22265962 Annotation 7

Note the focus area and standard descriptor/s the Note the type of Describe the document / artefact Describe how the
artefact / document reflects artefact / document and indicate the possible impact or document / artefact meets
result of the artefact / document on the standard descriptors you
teaching and/ or student learning have identified.

7.1 This artefact is The aim of the parent-teacher By taking part in the parent-teacher
Meet professional ethics and slides from the afternoon was for parents/carers afternoon I was provided with the
responsibilities. parent-teacher to formally meet their childs opportunity to create professional
Understand and apply the key
afternoon that I teacher. When parents meet relationships, develop report, respect the
principles described in codes of ethics
and conduct for the teaching was involved in with teachers it creates a uniqueness of family backgrounds, work
profession. on my ESP positive relationship that results collaboratively with parents/carers,
placement. in everyone working together acknowledge the contributions
with the childs best interests as parents/carers make to their childs
7.3 the priority (The Scots College, learning and show that I was committed to
Engage with the parents and
2017). The parent-teacher the wellbeing of the students in my class,
Understand strategies for working
afternoon gave an insight into which are all key principles describes in
effectively, sensitively, confidentially the students present and future the codes of ethics for teachers. (APST 7.1)
with parents/carers. learning, which assured all
parents were familiar with the A parent-teacher afternoon and interview
curriculum requirements so they is one strategy that teachers can use to
could assist their child with their engage with parents/carers. Through
learning journey. taking part, I was able to witness how
teachers interact effectively, sensitively
As a result of the parent-teacher and confidentially with parents/carers.
afternoon, the class teachers (APST 7.3)
and myself were provided with a
clear understanding of
parent/carer interests, concerns
and ideas that we used to inform
our future teaching. For
Lisa Teitzel 22265962 Annotation 7

example, how to set out reading

and spelling groups as a result
of how many parents were
willing to assist during these

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