Managing Wet Weather With Green Infrastructure, January 2009 Bulletin

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Managing Wet Weather with

Green Infrastructure
a periodic update on activities
Volume 2009, Issue 1 January 2009

The EPA Office of Research and De­ Contacts

velopment’s National Risk Manage­
ment Research Laboratory has just EPA Headquarters

published: Using Economic Incentives Jenny Molloy, OW/OWM

to Manage Stormwater Runoff in the

Shepherd Creek Watershed, Part I. Robert Goo, OW/OWOW

This report details theories, meth­

ods, and criteria used to distribute Mahri Monson, OECA

rain gardens and rain barrels via a

reverse auction process in an urban EPA Regions

residential watershed in Cincinnati, Katie Connors, R1

OH. Following the first auction in

2007, 50 rain gardens and 100 rain Stephen Venezia, R2

barrels were installed at 67 residen­

tial properties. The 2008 auction Dominique Lueckenhoff, R3

resulted in an additional 35 rain gar­

dens and 74 rain barrels. Monitoring Jim Giattina, R4

approaches are described for water

quality, hydrology and biotic integrity of receiving streams, neighborhood Bob Newport, R5

outfall pipes and selected rain garden and rain barrel installation.

Suzanna Perea, R6

Mandy Whitsitt, R7

Gregory Davis, R8

John Tinger, R9

The Green Infrastructure Community of Practice (CoP) is a collabora­

tive network of organizations and agencies actively involved in pro­ Krista Mendelman, R10

moting and/or implementing the green infrastructure approach to

strategic conservation. The Community of Practice portal is a virtual

hub of knowledge and ideas – shared among peers – to promote the Steering Committee Partners

application of green infrastructure concepts and principles to the na­ Nancy Stoner, NRDC

tion’s conservation priorities. The portal is designed for those who Nathan Gardner-Andrews &

create, design and implement green infrastructure plans and for those Keith Jones, NACWA

who will use the plans. The CoP invites organizations to visit their Chris Kloss & Neil Weinstein,

Projects website and submit information on your green infrastructure LID Center
projects. Users can browse other projects by region, scale or focus.

For more information on managing wet weather with green infrastructure see the website at: To be added to an e-mail distribution list for future issues of
this bulletin, or if you have items of interest to be considered for inclusion in future issues of this
bulletin send an e-mail request to
Volume 2009, Issue 1 January 2009

Stormwater Management with Trees and Structural

Soils: website has new resources available including a Partner Features
55-page control practices manual, a PowerPoint pres­
entation, and information on 4 demonstration sites The Low Impact Development Center, Inc. has
across the country. Partners for this research initia­ launched its first iteration of a new resource web-
tive include Virginia Tech's Urban Forestry Gateway, site for Green Highways and Green Streets projects.
Cornell's Urban Horticulture Institute, and the U.S. The website provides information on basic research,
Forest Service's Center for Urban Forest Research. pilot projects, standards and specifications, planned
Their vision: a full-canopy parking lot that allowed and constructed projects that the Center has been
trees to serve their natural role as mediators of the involved in across the country through work with the
hydrologic cycle. EPA, the National Academy of Sciences, FHWA, state
and local DOTs, Municipal Planning Organizations,
Decal along the curb and industry. Links to other green streets programs
on SW 30th Ave. at are also provided on the site.
Portland’s Tryon
Creek headwaters American Rivers: Greening Water Infrastructure new
redevelopment site. website provides up to date information on Ameri­
can Rivers’ green infrastructure action items, par­
ticularly how green infrastructure jobs can help sup­
The San Mateo County port a green economy. The resources page includes
Water Pollution Prevention Program has released its links to AR’s articles and publications.
Sustainable Green Streets and Parking Lots Design
Guidebook. Prepared by Nevue Ngan Associates and
Sherwood Design Engineers, the guidebook provides Upcoming Forums & Events
designers, builders, municipal staff, and others practi­
cal and state-of-the-art information on creating low- Good Jobs, Green Jobs Conference National Conference.
impact development roadways and parking lots. The February 4-6, 2009. Washington DC. Link
guidebook addresses conditions found in San Mateo
County, however, the concepts and information pre­ Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure. City of
sented may be useful for other region’s street and San Antonio and EPA Region 6 February 17-18, 2009. San
Antonio TX.
parking lot scenarios. Chapters cover: green streets &
parking lots, providing site layout and stormwater fa­ Sustainable Communities Training Conference. March 9­
cility strategies, details on street and parking lot con­ 11, 2009. Dallas TX. Link
ditions in San Mateo County, design examples for the
various street and parking lot scenarios within the Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities. Green
county, discussion on key design and construction de­ Roofs for Healthy Cities. June 2-5,
tails, and conceptual designs for demonstration pro­ 2009. Atlanta GA. Link►
jects being constructed in the county. The Guidebook
and demonstration projects are funded using vehicle Green Works to Reduce Flood Losses, Association of State
Floodplain Managers. June 7-12,
license fees collected in San Mateo County to address 2009. Orlando FL. Link►
stormwater pollution issues associated with vehicles
and transportation infrastructure. 2009 Pennsylvania Stormwater Management Symposium.
October 14-15, 2009. Philadelphia PA. Link

New Publications
Living Architecture Monitor, is Green Roofs for Healthy
Cities’ new quarterly magazine focused on educating,
inspiring and celebrating the emerging restorative, sus­
tainable vision of architecture and landscape design
that extends beyond green roofs.

Low Impact Development for Sustainable Installations:

Stormwater Design and Planning Guidance for Develop-
ment within Army Training Areas U.S. Army Corps of Pont Max Juvénal, Aix-en-Provence. Living wall designed
Engineers. by Patrick Blanc.

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