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Technology Integration Lesson Plan Template

Your Name Ms. Kayla Poff and Ms. Jamie Stivender

Name: School: Date:

Kayla and Jamie N/a 4/20/2017

Subject Areas Grade Level Lesson or Project Duration

English/Language Arts 3 1 hour computer lab
sessions for 4-5
consecutive days
Technology Required
What software and hardware are needed for this lesson or project?
Computers or tablets with access to internet with firewall protection

Technology Level
Teacher Student
Novice Novice
Intermediate Intermediate
Advanced Advanced
Lesson or Project Topic
What is the topic? What is the title?
"Arctic or Antarctic?" is the activity title. The topic address both Arctic and
Antartic habitats and student ability to identify their similarities as well as

Critical Question Addressed

What specific question(s) will be answered?
What are primary similiarities between two texts and the facts within each one?
What are primary differences between two texts and the facts within each one?

Lesson or Project Goals and Objectives

What will students experience and be able to do as a result of this lesson or project?
Students will be able to brainstorm using a Venn Diagram in order to not only compare two texts, but
contrast them as well.
In this project, students will also establish confidence by undergoing individual research, virtual field trips,
and developing opinions from nonfiction digital texts.
Students will be able to track their progress and goals by using a score sheet that will also be used for a
grading assessment for overall conclusion of project.
Students will apply the knowledge gained from reading, diagram and virtual field trips to the classroom
blog, which will be only used in the classroom setting and not at home.
This will allow children to interact and collaberate as well as debate opinions, facts, and research gathered
to further enhance their critical thinking skills.
This will allow each student to engage creatively and digitally while growing their comprehension skills as
well as writing skills.

Curriculum Connections
What specific curriculum learning outcomes will be addressed in this lesson or project?(TAKS)
Common Core Standard: LAFS.3.RI.3.9: Compare and Contrast important points and key details in two
separate texts on the same topic.

NETS-S Standards: 1) Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using
digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences
for themselves and others. 2) Computational Thinker: Students develop and employ strategies for
understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop
and test solutions.

NETS-T Standards: 1.a. 2.b. 3.b.

Technology Connections
What technology skills and/or goals will be addressed in this lesson or project?
Technology skills that will be enchanced during this project will include better understanding of digital text
and the ability highlight, reread, and listen to audio books if preferred.
Students will understand proper nettiquette when using the classroom blog and how to appropriately
behave on the internet within a discussion atmosphere.
Students will engage in virtual field trips to better explore the habitats in which they are studying through
the two digital texts that are being compared and contrasted. These field trips will teach them to navigate
individually without step by step instructions allowing them to explore into further detail.

Lesson or Unit Starter

What will you do to introduce the lesson or project? Are the connections to the curriculum and technology
PowerPoint presentation will be used to introduce the topic, the resources, directions and conduct codes
for project.

Student-focused Activities
What activities will your student do during this lesson or project?
1. Students will be attentive and acknowledge the introductory powerpoint during the pre-project lesson.
2. Once the powerpoint concludes and rules are understood, students will log on to computers, or tablets
(whatever is accessible), and access the Epic! online application to access digtial texts in the classroom
3. During their reading, the students will be handed a blank Venn Diagram worksheet for them to
brainstorm the similarities and differences between the two texts. Students will also receive their scoring
checklists to help them understand the scores they will earn for what type of effort they put in. Their goals
become clear at this point in what the teacher has expected them to do.
4. After they have concluded reading each text and making notes on their worksheets, students will open
their internet explorers and access the classroom blog. (We used for a quick and simple blog
allowing access from any device that has internet access. For a better example, our blog's domain is Visit the site for a better understanding of how to go about this lesson.)
5. On the blog, Virtual field trips will be listed within the introduction. They are short and easy, though
they will be untimed, allowing students to roam and browse each virtual environment to further develop
their knowledge and brainstorming prior to posting their "comments" to the blog.
6. Teacher will review, once again, the Powerpoint pages to clarify the Blogging rules and nettiquette for
the classroom prior to blog acccess.
7. Students will then use their brainstorming sheets (Venn Diagrams) to apply their questions under the
"comment" section of the blog. This allows them to create new posts including their question(s) they have
come up with after their research is gathered.
8. Students will then reply, appropriately, to their classmate's questions with factual and detailed
information. Replies are directed to be no less than two complete sentences with supportive information in
9. Once the blog posts have been successfully finished, teacher will ask students to turn in their Venn
Diagrams and their score sheets. The class will openly discuss what they learned and give detailed
feedback aloud to reflect about the project and the knowledge gained.

Hardware, Software, Web, CD ROM Other (Print, Human, etc)
Hardware: computers, tablets Venn Diagram worksheet for brainstorming
Software: Epic! Online library application to access purposes and a scoring sheet for personal
books and audiobooks for project with a classroom achievement, progress and reflective assessment
code for easy access to specific reading materials
Web: online access via Internet Explorer, Chrome,
or another web engine to gain access to BlogSpot
Blogging classroom site to participate in discussion
board. The link to the blog page for open discussion

Student Assessment
How will you assess the extent to which the students have achieved the goals and objectives?
Scoring Sheet will be used to asssess student progress to affirm that each step is taken
and students can track their progress for duration of project.

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