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Faculty of engineer

Subject: materials and design fundamentals

Members: code:
Paula Andrea Bedoya Porez 47151228
Hellen Reyes Caballero 47161088
Jessica Lorena Martinez Leiton 47151219
Jrjen Mauricio Flrez 47161079
Julian Leonardo Martinez 45151702

Date: 06/03/2017 Group: 14 Subgroup: 3 Program: industrial & automatization

Atomic Theory
The Greek is posed the question of if the matter was continuous or
discontinuous, i.e., if could be divided and subdivided indefinitely. Democritus
was saying that the matter if it could be divided, and he call to these divisions,
According to Dalton every element possesses a particular class of atom, and
any quantity of element is composed of identical atoms of the same class.
Amadeo Avogadro, applied to the gases the atomic theory, and demonstrated
that the equal volumes of a gas, the same number of particles formed them.
Mendeliv established an order for the chemical elements where it bore in
mind both the chemical properties of the element and the weight of the same
one, giving him more importance to the properties.
crystal definition: a crystal is a solid body of geometric form, which flat faces
are cut in certain angles, of a typical symmetry.
Radioactive Elements
Pierre Curie, in collaboration with his brother Jacques, had discovered that
certain crystals, subjected to pressure, developed a load electric positive in a
side and negative on the other. This phenomenon is called piezoelectricity
Marie Curie was which proposed the term of radioactivity to describe the
capacity that has the uranium of emit radiation, and which got demonstrate the
phenomenon in a second substance radioactive: the thorium.
Is discovered that those elements radioactive emitted also other types of
radiation, which led to discoveries on the structure internal of the atom. In
addition, by emitting radiation, is transformed into other elements (that is, was
a modern version of transmutation).
In 1899, Andr-Louis Debierne, following the advice of the Curie, discovered an
item, which it termed "Actinium". The following year, the German physicist
Friedrich Ernst showed that the radio, to disintegrate, forming a gaseous
element, the element was called radon.
Physicists had already sensed that the power was carried by particles. As a
result, these particles of rays cathode were accepted as the particles
elementary of the electricity. The name of 'electrons', were given suggested
name, in 1891, by the Irish physicist George Johnstone Stoney.
The Periodicity of The Periodic Table
Towards 1925, the physical Austrian Wolfgang Pauli enunciated its principle of
exclusion, which explained the form in that them electrons were distributed in
the inside of each layer, since, according to this principle, two electrons not
could possess exactly the same energy or the same spin.
The Noble or Inert Gases
the amount of energy required to separate the electrons in the elements of a
given family, decreases with increasing atomic weight, and the heavier inert
gases, xenon, and radon, do not need excessively high quantities. Therefore,
Pauling predicted that the gas inert more heavy could form compounds
chemical with elements that were particularly prone to accept electrons.
The Transitional Elements
the Danish physicist Niels Henrik David Bohr showed that each layer of
electrons was composed of sub-layers of slightly different energy levels. The
American chemist Frank Harold Spedding was who applied ion exchange
chromatography to the separation of rare earths.
The gas-Liquefaction
In 1787, the physical French Jacques-Alexandre-Csar Charles discovered that,
when is chilled a gas, each grade of cooling determined a contraction of its
volume approximately equal to 1 / 273 of the volume that the same gas had to
0 C, and, to the reverse, each degree of warming caused an expansion of the
same value. Then began to consider is that the volume depended of the speed
of the molecules.
In 1869 the Thomas Andrews Irish physical deduced from his experiments that
all gas had a critical temperature above which could not be licuefactar, even
under pressure.

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