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Note the focus area and standard Note the type of Describe the artefact / document and Describe

d Describe how the artefact /

descriptor/s the artefact / artefact / document indicate the possible impact or result on document
document reflects teaching and/ or student learning meet the standard descriptors you
have identified.

7.3 Engage with This artefact is a The letter was sent home on the first APST 7.3
parents/carers letter that I wrote to day of my final practicum to the I used this introductory letter
Understand strategies give to the parents/carers of the students in my as one strategy for
for working effectively, parents/carers of class. The letter introduces myself to professionally engaging with
sensitively and the students in my the parents/carers and informs them of the parents/carers of the
confidentially with class during my final the dates I am on class teaching. It students on my final
parents/carers. placement. clearly explains the expectations of me practicum.
7.4 Engage with to teach all day everyday and the APST 7.4
professional teaching expectations of my mentor teacher to Doing this at the start of my
networks and broader observe me teaching and provide me practicum provided me with a
communities with feedback after each lesson. I starting point to developing
Understand the role of inform the parents/carers that I will be relationships with
external professionals running things a little different due to parents/carers during my
and community having a slightly different teaching practicum. I then felt
representatives in style and let them know that I am comfortable to continue
broadening teachers approachable if they have any building these relationships
professional knowledge questions or concerns. I also provide and attend other
and practice. the opportunity for parents/carers to school/community events.
come in and volunteer in the
classroom. (Brady & Kennedy, 2012)
recognises that education is more
effective when there is a strong
relationship between families and
schools. I also wanted to ensure
parents/carers understood my goals
for my practicum so they had an idea
of what was happening in class.

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