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MARCH 2002



1.1 The Rules requires that no person shall fly or assist in flying any aircraft in
Nepalese airspace unless the aircraft:

a) has been registered and the Certificate of Registration is carried on board the
aircraft, and
b) bears the nationality and registration marks, affixed in accordance with the rules
of the State of Registry of the aircraft.

1.2 This chapter prescribes the requirements for the registration of aircraft in Nepal.

1.3 Where a Certificate of Registration is issued, it shall be in a Form B.5.3 as shown in

Appendix - 3 to this Chapter B.5.

1.4 Registration of an aircraft does not permit it to fly without a valid Certificate of
Airworthiness kept in force.

1.5 A Certificate of Registration is not subject to renewal and shall remain in effect
untill such time as there is request for transfer of ownership of the aircraft. The
Certificate of Registration is cancelled if the aircraft is removed from the Nepalese
Civil Aircraft Register.

1.6 Where an aircraft is registered in accordance with this chapter, the owner or
operator of the aircraft shall cause to be manufactured an identification plate for the
aircraft which is made of a fireproof material and shall cause to have the
identification plate attached to the airframe of the aircraft near the entrance door.
In addition, the owner shall have inscribed the following on the identification plate:

a) The nationality and registration marks of the aircraft,

b) The manufacturer of the aircraft,
c) The type, model and serial number of the aircraft,
d) The date of aircraft namufacture.

NCAR, Chapter B.5 Issue 3, March 2002

2.1 Subject to paragraph 2.2 an aircraft may be registered:

a) by the Nepalese Air Operator, or

b) by any Company, on behalf of Nepalese Air Operator.
Note : The Director General does not issue any Certificate of Ownership or endorse any
information with respect to the ownership on a Certificate of Registration. The Director
General issues a Certificate of Registration to a person, organization or enterprise who
has provided evidence of ownership pursuant to paragraph 2.2 (b) Note-2 "Evidence of
the Ownership" as recorded at the Nepalese Civil Aircraft Register of Civil Aviation
Authority of Nepal. In this paragraph the Owner shall include a buyer in possession, a
bailee or a lessee of an aircraft under a contract of conditional aircraft sale and the
assignee of that person.

2.2 The owner of an aircraft which is to be registered in Nepal must apply in writing to
the Director General. The application which should be made in Form B.5.1 as
shown in Appendix-1 of this Chapter B.5 must be accompanied by the following
necessary documents:

a) A copy of Nepalese Type Certificate for the type concerned.

b) A copy of the Bill of Sale or Conditional Sales Contract.
Note 1. : Where an aircraft to be registered is subject to a lease or lease purchase
agreement, a copy of the lease or lease purchase agreement shall be provided
will this application.
Note 2. : "Evidence of Ownership"; The buyer in possessing or the bailee or the lessee of
an aircraft under a contract of conditional sale must submit a copy of the
contract. The assignee under a contract of conditional sale must submit both
the contract and his assignment from the original buyer, bailee, lessee or prior
assignee that bears the written assent of the seller, bailer, lessor or assignee
thereof, under the original contract
c) Proof of cancellation of previous registration
Note : The satisfactory evidence of cancellation of previous registration may be a
statement by the Airworthiness Authority of the previous State of Registry that
the aircraft has been deregistered .
d) Copy of the aircraft insurance policy acceptable to the Director General.
e) Proof of Nepalese custom clearance.
f) A copy of voucher against the payment of aircraft registration fee.
g) A statement that it meets the requirement of paragraph 10 of this Chapter B.5.
h) A statement that all placards, instructions and documents related to the aircraft
are in English.
i) Any other necessary documentation as requested by the Director General.

NCAR, Chapter B.5 Issue 3, March 2002

3.1 A Nepalese Civil Aircraft Register will be maintained in the office of the Director

3.2 Upon issue of Certificate of Registration full detail of an aircraft, owner and
operator will be intered in to the Nepalese Civil Aircraft Register.

3.3 Upon transfer of ownership full detail of the new owner and operator will be
entered in to the Nepalese Civil Aircraft Register.

3.4 Where the Certificate of Registration of an aircraft is cancelled the aircraft will be
removed from the Nepalese Civil Aircraft Register.


Upon registration an aircraft will be allotted with a Nationality Marks of two characters,
"9N" followed by the dash and Registration Marks which shall be of three letters of the
Roman alphabet. The size and place for affixing these marks to the aircraft shall be in
accordance with Appendix - 2 of the Rules.


5.1 Subject to paragraph 5.2, where a Certificate of Registration has been lost the
owner or operator may apply to Airworthiness Division, Aviation Safety
Directorate, Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal for the issue of a duplicate

5.2 Where application is made in accordance with para.5.1, an affidavit attesting that
the Certificate of Registration has been lost shall be presented with the application
for issuance of duplicate certificate.

5.3 Where the Certificate of Registration has been mutilated, the owner or operator
may apply for issue of a duplicate certificate.

5.4 The owner or operator shall be required to pay the prescribed fee for the issuance
of a duplicate Certificate of Registration subject to paragraph 5.1 and 5.3 above.


Where an aircraft is damaged beyond repair or is sent abroad by the owner of the aircraft
and is to be registered in a foreign country an application for the removal of an aircraft
from Nepalese Civil Aircraft Register shall be made in writing to the Director General by
the owner of the aircraft and the original Certificate of Registration must be returned to
the Director General for cancellation and retaintion.

Note :- Notification of cancellation of an aircraft registration i.e.removeal of an aircraft from

Nepalese Civil Aircraft Register to a foreign State of Registry will be made if requested by the
owner or the foreign State of Registry.

NCAR, Chapter B.5 Issue 3, March 2002

The Certificate of Registration becomes ineffective when an application is made in writing

to the Director General for the transfer of ownership of a Nepalese registered aircraft. In
such a case the previous owner of the aircraft must return the original Certificate of
Registration to the Director General. The aircraft may not be flown untill such time as the
transfer of ownership is decided and entered in to the Certificate of Registration and issued
to the new owner. In such a case the Nationality and Registration Marks normally will
remain the same unless otherwise requested by the new owner.


Each signature on an application for aircraft registration or for transfer of ownership or a

request for cancellation of a Certificate of Registration or on a document submitted as
supporting evidence under this paragraph must be in ink. When one or more persons doing
business under a trade name submits an application for aircraft registration or for transfer
of ownership or a request for cancellation of a Certificate of Registration, the application
on request must be signed by or on behalf of each person who shares title to the aircraft.

8.1 When an organization or enterprise submits an application for an aircraft

registration or for transfer of ownership or a request for the cancellation of
Certificate of Registration, it must

i) have an authorized person sign the application or request,

ii)show the title of the signer's office on the application or request,
iii) submit a copy of authorization from the Board of Directors to sign for an
organization or enterprise,
iv) provide evidence that the signer of the application or request is a corporate
officer or other person in a managerial position in the organization or
enterprise and the title of his office is as stated.


The maximum permissible age of an aircraft, in terms of aircraft flight hours, cycles or
calender life, that a Nepalese operator may register shall be in accordance with National
Civil Aviation Policy 2050 Article 3.3 and any amendments made thereto.

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal.

NCAR, Chapter B.5 Issue 3, March 2002
Form B.5.1 Appendix - 1



1. Type of Aircraft :-
Manufacture of Aircraft :-
Date of Manufacture :-
S/N of Aircraft :-

2. Engine Type :-
Engine Make :-
No. of Engines :-
Power Rating :-

3. Max. Take-off Weight :-

Max. No. of Crew :-
Max. Passenger Seats :-

4. Propeller/Rotor Make :-
Model :-

5. Aircraft Manufacturer's :-
Address :-
Tel/Fax :-

6. Number of hours flown and landings since new :-

7. History of accidents (if any). Indicate incidents/accidents met by the aircraft, the nature and
extent of damage sustained by the aircraft, details of any major repairs carried out details.
If required a separate page may be used for providing the above.

8. Has the aircraft been previously registered in Nepal ? Yes o No o

If yes, state Registration Mark :-

9. Is the aircraft already registered in any country outside Nepal ? Yes o No o

If yes, give full particulars.

10. Name of Owner :-

Address :-
Nationality :-

NCAR, Chapter B.5 Issue 3, March 2002
11. Is the aircraft wholly owned:

o (a) by the citizens of Nepal

o (b) by an organization or enterprise registered and having its principle place
of business in Nepal. The Chairman and at least 2/3rd of the Board
of Directors are citizens of Nepal
o (c) by the person resident of Nepal or is carrying business in Nepal who
is not the citizen of Nepal
o (d) by an organization or enterprise registered elsewhere than in Nepal but
carrying business in Nepal

For applicants who come under (c) and (d) state how long the applicants have been
resident of Nepal have been in business in Nepal ?

Nature of business :-

12. Name of Operator :-

Nationality :-
Address :-

13. Base Station of Aircraft :-

14. Category of Aircraft :-

Transport Category (Passenger) o
Transport Category (Cargo) o
Private Category o
Aerial Work Category o
Special Category o

15. A copy of voucher against the payment of aircraft registration fee.

I hereby declare that the above particulars are true in every respect and that nothing has
been cancelled or withheld by me. I have studied the relevant Rules and Nepal Civil
Airworthiness Requirements currently in force and shall abide by them.

Name of Applicant :-
Address :-
Tel/Fax :-

Date :- Signature of Applicant

Note : In case the applicant is not the owner, he/she should provide evidence in writing that they have been
duly authorized by the owner to furnish the foregoing information and to sign this document on his

NCAR, Chapter B.5 Issue 3, March 2002
Form B.5.2 Appendix - 2


1. Registration Mark :- 9N - . . . . . . . Date of Registry :- 19 / /

2. Aircraft Make :- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model :- . . . . . . . . . . . . Serial No. :- . . . . . . .
Year of A/C Manufacture :- 19 / /

3. Engine Make :- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model :- . . . . . . . . . No. of Engine :- . .

4. Propeller/Rotor Make :- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model :- . . . . . . . . .

5. Previous Registration :- . . . . . Country :- . . . .

Owner :- . . . . . . . . .
Operator :- . . . . . . . .
Date of Previous De-Registration :- 19 / / Place :- . . . . . . .

6. Category of Aircraft :- . . . . . . . . .

7. Lease/Purchase :- . . . . . . . . . . . .

8. Max. Take-off Weight :- . . . Min. No. of Crew :- . . .

Max. Passenger Seats :- . . . Empty Weight :- . . . .

9. Owner's Name :- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address :- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tel./Fax :- . . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . ..

10. Operator's Name :- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address :- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tel./Fax :- . . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . ..

11. Place of Registry :- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Country :- . . . . . . .

Registred By :- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .
(Name and Signature)

Remarks :-....................................................................................................................................
Transfer of Ownership or of De-Registration from Nepalese Civi Aircraft Register (if applicable):-

Cause :-

.. ..

Place Signature Date

NCAR, Chapter B.5 Issue 3, March 2002
Form B.5.3 Appendix-3

File No. Serial No.

1. Nationality and Registration 2. Manufacture and Manufacturer's
3. Aircraft Serial Number
Marks Designation of Aircraft

4. Name of owner :

5. Address of owner :

6. Name of operator :

7. Address of operator :

8. It is hereby certified that the above described aircraft has been duly entered on the Civil Aircraft Register of Nepal in
accordance with the Convention on International Civil Aviation dated 7 December 1944 and with the Civil Aviation Act 1999
and the Rules made thereunder.

Date of issue For Director General
9. Transfer of ownership :
Note: This certificate is issued for registration purpose only and is not a certificate of title. The Civil Aviation Authority of
Nepal does not determine the right of ownership as between private persons, organizations or enterprises.

NCAR, Chapter B.5 Issue 3, March 2002
NCAR, Chapter B.5
Issue 3, March 2002

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