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2 Work & Study THE STAR, TUESDAY 25 APRIL 2017

Moulding your own path


THE question of employability

among fresh graduates is much
discussed. Are they ready? Do they
have the skills to meet market
demands? Do they know what is is blended learning, where classes
expected of them? are minimal or even optional
The main gripe of employers is depending on the institution.
that these young jobseekers Some programmes of blended
significantly lack work experience. learning have only a few classes
They argue that fresh graduates per semester.
lack knowledge of what is required Learners are also given a host
to be a successful interviewee, let of learning materials such as PDF
alone an employee. notes, videos, i-lectures and
Employers encourage young job i-tutorials to facilitate independent
seekers to invest in skills training learning.
to make them more employable A fully online mode of learning
and valuable to the company. offers no classes and learners study
More than that, employers are the entire course on their own
frustrated with the overall attitude using the study materials given.
of fresh graduates. A sizeable number of young job
A JobStreet survey placed holders in the Malaysian workforce
graduate attitude as the third has chosen to study while they
contributing factor to fresh work.
graduate unemployment. For them, it is a different ball
This included being too choosy Josh George says that a healthy game altogether compared to their
about the job or company at 60%, work-study balance is necessary. slightly older counterparts who
followed by poor communication have spouses, children and other
skills and demonstrating poor same time. commitments to attend to as they
character during the interview. Having received proactive work and study.
On the other hand, fresh support and nods from the
graduates find themselves in the Government, this is certainly
Gaining experience of education institutions, investing
employment Catch-22 they need
relevant work experience to
a route worth considering.
Darsyne Kumar, who recently
unnecessary amounts of effort and
time in glorifying events and
The work and
qualify for a job, but how do they
The work and study route enrolled in a masters course ceremonies, thus making a study route was first
made popular among
gain that experience prior to in integrated marketing mockery of academia.
getting the job? The work and study route was communication in Malaysia, found When universities fail to act as
Venessa Jane, a local medical
graduate looking to be employed
first made popular among
individuals in the unskilled
herself dropping out when the
quality of the course did not meet
facilitators for individuals to excel,
many young jobseekers or holders
individuals in the
outside the field of medicine, workforce. Educational institutions
providing postgraduate
her expectations.
I work in a fast-paced media
will find themselves helpless at unskilled workforce.
cannot stress this enough. work or during the job-seeking
Not having work experience programmes or even bachelors environment. To elevate my process.
just means I need work all the
more. I am hoping to try at my
degree programmes were scarce in
the 1980s and 1990s.
employability to international
standards, I decided to pursue a
Another challenge is maintaining
a social life. Josh George, a institutions providing
university where they all know me,
so perhaps that would increase
According to Human Resources
Development Fund (HRDF), skilled
masters programme to be exposed
to newer theories, digital age
marketing manager by day and
second-year law student by night,
my chances of gaining some much workers make up only 28% of the strategies and real-life says he has not given up his social programmes or even
needed experience, she says.
Venessa goes on to say that when
workforce in Malaysia. More than
70% of the 13,300,027 people in the
international scenarios, she says.
Instead, I felt that most of my
life completely.
It is not on my list of priorities bachelors degree
she first enrolled, her seniors
warned her about this problem
workforce today are considered
coursemates and even a few
faculty members were not
as my life has to be centred on
classes and personal studying.
programmes were
that lay ahead. According to them, HRDF is trying to increase the interested in running the race with However, to achieve a healthy scarce in the 1980s
the greater the professional skills
required for a particular field, the
number to 35% by 2020 by
capitalising on the work and study
me. It was as though we just
needed to do what was enough to
work-study balance, downtime is
necessary. This can come in many and 1990s.
harder it is for a fresh graduate to route. pass the course and have our name forms a nap, music, movies or
be hired. With the traction it has gained, printed on a piece of paper. This is having a social life.
This is because these occupations working and studying has become not enough for me.
involve demanding day-to-day
tasks or extremely challenging
popular among young jobseekers
as many opt to work first and
Moreover, the English
proficiency was not up to
Meeting your needs college (now university) for seven
work environments that many further their studies later. international standards and, Before going down the route of years.
young 21st century job seekers There are a few ways to go worse, nobody knew what was working and studying, thoroughly Students can gain valuable work
may not be able to handle. about pursuing further studies happening outside Malaysia. ensure the educational institution experience during or after
One possible way to continually while you work. There is part-time Darsynes experience is of your choice is fully on board completing their course through
improve your skills is through study where classes are usually commonplace. According to an with helping its students out with internship placements.
working while studying. More held during the weekdays after article published by Eurasia Review this conundrum. Besides that, working as a
educational institutions have been working hours or throughout in January this year, many Conduct a thorough research on waiter, barista, administrative
offering flexible solutions for those the day on weekends. Malaysian universities are the course or faculty of choice. It assistant, receptionist or cashier
who want to work and study at the A more contemporary approach beginning to lose sight of the vision should be able to offer significant can also be valuable in enhancing
internship programmes (industrial your employability.
training) or proper job placement Kevin Wong, who worked in a
procedures that are attached to the coffee house for a few months after
courses. finishing his Sijil Pelajaran
If you already have a job, see if Malaysia, says that this experience
there are any additional skills or exposed him to the meaning of
certification offered with the work ethics.
course you are undertaking. Speak Yes, the job is menial but I
to faculty members before making learnt a few things along the way.
a decision and not just the frontline I dont regret it. Now that I am in
staff. university, I am going to do as
For Abigail Pavitra, she found much as I can during my semester
work opportunities at the breaks to amplify my skills,
educational institution she he says.
graduated from. In a similar way, working and
She kicked off her career there studying puts you in touch with
after completing her advanced many different people whose
diploma. skills, attitude or contacts can
During her course, Abigail influence you.
became involved in extracurricular Having the right network of
activities and handled many people can contribute to your
students and even staff projects in career in getting favours, clients,
her capacity as a senior Student businesses, feedback or even
Council member. employment.
This required her to frequently To address the issue of
deal with the staff and her employability among young fresh
lecturers, exposing her to the work graduates, continuous efforts need
environment as well as enabling to be made for upskilling, whether
her to hone her work ethics and this is through the initiative of
increase her employability. employers or employees
About two months after themselves.
finishing my course, one of my Upskilling can take place
former lecturers offered me a job through academic institutions and
at the college, working under him. workplaces, making you
I ended up being attached to the employable in your unique way.
4 Work & Study THE STAR, TUESDAY 25 APRIL 2017

NILAI University (Nilai U) prides

itself in providing opportunities for
students to earn certification from
professional organisations.
Nilai U has gone to great
lengths to get exemptions from
Professional recognition
professional examinations from Alliance Program.
various organisations to facilitate
an easier pathway for students to
Nilai U aims
to mould
Apart from that, Nilai U has
also signed a Memorandum of
Nilai U has gone
forge careers in relevant fields. its students Understanding (MoU) with the to great lengths
to get exemptions
Not only are students trained to become Malaysian Institute of Human
to meet industry standards but professionals Resource Management
they also benefit greatly from
having the opportunity to network
who (MIHRM), allowing students to
gain the professional certificate from professional
with individuals who may be
potential employers. to their
in human resource
management from MIHRM.
Graduates from relevant respective
Under the agreement, from various
programmes in Nilai U will be able
to obtain up to seven credits for
students undergo training with
specialists in human resource organisations
prior learning exemptions from
the Institute of Chartered
management to prepare them
for a career in this highly
to facilitate
Accountants in England and Wales specialised field. an easier pathway
In addition, graduates may
Nilai U engineering students
are entitled to enhanced for students to
obtain the ICAEW Certificate in
Finance, Accounting and Business
certification in Computer Aided
Design and Drafting (CADD),
forge careers in
(CFAB) with only one further Accountants (ACCA). management accountants. which is awarded by Six Sigma relevant fields.
assessment. Nilai U students can also obtain Graduates can also obtain Synergy Sdn Bhd, a franchisee
The certificate covers key areas exemptions for up to eight papers exemptions for up to eight papers from of CADD Centre International.
of business and finance. CFAB is from the Chartered Institute of the ACCA. Nilai U is also a member of Nilai U also believes that
also an entry route to the Management Accountants (CIMA), the SAP (Systems, Applications and students will benefit from its
Association of Chartered Certified which specialises in producing Products in Data Processing) University professional development employers today highly regard
courses and equips them with graduates who have soft skills,
the skills to increase their and backing this up with a Dale
marketability. Carnegie certification is valuable.
The Dale Carnegie Training Nilai U will continue to provide
is in collaboration with students with the opportunity to
Nilai U to focus on The Five obtain skills and knowledge in a
Drivers of Success to give variety of professional
students a head start in their organisations and allow them to
professional lives. mature from teenagers into
The Five Drivers of Success responsible young adults who are
are self-confidence, able to make contributions to
interpersonal skills, their respective societies.
communications skills,
leadership skills and improving n For more information, visit
attitude. or call
Nilai U believes that 06-850 2308.

Graduates can enhance their value and employability through

professional development courses.

Continuous growth
PROFESSIONAL development that allow participants to
courses are short courses develop their soft skills that
offered by professional bodies, would be useful during their
companies, government employment.
agencies, associations and For example, the Malaysian
private institutions that allow Bar Council offers frequent
professionals to learn or update professional development
skills within their industry or courses that include training
diversify into collaborative or and seminars pertaining to
niche fields of work. various legal topics and issues.
At the end of these courses, The Board of Engineers
participants will be awarded a Malaysia, on the other hand, has
certificate and accreditation as made continuous professional
proof that they have completed development a mandatory
the course and are competent in requirement for the renewal
the skill sets or knowledge of professional engineering
acquired from the course. registration. For most
It is no surprise that what is individuals in other fields,
taught in college or university professional development
is not industry-specific as courses are based on personal
industries continue to expand initiative.
and develop. Professional development
However, professional courses include skills training
development courses allow especially for individuals in the
students to focus on these technical aspect of an industry.
industry-relevant aspects. Other
than that, there are also courses > TURN TO PAGE 6
THE STAR, TUESDAY 25 APRIL 2017 Work & Study 5

UTAR has a high graduate employability of more than 97% within six
months of graduation for the past few years.

WITH more than a decade of
experience in educational
excellence, Universiti Tunku UTAR has a
Abdul Rahman (UTAR) offers
academic programmes that are
high graduate
industry relevant. employability of
The professional bodies that
recognise the UTAR Kampar more than 97%
Campus Faculty of Business
and Finance (FBF) degree
within six months of
programmes include the graduation for the
Association of Chartered
Certified Accountants (ACCA), past consecutive
Chartered Institute of
Management Accountants
(CIMA), Institute of Chartered
Secretaries and Administrators
(ICSA), Chartered Tax Institute of internship placements for UTAR
Malaysia (CTIM), Malaysian students as well as jointly
Institute of Certified Public organise talks, workshops and
Accountants (MICPA), CPA conferences with UTAR.
Australia and the Institute of In line with its vision to be a
Chartered Accountants in global university of educational
England and Wales (ICAEW). excellence with transformative
The UTAR FBF has secured societal impact, UTARs
the maximum conditional incorporation of the
exemption by the ACCA for nine requirements of professional
papers in the Fundamental Level bodies in its programme
of ACCA examinations for its curricula ensures that its
Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) students get the relevant
Accounting. qualifications and recognition
As the three-year accounting required, says the FBF head of
programme offered at the Department of Commerce and
Kampar Campus is aligned with Accountancy Theresa Wong Lai
the requirements of the ACCA Har.
qualification, students studying UTAR alumni and Jardine
the programme will be granted Matheson Group group audit and
conditional exemption by ACCA risk management consultant
for nine papers in the Selene Tee Hui Ying says, I am
Fundamental Level of ACCA glad that I made the right
examinations. decision to complete my
This enables students to accounting degree in UTAR as it
pursue the ACCA qualification in has equipped me well to rise up
their third year concurrently the corporate ladder. Apart from
with their degree. that, UTAR has also given me
In addition to the ACCA the chance to earn ACCA
exemptions, graduates of the qualifications, enhancing my
Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) technical knowledge, especially
Accounting also enjoy in financial accounting, auditing
exemptions from CIMA for and taxation.
10 of 17 papers, including the UTAR has a high graduate
Certificate in Business employability of more than 97%
Accounting. within six months of graduation
Students are also exempted for the past consecutive years.
from five of eight papers of CTIM The Open Day will be held on
professional examinations and March 25 and 26, April 8
six of 15 papers of ICAEW and 9 as well as May 6 and 7
Chartered Accountant (Saturdays and Sundays) from
qualification examinations. 9am to 5pm at the UTAR Kampar
In the case of CPA Australia, Campus in Perak and UTAR
the graduates are eligible for Sungai Long Campus in Bandar
exemptions from all the eight Sungai Long.
papers of foundation level and UTAR is also having its
only need to complete the six extended counselling hours at
papers at the professional level. both campuses daily from 9am
However, the MICPA requires to 5pm (except for public
graduates to complete the holidays).
Advanced Stage of five papers to
obtain the MICPA professional n For more information,
qualifications. visit, call
Under a Memorandum of 05-468 8888 (Kampar Campus)
Understanding with CIMA, the or 03-9086 0288 (Sungai Long
institute will facilitate job and Campus).
6 Work & Study THE STAR, TUESDAY 25 APRIL 2017

Engineers for sustainability

WITH in-depth knowledge in energy use and
sustainability, Monash University Malaysias
Master of Advanced Engineering (Energy
and Sustainability) graduates are great assets
to the private and public sectors.
The Master of Advanced Engineering
trains them to have energy-saving ideas and speak with authority on subject matters taught how to commercialise an idea or
sustainability in mind when designing a
product, working on a project or installing
The Master of related to energy use and sustainability.
This is especially important for
Dr Seo says with strong technical
equipment, says Datuk Dr Andy K. H. Seo, Advanced Engineering those who work in local councils and knowledge, graduates can help their
vice president of Federation of Malaysian
Manufacturers. trains them to have environmental impact assessment studies,
as they are the ones who will influence the
respective companies market products by
highlighting their energy-saving benefits and
Dr Seo is the chairman, senior advisor and
director of various organisations. He has
energy saving and Government and bring changes to
sustainable development, says Dr Seo.
attributes to end users.
For example, salesmen who have never
held senior management positions in sustainability in mind Individuals working in NGOs can undergone the course will not be able to
multinational companies within the
metalworking machine tools, electrical when designing a product, highlight environmental issues as well as
their socio-economic and political economic
understand the features of LED lighting.
They do not know how much energy,
engineering, and lifts and escalators
industries. He specialises in profit
working on a project or impact to the general public.
Graduates can also work for
money and carbon credit can be saved but
with the knowledge gained from this course,
improvements and turnaround installing equipment. organisations such as Sime Darby Group, engineers can convincingly explain all that
management. Sirim Bhd, Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad, and more, he says.
As a member of the Industry Advisory Dr Andy K. H. Seo Malaysian Palm Oil Board, IJM Corporation
Panel for the course, Dr Seo says knowledge Berhad, Malaysia Green Building n For more information
gained from the masters programme will Confederation, General Electric, UMW on the Master of
allow graduates to climb the career ladder The course, which commenced this year, Holdings Berhad, Petroliam Nasional Advanced Engineering
with wider job prospects. incorporates aspects of energy use, Berhad (Petronas) and Oleon. at Monash University
It will allow them to work in industries conservation, sustainability, management, Dr Seo explains that graduates will make Malaysia, visit
such as manufacturing, food, energy, and processing in areas such as water and good energy managers as they can be
biotechnology and biofuel, designing of lighting. This is in line with the global consulted on energy-saving strategies that
energy-efficient buildings, non-governmental sustainable development goals of the United will help companies and organisations to
organisations (NGOs), as well as government Nations. not only save costs but also be more
agencies, he shares. This course will enable its graduates to environmentally friendly.
Qualified energy engineers are hired by
companies to recommend ways to save on
processes such as buying the right energy-
efficient equipment, better air conditioning
for a building or reducing the amount of
lighting used.
They are also the ones who will convince
the bosses and engineers to design Dr Seo says
environmentally friendly equipment, the Master
products and services, he says. of Advanced
For example, they can advise against the Engineering
use of hydraulic lift, which may require the (Energy and
disposal of used hydraulic oil, which can
cause water and ground pollution,
subsequently affecting water supply.
The masters programme accepts students engineers
with a bachelors degree in any engineering to incorporate
discipline as it incorporates elements of energy-saving
electrical, chemical and mechanical ideas and
engineering. sustainability
The course also features unique subjects to their
such as Intelligent Lighting and Engineering work.
Entrepreneurship, where students are

Taking the right steps

> FROM PAGE 4 l Do your research and find
opportunities for professional development
Another example is the Human Resources courses that are available and accessible to
Development Fund (HRDF), an agency you. Take note of the prerequisites and look
under the Ministry of Human Resources at how you can schedule in classes, taking
Malaysia that offers skill training and into consideration your working hours.
professional certification under the Make strategic plans to ensure that your
1Malaysia Globally Recognised Industry and chosen course does not stifle your work,
Professional Certification (1MalaysiaGRIP). family and personal life.
Professional development courses play a
key role in developing companies to work l Once you have chosen a course
together as a team and complete tasks appropriate for you, act on it. Do not
creatively. procrastinate and be disciplined in going for
For example, Genovasi offers Design classes and completing assignments. Make
Thinking courses that are taught sure you achieve the course objectives and
to individuals and teams up with the credits to complete the course
companies to help boost ingenuity and successfully.
Professional development is also l Once you have completed your course,
important for those who intend to start reflect on your experience and how you can
their own business. One skill that is apply the knowledge and skill to your work.
currently sought after is programming, Most technical skills can be applied directly
seen with the growing number of tech to work processes but soft skills require you
start-ups. to modify your knowledge to fit the job and
Many programming schools have now industry you are in.
popped up in the country, offering
participants basic programming knowledge l To identify if your new skill set or
within a span of three months. knowledge has impacted your work, talk to
Before enrolling in a professional your boss or your colleagues on your career
development course, it is important to progress. Have you improved in terms of
identify your goals and know how the productivity, efficiency and creativity in
course will help you progress to reach these solving problems? How can you improve
goals. Here are some important aspects to further? Perhaps a follow-up or another
consider before enrolling in a professional different course would be the next step.
development course.
l Keeping all that knowledge in without
l Take note of where you are in your using it is pointless when you work in a
career and what you would like to improve team. Share your skills and knowledge with
on. It is important to identify your strengths your colleagues, especially if it has worked
and your weaknesses and assess how you for you. It would also be helpful to direct
can work on your weaknesses through them to the same professional development
professional development courses. course that you attended, if necessary.
THE STAR, TUESDAY 25 APRIL 2017 Work & Study 7

Effective decision-making
NO matter how small it may be,
any decision made for a
business is important. Effective
business decision-making is one
of the greatest skills business
leaders can have.
This is because they have to
constantly make dozens of
decisions that play a significant
To overcome
role in the success of their systematic
judgmental biases,
They have to take into
consideration the impact they
have on their employees, you need to
customers and the marketplace.
At the recent Sunway
understand how
University Master of Business they affect you.
Administration (MBA)
Masterclass, dean of Sunway Prof Steve Williams
University Business School Prof
Steve Williams pointed out that
all decision-makers experience The MBA dual-award
systematic biases that affect the programme is validated by the
decisions they make. University of Lancaster and is
He discussed the process that one of Sunway Universitys
takes place when making the premier programmes, tailored
right decision with the topic for aspiring managers with the
Judgmental Biases Influencing ambition of becoming strategic
Decisions. leaders within increasingly
According to Prof Williams, complex organisational and
most of our judgments are a business environments.
result of decisional shortcuts we Upon completion, graduates Prof Steve Williams delivering his lecture on the decision-making process.
use to generate solutions, which will receive two certificates one
are good enough most of the from Sunway University and one
time. However, as human from the University of Lancaster.
beings, we are limited in our Sunway University is a
decision-making capabilities. renowned business education
He demonstrated some of the provider within Malaysia while
systematic judgmental biases the University of Lancaster is
that humans experience when ranked in the top 1% of
making a decision, using the universities globally.
Sports Illustrated cover jinx as The University of Lancaster
an example. has been delivering MBA
In the class, Prof Williams programmes that are triple
also explained how decisional accredited and globally
shortcuts can lead decision- recognised by The Association to
makers astray, stressing the Advance Collegiate Schools of
importance of being aware of Business (AACSB), European
how inbred biases have a Quality Improvement System
predictable and often negative (EQUIS) and the Association of
impact on the decisions made. MBAs (AMBA).
To overcome systematic Those looking to springboard
judgmental biases, you need to their career from a managerial
understand how they affect level to an executive level or
you, said Prof Williams. At the enhance their business acumen
end of the class, Prof Williams can join the preview session on
also shared some of the methods May 18 at 6.30pm or May 20 at
to make better decisions. 12.30pm.
Prof Williams is the author of The preview session will be
the textbook Making Better held at the Graduate Centre,
Business Decisions: Sunway University.
Understanding and Improving
Critical Thinking and Problem n For more information or
Solving Skills. to reserve a place at the
He has also written several preview, call 03-7491 8701
dozen articles in prominent or visit
journals. His research interests
include managerial risk
behaviour, the effects of moods
on decision-making, creative
problem solving and
generational influences in
education and the workplace.
Nicholas Chan, one of the
attendees of the Masterclass,
commented that it was well
presented, saying, The way the
lecturer presented todays topic
captured my attention.
It gave me a broader view
and better understanding of the
decision-making process, says
Chan, an educator from Sri
Emas International School.

Prof Williams says

that most of our
judgments are a
result of decisional
shortcuts to
generate solutions.
8 Work & Study THE STAR, TUESDAY 25 APRIL 2017

Manage your work, study and life

WHETHER students are looking to unique, flexible approach to networking events, social groups circumstances change.
advance their careers, pursue a
new career path or gain knowledge
learning means students do not
have to put their lives on hold to
AeU strives or study sessions.
Through this unique flexible
AeU strives to create an
environment where its students
in a different industry, studying get a qualification. to create an learning option, high-quality thrive, working around schedules

environment where
for a relevant qualification is AeU students access coursework, e-learning materials and tailored to help students succeed
one of the best ways to improve attend live classes and connect support, students can balance academically. It is one of the
prospects, giving them work
with classmates and academicians
through a personalised online
its students thrive, work, family and study
commitments without putting
reasons many people choose to
study at AeU.
However, the idea of going back learning platform known as working around their lives on hold.
to university may seem tedious, myPLS.
schedules to help Global network of alumni
difficult or even like a step in the The advanced personalised
Personalised learning
wrong direction.
With the right learning
learning features a combination of
self-paced lectures, specially students succeed AeU appreciates that its students
AeU is proud of its community of
more than 11,000 graduates who
mode, studying while working
may be easier than some may
designed video content, interactive
case studies and collaborative
academically. are busy working professionals
who have to balance study, career
span more than 80 countries and
are making a positive impact as
think. In fact, many students projects. and family life. Some study at leaders and innovators within
graduate with flying colours Through the use of innovative home while others study before or their communities and professions
while holding down a demanding tehnologies and in-person after work. Some even study while around the world.
full-time job. immersion experiences, to easily access every facet of travelling. Below are just some of AeUs
At Asia e University (AeU), students learn alongside other their courses no matter what If students relocate in pursuit of many global alumni who are living
students can choose a learning global professionals around the device they are using. their career, they simply continue proof that AeU studies are flexible,
mode that fits their lifestyle, world. From the myPLS platform, their study programme as usual. enabling students to balance work,
whether it is attending classes in By combining the connectivity students can also schedule Students can take as long or short a family and studies.
either a part- or full-time mode or and familiarity of a social one-on-one sessions with time they need to complete their
an entirely online format. networking platform with professors or lecturers hosted study programme. n For more information,
The same rigorous curriculum is world-class content delivery in the live classroom or create They can even take a break call 1300 300 238 or visit
applied across all modes. AeUs tools, myPLS allows students their own live classroom to host should their personal or career

Dr Ashraf Abdul Raheem Dr Durairaj Veeraiyah Dr Nguyen Manh Hoai Dr Thottathil Chacko Varughese Dr Fatima Rehan Dar
Chairman of Capital Market Director of BASF South East Director of IC Access To Your Director of management Associate professor at the
Development Authority, Asia Pte Ltd, Future Ltd Company, studies, Mount Zion Group of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
Maldives Singapore Vietnam Institutions, India Institute of Science and
PhD graduate of 2015 PhD graduate of 2016 PhD graduate of 2016 PhD graduate of 2015 Technology, Pakistan
PhD graduate of 2015

Dr Rangamani Venkataraman Dr Mohammad Faisal Salem Dr Tan Teik Kheong Dr Nixon Alberth Simamora Mafio Matthew Mlambo
Director of Xavier Institute of Mohammad Chief executive officer of Director of Minister at the
Management and Chief of training and Oceana Ventures, PT iForce Consulting, Embassy of Zimbabwe,
Entreprenuership, India development, Middle Area Malaysia Indonesia Malaysia
PhD graduate of 2015 Municipality, Bahrain Industrial Doctorate DBA graduate of 2015 MBA graduate of 2015
PhD graduate of 2015 graduate of 2016

Htay Yee Yee Aung Tuan Mohamed Anif Sallay Captain Rajeev Agrawal Muhammad Adnan Ali Thusitha Karunadasa
Managing director of Chief executive officer Former master mariner of Technical manager of Director of operations of
Aung PMBA Garami of Associated Motor Finance Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd, Redknee Solutions Inc, Arpico Development (Pvt) Ltd,
International Trading Co Ltd, Company PLC, Japan Canada Sri Lanka
Myanmar Sri Lanka MBA graduate of 2016 MBA graduate of 2015 MBA graduate of 2016
MBA graduate of 2016 MBA graduate of 2014

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