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EXPL 390 Critical Learning Journal Template*

Name: Gabrielle Robinson Date Submitted: April

18th, 2017
What was the focus of your internship over the last few weeks?
Over the past few weeks, we have been working on transitioning to next year and reflecting on
the past year.

What was the focus of supervision, and what was your role in it?
The focus of my supervision has been to prepare myself for the future. At Halas, we have been
working on getting schedules set for next year and hiring new employees to fill open gaps. We
have also begun one on one meetings with my supervisor to discuss my role and how I have
grown and if I can improve in certain areas.

How did recent activities relate to your learning plan?

One of the key components of my learning plan was to develop teamwork skills and I think over
the course of this past semester that has happened. I have successfully worked in small groups
of three every shift to manage and fulfill all tasks assigned.

What insights have you recently discovered about yourself?

I have learned that I can be a strong leader within a group, I just have to put myself out there
and be willing to make mistakes. Even leaders mess up sometimes, but I am learning that is how
we learn.

What was the most critical moment of learning during the last few weeks?
Over the past few weeks, I have come to the realization that this semester is coming to an end,
and so is my job at Halas. It seems strange to have to say goodbye. In some ways, it feels like I
just began work there, but I know it has prepared me better both personally and professionally!

How does it affect you/your internship?

Coming to the realization that the semester is ending makes going to work a little bitter sweet. I
know I will not work with many of my coworkers again because they are graduation. This will
create a different dynamic next year when their positions are filled.

How might it affect your work in the future?

Because I recognize the changes in leadership, I am thinking about how in the future, I may want
to move up to a leadership role such as manager. I have learned a lot from those graduating and
I feel that I could apply those skills to be a good leader.

What connections are you making to course readings or discussions?

Chapter 14 of the reader is all about ending your internship and getting closure. I think as I finish
out this semester, I will really try to solidify the connections I have made to I can easily pick up
where I left off when I come back in the Fall 2017.

What questions do you have?

Where did time go?!

What will be the focus of your internship for the next few weeks?
Leaving on a positive note and solidifying connections!

*Adapted from Critical Learning Log (King, 2012)

*Adapted from Critical Learning Log (King, 2012)

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