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Patient autonomy should stop when the patient is no longer in the right state of mind to make
healthy decisions. This could be towards end of life or the beginning. However I believe that the
next person in line to make decisions for this patient also needs to be in the correct state of
mind. Looking out for the best interest of the patient and not just their self interest or religion.

2. Medical research should be taught and informed world wide. If participants are interested in
involving themselves in medical research they should be taught and interpreted what they are
going to be getting into. Medical research should also be something that is not just given to
those who are less fortunate and would need the money, it should not be for the sole purpose of
money, although that may be a plus. There should be a higher reasons to it.

3. Genetic testing for the future should have restrictions and also be some type of build a child
workshop. Genetic testing should be used if the parents decided that they want to know whether
or not their child will be born with a condition. However I think it should be for the sole purpose
of knowing and not so that parents can pick and choose what kid to keep and which to not
based off their condition. I also think genetic testing should not be used for physical

4. Egg and sperm donation should be regulated and not judged and critiqued as much as it is.
This process is giving many people the opportunity to have children and explore options. It is
giving them a second chance at having their own family. The finance part of it is also helping
people such as college students stay afloat. However I think it is not fair that certain people are
chosen based off their education and color of their eyes etc, it should be a blind choice or at
least not judged as hard.

5. Abortion should be legal. However although I agree that abortion should be legal, I think late
term abortions should continue to be illegal. If a person waits long enough and that baby has
developed further on it is cruel and unusual punishment to end that child's life, the parent should
be then lead into other options like adoption. If people believe that abortion is killing a childs life
then so is birth control because it stops the whole process, just like abortion.

6. Treating or terminating impaired infants should be decided by the parent. In most situations
the parent has the best interest for their kid and if they know their kid is bound to die weeks after
birth for example, then they are better off making the decision on that childs life. However there
has to be some type of regulation that determines end of life for terminally ill infants. I dont think
a parent should be able to just terminate their childs life if it has the possibility to live beyond

7. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide should be legal! It is inhumane to make a person

who is terminally ill suffer through the end of their life. Especially for those who have no cure
and pain becomes uncontrollable. Patients should be able to die with dignity and not pass away
not being able to make their own final decisions. Once more conditions and diseases become
treatable then we can move towards it being illegal.

8. Payment to organ donors or their families should be legal. Once payment to organ donors
and families become legal then the black market of organs will die down. That will prevent many
diseases and unwanted infections. It will also make more organs widely available because
many people will be more inclined to donate if they are getting money in return. Although that
should not be the only reason they are doing it, money does make the world go round as much
as we hate to admit it.

9. Allocation of health care should not be considered based on a person's age/quality of life/
ability to pay it is not fair not matter the situation to judge someone based off their age or quality
of life and especially not of their money. It makes it harder and harder for people to get
approved by insurance companies with such judgmental companies. Not everyone stays young
forever, not everyone is healthy forever. Especially with todays economy making the most
money also isn't the easiest but we all deserve a fair chance.

10. Medical research for women should be more funded worldwide. Everyday we learn
something new about the human body and especially about women. Conditions that only occur
in women such as breast cancer should be researched more, this will make it so that women
are more and more empowered. Especially women in 3rd world countries because they do not
have access to healthcare as widely as others.

11. Health care for minorities should be payed for upon a certain extent. They should not be
denied care because of their citizenship and they should be treated fairly when it comes to
medical attention. Minorities in general are already denied acceptance into society, they should
not be denied health care as well. They are often the ones who end up suffering more.

12. Those with AIDS/HIV should treated the same as those who do not have AIDS/HIV. They
should not be judged based on their medical condition nor should they be denied medical
attention. They should be given all the same opportunities such as job opportunities, school etc.
They should also be aware of how to go about their condition and how to keep themselves and
others safe.

13. My opinion has slightly changed on some of these issues because I was able to read more
about the topic at hand with evidence, stories and movies about each topic. Although my topic
did not drastically changed it changed enough that I gave each side a fair chance to understand.
I feel like my opinion on each topic is more in the middle instead of swayed heavily towards one
side or the other.

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