Intro ERP Using GBI Case Study HCM II en v3.0

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Case Study

Payroll (HCM II) Case Study

This case study explains a payroll process to show the connection
between hiring an employee and create a payroll.


SAP ERP 6.08 This case study represents an Before you use this case study, you
Global Bike introduction to human resource should be familiar with navigation in
related organizational the SAP system
Level management and personnel
administration in a human resource In order to successfully work through
management system on the basis this case study, there are no special
of the HCM (Human Capital requirements. However, it is
Focus Management) module of an SAP recommended to have completed the
HCM Payroll ERP G.B.I. 6.0 system. HCM case study and the related
Authors In the HCM curriculum processes
Tim Bttcher for recruitment and further NOTES
Chris Bernhardt education of employees were
This case study uses the Global Bike
explained in detail. Furthermore
(GBI) data set, which has been
important infotypes for hiring an
Version created exclusively for SAP UA
employee are shown.
3.0 global curricula
In this case study you will learn
Last Update about new infotypes in order to
July 2016 create a payroll.

Case Study

Process Overview

Learning Objective Understand and perform a Human Resource process. Time 45 min
Scenario In order to create a payroll for an employee, you will adept into the
role of the recruiting manager and the payment officer. You will be active in
the field Human Capital Management (HCM) and Financials (FI).
Employees involved Marco Romero (Recruiting Officer)
August Faust (Payment Officer)

Before starting the payroll process a new position (Marketing Manager) has to be created. After
that a new employee can be hired, who will take the position of the marketing manager. It is
shown which infotypes have influence in the following payroll.
This includes:
infotypes for working hours
create the base income
create bank details
infotypes for capital formation
details for taxes and social insurance
details for workers compensation association
The following chart presents the complete process (4Tasks).

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Case Study

Table of Contents
Process Overview ....................................................................................................................... 2
Step 1: Create Position ............................................................................................................... 4
Step 2: Create Bank.................................................................................................................... 6
Step 3: Hiring Employee ........................................................................................................... 8
Step 4: Simulation Payroll ....................................................................................................... 18

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Case Study

Step 1: Create Position

Task Create a new position within the organizational structure. Time 10 min
Short Description Use the SAP Easy Access Menu to create a position for
the marketing department.
Name (Position) Marco Romero (Recruiting Officer)

Positions are occupied by employees. If a position is not occupied, it is
vacant. Positions are assigned to organizational units. Example: position
administrator of accounts payable accounting.

To create a position, follow the menu path: Menu path

Human Resources Organizational Management Organizational

Plan Organization and Staffing Change

Change the previewed periods to be able to create positions which are valid
for the past. Therefore, please click and enter 1st of the current month as 1st current month
One year
start date. Also enter one year in the future as Preview period. Click on

The positions should be created in the department ### Marketing, ### being
### Marketing
replaced by your group/computer number. Therefore, please go to the
window Find by on the left side of the screen. There, click on
Organizational unit and search term, enter the search term ### Marketing
in the name entry field and press . The search result should be
displayed in the Hit list window on the left side of the screen.

Please choose your organizational unit via double-clicking so that it appears

on the right side of the screen. Highlight your organizational unit and click
on in the context menu. In the upcoming screen Choose Relationship,
please choose Incorporates

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Case Study

A new position was created underneath your ### Marketing department. On ### MM
### Marketing Manager
the bottom of the screen, the details for the new position are displayed. Head of unit
There, please enter the abbreviation ### MM for the position and ###
Marketing Manager as the name. Please activate the check box Head of
own organizational unit.

Enter 1st of the current month as Valid from. If this field should be grayed 1st of current month

out, please click on Display periods. The functionality should be

available then.

Press enter to update the entered information. The organizational structure

should now look as follows.

Please save your data with .

Click in order to return to the SAP Easy Access Menu.

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Case Study

Step 2: Create Bank

Task Create a new bank. Time 5 min

Short Description Use the SAP Easy Access Menu to create a bank, which
is used as house bank for the new employee later.
Name (Position) August Faust (Payment Officer)

To create a bank, follow the menu path:: Menu path

Accounting Financial Accounting Banks Master Data Bank

Master Record Create

Choose DE for Germany as Bank Country. As Bank Key enter 12030### DE

(Replace ### by your group/computer number). This Key represents the
Bank identifier code of the new bank. Confirm your entries by pressing

You can now enter detailed Data for the new bank by filling all needed

Hint: The Bank identifier Code for this case study is based on the code for
the Deutsche Kreditbank AG. If you want to choose realistic values you
can enter the following data:
Deutsche Kreditbank AG
The Bank name is Deutsche Kreditbank AG. As Region enter 11 and 11
Taubenstrae 7-9
Taubenstrae 7-9 in Berlin as address. As SWIFT/BIC enter Berlin
BYLADEM1001 and as Bank number reenter the Bank Key. BYLADEM1001

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Please save your data with .

Click in order to return to the SAP Easy Access Menu.

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Step 3: Hiring Employee

Task Hire a new employee. Time 20 min

Short Description Use the SAP Easy Access Menu to hire a new employee as
the ### Markteing Manager.
Name (Position) Marco Romero (Recruiting Officer)

Hint: The process for hiring an employee is shortened in this case study because
of the focus being on the used infotypes for the payroll process. If you are not
familiar with the hiring process it is recommended that you take a look on the
Human Capital Management I case study.

To hire an employee follow the menu path: Menu path

Human Resources Personnel Management Administration HR

Master Data Personnel Actions

Choose the Personnel Action Hiring and click on (F8).

The action shall start at the 1st of the current month. In the section 1st current month
Organizational assignment use the F4-help to find for the position your ###
Marketing Manager. ### Marketing

As Personnel area enter Hamburg (HH00) and the Employee group is active HH00
(1). Because the new employee is head of his department he will join the DS
Employee subgroup executive employee (DS).
A personnel Number is automatically assigned by the system.

To get to the next info type save your entries by clicking on .

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Case Study

You can freely choose the First name, gender and the accurate Title of your new Title
employee. To successfully finish this case study it is necessary to choose a Last Last name with
name starting with M. As Birthdate enter 03/26/1983 and choose the M
Nationality German German

To get to the next info type save your entries by clicking on .

In the info type Create Organizational Assignment choose the Subarea Sales
(SD00) with the F4-help. As Contract choose Worker, others. Worker, other

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To get to the next info type save your entries by clicking on .Accept the
Message Delimit Vacancy with yes.

The new employee lives in 24103 Kiel. You can freely choose the Street and 24103
House number.

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Case Study

To get to the next info type save your entries by clicking on .

In the following info type the working time can be determined. The employee
has a full-time job so nothing needs to be changed here.

To get to the next info type save your entries by clicking on .

In the following info type the Basic pay for our employee is set. In the section
Pay scale, choose Festgehlter (90) (fixed salary) as Type, Hamburg (07) as 07
Area and the Group 001 with Level 01. After accepting your entries with enter 001 01
you can see an amount for the payment of 3,500 Euro.

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To get to the next info type save your entries by clicking on .

In the following info type the bank account for payment is created. Choose as 12030###
Eight digit number
Bank Key 12030### () and enter an eight digit number as Bank Account.
Choose Salary as purpose. Salary

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Case Study

To get to the next info type save your entries by clicking on .

Besides the normal salary it is also possible to pay an employee benefits for
capital accumulation. It can be determined the amount which is paid by the
employee and the amount paid by the employer.

Enter 26 EUR as Amount. With the F4-help choose Building Soc. Saving as 26 EUR
Building Soc.
Asset Type. Saving

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Confirm your entries with enter.

Choose with the F4-help the Badenia Bausparkasse GmbH as Payee. Confirm Badenia
with enter to fill in the other entries automatically. As you can see has the
purpose been created out of your personnel number and the Last name of the

To get to the next info type save your entries by clicking on .

In the following info type the relevant fiscal data is maintained. Enter 12345678995
12345678995 as Ident. No. As Municipal- enter 01002000 and for Tax Office 2119
2119. The Tax class of your employee is 1 and he doesnt have to pay Church 1
Tax (00). In the section Further Data choose Schleswig Holstein as Church Tax
Area. Schleswig-Holstein

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Case Study

To get to the next info type save your entries by clicking on .

The Health Ins. Fund of your Employee ist Mr. Barmer Ersatzkasse. There is Barmer
No requirement to submit the SI Statement. The Pens.Ins.Number depends on
whether your employee is female or male.
If your Employee is a woman enter 26260383M506 otherwise enter 26260383M506
26260383M005. 26260383M005

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Hint: The Pension Insurance Number has the following format:

26 260383 M 50/00 6/5

Area Number Date of Birth First letter of Serial number Check digit
(here german the last name
00-49 male
50-99 female

To get to the next info type save your entries by clicking on .

In the info type Create DEUEV choose with the F4-help the Current Position 92194/005
Fhrungskrfte Werbung & Marketing / Marketing Leiter/in (92194/005). Abitur-/Fachabitur
Your new employee finished school with an Abitur (4). As Vocational Train
Master Craftsman
choose Master Craftsman/Technician (3). As ContractForm enter Full-Time Full-Time
Permanent (1).

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To get to the next info type save your entries by clicking on .

In the following info type can stay unchanged. Proceed to the next info type by
clicking on

The info type Create Monitoring of Tasks can also stay unchanged. The Expiry
of probation time is already filled. Proceed by clicking on .

The info type Create Absence Quotas can also stay unchanged. Proceed by
clicking on .

Choose as Workers Compensation Association the MIS administration (31) via 31

F4-help. Enter as Hazard Pay Area (HP) Office personnel (01).

Click on to finish the personnel action.

Click in order to return to the SAP Easy Access Menu.

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Case Study

Step 4: Simulation Payroll

Task Simulate a payroll. Time 10 min

Short Description Use the SAP Easy Access Menu to simulate a payroll for
your recently hired Marketing Manager.
Name (Position) August Faust (Payment Officer)

In this case study, you only simulate a payroll to ensure the consistency of the
system state. You will get the complete remuneration statement for your

To simulate the payroll, follow the menu path: Menu path

Human Resources Payroll Europe Germany Payroll


In the section Payroll period, choose with the F4-help menu the Payroll area D2
Other period
D2. Change the current choice to Other period and choose the following Following month
month as period for the payroll.

In the section Selection enter the Personnel Number of your Marketing Personnel number
Manager and choose D2 as Payroll area again.

Hint: If you have forgotten the personnel number of your employee, you can
find it via the F4-help. Search for Last and First name and choose the result
with a double-click.

As Layout for Remun.Statement choose via the F4-help SAP & CALC. SAP & CALC

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Start the Simulation with a click on or press F8.

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Hint: As you can see is the Total Gross Amount the same amount as your
salary plus the payment for capital formation. Furthermore you see a list of the
usual deductions according to German law for calculating the Statutory Net
Pay. These are deductions like income taxes as well as payments for social

Click in order to return to the SAP Easy Access Menu.

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