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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography based on the research question,

How does domestic violence affect women?

Bhuiya, A., Sharmin, T., & Hanifi, S. (2003). Nature of Domestic Violence against

Women in a Rural Area of Bangladesh: Implication for Preventive Interventions.

Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, Vol. 21(1), 48-54. http://0-

Bhuiya, Sharmin and Hanifi presented the information about frequency of

physical violence and verbal abuse. In this time domestic violence has been very

common in all culture, physical violence against women in Bangladesh varies

with 30% and 50%. Also women were verbally abused it can be by their husband

66.8% and by other family members 23.7%, verbal abuse was a daily matter and

for many just occasionally also verbal abuse was frequent during

pregnancy.47.9% of the women were physical hitting by husbands were injured

for almost 78.3% of the cases and in this cases was necessary a healthcare


Ellsberg, M., Heise, L., Pena, R., Agurto, S., & Winkvist, A. (2001). Researching

Domestic Violence against Women: Methodological and Ethical Considerations.

Studies in Family Planning, Vol. 32(1), 1-16. http://0-

Ellsberg, Heise, Pena, Agurto and Winkvist they specific describe violence against

women in Nicaragua especially (Leon and Managua) this article is focused

Annotated Bibliography

specifically on womens experiences of violence. In this two places the studies

were higher in Leon was 52% and in Managua the study was 69%. Violence

against women is increasingly, the most common forms of violence against

women is sexual and physical abuse. Because of this kind of abuse physical and

mental health problems occurs also depression. Women who suffer either sexual

and physical assault suffer a lot of disorders can be sexual and reproductive health

disorders even chronic pelvic pain, unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted

infections and also by suffering of physical and sexual violence can impact in

women fertility. Specific ages are (15-49 or older than 18 years) in these studies.

They used different methods to ask if they are been abused for the survey but in a

way they not feel uncomfortable.

Garcia-Moreno, C., Heise, L., Henrica A. F. M. Jansen, Ellsberg, M., & Watts, C. (2005).

Violence against Women. Science, Vol. 310(5752), 1282-1283. http://0-

Garcia, Heise, Jansen, Ellsberg, Watts main focus in the inequality between man

and woman trying to implement equality, public health and human rights. Even

though violence against women is consider a minor social problem when actually

the problem is increasingly and a women suffer any kind of abuse during

childhood, adolescence or adulthood in their lives. And also has an economic

impact for al the medical and mental health assistance for the womens who

needed and is exceeding. The results for violence against women are horrifying,

ill health, premature death, high blood pressure, obesity, smoking and the worst

one is that homicides are increased in many countries. Changing the norms,
Annotated Bibliography

supporting women, creating programs and making conscience in people that

violence can be prevented. Also providing information of reported violence

against women in different countries and also percentages.

Gracia, E. (2004). Unreported Cases of Domestic Violence against Women: Towards an

Epidemiology of Social Silence, Tolerance, and Inhibition. Journal of

Epidemiology and Community Health (1979-),Vol. 58(7), 536-537.

Gracia talks about the iceberg ( a metaphor) of domestic violence, 25% of

women experience violence in western countries and a big problem is that most of

the cases of domestic violence are unreported. Domestic violence against women

is a very serious problem especially in related to health. It is hard to investigate

exactly how many women experience domestic violence because most of the

cases are unreported so this means they are not dealing with this how is suppose

to and is very important to understand women and why they are not reporting

when they suffer of any kind of violence and why women do not seek for help.

Hackett, M. (2011). Domestic Violence against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes

across India. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. 42(2), 267-288.

Hackett explains that domestic violence is becoming topic of media in developing

countries. Just focusing in India providing research about domestic violence and

presenting statistical analysis of wife murder and wife abuse. India domestic

violence has been studied extensively also in western nations, there exist and

extend cultural histories of how to influence the norms and practices related to
Annotated Bibliography

domestic violence. A very interesting point is that is not and homogenous society

also the existence of the cultural norms affects discrimination, gender roles, and

of course the attitudes towards domestic violence. An example of domestic

violence is in the village of Karnataka that for women is fine and they accepted

being beaten by their husband, 88% of the woman in that village suffers that.

Kay, T., & Kent, J. (1989). Women Victims Of Domestic Violence. BMJ: British Medical

Journal, Vol. 299, 1339.

Kay and Kent points out that domestic violence start because jealousy making it

the prime motive, the percentages are increasing a lot because of domestic

violence and the worst thing is that homicide too. Another consequences can be

men murdering their waves because a divorce or just jealousy also alcohol affect a

log in this cases making people do things that are wrong. The combination that

makes worst the domestic violence is alcohol, jealousy, and marital problems

adding separation.

Yount, K., & Carrera, J. (2006). Domestic Violence against Married Women in

Cambodia. Social Forces, Vol. 85(1), 355-387. http://0-

Yount and Carrera provide information about domestic violence in Cambodia is

incredible how 2,074 married women in Cambodia experience abuse especially

physical domestic violence also psychological. This article also provides different

opinions related to domestic violence. A very interesting point is that Cambodia

women experience domestic violence since early life making a cycle their father
Annotated Bibliography

beating their mother and now their husband is beating them and the cycle


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