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Mini Lesson Plan #2

Lesson Plan Title: The Age of Explorers

Active Involvement
Section II: Small groups and partners

Name: Claudia Bravo Date: 2/20/17

Grade Level: 5

ELD Objectives: ELA Language Standards for Grade Level

After the mini lesson on explorers, ELL students in grade 5 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.2.B
will be able to understand the concept of exploration and Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete
present orally on at least two explorers. details, quotations, or other information and examples
related to the topic
ELD Language Objective: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.5
ELL students in grade 5 will listen actively to spoken English With guidance and support from peers and adults,
and speak English to orally present information. develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning,
revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
(Editing for conventions should demonstrate command
ELD Content Objective:
of Language standards 1-3 up to and including grade 5
ELL students in grade 5 will write notes using research and
oral explanations.
With some guidance and support from adults, use
Cog. Taxonomy/DOK Levels
technology, including the Internet, to produce and
Level 1: Define, Label, Recognize
publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with
Level 2: collect,
others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding
Level 3: investigate, explain
skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting.
ELA Content Standards for Grade Level
Research to Build and Present Knowledge:
Conduct short research projects that use several sources
to build knowledge through investigation of different
aspects of a topic.
Recall relevant information from experiences or gather
relevant information from print and digital sources;
summarize or paraphrase information in notes and
finished work, and provide a list of sources.
ELD Standards (2014) that apply
1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through
oral collaborative conversations on a range of social and
academic topics.
5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of
social and academic contexts.
12. Selecting and applying varied and precise
vocabulary and language structures to effectively
convey ideas.

Materials Key Academic Vocabulary Research Based Learning

Explorer Strategies (provide text
History books Discovery chapters/reference)
Video: Route Ch. 4 Small groups and partners (50
Chromebooks Trading Strategies)
Notebooks Funding Theory Base of Instruction
Rubrics handouts o Skills grouping
Sharing guide handouts o Partner work
Interview question handouts o Peer tutoring
o Cooperative learning
o Verbal interaction
o Pairing schemes
Contextualize the Lesson Group
Discussion, Hands on Activities (SDAIE)
Student to Student Interaction
Authentic tasks

Pre-Assessment: How will you determine Motivation Strategy: How Real World Connection: How are
prior knowledge? will you catch attention of learning goals relevant to students
students and focus their minds lives?
Students will share what they already know on the learning goals?
about explorers such as Christopher Students will be given the opportunity
Columbus in pairs and revisit vocabulary Teacher will show a video to explore any explorer of their
words to share a few facts about the about different explorers from choosing. This will give ELLs the
discovery of America. Discussions will then all over the world. As you will opportunity to choose an explorer from
follow the activity. learn there are many different their own culture so that they can relate
explorers other than Columbus to their own lives. Students will also
and you will have the chance work in pairs with their peers so that
to explore one of your they can interact and build sense of
choosing. Then teacher will tell community within the classroom.
students that they will have a
chance to be researchers and

All strategies will be research based and from one of Students: Practice and Application
the texts. Please provide reference for each. 1. Students will gather in pairs and share what they
already know about explorers such as Christopher
Teacher: Presentation/ Learning Activities (Strategy Columbus.
Steps) 2. Students will watch a video about the Age of
1. Assign students to sit in pairs and share what they exploration.
already know about explorers such as Christopher 3. Students will listen and ask questions about the video.
Columbus. 4. Students will think-pair-share about the video and an
2. Show video on screen explorer they learned about and might want to research.
3. During and after the video explain to students that 5. Students will be introduced to the research interview
there were many explorers that came from all over the strategy.
world. 6. Students will be able to choose an explorer to research
4. Ask students to think-pair-share about the explorer that and learn about.
most interest them. 7. Students will take notes on their research.
5. The teacher will introduce the activity and ask students 8. Students will take turns interviewing their partners
to choose an explorer to research and be ready to be about their explorer using the interview question handout.
interviewed by their partner about their explorer. 9. Students will take notes during the interview.
6. Research Interview Strategy 10. Students will go back to their table groups to share
Students will choose an explorer, from the Age of about their explorers.
exploration 11. Students will take turns sharing about their partners
Teacher will then give students a set of requirements or explorer using the questions and important points guide
rubric to guide their research given to each group.
Teacher will demonstrate each step as he/she talks 12. Students will listen to the teacher's cue for switching to
about it the next student to begin sharing about their explorer.
Teacher will then give each student a set of interview 13. Teacher will work with some students in the back table.
questions to ask each other during the interview portion of
the activity _____________________________________________________________
After each student researches and takes notes on their _
explorer, they will take turns interviewing each other and Collaborative (engagement with others)
taking notes on their partners explorer. 1. Collaborative Discussions in Class- Students will discuss
7. After pairs of two have interviewed and taken notes on their background knowledge about explorers such as
their partners explorer they will move into their table Christopher Columbus.
groups of 4 or 5 to share.
8. Students will only share about their partners explorer Interpretative (comprehension and analysis of
and ensure that every student has a chance to share by written and spoken texts)
following cues from the teacher of when to switch to the 1. Comprehend Visual and Writing Skills- Students will
next speaker. comprehend how to write notes from spoken texts when
9. Each group table is carefully modeled and key English they interview each other..
vocabulary is taught and practiced. 2. Interpret Different Resources (Visuals)-Students will
10. Students will be reminded on what to do at each of interpret different information they have studied explorers
their group tables through a guide taped to each table, through videos, the web, and through peer interviews.
listing the steps and points they should be sharing.
11. Teacher will be able to work with small groups of
students in the back table with students who have difficulty
working in groups or need more guidance. Productive (creation of oral presentations and
____________________________________________________________ written texts)
Collaborative (engagement with others) 1. Students will orally present their partners explorer to
1. Collaborative Discussions in Class their table groups using their notes and guide.
2. Pair share

Interpretative (comprehension and analysis of

written and spoken texts)
1. Students will comprehend different writing skills when it
comes to writing on their research and interviews
2. Students will interpret different resources (web and
peers) they have studied in class and connect it to their own
language development.

Productive (creation of oral presentations and

written texts)
1. Students will follow verbal explanations and visuals of
directions in order to create oral presentations and written

Review and Assessment: What specific assessment tools Student Reflection: How will you provide for student
are being used? reflection on learning?
Whole-Group Assessment (Informal):
Teacher will observe discussions being held in class that lead Students will have the opportunity to verbally share with their
to language development and which students participate in teacher and classmates about what they have learned during
the teacher-led and student-led discussions about explorers. this activity. For example, what they found interesting about
their explorer and their partners explorer. In addition, any
Individual Assessment (Formal): other comments about their explorer that can extend their
Students will produce well-developed written research on one language and academic development.
explorer and well-developed notes on their partners explorer
by demonstrating their ability to follow verbal explanations.
In addition, students will be provided with a rubric for their
notes and oral presentation.

Teacher Reflection Extension:

What do you anticipate to be a problem for specific Based on data/evidence, what are the next steps
students? for future lessons? Provide evidence for your
ELD Objective
EL students may struggle to listen and comprehend the steps After students verbally share what they have learned
required for the art activity, which contains academic domain throughout this activity, I will reflect on the responses by
specific language. In addition, ELL students might struggle to answering the following questions:
take notes from verbal explanations during interviews.
1. How did this lesson help students extend their
Content Objective learning?
Students may struggle to correctly incorporate usage of their 2. How did this lesson help students develop more of a
assigned vocabulary words and other words they might language development toward their own learning?
encounter during research. 3. What strategy/strategies helped them? Why?
4. What did they learn from this lesson?
What would likely go well? Why? 5. What did they learn from other students
All students will likely benefit from guides and rubrics because presentations?
they can help them guide their research and notes. ELL
students will also benefit from sharing guides during group Modifications will be made if needed (vocabulary, etc.) in
presentations to guide their oral presentations. Lastly, students order to meet the needs of each student.
will enjoy working together and interact successfully with their
peers that lead to less student anxiety.

In what area(s) would you like to develop more

In order to develop more proficiency during this lesson, I would
like to spend more time observing students following the
directions and determine the sections that need to be
remodeled. I would also like to model proficiency in note taking
maybe as a separate lesson or providing a template. Overall,
students would benefit from proficiency in research skills and
looking for information in different sources.

What theory or theorists would most strongly support

use of this strategy?
One theory that would most strongly support this strategy
would be, Meyers, 1993 Partner work which is a strategy of
cooperative learning that is effective with ELL because of the
opportunities for verbal interaction and support it provides
(Diaz-Rico & Weed, 2002). Additionally this lesson plan
supports the conversation theory by Gordon pask which states
that students learn best by teaching back to a peer.

Attach copy of student work

Growth Mindset Reflection- (completed after the


1. What part of your lesson prompted students to

move into a growth mindset?

2. Why do you think this particular activity/or

learning task prompted a GM?

3. Mention students by name and describe

specific demonstrations of growth.

4. How will you let students know they have

developed more GRIT / GM?

5. What changes overall have you seen in your

class that indicate that a Growth Mindset has been
supported and expanded to this point in the

6. What did not work that you will change for next

7. Next steps based on analysis of this lesson:

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