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Tarzan's Dilemma: A Challenging Problem for Introductory Physics Students

Matthew Rave and Marcus Sayers

Citation: The Physics Teacher 51, 456 (2013); doi: 10.1119/1.4824934

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Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers

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Tarzans Dilemma: A Challenging
Problem for Introductory Physics
Matthew Rave and Marcus Sayers, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC

he following kinematics problem was given to several we want to know whether Tarzan falls into the ravine or not.
students as a project in conjunction with a first- Friction and air resistance will be ignored.
semester calculus-based physics course. The students Note that these assumptions were not trivial for the stu-
were asked to keep a journal of all their work and were dents to make. (One student initially suggested that the range
encouraged to keep even their scrap paper. The goal of the should depend upon the width of the ravine.) Until a student
project was to expose the students to the process of doing has gained theoretical experience, much guidance and direc-
theoretical physics, by tackling a project that is easy to pose tion may be required. As for identifying what sort of problem
conceptually yet surprisingly challenging in its solution. this is, our students immediately recognized the importance
Suppose Tarzan is running towards a vine that hangs of the basic kinematic equations. One said, Oh! This is a
vertically from a tree. His goal is to swing across a ravine. At Chapter 4 problem. On further reflection the students also
what point in his swing should Tarzan let go to maximize his saw how conservation of energy would prove useful in ana-
chances of clearing the ravine (see Fig. 1)? lyzing the swing on the vine.
It is useful for students to first consider simpler problems,
and gradually add complexity. First, revisit the range of a pro-
jectile on a flat surface. For such a projectile with initial speed
L v0 and initial angle above the horizontal, most texts derive
L the result
m where R is the horizontal range and we take g = +9.8 m/s2.
h (See, for example, Chapter 4 of Serway.1) Having students
work through the derivation is not just useful practice; the
result [Eq. (1)] will be used as a building block in the final
Fig. 1. Tarzans dilemma. solution to the entire Tarzan problem.
We call this a dilemma because there are two competing Next consider the range of a projectile (again with initial
factors. On the one hand, the sooner Tarzan lets go, the more speed v0 and initial angle ) that is launched from the edge of
velocity he will have. On the other hand, the later he holds on, a cliff of height H above the ground. This is a two-dimension-
the further across the ravine he will have swung and the larger al kinematics problem; application of the expression
initial launch angle he will have after letting go. The question yields
is, what release angle maximizes his horizontal range?
Physical intuition is of limited use unless one can go down (2)
to the local pond and swing on a tire swing. Our students
first guess was simply a release angle of 45o, since that is the which is quadratic in t. Choosing the positive root, we get
optimal angle for launch of a horizontal projectile on a level
surface. But this was only a guess. (3)
A few assumptions are needed in order to proceed. Assume
a massless vine that stays taut at all times; the vine is length L and so the horizontal range of such a projectile is given by
and its bottom is initially at a height h above the ground. As-
sume Tarzan is a point mass m and that he grabs the vine at
its bottom. (This corresponds to the assumption that Tarzans
center of mass is level with the bottom of the vine, regard- 0 (4)
less of where he actually holds the vine.) Assume an initial
speed of v in the horizontal direction. We want to maximize
horizontal distance until impact, as measured from the initial It is useful to show that in the limit H 0, Eq. (4) reduces to
position of the mass on the vine, not from the point of release. Eq. (1).
It follows that the width of the ravine itself is irrelevant, unless This intermediate result [(Eq. (4)] exhibits some interest-

456 The Physics Teacher Vol. 51, November 2013 DOI: 10.1119/1.4824934
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ing (and surprising) physics, and it is instructive to pause at
this point in the project to let students reflect on what they
have discovered. For example, our students were surprised to (7)
find that the optimal angle for maximum range (found by ,
setting dR/d = 0) decreases with increasing height H. (For
extremely high cliffs, one should throw an object horizontally
for maximum effect.) Here symbolic algebra programs (such where we note that H = h + y0 = h + L L cos . This range as
as Maple or Mathematica) can be of great value to students a function of release angle should be graphed by the student
in visualizing the complexities of Eq. (4) and in investigating as in Fig. 3, with plausible values for v, h, and L. It is then easy
various limits. However, such software is not required; our to estimate at which angle the maximum range will occur.
students were able to obtain interesting graphs using nothing For greater accuracy, of course, one may set dR1/d = 0 and
but Excel. solve for , although in this case numerical help will probably
be required.
A. Tarzans dilemma: solution
We are now in a position to tackle Tarzans dilemma di-
rectly. Since we do not yet know the speed v0 with which 10

Tarzan leaves the vine, we begin by applying the conserva- 9

tion of mechanical energy to the system in the two different
configurations shown in Fig. 2: (1) where the vine is hanging

R1 (m)
straight down (when Tarzan initially grabs the vine), and (2) 7

where the vine is elevated to the angle (when Tarzan lets go 6

of the vine). 5

L cos 3
L (2) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
v0 (degrees)

y0 Fig. 3. Horizontal range from initial vine

contact point as a function of release
(1) v angle. (v = 10 m/s, h = 1 m, L = 3 m.) For
these values, maximum range occurs at
Fig. 2. Using conservation of energy. The q = 39.4o.
initial configuration is (1); the final configu-
ration is (2), when Tarzan releases from the Our students found several of the limiting cases interest-
the vine. ing. When Tarzan was running very fast (taking the limit
Defining the potential energy of the system as zero for con- as v approaches infinity), it was shown that the ideal angle
figuration (1) (so that E1 is purely kinetic), we see that E1 = E2 (to maximize R1) is 45o, the same as for a projectile on level
implies ground. This is because the speed of Tarzan does not change
much fractionally during the swing if v is very large, so that
(5) the swing on the vine plays only a small role in determining
range. When v was small, however, students noticed a strange
Since y0 = L L cos q, we get thing happening: gaps appeared in plots of R1 as a function
of . After much guidance, the students eventually realized
that there is a minimum amount of kinetic energy needed for
Tarzan to reach a certain height, so that the initial velocity
(6) v puts a restriction on which release angles are physically
possible. The gaps in the graph correspond to values of v for
Note that we assume enough initial velocity for Tarzan to be which the argument of the square root becomes negative.
able to reach any angle from 0 to 90o (this assumption will be The minimum speed required to reach a particular angle
addressed shortly). is given by
The horizontal range from Tarzans release point (call this
R2) can be found by substituting Eq. (6) into Eq. (4). The so-
lution to the problemthat is, the range R1 measured from which is easy to show using conservation of energy once
Tarzans position in configuration (1)is then simply L sin again. For the sample value L = 3 m, the minimum speed to
+ R2 . The final result is therefore reach any angle up to 90o is thus 7.67 m/s. When students

The Physics Teacher Vol. 51, November 2013 457

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used values of v lower than this threshold, their plots of R1 experiment3 could produce results, but these results would be
ceased to have physical meaning above a certain critical angle, limited by the length of the vine, the speed of the participant,
given by c = cos1[1 v2 /(2gL)]. (For speeds above vmin there and so on. A theoretical calculation will yield a completely
is no solution to this c equation, so there is no cutoffthat is, general result, for any L, v, and h.
all angles are possible.) Other stated benefits of the activity were that it was great
The effect of changing the vine length L is also interest- practice with math and computer skills; that it was a wake-
ing. For small L, Eq. (7) becomes Eq. (4), indicating that the up call about what physics entails; that it showed how a trial
vine plays no role in determining range (exactly as one would and error approach can be useful in science; and that upon
expect). For large L there is again a cutoff angle, above which completion it offered a great sense of personal accomplish-
there are no solutions since one of the radicals again acquires ment. One student said that it was confusing and frustrating
a negative argument. In such a case the speed of Tarzan is not at times but that ultimately it added greatly to understanding
enough to reach such an angle, for his initial kinetic energy theoretical methods.
limits the gravitational potential energy he can have upon re- We close with a quote from Lewis:4 [We] must not re-
lease. gard the acquisition of facts as the prime goal of teaching.
Finally, it is interesting to note that the optimum release Concepts, being intellectual patterns based on facts, may last
angle decreases with increasing height h, so that as h approach- longer. It is our hope that students who apply sustained effort
es infinity, the release angle approaches zero. This mirrors the to understanding a theoretical problem (such as Tarzans di-
limits of Eq. (4) nicely. One student put it this way: The taller lemma) will come closer to thinking as a physicist would.
you are, the earlier you should release.
For interested students, much more work on this problem References
can be done. Recent work2 suggests at least three more areas 1. R. Serway and J. Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 8th
for further investigation. ed. (Brooks/Cole, 2010).
2. H. Shima, How far can Tarzan jump? arXiv:1208.4355v1
B. Lessons learned (2012).
The students who worked on this activity thought it was 3. K. P. Trout and C. A. Gaston, Active-learning physics ex-
periments using the Tarzan swing, Phys. Teach. 39, 160163
a great introduction to problem solving. One said that [it
(March 2000).
opens] the door to much more complex problems that can
4. Teaching School Physics, edited by J. Lewis (Penguin Books,
be solved in much the same manner. The idea is that com- 1972), p. 74.
plicated problems can be broken into simpler pieces, which
represent easier places to begin. This sort of incremental Matthew Rave is assistant professor of physics, Western Carolina
approach deserves to be discussed more often in introductory University. He earned a PhD in physics at Wake Forest University, 2007.
physics courses.
Students were also appreciative of the power of theoretical
Marcus Sayers teaches seventh-grade science at Macon Middle School,
physics as opposed to experiment. That is, they were struck by Franklin, NC. He is also the wrestling coach. He graduated from Western
how general theoretical results can be. An actual Tarzan-type Carolina University in 2011.


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458 The Physics Teacher Vol. 51, November 2013

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