IT-WI SoW L1-L12 260813

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Languages Discipline, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education

Scheme of Work (FT)

(AY 2014-2015)
Semester: 1 Discipline: IT
Module Code / Title: LAN3100 English and Communication: Workplace Interaction
QF Level: QF Level 3

Unit of Competency: GCEN303A-2 Handle suggestions, offers, preference and persuasion in oral interactions involving
predictable information, ideas, related explanations, discussion/argument, and evaluation (Listening
and Speaking)

Hours Lesson Topics Learning Objectives Assignments / Assessments

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

2 hrs 1 Introduction to recognize different forms of workplace interaction and identify 1. Introduce students to
Workplace their general characteristics through an analysis of purpose, the Notional Learning
Interaction (1) Package (NLP) on the
style and structure;
Moodle platform by
observe conversation etiquette
Lesson 3 (15%). Final
use non-verbal signals appropriately; and submission deadline:
make small talk in social and workplace settings. 28 Nov 2014

2. Distribute the
Assignment by Lesson
1 (25%)
2 hrs 2 Introduction to follow the basic structure of a telephone conversation;
Workplace make and answer phone calls using appropriate language,
Interaction (2)
tone and register; and
ask and answer questions on the phone.

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Languages Discipline, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education

Hours Lesson Topics Learning Objectives Assignments / Assessments

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

2 hrs 3 Basic Meeting identify different kinds of meetings and their essential
Skills (1) elements;
observe business etiquette in meetings;
arrange, confirm and reschedule a meeting using appropriate
language; and
identify common expressions used in meetings.
2 hrs 4 Basic Meeting distinguish a formal meeting from an informal one;
Skills (2) understand the role of the Chairperson and learn about the
use of language appropriate to the role; and
demonstrate language skills for opening, managing and
closing a meeting.

2 hrs 5 Making and make suggestions using suitable language;

Responding to explain suggestions by providing related information;
Suggestions (1) respond to suggestions by expressing agreement and
disagreement; and
use conversation fillers.
2 hrs 6 Making and substantiate agreement and disagreement by explaining Guidance on Assignment
Responding to ideas;
Suggestions (2) express disagreement or reservation politely; and
handle suggestions and conduct discussions on workplace

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Languages Discipline, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education

Hours Lesson Topics Learning Objectives Assignments / Assessments

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

2 hrs 7 Stating Preferences express preferences appropriately using alternative structures; Guidance on Assignment
by Comparison and evaluate alternatives by comparison and contrast; and
Contrast check and show understanding during discussion.

2 hrs 8 Handling identify basic persuasive strategies in spoken interaction; Students submit the
Persuasion (1) make persuasion by explaining the purpose of an action and the Assignment
reason for an opinion using appropriate language;
make emotional appeal in persuasion; and
interrupt and handle interruptions in spoken interactions.
2 hrs 9 Handling make persuasion by evaluating the pros and cons of an action
Persuasion (2) or an opinion;
respond to persuasion appropriately;
use suitable non-verbal skills when you persuade;
ask for clarification and clarify information; and
make speech flow smoothly by connecting words appropriately
2 hrs 10 Making and make and respond to offers in common workplace interactions; Exam Practice
Responding to make counter-offers;
Offers use first and second conditionals to make offers; and
use chunking and pausing to communicate ideas more clearly.

2 hrs 11 Ending a Meeting signal the end of a meeting using appropriate language; Exam Practice
summarize the main points discussed in a meeting;
make recommendations for follow-up actions; and
thank the participants and close the meeting appropriately.

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Languages Discipline, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education

Hours Lesson Topics Learning Objectives Assignments / Assessments

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

2 hrs 12 Case Study practise and apply the skills learnt for conducting and Students submit the NLP
participating in discussions/ meetings. on the Moodle platform by
give and receive feedback on case study tasks. 28 Nov 2014

Exam Practice
2 hrs 13 Revision and Test

Assessment Plan

Component Submission Date Weighting

Assessments Assignment Lesson 8 25%

Test Lesson 13 60%

Notional Learning Package (NLP) 28 Nov 2014 15%

Total: 100%

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