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Note the focus area and Note the type of Describe the artefact / document and Describe how

Describe how the artefact / document

standard descriptor/s artefact / indicate the possible impact or result on meet the standard descriptors you have identified.
the artefact / document document teaching and/ or student learning

This artefact is a One goal for this professional experience was By extending beyond the content provided in the
2.1 Content and snapshot of a HSIE to develop a sequence of lessons that pre-prepared unit I was able to utilise a wide range
teaching strategies unit of work, which manages time efficiently, in order to teach of teaching strategies that specifically met the
of the teaching area I modified to meet the relevant subject matter in a way that can needs of my students. Providing students with real-
Demonstrate the context and build on the ideas proposed by students. I life examples demonstrated my own knowledge
knowledge and needs of my wanted to create lessons that ensured and understanding of the concept. (APST: 2.1).
understanding of the students while on students related to a given topic and were Modification to the unit:
concepts, substance my professional able to recognise their own progress. This is Students were provided with a comprehension cut
and structure of the experience II. based on the what happens next approach and paste matching activity. The activity was
content and teaching Modifications are whereby the teacher responds to student based on a group to which I belong (netball).
strategies of the noted in blue text. reactions and as a result develops a Students gained insight into a team sport and the
teaching area. sequence of context appropriate lessons roles and responsibilities associated with being a
(Hattie, 2009). team player.
Mentor teacher feedback:
2.2 Content selection As noted by Jones and Moreland (2005, as I could clearly see you have researched the topic
and organisation cited in Marsh, 2010, p. 196) if teachers Identifying Us. Well done using your own group
Organise content into have sufficient content and pedagogical as an example (L. Adams, personal
an effective learning knowledge they can respond to students communication, October 12, 2015).
and teaching sequence. productively. Upon receiving the Identifying
Us unit I analysed the six content categories To introduce the topic of Identifying Us I decided
2.4. Understand and (four are displayed below). I then decided to specifically focus on how the students relate to
respect Aboriginal how to best sequence each of the topics in a groups as support systems. Through diagnostic
and Torres Strait way that would benefit my students assessment, I was able to modify and extend the
Islander people to learning. In doing so, I kept in mind my sequence of lessons to best suit the learning
promote students abilities, personal backgrounds and abilities present in the classroom (APST: 2.2).
reconciliation previous experiences. Modification to the unit:
between Indigenous A beanbag was thrown around a circle and
and non-Indigenous This HSIE unit of work focused on different students shared their support systems to the class.
Australians groups present in society. Why and how they Students were required to explain who is in their
Demonstrate broad are formed, alongside the roles and support system, what type of system it may be,
knowledge of, responsibilities of members who participate and what kind of support they offer.
understanding of and in different groups. The sequence of lessons Mentor teacher feedback:
respect for Aboriginal included a wide range of teaching and I was impressed with the lesson you created
and Torres Strait learning strategies in order to support and using the students ability and interests and
Islander histories, maintain student differentiation. Students adding your own ideas. (L. Adams, personal
cultures and languages. were given the opportunity to walk the talk communication, October 13, 2015)
and engage in several group activities, which
allowed them to literally explore the concept Students had the opportunity to generate
of roles and responsibilities. significant understandings of local Indigenous
groups by participating in an in-depth study.
Embedded in the unit was the Environments (APST: 2.4.)
and Groups topic. This was a fantastic Modification to the unit:
opportunity for an in-depth study. Hence, Students individually researched a local
students were required to investigate local environment and how the Aboriginal people
Aboriginal groups in order to build an connect to that sacred place (Wollumbin/ Mt.
understanding and respect for indigenous Warning). Students developed an understanding
peoples close connection to the for Aboriginal spirituality, language, law and
environment. culture.
Mentor teacher feedback:
By taking on the task of modifying a unit of You have planned a relevant and valuable lesson
work I was able to challenge my skills of incorporating the Aboriginal perspective (L.
lesson sequencing, time management, Adams, personal communication, October 29,
teaching strategies and student 2015).
differentiation. I learnt modifications to a unit
are a progressive process.
Artefact: modified HSIE Unit of work Identifying Us
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership. (2014). Australian professional standards for teachers..
Retrieved from

Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. London:

Marsh, C. (2010). Pedagogy, Teaching and Learning (pp. 195-219) in Becoming a Teacher: Knowledge, skills and
issues (5th ed.). Frenchs Forest, Australia: Pearson Australia.

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