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Name:Tian Yi Ou Date:03/06/14

Subject: Global History

Teacher: Mrs. Weissman

Effect of the Black Death in Europe

The Black Plague had a negative effect on European society. In the text The

Spread of Epidemic Disease, the author writes that the route of the Black Death and

the cause of the Black Death killed 20-25 millions of people. This Black Death route

was very wide, from Southwest Asia to East Europe. Many countries suffered the

disaster. As a result, the population became fewer and fewer, the countries became

more and more poor, broad masses lived in fear and were afraid that they would die,


The effect of the Black Death is also clearly evident in the text The Decameron

when the author writes that the mothers and fathers abandoned their children because
their children infected with disease. This shows that in this disease, many people had to

abandon their own relatives and there were people dying in each family.
Additionally, the painting The Triumph of Death vividly shows that the Death drives the

carriage near the Emperor's castle, no one knows what to do .So many people were

killed by the Death ,including the Emperor and the Bishop .The scene takes place near

the Emperors castle during the Middle Ages .This painting explains that, the Catholic

position in Europe had been shaken, the supreme authority of God was no longer the

top. Humanist ideas started to recover, the Renaissance began.

As a result of the Black Death, Europeans improved their health habits. For example,

Europeans started digging wide sewers for the garbage.

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