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The journey of taking Interview

We decided to do an interview on tourists around malioboro which will be

conducted on Sunday 11 December and then the day before interview, they told
me that the interview was changed to Saturday. By using our motorcycle
respectively, we agreed to meet in there soon. So, I went there at around 11
oclock. I think there is a different between malioboro since I was there last 5/6
months ago and right now, such as parking space has been arranged neatly in one
place and not on the side of the road again. And it baffles me where to park my
motorcycle. In addition, the malioboro jammed streets and the hot situation could
be kill me, and I realized there is a demonstration that makes a jammed from
Malioboro road itself towards to Keraton. There are UIIs student who
participated in the demonstration. We should be proud to them.

At first I had trouble to meet with my group, and then they chat me if they were in
a place that I do not know where it was. And they also did not find any tourists
there. After some miss communication then finally we met at the mall malioboro.
While waiting for the other members, we waited in the stands kid's fashion show.

After we met to each other, we started to look for a touris that want to be
interviewed. There are some tourist around the mall, but most of them was in busy
with their own bussiness and some are already in interviewed by 2 times. There
could have been about 5 tourists who refused our invitation. I do not know
whether we look like a bad guy or as spg that scares them. Then we decided to go
out around Malio-walk, hoping there are many tourists who would accept our
request. We finally found one tourist who would be invited to interview. Its Right
opposite the mall of malioboro and two shops next to the Liman Interiors Store.
Tia who found him. I do not know what she told him to convince him, but
whatever it, if it does work, she's great.

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