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Study on Ashes of BlendedMining Journal

Coal-Biomass for Co-Firing
Vol. 16, No.
1, February
... Ikin Sodikin
2013 : and
37 - Datin
48 F. Umar

Study on Ashes of Blended Coal-Biomass

for Co-Firing System in A Coal Fired Boiler




R & D Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 623 Bandung 40211, Ph. 022 6030483, fax. 022 6003373


Biomass and coal blend combustion or co-firing is a promising combustion technology. However, significant
development work is required before large-scale implementation can be realized. Issues related to successful
implementation of coal biomass co-firing mainly for power generation should be identified. This paper presents
the results of the study on blended coal-biomass characterisation, particularly the ash chemical composition
and ash fusion temperature to predict the slagging and fouling propensity in a coal fired boiler. The coal used
in this research has a calorific value of 5,067 cal/g and the ash fusion temperature of softening temperature
in oxidation condition (softening temperature-ox) is 1,228C, while the biomass used was baggase, straw and
rice husk with the calorific value of 4,144; 3,545; 3,301 cal/g and the softening temperature-ox of 1,303; 1,420
and >1,500C, respectively. Experimental results for some varieties of fuel blends indicate that the proportion
of 95%-5% of coal and baggase has the highest softening temperature-ox of 1,225C. The blend of coal and
straw resulted in the highest softening temperature-ox of 1,240C at 95%-5%, while the blend of coal and rice
husk, the highest softening temperature-ox of 1,235C was reached at the proportion of coal and rice husk at
90%-10%. According to the slagging and fouling index, blended coal and straw shows the best performance
compared to that of blended coal either with baggase or rice husk.

Keywords: coal, biomass, co-firing, ash fusion temperature, slagging and fouling index


Pembakaran campuran batubara dan biomassa atau pembakaran bersama merupakan suatu teknologi yang
menjanjikan. Namun penelitian dan pengembangan yang cukup luas sangat diperlukan sebelum teknologi
ini diterapkan pada skala komersial. Isu-isu penting yang berkenaan dengan keberhasilan penerapan sistem
pembakaran bersama, terutama pada pembangkit listrik perlu untuk diketahui. Makalah ini menyampaikan hasil
studi tentang karakteristik campuran batubara biomassa, terutama komposisi abu dan titik leleh abu dari bahan
bakar tersebut untuk menelaah kemungkinan terjadinya slagging dan fouling pada boiler batubara. Batubara
yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mempunyai nilai kalor sebesar 5.067 kal/g dan titik leleh abu pada soften-
ing temperature suasana oksidasi (softening temperature-ox) 1.228C, sedangkan biomassa yang digunakan
adalah bagas, jerami dan sekam padi dengan nilai kalor masing-masing 4.144; 3.545; 3.301 kal/g dan softening
temperature-ox masing-masing 1,303; 1.420 dan>1,500C. Hasil penelitian dengan berbagai variasi campuran
menunjukkan bahwa campuran antara bagas 5% dengan batubara 95% mempunyai softening temperature-ox
yang tertinggi, yaitu 1.225C. Campuran batubara dan jerami menghasilkan softening temperature-ox tertinggi,
yaitu 1.240C dengan komposisi batubara dan jerami 95%-5%, sedangkan campuran batubara dan sekam
padi softening temperature-ox tertinggi, yaitu 1.235C dicapai oleh campuran dengan komposisi 80%-20%.
Berdasarkan indeks slagging dan fouling, campuran batubara dengan jerami menunjukkan kinerja yang terbaik
dibandingkan dengan campuran batubara dengan bagas mau pun dengan sekam padi.

Kata kunci: batubara, biomassa, pembakaran bersama, titik leleh abu, indeks slagging dan fouling

Received : 27 September 2012, first revision : 20 December 2012, second revision : 23 January 2013, accepted : February 2013 37
Indonesian Mining Journal Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2013 : 37 - 48

INTRODUCTION of alternative energy choices. As a result, coal

is expected to continue to play an important role
Currently, Indonesias coal resources are esti- among primary energy supplies in the future. In
mated at 161 billion tons, which are 120 billion the last fifteen years, coal became another ma-
tons open pit and 41 bilion tons underground. jor export commodity to earn foreign exchange
Among them of about 28 billion tons are catego- for the country. However, the reserves of high
rized as reserved (Adisoma, 2013). There are two rank coal (HRC) such as bituminous and high
major coal bearing formations by geological age, sub-bituminous coal that are currently exploited
namely Paleogene and Neogene. Both ages are are limited.
present in Kalimantan, while in Sumatra mostly
Neogene Formation, with the exception in Om- In general, the strategic planning of coal utiliza-
bilin, West Sumatera. Resources allocation for tion is derived from the quality proportion of the
coal production is imbalance. Largely coal comes resources in order to meet the market demand
from Kalimantan (92%) and the rest comes from and domestic consumption for energy genera-
Sumatera, particularly South Sumatera (8%). On tion. In the near future, the Indonesia government
the contrary, the coal potential in Sumatra is more will encourage to use the low rank coal (LRC) as
than the coal in Kalimantan (Figure 1). This situa- the main source of energy in the national energy
tion mostly due to the infrastructural limitations in mixed policy. In that sense, the government is
Sumatera area. In Kalimantan, most coal mines encouraging to use more coal domestically, while
located near to the coastline or along the rivers maintaining the export level. However, the use of
were developed fully taking advantage of inland coal as a fuel will have a negative impact on the
water transportation and loading at the offshore/ environment. Air pollution from coal-fired power
nearshore coal terminal for shipping to the over- plants is large and varied and contributes to a
seas and domestic markets. While in Sumatera, significant number of negative environmental and
coal transportation is carried out by using trains health effects. When coal is burned, the combus-
and trucks. tion releases a combination of toxic chemicals into
the environment, and thus the human body. Coal
Coal has shown its strategic role in development combustion releases nitrogen oxides, sulphur
since it creates the multiplied effects on the na- dioxide, particulate matter (PM), mercury, and
tional and regional economy. From the standpoint dozens of other substances known to be hazard-
of stability of energy supply and economics, coal ous to human health. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the
also has the advantage of being cheaper and not most significant greenhouse gas that contributes
being subject to the price swings characteristic to global warming. The dangers of global warm-

Source: Adisoma (2013)

Figure 1. Indonesias coal resources and reserves

Study on Ashes of Blended Coal-Biomass for Co-Firing System ... Ikin Sodikin and Datin F. Umar

ing include disruption of global weather patterns CO2). Biomass consumes the same amount of
and ecosystems, flooding, severe storms, and CO2 from the atmosphere during growth as is
droughts. released during combustion. Therefore, blending
coal with biomass fuels can reduce fossil-based
To reduce the environmental effects due to the CO2 emissions (Sami et al, 2001).
use of coal, co-firing of coal and biomass is one
of the techniques that can be applied. Co-firing The implementation of coal biomass co-firing
is the combustion of two different types of materi- is undebatable, because co-firing with biomass
als at the same time. One of the advantages of could be an excellent bridge strategy to quickly
co-firing is that an existing plant can be used to reduce GHGs for a given facility whether or not
burn a new fuel, which may be cheaper or more coal would be used in the future. To support the
environmentally friendly. As a matter of fact, this successfully of co-firing implementation, some
interest on co-firing has grown in the last decade characteristics of the coal and biomass should be
mainly due to the increasing social concerns identified. The primary objective of this paper is to
on global warming and greenhouse gas (GHG) describe the characteristics of the blended coal
emissions. and biomass, mainly the chemical ash composi-
tion and ash fusion temperature (AFT). Because
The concept of co-firing is quite simple. It in- ashes in coal and in biomass have different
cludes in the use of two or more fuels inside the characteristics, theoretically it would cause the
same combustion device. It is applicable to all difference in the AFT. However, a discussion of
kind of combustion systems traditionally used for co-firing combustion of fuel blends is beyond the
power generation (pulverized fuel, fluidized bed scope of this paper. Previous works on the use
combustion and grate firing). Co-firing in cement of blended sawdust and coal through co-firing
kilns is already a quite widespread solution for technology were carried out using a cyclo burner
valorization of waste materials mostly, as well as (Sodikin, 2013).
for biomass. The iron industry (blast furnace) and
domestic sector (coal stoves) are also sectors
where co-firing could be implemented. METHODOLOGY

Co-firing between coal and biomass is one of the Blending of coal and biomass was conducted to
most easily implemented. Biomass is biological obtain a more environmentally friendly combus-
material derived from living, or recently living tion through co-firing system. In this case, coal
organisms. It most often refers to plants or plant- and three kinds of biomass have been used.
derived materials which are specifically called The coal is categorized as subbituminous coal
lignocellulosic biomass (Carroll and Somerville, with relatively high moisture content. While the
2009). As a renewable energy source, biomass biomasses are baggase, straw and rice husk.
can either be used directly via combustion to
produce heat, or indirectly after converting it to Bagasse is the fibrous matter that remains after
various forms of biofuel. sugarcane or sorghum stalks were crushed to
extract their juice. It is currently used as a biofuel
Biomass can provide numerous benefits when and in the manufacture of pulp and building ma-
used as a fuel to supplement coal, including terials. Bagasse is a by-product of the cane sugar
potentially lower fuel costs, reductions in sulphur industry. The high moisture content of bagasse,
emissions (vs. burning coal only), reductions in typically 40 to 50%, is detrimental to its use as a
NOx emissions under most combustion scenarios, fuel. In general, bagasse is stored prior to further
reductions in mercury emissions (Mentz et al, processing. For electricity production, it is stored
2005), and reductions of landfill material when under moist conditions, and the mild exothermic
co-firing municipal waste, construction debris, reaction that results from the degradation of re-
or other biomass material that would otherwise sidual sugars dries the bagasse pile slightly. For
be landfilled, or when larger amounts of ash paper and pulp production, it is normally stored
from coal must be landfilled for disposal (Nichols wet in order to assist in removal of the short pith
and Zerbe, 2012). Biomass fuels are considered fibres, which impede the papermaking process,
environmentally friendly for several reasons. as well as to remove any remaining sugar. Many
First, there is no net increase in CO2 as a result research efforts have explored using bagasse as
of burning a biomass fuel (i.e. fossil generated a renewable power generation source and for the

Indonesian Mining Journal Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2013 : 37 - 48

production of bio-based materials. The resulting ability, normally available with 10-12% moisture
CO2 emissions due to the baggasse burning are and the ash contain fewer alkaline minerals.
equal to the amount of CO2 that the sugarcane In fact, it makes an excellent fuel although its
plant absorbed from the atmosphere during its calorific value is less than wood and other agro
growing phase, which makes the process of co- residues (Yahaya and Ibrahim, 2012). With proper
generation greenhouse gas-neutral (Barosso et techniques, rice husks can be burned and used to
al, 2003; Radke, 2012). power steam engines. Some rice mills originally
disposed of hulls in this way. Unfortunately the
Straw is an agricultural by-product, the dry stalks direct combustion of rice hulls produces large
of cereal plants, after the grain and chaff have quantities of smoke. An alternative is gasification.
been removed. Straw makes up about half of the Rice hulls are easily gasified in a moving-bed
yield of cereal crops such as barley, oats, rice, downdraft gasifier reactor in combination with a
rye and wheat. The use of straw in large-scale gas- conditioning devices that remove impurities
biomass power plants is becoming mainstream from the gas thereby making it highly suitable fuel
in the EU, with several facilities already online. for heat engines (Belonio et al, 2011).
The straw is either used directly in the form of
bales, or densified into pellets which allows the According to Stams et al (2009), the biomass co-
feedstock to be transported over longer distances firing in large coal fired utility boilers is relatively
(Evald, 2011). low co-firing ratios (in most cases up to 20%
mass based). With increase of co-firing level,
Rice husks or rice hulls are the coatings of seeds, the impacts on plant performace and integrity
or grains, of rice. To protect the seed during the will become more significant, particularly with the
growing season, the husk is formed from hard lower grade biomass material. Principal techni-
materials, including opaline silica and lignin. The cal concerns are associated with the behaviour
husk is mostly indigestible to humans. Rice husk of the mixed coal biomass ashes, and there are
is a typical dry or membranous outer covering of significant concerns about the potential impacts
the rice. When compared to other agro residues, of ash deposition on surfaces in the boiler and
rice husk has higher ash content (20-22.4%), asscociated equipment. Therefore, in this re-
higher potash content, 1.0% crude protein, 0.3% search the composition of blended coal-biomass
crude fat and 30% carbohydrate. However, rice was designed limited up to 80% coal and 20%
husk is an exceptional biomass, it has good flow biomass as can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Experimental design of the blended coal-biomass composition

Sample mark Composition of coal Composition of baggase

CB-1 95% 5%
CB-2 90% 10%
CB-3 85% 15%
CB-4 80% 20%
Sample mark Composition of coal Composition of straw
CS-1 95% 5%
CS-2 90% 10%
CS-3 85% 15%
CS-4 80% 20%
Sample mark Composition of coal Composition of rice husk
CRH-1 95% 5%
CRH-2 90% 10%
CRH-3 85% 15%
CRH-4 80% 20%

Study on Ashes of Blended Coal-Biomass for Co-Firing System ... Ikin Sodikin and Datin F. Umar

To support this research, the coals and biomasses The ash fusion characteristic is directly related to
of baggase, straw and rice husk were analysed its ash composition. Therefore, the data of ash
for the proximate, ultimate, calorific value, ash composition in the coal and biomass are very
composition and ash fusion temperature. The important. Each sample, which consists of 100
proximate analysis covered the determination of to 200 mg of coal and or biomass ash ground to
inherent moisture, ash and volatile matter and pass through a 100-mesh sieve, is mixed with a
the calculation of fixed carbon. While the ultimate reagent-grade lithium metaborate-lithium tetra-
analysis of coal is the determination of carbon borate flux and fused at 1,000 C for 45 minutes
and hydrogen in the material, as found in the in a graphite crucible. Use of a mixed flux (1 part
gaseous products of its complete combustion, anhydrous lithium metaborate (LiBO2) and 2 parts
the determination of sulphur, nitrogen and ash anhydrous lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7)). The
in the material as a whole, and the calculation of bead that results from the fusion of 0.2 g of sample
oxygen by difference. The proximate and ultimate is dissolved in dilute nitric acid and diluted to 250
analysis have been conducted according to the mL. Concentrations of major elements in this
ASTM Standard Method. solution are determined by gravimetry for SiO2,
spectrophotometry for TiO2 and P2O5, turbidi-
The calorific value of the coal was determined metry for SO3 and by AAS for Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO,
according to the ASTM D 5865-04. Gross calo- MgO, Na2O, K2O, and MnO2 (Speight, 2005).
rific value (gross heat of combustion at constant
volume), Qv (gross) was the heat produced by AFT were determined by viewing a moulded
complete combustion of coal at constant volume specimen of the coal ash through an observation
with all water formed condensed to a liquid under window in a high-temperature furnace in both
specified conditions, while net calorific value (net reducing and oxidizing conditions. The ash, in
heat of combustion at constant pressure) Qp (net), the form of a cone, pyramid or cube, was heated
was the heat produced by combustion of coal at steadily past 1,000C to as high a temperature
constant pressure of 0.1 MPa (1 atm), with any wa- as possible, preferably 1,600C (2,910F). The
ter formed remaining as vapour. This test method following temperatures either in reduction or oxi-
pertained for determination of the gross calorific dation condition were recorded:
value of coal by either an isoperibol or adiabatic - Deformation temperature (DT): This is
bomb calorimeter. In this investigation the adiabatic reached when the corners of the mould first
bomb calorimeter was used to determine the calo- become rounded.
rific value. Adiabatic calorimeter was a calorimeter - Softening (sphere) temperature (ST): This is
that operated in the adiabatic mode and provided reached when the top of the mould takes on
with microprocessor. The initial temperature before a spherical shape.
initiating the combustion and the final temperature - Hemisphere temperature (HT): This is reached
were recorded by a microprocessor. when the entire mould takes on a hemisphere
When coal is used as a fuel in boilers, ash formed - Flow (fluid) temperature (FT): This is reached
after combustion of coal is required to be removed when the molten ash collapses to a flattened
as powder residue. But the characteristic beha- button on the furnace floor.
viours of the coal ash at high temperature region
inside the boiler is very critical since the ash, The shapes of the DT, ST, HT and FT are shown
which melts at below the temperature prevailing in in Figure 2.
the boiler undergoes glass transitions and fuses to
form slag on the wall and the bottom of the boiler.
It is therefore of vital importance to determine RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the ash fusion temperature (AFT) of the coal for
determination of its suitability and efficiency of If biomass co-firing is planned for a coal fired
the boiler. The AFT test gives an indication of boiler, several fuel related impacts have to be
the softening and melting behaviour of coal ash considered. Table 2 compares analyses of coal
at high temperatures within the boiler. Blended to those of three typical biomasses of baggase,
two types of coal or blended coal-biomass for straw and rice husk. The blended coal and bio-
co-firing sytem, the AFT cannot be calculated masses are also presented according to the
directly according to the weight ratio of each comparison as can be seen in Table 1.
material used.

Indonesian Mining Journal Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2013 : 37 - 48

Original Deformation temperature 2r Flow temperature

Hemisphere temperature

Figure 2. Shape characterisitcs of AFT

Table 2. Analysis results of the proximate, ultimate and calorific values of coal, biomasses and blended coal-

Sample IM Ash VM FC FR C H N O S CV
mark % % % % % % % % % cal/g
Coal 17.69 5.77 40.90 35.64 0.87 55.40 5.77 0.59 32.34 0.13 5067
Baggase 7.17 5.41 73.86 13.56 0.18 44.79 5.96 0.36 43.38 0.10 4144
Straw 6.62 15.50 61.81 16.07 0.26 37.72 5.34 0.87 40.49 0.08 3545
Rice husks 7.77 21.17 57.72 13.34 0.23 35.21 5.00 0.43 38.14 0.05 3301
CB-1 17.16 5.75 42.55 34.54 0.81 54.87 5.78 0.58 32.89 0.13 5021
CB-2 16.64 5.73 44.20 33.43 0.76 54.34 5.79 0.57 33.44 0.13 4975
CB-3 16.11 5.72 45.84 32.33 0.71 53.81 5.80 0.56 34.00 0.13 4929
CB-4 15.59 5.70 47.49 31.22 0.66 53.28 5.81 0.54 34.55 0.12 4882
CS-1 17.14 6.26 41.95 34.66 0.83 54.52 5.75 0.60 32.75 0.13 4991
CS-2 16.58 6.74 42.99 33.68 0.78 53.63 5.73 0.62 33.16 0.13 4915
CS-3 16.03 7.23 44.04 32.70 0.74 52.75 5.71 0.63 33.56 0.12 4839
CS-4 15.48 7.72 45.08 31.73 0.70 51.86 5.68 0.65 33.97 0.12 4763
CRH-1 17.19 6.54 41.74 34.53 0.83 54.39 5.73 0.58 32.63 0.13 4979
CRH-2 16.70 7.31 42.58 33.41 0.78 53.38 5.69 0.57 32.92 0.12 4890
CRH-3 16.20 8.08 43.42 32.30 0.74 52.37 5.65 0.57 33.21 0.12 4802
CRH-4 15.71 8.85 44.26 31.18 0.70 51.36 5.62 0.56 33.50 0.11 4714
IM: inherent moisture, VM: volatile matter, FC: fixed carbon, CV: calorific value, FR: fuel ratio (FC/VM)

The data in Table 1 highlight some of the critical Excessive ash in the fuels can cause fouling de-
differences between the coal and biomasses. The posits in the combustion equipment. Ash has an
biomasses have low moisture content. It means erosive effect on the burner tips, causes damage
that the biomasses were in dry condition. If too to the refractories at high temperatures and gives
much moisture is present, the biomass will not rise to high temperature corrosion and fouling of
spontaneously react. The ash content of the coals equipments.
were lower than that of the biomasses except the
baggase. The low ash of baggase was due to the The amount of volatile matter indicates whether
washing process during sugarcane extraction. the fuel will burn with a short or long flame and

Study on Ashes of Blended Coal-Biomass for Co-Firing System ... Ikin Sodikin and Datin F. Umar

whether it will tend to produce smoke. The more the hydrogen content is not significantly different.
volatile in the fuel, the more it will smoke. When Low sulphur and low nitrogen contents of the bio-
compared the coals, biomasses have significantly masses lead to low SOx and NOx emissions, due
higher volatile matter contents than that of the to decreased fuel sulphur and nitrogen conversion
coals and their fuel ratio (the content of fixed to SOx and NOx. Thus, biomasses are low NOx
carbon divided by the content of volatile matter) fuels and co-firing of biomass and coal can reduce
is much below unity. Volatile matter helps in the the NOx emissions from coal fired boilers.
ignition of the fuel and high volatile matter in the
biomasses indicates a potential for creating large The ash fusion characteristic of coal is directly
amounts of vapors during combustion. related to its composition primarily SiO2, Al2O3,
CaO, Fe2O3 and under oxidizing condition, the
The content of fixed carbon divided by the content three component system of SiO2-Al2O3-CaO and
of volatile matter is called the fuel ratio. From the SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3. The alkalis present in the form
data in the Table 2, it can be seen that the fuel ratio of oxides as K2O and Na2O also contribute to the
of baggase is the lowest compared to the others. fusion temperature of the ash as base component
Consequently, the fuel ratio of the blended coal in separate three component system, when pres-
and baggase is also low. Lower fuel ratio are char- ent in considerable amount. It is also believed that
acterized by a greater oxygen, that aids ignition under reducing conditions (CO/CO2), the base
and enhances combustibility and flame stability. component of iron exist as FeO. Apart from that
High combustibility improves carbon burnout (re- other reductions in the system also occur reducing
duce carbon carryover) and hence boiler efficiency the AFT to a lower value. The ash composition
and for pulverized coal fire units, this allows the of the coal and biomass ashes were analysed
coal to be ground to a coarser size. through gravimetry, colorimetry and AAS. The
result of the ash composition analyses can be
The calorific value of the coal is the highest seen in Table 3.
compared to the biomasses. The rice husk has a
lowest calorific value due to its high ash content From Table 4, it can be seen that the silica oxide
(21.17% adb). The higher the calorific value, the (SiO2) of the biomasses were very dominant and
higher is the combustion efficiency. Carbon con- significantly higher than that of the coal. There are
tent of the coals are higher than that of biomasses 2 types of coal ash, bituminous ash and lignite
in line with the fixed carbon content of them. While ash. The bituminous ash, the base/acid ratio is

Tabel 3. Ash chemical composition of coal, biomass and blended coal-biomass

Sample SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 K2O Na2O CaO MgO TiO2 MnO P2O5 SO3
mark % % % % % % % % % % %
Coal 53.90 15.55 12.97 0.56 0.38 5.76 5.59 0.62 0.21 0.03 3.32
Baggase 71.30 7.21 3.29 7.43 0.58 2.98 2.30 0.16 0.20 0.62 1.38
Straw 94.10 0.49 0.25 1.73 0.29 0.58 0.45 * 0.10 0.87 0.23
Rice Husks 81.30 0.43 0.38 7.86 1.37 2.24 1.36 * 0.20 0.80 0.48
CB-1 54.77 15.13 12.49 0.90 0.39 5.62 5.43 0.60 0.21 0.06 3.22
CB-2 55.64 14.72 12.00 1.25 0.40 5.48 5.26 0.57 0.21 0.09 3.13
CB-3 56.51 14.30 11.52 1.59 0.41 5.34 5.10 0.55 0.21 0.12 3.03
CB-4 57.38 13.88 11.03 1.93 0.42 5.20 4.93 0.53 0.21 0.15 2.93
CS-1 55.91 14.80 12.33 0.62 0.38 5.50 5.33 * 0.20 0.07 3.17
CS-2 57.92 14.04 11.70 0.68 0.37 5.24 5.08 * 0.20 0.11 3.01
CS-3 55.23 13.27 11.05 0.65 0.35 4.95 4.80 * 0.19 0.11 2.85
CS-4 61.94 12.54 10.43 0.79 0.36 4.72 4.56 * 0.19 0.20 2.70
CRH-1 55.27 14.79 12.34 0.93 0.43 5.58 5.38 * 0.21 0.07 3.18
CRH-2 56.64 14.04 11.71 1.29 0.48 5.41 5.17 * 0.21 0.11 3.04
CRH-3 58.01 13.28 11.08 1.66 0.53 5.23 4.96 * 0.21 0.15 2.89
CRH-4 59.38 12.53 10.45 2.02 0.58 5.06 4.74 * 0.21 0.18 2.75
*: not detected

Indonesian Mining Journal Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2013 : 37 - 48

Tabel 4. Ash fusion temperature of coal, biomass and blended coal-biomass

Reduction Oxidation
Sample mark DT ST HT FT DT ST HT FT
Coal 1,055 1,145 1,163 1,225 1,138 1,228 1,245 1,295
Baggase 1,150 1,240 1,325 1,460 1,210 1,303 1,420 >1,500
Straw 1,283 1,415 1,435 1,465 1,300 1,420 1,445 1,475
Rice husk >1,500 >1,500 >1,500 >1,500 >1,500 >1,500 >1,500 >1,500
CB-1 1,125 1,160 1,170 1,240 1,165 1,255 1,295 1,355
CB-2 1,100 1,145 1,160 1,300 1,130 1,230 1,255 1,325
CB-3 1,100 1,145 1,165 1,280 1,130 1,220 1,255 1,335
CB-4 1,095 1,140 1,155 1,230 1,130 1,215 1,245 1,345
CS-1 1,095 1,155 1,170 1,220 1,150 1,240 1,285 1,335
CS-2 1,195 1,225 1,260 1,310 1,200 1,235 1,270 1,315
CS-3 1,175 1,220 1,250 1,310 1,175 1,220 1,265 1,320
CS-4 1,165 1,210 1,270 1,325 1,195 1,220 1,275 1,355
CRH-1 1,155 1,215 1,230 1,260 1,170 1,225 1,240 1,300
CRH-2 1,105 1,160 1,180 1,240 1,200 1,235 1,255 1,305
CRH-3 1,105 1,145 1,165 1,270 1,120 1,230 1,250 1,310
CRH-4 1,130 1,160 1,165 1,205 1,190 1,230 1,255 1,325
DT: deformation temperature ST: softening temperature
HT: Hemisphere temperature FT: Flow temperature

more than 1 or the Fe2O3 more than the total sum exposed to the radiant heat of the coal flames,
of CaO+MgO contents in the coal. While the lignite while fouling occurs in the boilers convective
ash, the base/acid ratio is less than 1 or the Fe2O3 passes. The process of slagging is closely related
less than the total sum of CaO+MgO. From Table to that of fouling. Slagging refers to deposition of
4, all of the fuels, the ash types are characterized solid layers on the boiler tube, formed by sintering.
as lignite ash with the Fe2O3 content is less than Slagging is quite hard to remove (although it is
the total sum of CaO and MgO. sintered material) and also the slagging material
is usually still a good insulator. For these reasons,
One difference between biomass and coal is that most modern sootblowing systems are aimed at
all of biomasses contain more alkali metals com- prevention of slagging.
pared to the coal. Alkali metals like potassium (K)
and sodium (Na) have lower melting and evapo- Fouling occurs in the colder section of the boiler
ration point than other inorganic materials in the where inorganic volatiles condensate as com-
fuel. The alkali metal in biomass, potassium oxide pounds on the colder tube surface forming a
content is higher than sodium content for all of the deposit layer. Also particles in melt phase may hit
biomass. However, elements such as Al, Si and S the tube, be cooled down to solid state and get
are able to trap alkalies, limiting the formation of stuck on the tubes. The deposit layer may be po-
alkalichlorides. These elements (Al, Si and S) exist rous or it may be sintered to a hard and compact
naturally in coal and it is therefore favourable to layer as it interact with the surrounding gases or
mix coal and biomass (Aho and Ferrer, 2005). with other components in the deposit layer. On
over time the deposit layer grows in thickness
The use of coal, biomass or blended coal-biomass and the temperature of outer surface increases
as co-firing in coal fired boiler cannot be separated as the deposit itself insulates the cooler water or
with the fouling and slagging problems. Slagging steam inside the tube from the hotter flue gas.
occurs in boiler furnaces where ash deposits are The temperature will then eventually reach the

Study on Ashes of Blended Coal-Biomass for Co-Firing System ... Ikin Sodikin and Datin F. Umar

melting point of at least some the constituents of For blended two types of coal or blended coal-
the deposit. This process gradually accelerates biomass for co-firing sytem, the AFT cannot be
nearly anything that hits the deposit on the tube calculated directly according to the weight ratio of
may get stuck. Ash particles in solid state as well each material. Therefore the AFT had been tested
as small particles from the bed material in the in which the blended coal-biomass sample ratios
combustion chamber may then continue to build were prepared according to the experimental
up a thick deposit layer on the tubes. Thus the design as described in Table 1. The results of
surface temperature continues to increase and it the ash fusion temperature test are presented
is possible that a larger part of the deposit is in the in Table 4.
molten phase increase and the deposit material
may start to flow. In the end the deposit becomes The ash softening temperature (ST) is the tem-
so heavy that it falls off the tube under its own perature at which the ash softens and becomes
weight. This process is called slagging. plastic. This is somewhat below the melting point
of ash. All of the biomasses show that the ST are
The propensity of coal, biomass and blended higher than that of the coal. The best is the rice
coal-biomass for producing slagging and fouling husk where the ST was >1,500C. The design of
deposits based on the results of either ash fusion steam generator greatly depends on the ash ST of
or chemical composition of the ash depends on the fuel. If the furnace temperature is higher than
its ash content commontly the ratio of the base the ash ST, the ash will melt and would come out
metal oxide (Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, Na2O and K2O) of the furnace bottom continuously as molten slag.
to the acidic oxide (SiO2, Al2O3 and TiO2). From For furnace that would discharge ash in the solid
the results of ash composition analyses of coal form, as high as softening temperature would be
and biomasses and the calculated ash composi- required. A stoker furnace must use coal with a
tion of blended coal-biomass, it was found that high ash ST otherwise clinkers would be formed.
all of the ash type is lignite type. Therefore the Clinkers which are large masses of fused ash,
calculation to predict the propensity of slagging cause troubles in discharging and also make inef-
following the formula: ficient combustion. Therefore the ash ST ought to
be more than 1,150C.
((max HT) + 4 (min IT))
Slagging Index: ,
5 It is to be considered that during combustion in

pulverized (PF) boilers and in (circulating fluid-
( ized bed combustion (CFBC) boilers the furnace
temperatures during combustion are different. In
Where max HT is the highest value of the he- PF boilers, the average furnace temperature at the
misphere ash fusion temperature under reducing combustion is about 1,400 to 1,600C, where in
or oxidising conditions and min IT is the lowest CFBC boilers the furnace bed temperature is 880
initial deformation temperature under reducing or to 940C. From Table 4, ash fusion temperature in
oxidising conditions. any fuel was greater than 1,000C. So in PF boil-
ers, the ash fusion temperature will be achieved,
In most of biomass materials, potassium tends to and it is known that clinkers will be also formed,
be the dominant alkali metal, and this is generally and these clinkers could be collected in the bot-
released by volatilaization (Stams et al, 2009). tom ash hopper. In case of CFBC boilers, the
Therefore, the fouling index that have been de- temperature is below the ash fusion temperature
veloped for the assesment of biomass material of the fuels, so that the bed temperature could not
tendency, the total alkali metal content of the bio- increase beyond the ash fusion temperature.
mass is a governing factor (Sandberg, 2007).
The coal used in this research has AFT of soften-
Fouling Index (Rf) of biomass and blended coal- ing temperature in oxidation condition (ST-ox) of
biomass: 1,228C, while the biomasses of baggase, straw
and rice husk, blended coal with baggase of
Base/acid x (% Na2O+%K2O) 95%-5% has the highest ST-ox of 1,225C. The
blend of coal and straw resulting the highest ST-
Fouling Index (Rf) of Coal: ox of 1240C at 95%-5%, while the blend of coal
and rice husk, the highest ST-ox of 1,235C was
Base/acid x % Na2O reached at the proportion of coal and rice husk

Indonesian Mining Journal Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2013 : 37 - 48

at 90%-10%. The slaging and fouling indexes As presented in Table 6, according to empirical
related to the slagging and fouling types tend to approach by traditional methods based on the use
produce slaging and fouling in coal fired boiler of simple slagging and fouling indexes using the
as presented in Table 5. While Table 6 shows the data normaly available on fuel specification, i.e.
fouling and slagging indexes of the coal, biomass the ash chemical composition and the ash fusion
and blended coal-biomass. temperature, the tendency to produce slagging

Table 5. Slagging and fouling index

Sample mark Composition of coal Composition of baggase

CB-1 95% 5%
CB-2 90% 10%
CB-3 85% 15%
CB-4 80% 20%
Sample mark Composition of coal Composition of straw
CS-1 95% 5%
CS-2 90% 10%
CS-3 85% 15%
CS-4 80% 20%
Sample mark Composition of coal Composition of rice husk
CRH-1 95% 5%
CRH-2 90% 10%
CRH-3 85% 15%
CRH-4 80% 20%

Table 6. The propensity to slaging and fouling of the coal, biomass and blended coal-biomass

Sample mark Basic/acid ratio Slagging Fouling

Index, C Category Index Category
Coal 0.36 1,093 Severe 0.14 Low
Baggase 0.21 1,204 High 1.69 Severe
Straw 0.03 1,315 Medium 0.07 Low
Rice Husks 0.16 >1,500 Low 1.49 Severe
CB-1 0.36 1,159 High 0.46 Medium
CB-2 0.35 1,131 Severe 0.57 High
CB-3 0.34 1,131 Severe 0.68 High
CB-4 0.33 1,125 Severe 0.78 High
CS-1 0.34 1,133 Severe 0.34 Medium
CS-2 0.32 1,210 High 0.34 Medium
CS-3 0.32 1,193 High 0.32 Medium
CS-4 0.28 1,187 High 0.32 Medium
CRH-1 0.35 1,172 High 0.48 Medium
CRH-2 0.34 1,135 Severe 0.60 High
CRH-3 0.33 1,134 Severe 0.72 High
CRH-4 0.32 1,155 High 0.83 High

Study on Ashes of Blended Coal-Biomass for Co-Firing System ... Ikin Sodikin and Datin F. Umar

and fouling were mostly high and severe. For that of blended coal either with baggase or rice
co-firing system between coal and biomass, the husk. To avoid the accumulation of ash deposits
propensity of the coal to produce slagging was in the boiler due to the high slagging and fouling
categorized as severe eventhough the slagging index of the fuels, the correct operation and main-
was low. While the rice husk has the lowest pro- tenance of the combustion equipment should be
pensity to the slagging, but severe to be fouling closely controlled.
due to the high total alkali metal content. Ac-
cording to the slaging and fouling propensity, the
best material to be blended with coal for co-firing ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
system in coal fired boiler is straw compared to
that of baggase and rice husk. The composition of The authors would like to acknowledge the contri-
coal 90%, 85% and 80% and 10%, 15% and 20% bution of the tekMIRA coal utilization group. The
of straw respectively, best slagging and fouling authors also gratefully acknowledge financial and
propensity are obtained eventhough categorized other support for this work that was provided by
as high slagging and medium fouling. the Republic of Indonesias Government.

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