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Tax effective restructuring

for SMEs
by Stephen Holmes, CTA, Partner, WMS Chartered Accountants

Abstract: Business and investment structures which may have been appropriate for the business and personal
circumstances of particular taxpayers when first established may become less efficient and appropriate as
those circumstances change over time, and may require adjustment or restructuring. This paper sets out some
structuring options and techniques that can be used when changes in circumstances occur and the clients
structure or structures may require some modification. The paper discusses a range of changes in circumstances
and/or client-driven behaviour that are commonly encountered in practice. They include legislative and Australian
Taxation Office change, particularly in the treatment of unpaid present entitlements, growth and asset protection,
streamlining a complex structure, and preparing for a sale and injection of equity.

Introduction Legislative/ATO driven change The possible restructuring options that

As our clients grow, fail, sell, divorce, age UPE stance might suit both the sub-trust and section
and have families, it is common that the Possibly the most significant challenge three loan strategies will be briefly
to the efficacy of our structures in discussed.
business and investment structures that
once suited, lose their lustre and efficacy. recent years were the Commissioners As is well known, the ATO have been
The nature of any change that might occur announcements in 2009 and 2010 generous to provide interest-only loans over
is rarely able to be predicted with any regarding the treatment of unpaid present either seven or 10 years. With this option,
degree of accuracy. What we must do as entitlements (UPEs) owing by trusts to the UPE must be put onto a sub-trust
companies. This change has been more arrangement by the time that the income tax
tax professionals is to be able to adapt to
than adequately covered in other articles. return for the year in which the distribution
these developments.
occurs is lodged. The sub-trust allows that
The purpose of this article is to set out Suffice to say, that prior to 2009 it was
the principal component of the UPE is not
some structuring options and techniques considered best practice for small-to-
required to be repaid to the company until
that can be used when changes in medium enterprise (SME) structures to
the end of the seven- or 10-year period.
circumstances occur and the clients involve a discretionary trust conducting
Interest must be paid annually in arrears.
structure/s may require some modification. the business and distributing profits to a
Where the trust makes annual distributions
corporate beneficiary. Provided that those
This article focuses on the following to a corporate beneficiary and uses the
profits were reinvested into the business
changes in circumstances and/or client- sub-trust option, the amount of principal
and not extracted by loans, then Div7A
driven behaviour that are commonly that will be required to be paid in the future
ITAA36 was completely manageable.
encountered in practice: accumulates. The first issue in practice is
With the advent of TR 2010/3 and PS LA that it is imperative that you continually
(1) legislative/ATO change treatment of 2010/4, clients that continue to distribute to inform your clients of this latent growing
unpaid present entitlements (UPEs); corporate beneficiaries must either: liability. Second, you should consider if
(2) growth/asset protection; (1) cashflow the distributions to the there are any restructuring strategies that
(3) streamlining a complex structure; and corporate beneficiary; may mitigate the cashflow impact of the
end of each sub-trust arrangement.
(4) preparing for sale/equity injection. (2) enter into a sub-trust arrangement as
set out in PS LA 2010/4; or The author recently prepared some
The application of Pt IVA of the Income
modelling for a new client out to 2025 who
Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth) (ITAA36) (3) let the UPE convert into a section three
has, and will continue to use, the 10-year
is crucial to any restructuring activity. loan (subject to Div7A).
sub-trust option (in this case, the sub-trust
The author has (conveniently) assumed Given than many businesses are unable to is a productive option as the client does
that for any restructure proposed in this cashflow the distribution to the corporate not extract personal funds and reinvests
article, that this is sufficient commercial beneficiary, it is likely that items (2) and realised profits back into their business).
objective to warrant the restructure. Where (3) are commonplace in the SME space The outcome of the model was to ensure
the restructure may involve some tax risks, in Australia. The author has found a the client understood the substantial and
the author has attempted to identify that surprisingly low uptake for the sub-trust growing sub-trust balance that this option
risk and suggest an appropriate mitigation option with most practitioners opting for creates. Also, it is important that the client
strategy. the section three loan approach for UPEs. is given some options on how the end



of the sub-trust will resolve itself for ongoing risks that also emanate from the
example, is it a large dividend to offset the business. Diagram 1
sub-trust balance with the accompanying Where a client operates through a
top-up tax or is there a restructuring option discretionary trust, the assets (up to a level) Pre-roll-over Post-roll-over
available? The client was concerned with can be protected without necessarily the
how will this all end?. need to restructure by having any UPEs
One restructuring solution that might be converted to loans and having the relevant
suitable where the trust owned significant beneficiary take appropriate security over
plant and equipment would be to consider the assets of the trust. Of course this or trust or trust
transferring sufficient unencumbered approach needs to be considered in light
equipment to the corporate beneficiary of any adverse outcomes in converting a
to repay (in part or in full) the sub-trust or UPE. For example, it would not be desirable
section three loan balance. The equipment to convert a UPE that arose prior to 16
Trading co NewCo
should then be rented back to the trust December 2009 which is currently afforded
as appropriate commercial rates. The rent concessional treatment under PS LA 2010/4.
would need to be cashflowed or otherwise However, this can prove challenging when
you run the risk of creating a further Div7A clients have operated their businesses
exposure on the rental debtor. through companies. In many cases, the Trading co

Another variation to this theme that has been client has reinvested the retained earnings
raised is the transfer of inventory owned back into the business. These retained
by the trust to the corporate beneficiary as profits/accumulated assets are now
payment towards the sub-trust balance. The potentially at risk should a claim arise Diagram 2
corporate beneficiary could then become a against the company.
wholesaler to the trust. There are several strategies that can be
Pre-roll-over Post-roll-over
considered in these circumstances.
Structured correctly, there should be no
duty on the transfers contemplated above.
Extract dividends and secure
Other commercial considerations such as entitlement
bank security and financing arrangements
The company could declare a dividend. On
would need to be considered before SH1 co SH2 co
the basis that the retained profits are fully company
implementing such a restructure.
franked, then the shareholders would be
Another more drastic solution may be liable to the top-up tax. The quantum would
to ultimately transfer the business to the obviously depend on the effective marginal
company and offset the consideration tax rate available to the shareholders. company
against the sub-trust loan. Unless the small
Where the shareholders remain keen to
business concessions are utilised (which
leave the cash in the company, then the
are discussed in detail below), then this is shareholders could loan the cash back to
potentially a costly alternative before any the company and take appropriate security
stamp duty costs are factored in. over the assets of the company. the extent that the dividend is franked, Newco
The author has noticed quite a push around should have no further tax liability. Newco
This strategy often is not practical where
the profession for this type of restructure would then securitise its entitlement to the
the shareholders are individuals as the
the trust has served its purpose so top-up tax liability on the dividends can dividend and obtain appropriate security over
lets transfer the business to the company. be significant. The bringing forward of this the assets of the operating company.
The author does not necessarily share the top-up tax will unwind many of the past tax As profits are derived into the future by
eagerness for this approach as he believes benefits of operating through a company. the operating company, they should be
trusts still have a lot to offer. routinely paid to Newco and appropriate
Subdivision 122-A roll-over single loan/security documents updated.
Growth/asset protection shareholder
restructuring In essence, the individual shareholder
Under this strategy, the net worth of the
The funny thing about asset protection is trading company should be able to be kept
would dispose of their interest in the
that clients generally dont become too operating company to a new wholly-owned to a minimum other than the unrealised
concerned until there are actually significant company. The shareholders would utilise growth on assets such as goodwill.
assets that require protection. In the early roll-over relief under Subdiv122-A of the
stages of most businesses, the focus is Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) Subdivision 122-A multiple
on simplicity, cost effectiveness and tax (ITAA97) (refer to the appendix to this shareholders
efficiency. Asset protection is often a residual article for a discussion on the roll-over) if This roll-over can also work well when the
concern that is sometimes overlooked. they were a trust or an individual. This is operating company has more than one
In an ideal world, the goal is to ensure that best shown by diagram 1. shareholder. Each shareholder can use the
the accumulated wealth that accumulates After the roll-over, the operating company roll-over to dispose of their shares to their
from a business is kept separate from the could then declare a dividend to Newco. To own wholly-owned company in exchange



for shares in Newco. The new structure In the ruling, the ATO made the following
would resemble diagram 2. statement: Example 1

The operating company would then Is the arrangement a scheme having

TradingCo is a successful wholesale
declare the appropriate dividend to each substantially the effect of a scheme by way
business. It is owned by a single
shareholder company. Each shareholder of or in the nature of a dividend stripping for individual shareholder. There is only one
company would then take the appropriate the purposes of subparagraph 177E(1)(a)(ii) share on issue with a cost base of $1.
security over the unpaid dividend of the ITAA 1936?
The balance sheet of the company is as
entitlement. follows:
3. Your dominant purpose in entering the
Concerns and complexities arrangement is to continue to operate using a
company structure. Therefore the scheme does not $
The above type of restructures should not
have substantially the effect of a scheme by way of Cash 500,000
be undertaken without consideration of the
or in the nature of a dividend stripping.
possible disadvantages and complexities. Stock 500,000
These are examined below. In PBR 1011948219931, a company
had three shareholders. The trading Debtors 500,000
Stamp duty considerations company had ceased trading and was to Plant (WDV) 250,000
As the Subdiv122-A roll-over involves the be liquidated. Two of the shareholders
disposition of shares in private companies, did not want to extract the dividends Total Assets 1,750,000
the main area of concern for duty is where from a corporate structure whereas the Creditors 300,000
the company is regarded as land rich. other shareholder was keen to access
Where a company is conducting a trading the funds. The two shareholders utilised Chattel mortgage loan 100,000
business and holds no freehold interest the Subdiv122-A roll-over to interpose
Total liabilities 400,000
in land, it is unlikely that duty should be a a company to own their shares in the
major concern. Nonetheless, it is worthy of trading company. The trading company Retained profits 1,350,000
consideration. was then liquidated, dividends paid to the
three shareholders. The shareholders who
PartIVA and dividend stripping
utilised the roll-over paid a portion of that
Although the dividend stripping provisions The sole shareholder is becoming
dividend to themselves and retained the
of s177E ITAA36 were originally designed concerned regarding the equity
balance in the interposed companies. The
to counteract the classical dividend represented by the retained profits that
ATO ruled that this process did not attract
stripping arrangements of the early 1980s, have been derived by the business.
Pt IVA or s177E (dividend stripping).
the provisions are wide enough to warrant He seeks advice on how to protect the
Given that such a strategy does contain
consideration. retained profits without causing a tax
a risk that s177E may have a theoretical
On the surface, a payment of a dividend liability. In other words, he is loath to pay
application, consideration should be given
from the operating company to the new any top-up tax on a dividend as he is
to obtaining a private ruling in relation to
individual shareholder company would already at the highest marginal tax rate.
the application of the dividend stripping
not appear to be a dividend strip per se. provisions where the dividend to be paid is There are sufficient franking credits to pay
However, the ATOs controversial views substantial. The commercial driver of such a dividend of $1.2m. The shortfall is due
in TR 2013/D5 regarding dividend access a restructure is clearly for asset protection to a previous R&D claim and investment
shares has confirmed that some of the allowance write-off.
and it would be difficult to accept that it is
more traditional elements of the classical a logical outcome that the anti-avoidance You suggest that he rolls his share in
dividend strip do not need to be present in provisions would apply. TradingCo into a new holding company
order for s177E to apply. using Subdiv122-A.
Unlike the dividend access schemes
The ATO has issued a number of private referred to in TR 2013/D5, the profits As soon as the restructure is effected,
binding rulings to taxpayers who were remain in the corporate structure owned TradingCo declares a dividend of $1.35m.
seeking to utilise Subdiv122-A to interpose by the same original economic owners. It Due to the shortfall of the franking credits
a corporate shareholder and the payment would be a common sense outcome that and generally because it is tidier, you elect
of a dividend. In those rulings, the ATO has the above restructures would not attract Pt to form a tax consolidated group between
indicated that neither, Pt IVA and s177E, IVA and s177E. NewCo and TradingCo effective from date
would apply. However, in each ruling of the roll-over.
referred to below, the intention was that the Tax consolidation issues When you sit down and prepare the
existing company was to be liquidated after The interaction of a roll-over under allocable cost process, you determine that
the roll-over. Subdiv122-A and the tax consolidation the formation allocable cost amount (ACA)
In PBR 37296, the shareholder using the regime does in most cases result in an for TradingCo is as follows.
Subdiv122-A roll-over was seeking to do adverse and anomalous outcome. In most
Step 1 Cost base of member interests
so to receive a liquidators distribution instances, forming a tax consolidated
from an operating company. The operating group will result in a capital gain derived by
the head company (Newco). The roll-over under Subdiv122-A
company was to be liquidated and this
effectively transfers the cost base of the
particular shareholder wanted to continue This outcome is best illustrated by the
original shares in TradingCo to NewCo.
holding his interests through a company. following example.



The original cost base of the shares is $1. of the small business concessions should the profits from the business and pay any
That amount becomes the cost base of the not be affected. Where, for example, the tax on a dividend.
shares in TradingCo now owned by NewCo. retirement concession is utilised by the The shareholders could use a
Step 2 Liabilities of TradingCo trading company, the ultimate shareholder Subdiv124-G ITAA97 roll-over to interpose
($400,000) can still qualify as a significant individual a holding company. As outlined in appendix
Step 3 Undistributed franked profits that due to the indirect small business 1 to this article, each current shareholder
have accrued to the group ($nil) participation percentage within will need to own the same shareholding
s152-75 ITAA97. in the holding company as they held in
Only profits that have been earned by
the trading company prior to the roll-
the company since it was owned by the In any event, it should be considered and
head company are included. As we are over. The policy logic of this roll-over is
discussed with the client what impact this
consolidating immediately, there are no to maintain the same economic owners
type of restructure will have on a future of the companies throughout the roll-over
profits to be included in step 3. A common
sale of the business or company. transaction. The new structure would
error is to include the retained profits of
$1,350,000 that TradingCo had at the resemble the following.
Subdivision 124-G (multiple
restructure. This is not correct.
Steps 4 to 6 are not relevant. Diagram 3
This particular roll-over is very helpful in
The formation ACA is therefore $400,001. asset protection restructuring. It is also a
The next step is to allocate the ACA against roll-over that is significantly underutilised.
Pre-roll-over Post-roll-over
the retained cost base assets being in this The impact of the roll-over is shown in
case: diagram 3 below. SH1 SH2 SH3 SH1 SH2 SH3

$ The effectiveness of the roll-over is best

explained by way of practical example
Cash 500,000 Hold Co
based on the facts of example 1, which have Trading Co
Debtors 500,000 been reproduced below.

Total 1,000,000
As the value of the retained cost base Example 2 Trading Co
assets ($1,000,000) exceeds the ACA of
$400,001, then the head company will TradingCo is a successful wholesale
derive a capital gain of $599,999 as a result business. There are three ordinary
of CGT event L3. shares on issue. Each share has a cost
In addition, as the ACA has been exhausted base of $1. The shares are owned by
After the roll-over, the trading company
three unrelated family trusts.
on the retained cost base assets, there would pay a dividend of the retained profits
is no ACA left to allocate towards the tax The balance sheet of the company is as to the holding company. The group should
value of the stock and plant. Therefore after follows:
consider consolidation to ensure no tax on
consolidation, the written down plant for the unfranked component of the dividend.
tax purposes is now $nil and the opening Refer comments below regarding the
stock value for the consolidated group is Cash 500,000 consequences of forming a consolidated
now also $nil. A loss of $750,000 in future group.
tax deductions. Stock 500,000

An horrific outcome, but one that the Debtors 500,000 Concerns and complexities
author has seen in practice on more than This restructuring technique is not
Plant (WDV) 250,000
one occasion. without some issues that require further
Therefore, the harsh lesson here is Total assets 1,750,000 consideration. Some of the relevant
that after a Subdiv122-A roll-over, it is considerations are below.
Creditors 300,000
very unlikely that you would form a tax
Chattel mortgage 100,000
PartIVA and dividend stripping
consolidated group. If you take on a new
loan As discussed above, the interposition
client who is looking to form a consolidated
group, you should enquire whether a of a holding company and payment of a
Total liabilities 400,000 dividend to extract retained profits may
Subdiv122-A roll-over has been utilised
historically. Net assets 1,350,000 warrant consideration of the anti-avoidance
Future sale Retained profits 1,350,000
The analysis above is also valid for a
Before proceeding with this restructure, Subdiv124-G interposition. However in the
it is important that the impact of the new authors opinion, it is less likely to attract
structure on any future sale is considered. The shareholders are concerned regarding those provisions as no profits have been
For an asset sale by the trading company the equity that has accumulated within the moved to the original shareholder level,
(the most likely outcome), the availability company. None of them are keen to extract as the profits remain within the corporate



group. In addition, as discussed below it is NewCo and TradingCo effective from date
more likely that a tax consolidated group of the roll-over.
can be formed than would be the case if a Stock 500,000
When you sit down and prepare the
Subdiv122-A roll-over was used.
allocable cost process you determine that Plant (WDV) 250,000
Tax consolidation the formation ACA for the TradingCo is as
Goodwill at value 1,500,000
As outlined above, forming a consolidated follows.
group after a Subdiv122-A roll-over
Step 1 Cost base of member interests The ACA is then apportioned against the
results in some horrific outcomes when
($1.35m) reset cost base assets as follows:
the cost bases are reset. These outcomes
are largely avoided when a Subdiv124-G Under Subdiv124-G, the cost base of
the shares in the subsidiary acquired Reset Value Reset cost
roll-over is used. This is best explained by
asset base
reproducing example 1 with some minor by the new holding company is the sum
fact modifications. of the cost base of the CGT assets of Stock $500,000 $166,667
the company less its liabilities. This is (500/2250)*750
Example 3
determined at the time of the roll-over. Plant $250,000 $83,333
TradingCo is a successful wholesale
Based on the balance sheet above, that (250/2250)*750
business. It is owned by two individual
shareholders. There are two shares on would be $1.35m.
Goodwill $1,500,000 $500,000
issue each with a cost base of $1. The Step 2 Liabilities of TradingCo (1,500/2250)*750
goodwill of the company is internally ($400,000)
Total $2,250,000 $750,000
generated and currently worth $1.5m.
Step 3 Undistributed franked profits that
The balance sheet of the company is as have accrued to the group ($nil) What has occurred above is that goodwill
Only profits that have been earned by now has a tax cost base of $500,000 to
$ the company since it was owned by the the detriment of the tax cost of plant and
head company are included. As we are stock. The effect of this skewing as it is
Cash 500,000
consolidating immediately, there are no called is to reduce future tax deductions
Stock 500,000 profits to be included in step 3. for the company in respect of depreciation
and cost of sales.
Debtors 500,000 Steps 4 to 6 are not relevant.
Prior to consolidation, this analysis needs
Plant (WDV) 250,000 The formation ACA is therefore $1.75m.
to be undertaken to ensure no adverse
Total assets 1,750,000 The next step is to allocate the ACA skewing occurs.
against the retained cost base assets being
Creditors 300,000 in this case: Trust to company roll-over
Chattel mortgage loan 100,000 As discussed above, there is a growing
$ view that trusts have become a problematic
Total liabilities 400,000
Cash 500,000 structure in light of the ATOs stance on
Retained profits 1,350,000 UPEs. As such, consideration is often given
Debtors 500,000 to restructuring from an existing trust to a
The shareholders are becoming concerned company. This can occur in the following
Total 1,000,000
regarding the equity represented by the ways:
retained profits that have been derived by There is sufficient ACA to allocate towards
(1) sale of business and utilise the small
the business. They seek advice on how to the retained cost base assets. Therefore,
business concessions; and
protect the retained profits without causing no gain from CGT event L3 will arise.
a tax liability. In other words, they are loath (2) use CGT roll-over under Subdiv122-A.
However, we need to then ensure that
to pay any top-up tax on a dividend. Option 1 is discussed below and in
there is no adverse outcome that will arise
There are sufficient franking credits to pay particular what the current complexities/
referred to as the goodwill skew.
a dividend of $1.2m. The shortfall is due issues are for accessing the small business
to a previous R&D claim and investment concessions. In addition, there is the
allowance write off. cost base uplift benefit of transferring the
Formation ACA 1,750,000 business using this approach.
You suggest that they roll their shares in
TradingCo into a new holding company Less retained cost base Using roll-over relief under Subdiv122-A
using Subdiv124-G. assets obviously does not create any tax issues
As soon as the restructure is effected, Remaining ACA 750,000 but the downside is that there is no
TradingCo declares a dividend of $1.35m. cost base uplift for the future sale of the
Due to the shortfall of the franking credits This must then be allocated on a business by the company. A future sale of
and generally because it is tidier, you elect proportionate basis against the reset cost the goodwill by the company will also not
to form a tax consolidated group between base assets. The reset cost base assets are: attract the CGT discount.



Transfer of business without serve as protection in the event of an ATO restructure process, the CGT bill will be
CGT roll-overs (using the small review of the restructure. significant.
business concession) Obviously a major disadvantage (at times a
Small business concession
The small business concessions have been deal breaker) is the stamp duty that would
with us for almost 15 years and it is no arise from such a transaction.
secret that when applied correctly, they In preparing for a sale or a restructure
can result in a significant reduction in tax Use of small business concessions where the small business concessions are
liability on the sale of a business. In some before it is too late to be utilised, there are many issues that
cases, when all available concessions are can trip the unwary and could potentially
As mentioned above the impetus for
used in conjunction with one another, the deny the concessions.
restructuring often is knocked off course
tax liability can even be $nil. because of the duty costs. Set out below is a list of issues that you
As a result, a restructure should not be may encounter and provide some thoughts
When that discussion with the client takes
contemplated without consideration to on how these issues may be managed or
place and the client advises that they
using the small business concessions as solved.
do not wish to restructure, it is prudent
opposed to the CGT roll-overs discussed to ensure that the ongoing availability Dividend only shares
above. of the small business concessions is While the use of dividend only shares can
The benefits of restructuring using the small also addressed. The relevance of this add significant flexibility to a corporate
business concessions are as follows. conversation is best described by the structure, their very existence jeopardises
below example. the availability of the small business
Cost base uplift
concessions if not addressed at the
A restructure that involves a sale of the
appropriate time.
business into a different entity such as a Example 5
sale of a business from a trust to a company Specifically, where Div152 ITAA97 requires
will inevitably result in an uplift to the cost The Knope Family Trust operates for there to be a CGT concessional
base to the acquiring entity for that asset. a successful food manufacturing stakeholder/significant individual, the
business. The trust has habitually presence of dividend only shares is often
An example of this benefit is set out in the distributed its profit to a corporate fatal. For completeness, a CGT concession
following example. beneficiary. Distributions since 16 stakeholder/significant individual is
December 2009 have been converted to required for:
section three loans. The ongoing burden
Example 4 (1) retirement concession from a company;
of meeting the required principal and
interest payments has caused the client (2) 15-year exemption through a company;
The Sunline Trust conducts a successful to revisit the structure. and
online retail business. The business
goodwill currently has a value of $2m. (3) sale of shares.
After lengthy discussions with you, it has You have prepared an analysis of the
To be a significant individual, that person
been agreed that due to the ongoing value of the business and the value of the
must have a small business participation
Div7A issues with distributions to a net assets of the trust is $4m. You have
percentage (SBPP) of at least 20%. To
corporate beneficiary, the business will also determined that for the purposes of
be restructured into a company. Your determine the SBPP for a shareholder in a
the net assets test for the small business
clients are both aged 56. company you take the lower of the following:
concessions that the trust and connected
(1) the % of voting power held;
entities is $5m.
You calculate that the small business (2) the % of any dividend that the
The client considers the option of
concessions can be used to reduce the tax company may pay; or
disposing of the business to the corporate
liability on the sale to $nil. (3) the % of any distribution of capital that
beneficiary as payment of the section three
The trust disposes of the business to a loans and pre-December 2009 UPEs, but the company may make.
new company for $2m. The trust vendor the duty bill is significant. The client is Where a dividend only share is held by
finances the purchase price and takes unwilling to proceed at this point in time. a shareholder and a dividend may be
appropriate security. declared in respect of that share to the
It is essential that the client is made aware
The company now has a cost base for the that the small business concessions may exclusion of the other shareholders, then
goodwill of the business of $2m. As the not be available to them in the short to the other shareholders have a percentage
company derives profits, it is able to apply medium term, due to the imminent failure in in relation to item 2 above of 0%.
excess cash towards the loan payable to the net assets test as the business grows. Consider if you have one individual
the trust. When the company eventually shareholder who owns all of the ordinary
If the net assets test is failed in the future
sells the business, it is able to use the cost shares in a company. Some years ago, the
base of $2m. company issued a dividend only share to a
As the parties to the restructure are not (1) a future restructure as planned will discretionary trust to enable the streaming
at arms-length, it is important that a involve a significant CGT liability; and of dividends. If that share remains on
formal valuation for the relevant asset is (2) a future sale will not benefit from the issue at the time of the CGT event, then
undertaken. This may also be required small business concessions and as the for the purposes of the small business
by the Office of State Revenue as well as cost base was not uplifted through the concessions the shareholder will have



an SBPP of nil%. He is not entitled to the Offset accounts unfamiliar with this type of transaction, it
small business concessions because of The use of offset accounts by clients to involved:
one $1 share. save interest on their home mortgage is (1) individual borrowing from the bank
So what can be done before the sale? very common. As was found in Bell v DCT $1m;
Simply put, the dividend only share should [2013] FCAFC32 in 2013, the existence of
(2) the individual gifts the funds to a trust;
be either: a credit amount in an offset account is to
be included in the net asset calculation.
(1) acquired by the ordinary shareholder; or (3) the trust enters into a loan with the
It was argued by the taxpayer in Bell that
(2) bought back by the company. the credit account was in essence one individual so that the bank is repaid.
The same analysis above applies to any account combined with the loan with the The trust takes a mortgage over the
shares with differing rights. There might be bank so that net credit amount only was to principal place of residence of the
shares that are voting only shares. be included. This was not accepted by the individual.

Regardless of the facts, it is essential that tribunal and the Federal Court. The alleged effect is that the equity in the
the share register and company statement It is essential that when assisting the home is now protected. A prudent strategy
be examined prior to any sale where it is client in determining their net assets that is to update the transaction as the value of
likely that the small business concessions offset accounts are identified and where the exposed asset increases.
are to be accessed. appropriate dealt with. For example, in Bell, Normally these transactions have no tax
the taxpayer could have easily taken money controversy.
Net asset test issues from the offset account and repaid the loan
However when applying the net asset test,
When the ATO inevitably reviews a account prior to the CGT event.
what has been created is an asset in the
taxpayers claim for the small business Another word of caution clients do not trust. The liability owing by the individual
concessions, it seems that their main always understand if they have an offset or
to the trust is not a liability that relates to
focus is whether the net asset value test is a redraw facility. Always get them to check
an asset that is included in the test so it
met. For a good read on how the ATO are with the bank.
cannot be taken into account. Therefore,
currently interpreting what is a connected
Gift and loan back where the trust is controlled for the
entity, refer to Gutteridgeand FCT ([2013]
The author recently encountered the purposes of Div152 (and Div328 ITAA97)
AATA 947 (24 December 2013)).
following issue that caused some by an entity that is included in the test,
Some traps relating to the net asset value then the net equity in the trust will need to
significant concern for the application of
test include the following. be included.
the net asset test. This issue involved the
The you in the test commonly used gift and loan back strategy In the case encountered, the appointor of
The first step when the net asset test that is often recommended by solicitors for the trust was a person whose assets were to
is applied is to start with the taxpayer asset protection purposes. be included in the test. So the value of the
deriving the gain. That person is the Some years ago, a client undertook one trust represented by the home equity was to
you in s152-15 ITAA97. It is important of these transactions which purportedly be included. This was a difficult conversation
to start from the correct reference point had the effect of shifting the equity in his to have with the particular client but my
to determine the entities that need to be home into a discretionary trust. For those home is excluded, isnt it?.
included in the calculation.

Assets of entities connected with you Table 1

You are connected with an entity if you

control it, the other entity controls you or Entity Connected to
you are both controlled by the same entity.
In plain English, this is best described by Discretionary any entity that received a distribution in four years prior to the CGT
the Table 1. trust event of 40% or more of income or capital;

Too often it is easy to overlook an entity as

Discretionary any entity that controls the actions of the trustee. In ATO ID
it is assumed that there is no connection. trust 2008/139, the ATO consider that the appointor of the trust (person
Therefore, the author generally undertakes who can remove the trustee) is in the position to control the trustee.
the analysis with the clients structure
Note in Gutteridge, the ATO argued that the director of the trustee
diagram close at hand so that control (both company controlled the trust and therefore was connected. The AAT
direct and indirect) can be identified. held that the person who controlled the appointors actions was the
Of particular concern is the pattern of actual controller;
distribution test as it includes beneficiaries
Company a shareholder who owns at least 40% of the shares in the company;
over the past four years. An innocent
distribution to the wrong beneficiary four
Partnership a partner who has an interest in the partnership of at least 40%.
years ago can have a significant impact on
the calculation.



To the extent that this transaction could be Combining multiple operating

unwound, this should be considered prior Diagram 4
to any relevant CGT event. There are times when a client accumulates
different standalone structures that SH1 and SH2 own 50% each of all companies
Restructure at an age
approaching 55 conduct different businesses. As these SH1 SH2 SH1 SH2
businesses grow and intermingle, clients
As is widely understood, when the
often find that the structure is unwieldy and
retirement concession is utilised and the
relevant stakeholder is under the age of 55 cost inefficient.
Coy A Coy B
at the time when the tax return for the gain Consider the structure in diagram 4.
year is lodged, then that stakeholder must The shareholders have approached you
contribute the gain into a superannuation to determine if there is a way in which the SH1 SH2
fund. structures can be streamlined due to the
What is often overlooked is the use of the inefficiencies of the current structure
replacement asset concession to defer the Coy C
A solution could be to utilise roll-over under
time at which the retirement concession is
Subdiv124-G to achieve the outcome in
diagram 5.
Consider a client who just turned 52 on
The fact that Subdiv124-G roll-over is Diagram 5
14 February 2014 and who is considering
available for this type of restructure was
a restructure of their business by way of
confirmed by a 2005 addendum to TR SH1 SH2
sale to a company. A gross capital gain of
$800,000 will be derived if the business is 97/18. Prior to this addendum, the ATO
transferred on that day. had considered that a Subdiv124-G
roll-over could only ever involve the
The business could be sold on that day.
interposition of a holding company New Coy
The gain would be reduced to $200,000
between the shareholders of a single
after application of the CGT discount and
company and that company. However in
the active asset reduction. The tax return
for the 2014 year is due on 15 May 2015. the addendum, the ATO confirmed that
At that time the client will be 53. their current interpretation of the wording Coy A Coy B Coy C
in the subdivision included the interposition
The trust could choose that the
of a holding company over several sister
replacement asset roll-over in Subdiv152-E
companies, provided the shareholding in
when it prepares its 2014 return. When
the trust had not acquired an eligible
the sister companies are the same. Restructuring for a sale
replacement asset by 14 February 2016, It is essential that the market value of There is often a requirement to consider
it will trigger CGT event J5. The capital the shares issued as consideration for a restructure in the lead up to a sale or
gain of $200,000 will re-emerge. The trust each separate tranche is equal to the equity injection.
can then apply the retirement concession respective market value of each tranche. This is less likely when the business
(provided it makes the appropriate This is required to meet the stringent ratios or asset being sold is owned by a
distributions to ensure the client is a required to be met to obtain the roll-over. discretionary trust. Obviously the
stakeholder). The relevant return for the transaction will inevitably be an asset
Where this type of restructure is being
trust for 2016 will be due on 15 May 2017. rather than an entity sale.
considered and the shareholders are
At that point in time, the client will be 55. Where the business is operated through
not the same as between the various
As a result, there will be no requirement for a company, then restructuring is often
companies, then a Subdiv124-G roll-over
a contribution into superannuation. required.
is not available (as outlined above). In
This strategy may assist in effectively
these cases, the only roll-over potentially Consider a trading business that has been
restructuring with no tax impost and
available is Subdiv124-M ITAA97 quite profitable. Your clients own the shares
no cashflow drain of a superannuation
scrip-for-scrip roll-over. through a discretionary trust. You have
Extreme caution needs to be taken when calculated that there would be a significant
15-year exemption and restructuring using scrip-for-scrip roll-over and then CGT saving if a purchaser was willing to
It is important to note that any sale or forming a tax consolidated group. The purchase shares in the trading company.
restructure will constitute a break in the same outcome arises that was analysed The client has identified a purchaser who
ownership period for the purposes of the in Tax consolidation issues earlier in is somewhat interested in acquiring the
15-year exemption. this article. The outcomes of the allocable shares. The only reservations they have
The ATO confirmed this view in the National cost setting process under a Subdiv122-A relate to the trading risks of the existing
Tax Liaison Group meeting of 27 November roll-over is similar to the outcomes under operating structure. You propose the
2002. A CGT roll-over of an asset will scrip-for-scrip roll-over where there is a following restructure.
constitute a break in the 15-year significant shareholder, which is generally A new holding company is formed and
ownership period. the case for a closely held SME group. roll-over relief under Subdiv124-G is used.



A tax consolidated group is formed. The and depreciable assets. The transfer of company cannot have any significant
business is transferred to the new holding these assets can still occur as part of the assets or value prior to the roll-over.
company. You would need to seek advice transaction but the tax consequences The cost base of the shares issued to
on whether the exemption for duty under of those particular transfers should be the shareholders is equal to the cost
ss 406 and 407 of the Duties Act 2001 (Qld) considered. Where depreciable plant base of the original shares held by that
would be available. is transferred, no sale occurs for tax shareholder.
The purchaser can then acquire the purposes by virtue of s40-340 ITAA97. The
Importantly, the cost base of the shares
shares in the new holding company. The company inherits the depreciable profile for
acquired by the holding company is
old subsidiary can then be liquidated in a the assets from the individual or trust.
calculated by reference to the cost base of
sensible fashion. The cost base for the shares issued as part the net assets (after allowance for liabilities).
The author has simplified this process for of the roll-over transaction is the sum of This is a better outcome when compared to
ease of explanation. Nevertheless, it is a the cost base of the assets transferred plus roll-overs under Subdiv122-A. This is a
useful tool to restructure for this type of the market value of the precluded assets relevant consideration where a tax
transaction. transferred. consolidated group is formed after the
The company inherits the cost base of restructure as discussed above.
Appendix I glossary of the CGT assets transferred as part of the
roll-overs roll-over. Subdivision 124-M scrip-for-scrip
There are several important CGT roll- roll-over
Where the shares are sold within 12
overs that assist greatly in restructuring The provisions of Subdiv124-M are hard
months, the CGT discount is available by
that are referred to in this article. There work and contain complexities at every
virtue of ss 115-30 and 115-34 ITAA97.
are many excellent Tax Institute articles turn. The author does not intend to analyse
that have addressed the mechanics and The sale of the assets to the company them in any great detail as this is outside
conditions that must be met to qualify for constitutes a break in the 15-year the scope of this article. Where you are
the respective roll-overs. The author has ownership period as required by considering advising on scrip-for-scrip,
explained what he regards as the important Subdiv152-B ITAA97 (15-year exemption). it is important that you work through the
ones below and attempted in plain English provisions carefully.
Subdivision 124-G interposition of
to distil the relevant conditions and logic of In general, the roll-over allows for relief on
holding company
the roll-overs. the sale of shares when they are sold in
This roll-over is perhaps one of the most
The important roll-overs that have been exchange for shares in another company.
useful available roll-overs, yet seldom used
referred to in the above articles are: or understood. The essence of scrip-for-scrip roll-over
Subdiv122- A Roll-over by an involves the sale of shares in a company
In essence, the roll-over allows the
individual/trust to a wholly-owned in exchange for shares in another
shareholders (must be more than one
company; company. The acquiring company must
shareholder) of a company to interpose
Subdiv124-G interposition of a end up owning 80% or more of the target
another company between them and
holding company; and company. In closely held groups, the
the original company. This process is
transactions must be on arms-length
Subdiv124-M scrip-for-scrip roll- sometimes referred to as a top-hat
terms. The roll-over is limited to the shares
over. restructure.
received and does not extend to any cash
The shareholders and the interests they or other consideration.
Subdivision 122-A individual/trust own in the original company and then the
to company roll-over In the SME space, it is vital to appreciate
holding company must be maintained
that the cost base transfer rules in s124-
This roll-over should be the most familiar of from the time prior to the restructure to
782 ITAA97 will generally apply. These
the roll-overs discussed here. This roll-over immediately afterwards.
rules are targeted at closely held groups
allows the tax efficient transfer of an asset
The number and value of shares issued using the roll-over. The effect of the cost
or all of the assets of a business owned by
must equal the interests held in the original base transfer rules can result in some
an individual or trust to a company.
company. The formulas are quite stringent. significantly adverse tax outcomes as
The end result of the roll-over is that the The mechanics of the roll-over are outlined outlined elsewhere in this article.
individual or trust must wholly own the in TR 97/18. In a 2005 addendum to that
shares in the company immediately after ruling, the ATO confirmed that the roll-over Stephen Holmes, CTA
the transfer. may be used to interpose a company over Partner
The only consideration that is allowed for multiple companies provided all companies WMS Chartered Accountants
the transfer is non-redeemable shares are owned by the same entities in the same
This article was originally presented at The Tax Institutes
in the company. There is actually no percentages. Prior to 2005, the ATO held SME Structures and Restructures Seminar held in
requirement for shares to be issued. All the view that the wording of the provision Brisbane on 27 February 2014.
that is required is that where shares are limited the roll-over to a singular company.
issued, the market value of the shares must In addition, the ATO confirmed that
be equal to the market value of the asset the new holding company has to be a
transferred. shelf company, although not expressly
Certain assets of a business are precluded mentioned in the statute. For the provision
from the roll-over including trading stock to work, the ATO consider that the holding


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