Poverty and Famines, Amartya Sen, 167 Pages

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Respected Sir,

I have shortlisted three books for the book review assignment and need your
advice on selecting one out of the three. I am outlining the reason behind
choosing the particular book with the title. Some points that I have taken into
account while selecting these three are, first how much new material will I be
able to learn, second I am thinking of doing the state term paper on some
economic issues that Jharkhand is facing therefore I want to have a strong grip
on subjects like poverty and indigenous economies. (Two tentative issues that
come to my mind regarding the term paper are, first the analysis of mineral
economics in Jharkhand and the correlation between development and mineral
wealth, second performance of poverty alleviation schemes in Jharkhand).

1. Poverty and Famines, Amartya Sen, 167 pages

I have been planning to read this book for quite some time but havent
had the opportunity. It will probably be an intellectual challenge and I
might face some trouble getting a grip on the entire book but since it is
not very bulky I think I will manage it. This book will also serve my purpose
in a broad way by helping me understand the nature of poverty especially
in Eastern India.
2. Governing the Commons, Elinor Ostrom, 216 pages
Elinor Ostrom has made some very deep and insightful breakthroughs in
the area of common property and how indigenous communities manage
them successfully. I think that this book will help me understand tribal
economies at a conceptual level.
3. Jharkhand: Politics of Development and Identity, Amit Prakash,
360 pages
The subject matter of this book is closest to the subject I have in mind for
my term paper however I doubt that this book will be conceptually as
profound as the two I have mentioned above. Also I am simultaneously
reading a book on Jharkhand edited by Stuart Corbridge so I want to avoid
an overlap.

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