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Course: POLS201.

1 Edin
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Muhidin Mulali 150102176

My Personal Methods/Techniques of Strengthening and Effectively Using

Mind, Body and Spirit?


Personally speaking, my technique inquires introspection at all times, firstly and lastly, it
begins with strong sense of self-awareness. Self-awareness and altruism is one of the most
vital determiners of my personality and motives. If we stop for a moment and start observing
the world around us we will furthermost realize that every person we know is an individual of
its own. Individuals that have a positive self-image often have a positive attitude towards life
and other people. However, those who have a negative image of themselves always have a
difficulty to go through life and are in great danger to suffer from depression, known as a
modern day disease. It takes courage to find the positive notion and highlight all the good
components we have inside of ourselves. It is necessary to encourage and emphasize all the
values and positivity in each person.
That is precisely the reason why I choose these hallmarks, because I feel that a bad self-image
is a stern problem that should be solved as early in life as possible. The source of negative
self-image is primarily found in ourselves. For each person to live a harmonious life they
must first establish harmony and balance within their own being and that will automatically
create a positive ground for self-acceptance and our attitude towards other people.

My insight
Self-knowledge is one of the crucial factors that determine our personality. It defines us. In
order to function normally and be happy with ourselves we must get to the bottom of our
persona. Self-acceptance is precisely the way to find out who we are, and to use our self-
knowledge in order to raise and to motivate myself to be a better person. Definition of self-
acceptance refers to aiming a good mental health through self-understanding, and acceptance
of both our virtues and our weaknesses. Furthermore, accepting your personality will lead us
to a positive state of mind and body which is the key in order to make a change in your life.1
We could then regard self-concept As our attempt to explain ourselves to ourselves, to build
a scheme that organises our impressions, feelings and attitudes about ourselves (Woolfolk,
2001: p.73).2

One major difficulty for each person is that self-acceptance is not something we are born
with, but self-concept is gradually formed by us and people who influence us. First concept
we create regarding the self-image is during our childhood, and it depends on the description
provided by our parents, family, friends and teachers. Nevertheless, it may not automatically
be a correct one, as it is formed mainly by how people perceive our personality. Self-
acceptance is generally characterized by uniformity and coherence. It is this organized quality
of self-concept that gives consistency to our personality and to a certain extend affects all the
relationships we create during our lifetime. The idea behind this is that if it we are not
organized and change willingly we would not have individuality, we would lack a reliable and
trustworthy personality. This is the main reason why we must try to work on personality, why
we need to create our own description of self-image, and do utmost to achieve positive
attitude regarding our being and people around us. Thus, in regards to my previous text, my
personal motivation is purely derived from basic altruism and urge to become better I in order
of making better US.
Motivational triggers are factors that are essential for the success of change, are: a clear
vision, unique and gritty mind that implements changes, education and communication with
those who at various levels, professional and personal. One should implement the change, or
that their resistance can only hurt them. All major changes and decisions require a strong

The satisfaction and motivation of a single mind are becoming key issues of modern world.
The common goal of the people and the world is satisfaction and motivation is the desire to be
with each other, individually different yet striving to develop a sense of unity that is our
destiny - the destiny of the human kind striving to higher goals and better tomorrow. In this
expanded elaboration of personal technique, it is important to say that everything is correlated
and as equally dependent.


2 Woolfolk, 2001: p.73

Motivation as a strong technique, begins with our thoughts, thoughts become our words, yet
words become our deeds, deeds become our habits, in the end habit becomes our destiny. To
motivate means to live.

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