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Fall 2015

ENGR 689V: Master of Science in Engineering Thesis

Thesis Prospectus

Optical Pulling Force and Tractor Beams

Submitted to:
Dr. Brandon Kemp
Dr. Paul Mixon
Dr. Ilwoo Seok

Submitted By:

Nayan Kumar Paul

Master of Science in Engineering
ID: 50420774
College of Engineering
Arkansas State University-Jonesboro

3rd August, 2015


Table of Contents........................II

List of Tables.IV

List of Figures........V

1. Introduction..1

2. Review of Electromagnetic Pulling Force...3

2.1 Shaped Beams.3

2.2 Special Particles..3

2.3 Left Handed Medium..4

2.4 Evanescent Wave4

3. Rectangular Waveguide...5

3.1 Waveguide Field Solution...5

3.2 Rayleigh Scattering.6

3.3 Radiation Forces on a Dielectric Particle7

3.3.1 Propagating Wave...8

3.3.2 Evanescent Wave..11

4. Dielectric Slab Waveguide....14

4.1 Theoretical Model.14

4.2 Waveguide Field...15

4.3 Lorentz Force....16

4.3 Pulling and Pushing Forces.......16

5. Thesis Proposal......19

5.1 Objective...19

5.2 Thesis Outline...19

5.3 Table of Schedule.....19



Table 5.1: Thesis Outline...19

Table 5.2: Table of Schedule.19


Figure 3.1: Variation of z-directed scattering (pushing) force....8

Figure 3.2: Variation of z-directed scattering force with the change of radius r of the

particle at a position (150,y,z)m..9

Figure 3.3: Variation of x-directed trapping force.10

Figure 3.4: Plot of intensity and gradient force at the x-y plane....10

Figure 3.5: Plot of trapping and pushing forces.11

Figure 3.6: x-directed trapping force due to evanescent wave..12

Figure 3.7: Pulling force due to evanescent wave.12

Figure 3.8: Plot of intensity and gradient force due to evanescent wave..12

Figure 4.1: Theoretical model of a Rayleigh particle and a dielectric slab waveguide.15

Figure 4.2: x-directed trapping force due to a propagating wave..17

Figure 4.3: x-directed trapping force due to an evanescent wave..17

Figure 4.4: Pushing and pulling forces due to a propagating and evanescent wave,


Chapter 1


Light wave can exert force on particles. Maxwells theory predicts the optical
pressure of light[1]. Optical pressure of light has held the attention of scientists and
is being investigated by them for many years[2, 3, 4, 5]. Particles can be trapped using
light wave. Particles can be trapped, transported and manipulated due to the me-
chanical effects in light-matter interaction. Optical trapping forces are being applied
by scientists for many years[6, 7, 8]. Application of optical trapping and manipulation
of particles arise from the intricate forces due to the interaction of electromagnetic
fields and matter[9, 10]. In optical trapping, electromagnetic force components give
rise to a point of equilibrium where the gradient force dominates the scattering force of
radiation pressure[10, 11]. The scattering force generally arises due to change of light
momentum upon the scattering from the particle[12]. It is directly proportional to the
intensity of light and acts towards the direction of wave propagation[10]. In the case
of a counter propagating wave trap, the scattering force plays the dominant role in
trapping the particle at the equilibrium position between the two incident waves[12].
The gradient of time averaged intensity of optical field can produce forces on a small
dielectric particle, and trapping of the particle can be achieved by proper fashioned
optical gradient[13, 14]. The gradient force is directly proportional to the gradient of
the time-averaged intensity of optical field. It arises due to the interaction between
the dipole and the gradient of the focused electromagnetic field, and the dipole tends
to move towards the higher intensity region to minimize the interaction energy[12].

Optical binding is the stable spatial arrangement of several microparticles using light
illumination where the position of a particle can be changed by light redistribution
by another particle. Though optical trapping depends on the forces rising from inci-
dent field, optical binding forces depend on the modification of incident field in the
presence of several illuminated objects [12]. Optical trapping can also be achieved
as a balance between radiation pressure and optical binding forces[8, 15]. Particles
can also be pulled or pushed toward or away from the light source. Optical pushing
forces act on a particle toward the energy propagation direction, and optical pulling
forces act on a particle opposite to the energy propagation direction. A particle can
be pulled toward the light source using a Bessel beam[16, 17]. Optical pulling forces
also exist in causal negative index metamaterials[18, 19]. Evanescent wave can also be
used to pull the particle toward the light source[20]. Nanoparticles can also be pulled
using propagating wave in a multimode waveguide[21]. Particles can be trapped and
transported not only in stationary medium, but also in flowing fluid using nano fiber.
Particles can be transported to the opposite direction of the fluid flow using a light
wave propagating in the opposite direction of the fluid flow[22].
In biological applications of optical trapping, pulling, and pushing of a particle,
controlled forces can be applied on internal parts of cells. Separation of living cells
has been developed without any detectable optical damage, measurement of elastic
properties of parts of the cell cytoplasm, and force generated by RNA polymerase
as it moves along a DNA molecule are possible[9]. Moreover, optical trapping has
been used to probe cell membranes, aggregate protein fibers, modify chromosomes
in living cells, and transport and modify cells precisely which has led to clinical
applications[23]. The ability to trap, stretch, rotate, push, and pull particles or cells
constitute an optical tool box for existing and emerging applications.

Chapter 2


2.1 Shaped Beams

Light wave transfers momentum to particles. Momentum conservation is a very

important term to understand the optical forces on particles. Optical forces arises due
to the transfer of momentum in light-matter interaction. Optical pulling force arises
due to the reversal of wave momentum. Particles can be pulled using Gaussian beams,
propagation invariant Bessell beams. One of the common trends is using synthesized
beams or guided waves, since they overcome the limitations of using Gaussian beams,
Bessell beams. Moreover, manipulation of particles is much easier using synthesized

2.2 Special Particles

Geometric parameters play an important role in optical force on a particle. If the

particle is an ideal sphere, only trapping, and, forward or backward force is expected,
when it is excited by light wave. When the particle is of asymmetrical shape, it can
move along other directions. The geometrical structure provide new ways for optical
pulling of a particle. Material chirality is one of the most interesting features. Optical
force acting on an achiral particle is different from that acting on a chiral particle.
The chirality-induced effects can pull a chiral particle to the light source[24].

2.3 Left Handed Medium

Left-handed media are the media of negative index of refraction. In left-handed

media, light-matter interaction is different than it is in right-handed media. In an
isotropic LHM, the direction of momentum flux due to a monochromatic wave is
opposite to the direction of power flow[18]. A particle can be pulled, if it is placed in
a medium of negative index of refraction.

2.4 Evanescent Wave

Evanescent wave decays as it goes away from the light source. It can trap a
particle toward the higher intensity region, and pull it toward the light source. Par-
ticle can be easily trapped, and pulled using an eavanescent wave in a waveguide
structure[20]. The limitations of low intensity focus of Gaussian beams, diffraction
problem of Bessell beams can be overcome using evanescent wave. Though the forces
decay as the distance between the particle and the light source increases, but it exerts
very strong forces if the particle is located at a certain distance away from the light

Chapter 3


We consider a PEC rectangular waveguide having dimensions a = 3m along

x-axis and b = 1.5m along y-axis. The background medium in the waveguide is air,
and a water drop of radius r = 10m is placed in the waveguide at a position (x, y, z).
All of the media are lossless. The particle is excited using the lowest order T E 10 mode.
It is determined that the particle is laterally trapped at the high intensity region of
the electric field and either pushed away from or pulled toward the light source. This
push-pull phenomenon depends on whether the frequency of the light wave is above
or below the cutoff frequency (i.e. the particle can be pushed or pulled by tuning the
frequency). The phenomenon predicted here switches between the two forces near
the lowest cutoff in a waveguide.. We solve the waveguide problem analytically and
the scattering problem using Rayleigh approximation.

3.1 Waveguide Field Solution

For TE fields, the z-component of electric field is 0, and the magnetic field is [25]

Hz = cos(kx x) cos(ky y)eikz z . (3.1)

The transverse electric field components can be written as [25]

ib ky
Ex = cos(kx x) sin(ky y)eikz z , (3.2)
b b kz

ib kx
Ey = sin(kx x) cos(ky y)eikz z . (3.3)
2 2
b b kz

From Equation (3.2) and Equation (3.3), the transverse electric field components

Ex = 0, (3.4)
Ey = sin(kx x)eikz z . (3.5)

The propagation constant is kz = 2 b b kx2 = vb
, where vb is the phase velocity of
wave in the background medium of the waveguide. To determine the cutoff frequency,
the condition is
cmn b b = kx2 . (3.6)

If the frequency of the wave is less than the cutoff, the value of kz = kz0 + ikz00 = ikz00
is imaginary. For evanescent wave, the y-field becomes

ib 00
Ey = sin(kx x)ekz z . (3.7)

On the other hand, if the frequency is above cutoff, then the value of kz is real, the
wave is a propagating wave and the y-field becomes

ib 0
Ey = sin(kx x)eikz z . (3.8)

3.2 Rayleigh Scattering

In the Rayleigh scattering regime, the particle acts as a simple dipole in the
presence of electric field and its dipole moment can be represented by[26]

p b
P(r, t) = 4b r3 E(r, t). (3.9)
p + 2b

np p
The relative refractive index of the particle is nr = nb
= b
, where np and nb are
the refractive indecies of the particle and background media, respectively. Thus the
dipole moment is

n2r 1
P(r, t) = E(r, t) = 4b r3 E(r, t). (3.10)
n2r + 2

Here, is the polarizability of the particle.

3.3 Radiation Forces on a Dielectric Particle

For the calculation of radiation pressure on a dielectric particle, the Lorentz force
can be applied to bound charges at the surface of the particle and bound currents
distributed throughout the background medium of the particle[2]. This radiation
pressure induces two forces. One acts in the direction of wave propagation that is
called the scattering force and another one acts toward the gradient of the incident
field intensity that is called the gradient force. The resulting scattering force acting
on the particle is [26]
Fscat = z Cscat hS(r, t)i, (3.11)

where hS(r, t)i is the time-averaged Poynting power. It can be expressed in terms of
the intensity
1 b vb
hS(r, t)i = z Re[EH ] = z |E(r)|2 . (3.12)
2 2

The scattering cross section of the particle is[26]

8 n2r 1
Cscat = [Re(kz )]4 r6 . (3.13)
3 n2r + 2

The gradient force always attracts the particle towards the higher intensity region

of wave and the time-averaged force is given by[27]

Fgrad (r) = Re[(p.5)E (r) ib P(r) H (r)]. (3.14)

Since 5 E(r) = 0 in the static limit, Equation (3.14) reduces to

Fgrad (r) = Re{ 5 |E(r)|2 }. (3.15)

3.3.1 Propagating Wave

We first consider that the wave propagates at a frequency of f = 5 1011 Hz (i.e.

= 10 1011 rad/s) which is above the cutoff frequency. The incident wavelength
is 0 = f
= 600[m]. The electric field intensity is


|E(r)|2 = Ey (r) Ey (r) = sin2 (kx x). (3.16)

From Equations (3.11),(3.12),(3.13) and (3.16), it is clear that the scattering force on
the particle is maximum when the particle is at a position of 2
along the x-axis and
gradually decreases as the position of the particle is changed towards the edge of the
waveguide as shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Variation of z-directed scattering (pushing) force.

At a certain position the scattering force increases as the radius of the particle

Figure 3.2: Variation of z-directed scattering force with the change of radius r of the
particle located at a position (150, y, z)m.

increases as shown in Figure 3.2. The gradient of the square of the magnitude of the
wave from Equation (3.16) is

! " 2 #
2 b 2
5|E(r)| = x + y + z sin (kx x)
x y z kx
2 2
= x sin (2kx x). (3.17)

From Equation (3.15), the gradient force is

1 2 2b
Fgrad (r) = x sin (2kx x) Re[]. (3.18)
4 kx

From Equation (3.18) it is obvious that the magnitude of the gradient force is max-
x direction when the particle is at a position ( a4 , y, z)m.
imum and acts in the +
It reduces to zero when the particle is at a position ( a2 , y, z)m and the magnitude
becomes maximum, but acts along the
x direction when the particle is at a position
( 3a
, y, z)m as is shown in Figure 3.3. The particle always tends to move to the stable
equilibrium point at ( a2 , y, z)m as shown in Figure 3.4. The gradient force acting
on the particle remains same as the wave propagates, since for a propagating wave it
does not depend on the value of z.

Figure 3.3: Variation of x-directed trapping force.

The total force acting on the particle is

1 2 2b nb
Ftotal = x sin (2kx x) Re[] + z Cscat hS(r, t)i. (3.19)
4 kx vb

Thus, for a propagating wave, the x-directed force always traps the particle at the
midpoint of the a-edge (i.e. the higher intensity region, and the equilibrium point) and
the z-directed force always pushes the particle towards the direction of propagation
(i.e. the particle is forced to move towards +z direction, or away from the source) as
is shown in Fig. 3.5.

(a) z = 0m (b) z = 100m

Figure 3.4: Plot of intensity and gradient force at the x-y plane.

(a) Plot of Fx component of total force (b) Plot of Fz component of total force
given in Equation (3.19). The line plot is given in Equation (3.19). The line plot is
shown in Fig. 3.3. shown in Fig. 3.1.

Figure 3.5: Plot of trapping and pushing forces.

3.3.2 Evanescent Wave

We consider that the wave propagates at a frequency of f = 1011 Hz which is

less than the cutoff frequency. In this case, the wave acts like an evanescent wave.
From Equation (3.7),
2 2b 00
|E(r)|2 = 2
sin2 (kx x)e2kz z . (3.20)

In this case, the intensity gradient is

! " #
b 2 2

5|E(r)| 2
= x + y + z sin (kx x)e2kz z
x y z kx
2 2 2 2
2 b 2kz00 z 00 2 b 00
= x sin (kx x) cos (kx x)e zkz 2
sin2 (kx x)e2kz z(3.21)
kx kx

Therefore, the gradient force is

1 2 2b k 00 2 2
" #
00 00
Fgrad = x sin (kx x) cos (kx x)e2kz z z z 2 b sin2 (kx x)e2kz z Re[].
2 kx 2 kx

The magnitude of the x-component of the force is maximum when the particle is
at a position ( a4 , y, z)m and acts in the +
x direction. It reduces to zero when the
particle is at a position ( a2 , y, z)m, and it becomes maximum and acts in the

(a) z = 0m (b) z = 100m

Figure 3.6: x-directed trapping force due to evanescent wave.

direction when the particle is at a position ( 3a

, y, z)m. However, the force decays at
a rate of e2kz as is shown in Figure 3.6.

(a) z = 0m (b) z = 100m

Figure 3.7: Pulling force due to evanescent wave.

(a) z = 0m (b) z = 100m

Figure 3.8: Plot of intensity and gradient force due to evanescent wave.

From Figure 3.6 and Figure 3.7, it is obvious that for a wave which is evanescent

along the positive z-axis, the particle always tends to move to the stable equilibrium
at x = a/2. This force weakens as the wave propagates as shown in Figure 3.8. The
z-component of the force which acts along the negative z-direction pulls the particle
towards the light source as shown in Figure 3.7. Pulling the particle is only possible
if it is placed within a certain distance from the light source. If it is located at a long
distance away from the source where the x and z-component of the force diminish,
then it is not possible to pull the particle towards the light source.

Chapter 4


A dielectric slab waveguide satisfying the guidance condition is considered. Op-

tical forces on a Rayleigh particle near the surface of a dielectric slab waveguide are
observed. A light wave of the lowest order T E0 mode is used to excite the particle.
The transverse and longitudinal forces acting on the particle are studied. The parti-
cle is always trapped near the surface of the slab, where the electric field intensity is
high. The particle can be pushed away from or pulled toward the light source along
the surface of the slab by tuning around a switching frequency. This phenomenon
switches between scattering and gradient forces near the switching frequency of the
dielectric slab waveguide.

4.1 Theoretical Model

A dielectric particle of radius r is considered at a position (x, y, z) near the surface

of the slab of thickness d. It is excited using an incident light wave propagating in the
z direction at frequency = 2f . We consider TE mode of propagation, determine
the cutoff, switching frequencies, and calculate the gradient and scattering forces for
both cases. The particle is pushed in the positive z direction when the frequency is
above the switching frequency fs , and it is pulled in the negative z direction along the
slab when the frequency is less than the switching frequency fs . A theoretical model
of trapping a particle near the surface of the slab, pushing, and pulling it along the
surface of the dielectric slab waveguide is presented by varying the frequency of the

incident light wave. This model is depicted in Fig. 1.

Figure 4.1: Theoretical model of a Rayleigh particle and a dielectric slab waveguide.

4.2 Waveguide Field

For the TE wave solution, the electric field vectors in the air region (i.e. Region
-1), and inside the slab (i.e. Region 0) can be represented by E1 = ye1x x+ikz z ,
and E0 = y A0 eikx x + B0 eikx x eikz z , correspondingly[25]. The guidance condition
for T Em mode of wave propagation at frequency f can be represented by, 1x =
1 kx d m
k tan 2
, and 1x = 2  2 1 1 kx2 , where the value of kx is greater
m (m+1)
than d
, but less than d
. The value of kx and 1x can be determined from the
point of intersection of these two curves[25]. The value of kz can be determined from
kz = 2  kx2 . Varying the frequency, it can be determined that at a particular
frequency, the value of kz is 0. This is the switching frequency fs = 2
. When the
frequency of the incident wave is greater than fs , the value of kz is real, the wave acts
as a propagating wave.

4.3 Lorentz Force

The Lorentz force is applied for the calculation of radiation pressure acting on
the particle. For propagating wave, the total force is[20]

41 r6 p 1 2 21x x
1 21x x
Fprop = x21 r3 1x pp+21
e + z
3 0
(kz0 )4 p +21
e (4.1)

Here, kz0 is the real part of kz .

For evanescent wave, the total force is[20]

1 (21x x2kz z)
00 1 (21x x2kz z) 00
Fevan = x21 r3 1x pp+21
e z21 r3 kz00 pp+2 1
e (4.2)

Here, kz00 is the imaginary part of kz . This force decays by a factor e2kz z in the +

4.4 Pulling and Pushing Forces

For illustration, consider a waveguide of width d = 10m. The slab relative

permittivity is 11.68 (i.e.  = 11.680 ). The medium outside of the slab is air ( = 0 ).
A particle of radius r = 40nm and relative permittivity of 3.85 (i.e. p = 3.850 )
is placed at a position (x, y, 0)m near the slab. We consider the lowest mode of
propagation in the dielectric slab waveguide. The frequency range for T E0 mode of
the incident light wave is, 0 < f < 4.5867 1012 Hz. The switching frequency is,
fs = 4.37683 1012 Hz. For the propagating wave, we consider the frequency of the
incident light is 4.5 1012 Hz. For the evanescent wave, we consider the frequency
of the incident light is 4.25 1012 Hz. In both cases, the x component of total force
in Equation(4.1), and in Equation(4.2) always traps the particle near the surface of
the slab, only the magnitude is different. This is shown in Figure 4.2 and Figure
4.3. For propagating wave, the z component of total force always pushes the particle

toward positive z direction along the surface of the slab as is shown in Figure 4.4.
For evanescent wave, the z component of total force always pulls the particle toward
negative z direction, but decays as the wave goes forward, as is shown in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.2: x directed trapping force due to a propagating wave.

Figure 4.3: x directed trapping force due to an evanescent wave.

Figure 4.4: Pushing Fz (prop), and pulling Fz (evan) forces due to a propagating, and
a evanescent wave, respectively.

Chapter 5


5.1 Objective

The main objective of this research is the feasibility study of optical pulling
forces for Optical toolbox and lab-on-a-chip application and preliminary designs
for waveguide implementations.

5.2 Thesis Outline

The outline of the thesis is given below:

I Review Tractor beams, optical forces

II Rectangular Waveguide Optical trapping, pushing and pulling forces
III Slab Waveguide Optical trapping, pushing and pulling forces
IV Discussion Applications and future directions

Table 5.1: Thesis Outline

5.3 Table of Schedule

Task Completion Notes

Comprehensive Review Fall 2015 In Progress
Rectangular Waveguide Complete PIER 2015
Slab Waveguide Summer 2015 Manuscript in Progress
Discussion Spring 2015

Table 5.2: Table of Schedule


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