Amykeith Standard5

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Amy Keith 22269786 Standard Five Professional

Experience 3

Standard Five
Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

Providing students with feedback for their work completed in class and other types of formative and summative assessment helps
students to know how theyre going with the classwork and gives teachers an insight into their teaching. When assessing student
workbooks, I try to keep the experience positive for all students, focusing on what theyre doing right, what they need to work on
before focusing on the positives again. (Standard 5.1 and 5.2). When marking students assessment, it is important that colleagues
moderate their students assessment to ensure the marking is level, and that students being marked as an A level by me would
also be marked at the same level by my mentor or another teacher in the same year level. (Standard 5.3). Interpreting the student
data gathered from assessment allows teachers to decide what areas they need to work on with specific students and the class as
a whole. This data shows me what areas I need to work on with my teaching, one lesson I taught may not have been effective and
this will show in the students summative and formative assessment. (Standard 5.4). Reporting on student achievement is important
so the school and the students parents know how students are learning and participating in class. Keeping accurate and reliable
records for every student in important so their movement and growth can be measured and observed throughout the topic and the
school year. (Standard 5.5). In one of my professional experience placements, students test scores were displayed in a graph on
the wall of the classroom, their movement could be seen throughout the year, this encouraged students to work hard to improve
their test scores.

Amy Keith 22269786 Standard Five Professional
Experience 3

Annotations for Standard Five

Note the focus area and standard Note the type of Describe the document / artefact and Describe how the document /
descriptor/s the artefact / artefact / document indicate the possible impact or result of the artefact meets the standard
document reflects artefact / document on teaching and/ or descriptors you have identified.
student learning

5.1 Assess student learning This artefact is a While on my second professional I assessed student learning by
Demonstrate understanding of comment from my experience I helped to give written creating mathematics
assessment strategies, final professional feedback in my year 6 students books worksheets focused on the
including informal and formal, experience two from the lessons that I taught, this topic or concept that was being
diagnostic, formative and report under helped to give me a better taught, this would be in the
summative approaches to standard five. understanding of where the students are middle of a topic, after
assess student learning. at with their work and how effective my students have been taught
teaching has been for every student. how to work out the concept
5.2 Provide feedback to and answer the questions, but
students on their learning As teachers, it is essential that we this is not a formative
Demonstrate an understanding make the process of providing feedback assessment task. Students
of the purpose of providing a positive, or at least a neutral, learning were given a chance to
timely and appropriate experience for the student. (Reynolds, complete these or finish as
feedback to students about 2013). Corroborating this idea, I believe much as they could, the sheets

Amy Keith 22269786 Standard Five Professional
Experience 3

their learning. that students need to be praised for were marked as a class and
what they have done well in their work these were checked when the
instead of focusing on the negatives and students workbooks were
what the students need to work on. collected. This gave me a
chance to check where the
I assessed student learning by providing students were at and which
students with worksheets for their maths students needed more help.
work, after seeing which students This was a type of summative
needed additional help with the work I assessment within the
set up various groups with worksheets classroom. (Standard 5.1)
of different difficulty levels, the
worksheets were marked as a class and I provided feedback for
checked when the books were collected. students learning throughout
the placement, I often gave the
students informal feedback
throughout lessons when
helping them. I also gave
students written feedback in
their books when collected
approximately weekly, this
really allowed me an insight
into how much the students

Amy Keith 22269786 Standard Five Professional
Experience 3

were learning when being

taught by me. This insight
allowed me to adjust my
teaching strategies and
content if needed. (Standard
5.1 and 5.2)

My mentor teacher wrote:

Amy provided students with
feedback informally, both
verbally and in written forms, in
all areas of work.

Amy Keith 22269786 Standard Five Professional
Experience 3

Artefact: Comments from my final professional experience two report under standard five.

with feedback
informally, both
verbally and in written forms, in
all areas of work.

Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership. (2011). Australian professional standards for teachers. Retrieved from:

Amy Keith 22269786 Standard Five Professional
Experience 3

Reynolds, L. (2013). Giving Student Feedback. InformED. Retrieved from

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