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iComPAsS for Android

Issues and Concerns
This document includes technical issues and concerns involved upon the
development of this specific version of the iComPAsS for Android
smartphones. Issues include the anomalies and features lacking and non-
functioning features in the system. Issues and concerns are further divided
into three parts: the patient, the doctor, and the administrator.

Patients Account
ISSUE#1: Reading and deleting messages is not possible in the system. If
Messages is tapped from the vertical menu bar, no messages appears.
Furthermore, there are no buttons nor other controls that will allow the
patient to delete the message.

ISSUE#1 ACTION PLAN: One of the first and easy alternative is to contact
the system administrator regarding the issue that the patient has not been
receiving any messages in his/her Messages. Second, there might be some
problem in the technical aspect of the system. (i.e. the program/system that
is being developed). It might be that the administrator is unable to send any
messages to the patient.

Doctors Account
ISSUE#1: Reading and deleting the messages is not possible in the doctors
account as well. The reason behind the issue is similar to that of the first
issue in the patients account.

ISSUE#1 ACTION PLAN: The plan that should be made is similar to the
action plan to be made to patients first and only issue.
Administrators Account
ISSUE#1: From the list of doctors, it is not possible to navigate to doctors
profile if a single doctor profile was tapped.

ISSUE#1 ACTION PLAN: There might be wrong with the source code being
implemented on the doctors profile. The source code of implemented on the
patients profile could be used as a model in implementing the features
currently lacking as specified in the issue.

ISSUE#2: Since it is not possible to access the doctors profile, the following
functions are not operational:

a. Viewing the doctors personal information

b. Editing the doctors profile
c. Deactivating and activating the doctors account

ISSUE#2 ACTION PLAN: The source code present on the patients personal
information, doctors profile, and account deactivation/reactivation could be
used as a model and reference in implementing the features currently lacking
in the system as specified in this issue.

ISSUE#3: The Reset Account for the administrator is not operational. Upon
entering the correct credentials and tapping on the Next button, the
administrator will be directed to a page where it is required to enter the
master key necessary to reset the account. There are no technical
mechanism to check the correctness and validity of the master key. If the
Finish button is tapped, regardless of the entered master key, the user will be
redirected to the profile page.

ISSUE#3 ACTION PLAN: The master key feature is currently not

implemented in the system. Compromise and interrogation must be made
with the clients, specifically with the doctors and staff of USTH Benavides
Cancer Institute. This action will enable the next batch of
developers/practitioners to formalize the implementation of the master key.
ISSUE#4: It is not possible to create a doctor account. An alert box shows
the following line: Duplicate entry DR0000 for key doc_uname.

ISSUE#4 ACTION PLAN: There might be some problems in the backend

(database) part of the system. The errors in the scripts or source code could
be fixed immediately by the backend developer.

ISSUE#5: Although it is possible to edit the profile of a specific patient, it is

not possible to reset the password of the patient. The functionality is not

ISSUE#5 ACTION PLAN: The frontend developer should setup the

necessary user interface for resetting the password. However, the backend
developer should implement the internal (database) mechanism to reset the

ISSUE#6: Upon accessing the patients profile and viewing an individual pain
test result, the administrator will be directed to a page displaying the
evaluation of each of the nine symptoms and of the front and back part of the
body diagram. However, if the View Instructions button was tapped, the user
will be informed that the page leading to the instruction for a specific date
does not exists. If the OK button was tapped, the application will close.

ISSUE#6 ACTION PLAN: The View Instructions feature should be fully

implemented by the frontend and backend developers.

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