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CLIL worksheets A

What teenagers really read
To start a book is to set off on a journey. Teachers and parents
often tell teenagers what to read. They want to pick the journey
and plan the route. But what do teenagers actually read?
100,000 11 to 16 year olds gave information about books they love.
The most popular books were the Harry Potter series, the Alex Rider
series by Anthony Horowitz and The Lord of the Rings. In another
survey, most young people especially liked The Diary of Anne Frank.
The surveys also showed that some teenagers have to hide books
from their parents. Especially books their parents may not like them
to read. One such book gave advice to teenagers on how to talk to parents! News about celebrities is also
popular. According to one of the studies, a celebrity news magazine can be more interesting than a book.
There were also some funny results. For example, many teenagers said they didnt like Harry Potter and
they cant stand articles about skinny celebrities. This shows that there are different types of teenagers
and many different opinions. Although one thing a lot of them agreed on was that they hated reading for
Parents and teachers may not always agree with the reading choices of teenagers. But experts say its good
to read different types of things. So books are good, and gossip magazines arent just rubbish. So when you
pack a rucksack for your next holiday, you should definitely pack a book and a magazine.

5 Many teenagers
1 15
Read the text. Circle the correct option.
a hate articles about skinny celebrities.
1 Adults sometimes b dont mind articles about skinny
a say what books teenagers should read. celebrities.
b give information about books they love. c would like to read more articles about
c set off on a journey. skinny celebrities.
2 In one survey, the number one books 6 Reading different types of things
a were the Alex Rider series and a Harry a is good, but your parents have to like
Potter book. the books too.
b were Harry Potter and The Lord of the b is good, but dont read gossip
Rings. magazines because theyre rubbish.
c were The Lord of the Rings, the Harry c is a good idea.
Potter series and books by Anthony
Horowitz. 2 16
Listen. True (t) or false (f)?
3 Some teenagers
1 Paul and Mary live in England.
a dont like the books that their parents
read. 2 Paul thinks that Spanish teenagers dont
b cant tell their parents what books they like the Harry Potter series.
are reading. 3 Marys friends like The Diary of Anne
c hide their parents. Frank.
4 Celebrity news is
a popular with teenagers too. 4 Marys favourite writer is J.K. Rowling.
b funny. 5 Pauls grandmother lives on a farmhouse in
c not as interesting as a book. Toledo.
6 Mary wants to work on the underground
when shes older.
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157853 _ 0009-0014.indd 9 25/8/09 12:12:41

CLIL worksheets A
Writing Adverbs
3 Complete the sentences with these
1 Underline the correct option. adverbs.
1 My parents buy me books, or/but/because nearly | personally | especially
Im not interested in the books they buy. definitely | undoubtedly | nearly
2 They said I should read Charles Dickens
so/but/and Shakespeare. Mother Im sorry. Theres no way were going
3 But I dont like Dickens or/so/because to the cinema. Were (1) definitely going to
Shakespeare as much as other writers. the theatre.
4 My favourite books are the Harry Potter Sally Well, (2) I think the cinema
books but/because/so they are fascinating. is more entertaining.
5 My mum says Ill enjoy a Shakespeare play, Mother Im sure youll enjoy this play. Its the
or/so/but shes taking me to the theatre. Royal Shakespeare Company. Theyre
(3) the best actors in the country.
6 Were going on Friday, but/so/because
Id prefer to go to the cinema instead. Sally Can I watch TV now?
Mother Have you finished your homework?
2 Rewrite the sentences. Write the Sally Im (4) finished. Were
connector in the correct place. reading The Lord of the Rings. I love it,
1 J. K. Rowling is very popular in the UK (5) the last part of the book.
around the world. (and) Mother Wow! Youve (6) read the
J.K. Rowling is very popular in the UK whole book. That was fast!
and around the world.
2 I havent heard of Laura Gallego shes very Informal expressions
popular in Spain. (but)
4 Complete the expressions in the email.

3 My friend knows a lot about her work hes Hi Sally,

read all her books. (because) going
(1) Hows it ? Im well.
A night at the theatre sounds fantastic.
(2) As you , I want to study
4 He says Ill love her stories Im going to Drama at university, so maybe I should go to
start reading one today. (so) with you.
(3) By the , I saw Jon yesterday.
He said we have to all meet for dinner.
5 I never read on Monday Tuesday. I have Maybe we can go for a pizza. (4) Let me
too much homework. (or) if you are free on Friday night.
(5) , Id better go because I have to
finish my homework.
6 My friends and I go to the library to read Call me!
books magazines. (and)

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157853 _ 0009-0014.indd 10 25/8/09 12:12:41

CLIL worksheets B
How to stop shopping
I love clothes. I know how to shop and I know when to
stop. I cant spend too much money, or my bank could
cancel my debit card! However, you can find the best
bargains without spending all your money. Heres how
Firstly, you dont need to shop when you can swap!
Organise a swapping party with your friends. Tell them
they must bring the clothes they dont wear anymore.
Then you exchange your old clothes with other people. Its
much cheaper than shopping. You dont need to spend a
cent! Whats more if you visit, youll also be able to swap your clothes online.
Secondly, you wont need to buy so many clothes, if you learn to make your own. I remember my
mum making clothes which I thought werent fashionable enough. But knitting is a lot cooler than it
was before. New clothes can also be too expensive; we dont always have the money. So why not knit
yourself a jumper, hat, or scarf? If you look on, youll find lots of videos which show you
how to knit. You can be the most original person at school.
Finally, if you shop at a charity shop, youll help other people. A charity shop is a shop that sells second-
hand things which people donate. The shop gives all the money it makes to charity. A charity is an
organisation which helps others. The people who work in these shops are usually volunteers. You can
buy clothes at cheap prices. There are also online charity shops like that have a selection
of second-hand things for sale.

5 You can learn how to knit if

1 17
Read the text. Circle the correct option.
a you are original.
1 The bank could cancel the writers debit b you look at how to knit videos on
a if she spends too much money. c you ask your parents.
b if she loves clothes too much. 6 If you shop at a charity shop
c if she doesnt spend her money. a the clothes are not expensive.
2 Its possible to find very good bargains b you can sell second hand things.
a but you have to spend all your money. c you are a volunteer.
b and you dont have to spend all your
money. 2 18
Listen. True (t) or false (f)?
c but not the best bargains.
1 The father thinks the queues at the
3 Exchanging your clothes with other
checkout are too long.
a doesnt cost any money. 2 The daughter used to go to the
b is not as cheap as shopping. supermarket with her mother.
c is not much fun. 3 The daughter thinks that shopping online
4 The writers mum is the most convenient way to shop.
a made very fashionable clothes. 4 The daughter shops on and
b bought a lot of clothes.
c made clothes that werent very 5 The mother shops more than the father
fashionable. and the daughter.
6 The mother thinks her job is boring.
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157853 _ 0009-0014.indd 11 25/8/09 12:12:41

CLIL worksheets B
Writing Linkers of contrast and addition
Writing a formal letter
3 Rewrite the sentences. Write the linker in
1 Match the parts of the letter with the the correct place.
descriptions. 1 I love shopping. I dont have a lot of money
1 17th April 2009 b to spend on clothes. (although)
2 Dear Sir or Madam, Although I love shopping, I dont have
3 Yours faithfully, a lot of money to spend on clothes.
4 14 Chestnut Avenue 2 I swap clothes with my friends because its
free. It can be a lot of fun. (whats more)
5 Liverpool L17 2AJ
6 Hannah Murphy

a closing expression 3 I buy second-hand clothes. I make my own

b date clothes. (as well)
c house number and street name
d city and postcode
e opening expression 4 Making your own clothes is hard work. You
f writers name feel proud of what you create. (however)

2 Complete the letter with these words.

Yours faithfully, | 6th April 2009 5 I cant afford designer clothes. I get ideas
Emma Burns | 81 Mary Street | Dublin 1 from fashion magazines. (although)
Dear Sir or Madam

1 81 Mary Street 6 I love fashion. I do fashion photography.

2 (whats more)
Im writing to complain about a jacket I
bought in your shop on March 25th. When I Sequencing ideas
arrived home I noticed there was a black mark
on the back of the jacket. I washed the jacket 4 Complete the expressions.
but the black mark is still there. (1) I a g r e e w i t h the statement
I went back to the shop, but the shop assistant that shoppers can make a difference.
said the jacket wasnt like this when I bought (2) F , if we stop buying
it. She didnt give me a refund. However, I cheap clothes which were made by children,
think Im entitled to a refund. the shops will stop selling them.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. (3) S , we can shop at
charity shops. (4) M , we
can donate our old clothes to charity shops.
(5) In c , I think
there are many things we can change about
the way we shop.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157853 _ 0009-0014.indd 12 25/8/09 12:12:41

CLIL worksheets C
UNESCO World Heritage Sites
What does the Alhambra in Granada have in common
with the Statue of Liberty in New York? How is the
Tower of London related to the old city of Salamanca?
They are all UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
A World Heritage Site is a place of natural or cultural
importance. UNESCO maintains a list of these sites.
The list includes monasteries, churches, temples
and mosques. Places of natural beauty like forests,
mountains, lakes or deserts are also included. When a new site is added, it often becomes local or world
news. There are articles written about it, and sometimes it is front page news. This often makes it easier
to protect, as Governments and local people pay more attention to its beauty and significance.
In the 1950s there was a world campaign to protect the Abu Simbel and Philae temples in Egypt. The
temples were taken apart, moved to a safer place and put back together again. The project cost
US$80 million. Half of the money was collected from 50 countries. Later, in 1972 an international
agreement was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO. Today, 178 countries have signed this
agreement. It is almost universally accepted that the heritage sites must be protected.
There are over 800 sites on the list and every year the list gets bigger. UNESCO has a website which
contains information on all these heritage sites. The website is It also gives information
on how you can volunteer to help protect a World Heritage Site. After all, we should all make an effort
to protect our heritage.

5 Most countries agree that

1 19
Read the text. Circle the correct
a signing agreements is important.
b heritage sites must be protected.
1 The Alhambra, the Statue of Liberty and c 50 countries must collect money.
the Tower of London 6 You can find information about heritage
a are in the old city of Salamanca. sites
b have nothing in common. a when you visit over 800 sites.
c are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. b if you volunteer to help.
2 A World Heritage Site c if you look at the website
a could be a monastery or a mosque, a
mountain or a lake. 2 20
Listen. True (t) or false (f)?
b is only a place of natural beauty.
1 The programme is talking about which
c can only be in a city.
celebrities have fallen in love.
3 Media interest in a new site
a can often be negative. 2 A celebrity goodwill ambassador helps
b is always front page news. promote the ideas of the United Nations .
c sometimes makes the site easier to 3 Nelson Mandela is the president of
protect. UNESCO.
4 The Abu Simbel and Philae temples 4 Roger Federer, David Beckham and
a were taken apart and moved to the US. Shakira work with the United Nations
b were moved to another place, in the Childrens Fund.
1950s. 5 If a goodwill ambassador is followed by the
c were in 50 countries. paparazzi, thats normally negative.
6 Ronaldo works with children.
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157853 _ 0009-0014.indd 13 25/8/09 12:12:42

CLIL worksheets C
Writing Linkers of reason
so and such
3 Underline the correct option.
1 Write or . Correct the errors. 1 World Heritage Sites are very important.
1 Salamanca is so a beautiful city. Thats why / Because we should protect
Salamanca is such a beautiful city. them.
2 Ive contacted UNESCO because of /
because I want to volunteer with them.
2 Im so interested in World Heritage Sites
3 Our History teacher said its a great
that I want to work for UNESCO.
experience. Because of / Thats why I
decided to do it.
4 Were hoping to travel to the Galapagos
3 It would be such amazing job. Islands because / thats why wed like to
see the unique species of animals there.
4 Youd travel to such fascinating places. 5 Its a World Heritage Site because /
because of its natural beauty and animal
5 Youd meet such an interesting people. 6 The islands arent easy to travel to because /
because of their location.

6 My mums an architect. I think her jobs so Time connectors

an interesting.
4 Complete the sentences. Use as, as soon
as and by the time.
(1) As we were having breakfast, we
7 is such a cool website.
heard the news about Shakira being in town.
(2) I told my sister, she ran
out of the house. (3)
2 Match the parts of the sentence.
we arrived at the United Nations building, the
1 My sister, Jen, was so f street was full of Shakira fans. I went to buy
2 Jens such some water. (4) I was drinking
3 Nelson Mandela has done such my water, a woman said, Excuse me. Im very
4 Nelson Mandela is so thirsty. Can I have some of your water, please?
I turned around and got a shock.
5 Angelina Jolie is so
(5) I realised it was Shakira,
6 I read such I asked her for her autograph. I called my
a inspiring. sister, but (6) she
b great reports about her work with arrived, Shakira had gone.
internally displaced people.
c a great job as a Goodwill Ambassador.
d a huge Shakira fan.
e popular that the paparazzi follow her
f happy when Shakira became a Goodwill

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157853 _ 0009-0014.indd 14 25/8/09 12:12:42

CLIL worksheets A
What teenagers really read
To start a book is to set off on a journey. Teachers and parents
often tell teenagers what to read. They want to pick the journey
and plan the route. But what do teenagers actually read?
100,000 11 to 16 year olds gave information about books they love.
The most popular books were the Harry Potter series, the Alex Rider
series by Anthony Horowitz and The Lord of the Rings. In another
survey, most young people especially liked The Diary of Anne Frank.
The surveys also showed that some teenagers have to hide books
from their parents. Especially books their parents may not like them
to read. One such book gave advice to teenagers on how to talk to parents! News about celebrities is also
popular. According to one of the studies, a celebrity news magazine can be more interesting than a book.
There were also some funny results. For example, many teenagers said they didnt like Harry Potter and
they cant stand articles about skinny celebrities. This shows that there are different types of teenagers
and many different opinions. Although one thing a lot of them agreed on was that they hated reading for
Parents and teachers may not always agree with the reading choices of teenagers. But experts say its good
to read different types of things. So books are good, and gossip magazines arent just rubbish. So when you
pack a rucksack for your next holiday, you should definitely pack a book and a magazine.

5 Many teenagers
1 15
Read the text. Circle the correct option.
a hate articles about skinny celebrities.
1 Adults sometimes b dont mind articles about skinny
a say what books teenagers should read. celebrities.
b give information about books they love. c would like to read more articles about
c set off on a journey. skinny celebrities.
2 In one survey, the number one books 6 Reading different types of things
a were the Alex Rider series and a Harry a is good, but your parents have to like
Potter book. the books too.
b were Harry Potter and The Lord of the b is good, but dont read gossip
Rings. magazines because theyre rubbish.
c were The Lord of the Rings, the Harry c is a good idea.
Potter series and books by Anthony
Horowitz. 2 16
Listen. True (t) or false (f)?
3 Some teenagers
1 Paul and Mary live in England. f
a dont like the books that their parents
read. 2 Paul thinks that Spanish teenagers dont
b cant tell their parents what books they like the Harry Potter series. t
are reading. 3 Marys friends like The Diary of Anne
c hide their parents. Frank. t
4 Celebrity news is
a popular with teenagers too. 4 Marys favourite writer is J.K. Rowling. f
b funny. 5 Pauls grandmother lives on a farmhouse in
c not as interesting as a book. Toledo. t
6 Mary wants to work on the underground
when shes older. f
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157853 _ 0015-0020.indd 15 27/8/09 11:09:49

CLIL worksheets A
Writing Adverbs
3 Complete the sentences with these
1 Underline the correct option. adverbs.
1 My parents buy me books, or/but/because nearly | personally | especially
Im not interested in the books they buy. definitely | undoubtedly | nearly
2 They said I should read Charles Dickens
so/but/and Shakespeare. Mother Im sorry. Theres no way were going
3 But I dont like Dickens or/so/because to the cinema. Were (1) definitely going to
Shakespeare as much as other writers. the theatre.
4 My favourite books are the Harry Potter Sally Well, (2) personally I think the cinema
books but/because/so they are fascinating. is more entertaining.
5 My mum says Ill enjoy a Shakespeare play, Mother Im sure youll enjoy this play. Its the
or/so/but shes taking me to the theatre. Royal Shakespeare Company. Theyre
(3) undoubtedly the best actors in the country.
6 Were going on Friday, but/so/because
Id prefer to go to the cinema instead. Sally Can I watch TV now?
Mother Have you finished your homework?
2 Rewrite the sentences. Write the Sally Im (4) nearly finished. Were
connector in the correct place. reading The Lord of the Rings. I love it,
1 J. K. Rowling is very popular in the UK (5) especially the last part of the book.
around the world. (and) Mother Wow! Youve (6) nearly read the
J.K. Rowling is very popular in the UK whole book. That was fast!
and around the world.
2 I havent heard of Laura Gallego shes very Informal expressions
popular in Spain. (but)
I havent heard of Laura Gallego, but shes 4 Complete the expressions in the email.
very popular in Spain.
3 My friend knows a lot about her work hes Hi Sally,
read all her books. (because) going
(1) Hows it ? Im well.
My friend knows a lot about her work
because hes read all her books. A night at the theatre sounds fantastic.
(2) As you know , I want to study
4 He says Ill love her stories Im going to Drama at university, so maybe I should go to
start reading one today. (so) with you.
He says Ill love her stories so Im going to way , I saw Jon yesterday.
(3) By the
start reading one today.
He said we have to all meet for dinner.
5 I never read on Monday Tuesday. I have Maybe we can go for a pizza. (4) Let me
too much homework. (or) know if you are free on Friday night.
I never read on Monday or Tuesday. I have too
(5) Anyway , Id better go because I have to
much homework. finish my homework.
6 My friends and I go to the library to read Call me!
books magazines. (and)
My friends and I go to the library to read Lena

books and magazines.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157853 _ 0015-0020.indd 16 25/8/09 12:23:14

CLIL worksheets B
How to stop shopping
I love clothes. I know how to shop and I know when to
stop. I cant spend too much money, or my bank could
cancel my debit card! However, you can find the best
bargains without spending all your money. Heres how
Firstly, you dont need to shop when you can swap!
Organise a swapping party with your friends. Tell them
they must bring the clothes they dont wear anymore.
Then you exchange your old clothes with other people. Its
much cheaper than shopping. You dont need to spend a
cent! Whats more if you visit, youll also be able to swap your clothes online.
Secondly, you wont need to buy so many clothes, if you learn to make your own. I remember my
mum making clothes which I thought werent fashionable enough. But knitting is a lot cooler than it
was before. New clothes can also be too expensive; we dont always have the money. So why not knit
yourself a jumper, hat, or scarf? If you look on, youll find lots of videos which show you
how to knit. You can be the most original person at school.
Finally, if you shop at a charity shop, youll help other people. A charity shop is a shop that sells second-
hand things which people donate. The shop gives all the money it makes to charity. A charity is an
organisation which helps others. The people who work in these shops are usually volunteers. You can
buy clothes at cheap prices. There are also online charity shops like that have a selection
of second-hand things for sale.

5 You can learn how to knit if

1 17
Read the text. Circle the correct option.
a you are original.
1 The bank could cancel the writers debit b you look at how to knit videos on
a if she spends too much money. c you ask your parents.
b if she loves clothes too much. 6 If you shop at a charity shop
c if she doesnt spend her money. a the clothes are not expensive.
2 Its possible to find very good bargains b you can sell second hand things.
a but you have to spend all your money. c you are a volunteer.
b and you dont have to spend all your
money. 2 18
Listen. True (t) or false (f)?
c but not the best bargains.
1 The father thinks the queues at the
3 Exchanging your clothes with other
checkout are too long. f
a doesnt cost any money. 2 The daughter used to go to the
b is not as cheap as shopping. supermarket with her mother. f
c is not much fun. 3 The daughter thinks that shopping online
4 The writers mum is the most convenient way to shop. t
a made very fashionable clothes. 4 The daughter shops on and
b bought a lot of clothes. t
c made clothes that werent very 5 The mother shops more than the father
fashionable. and the daughter. f
6 The mother thinks her job is boring. f
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157853 _ 0015-0020.indd 17 25/8/09 12:23:14

CLIL worksheets B
Writing Linkers of contrast and addition
Writing a formal letter
3 Rewrite the sentences. Write the linker in
1 Match the parts of the letter with the the correct place.
descriptions. 1 I love shopping. I dont have a lot of money
1 17th April 2009 b to spend on clothes. (although)
2 Dear Sir or Madam, e Although I love shopping, I dont have
3 Yours faithfully, a a lot of money to spend on clothes.
4 14 Chestnut Avenue c 2 I swap clothes with my friends because its
free. It can be a lot of fun. (whats more)
5 Liverpool L17 2AJ d
I swap clothes with my friends because its
6 Hannah Murphy f
free. Whats more, it can be a lot of fun.
a closing expression 3 I buy second-hand clothes. I make my own
b date clothes. (as well)
c house number and street name I buy second-hand clothes. I make my own
d city and postcode clothes as well.
e opening expression 4 Making your own clothes is hard work. You
f writers name feel proud of what you create. (however)
Making your own clothes is hard work.
2 Complete the letter with these words. However, you feel proud of what you create.
Yours faithfully, | 6th April 2009 5 I cant afford designer clothes. I get ideas
Emma Burns | 81 Mary Street | Dublin 1 from fashion magazines. (although)
Dear Sir or Madam Although I cant afford designer clothes ,
I get ideas from fashion magazines.
1 81 Mary Street 6 I love fashion. I do fashion photography.
2 Dublin 1 (whats more)
3 6th April 2009 I love fashion. Whats more, I do fashion
4 Dear Sir or Madam photography.
Im writing to complain about a jacket I
bought in your shop on March 25th. When I Sequencing ideas
arrived home I noticed there was a black mark
on the back of the jacket. I washed the jacket 4 Complete the expressions.
but the black mark is still there. (1) I a g r e e w i t h the statement
I went back to the shop, but the shop assistant that shoppers can make a difference.
said the jacket wasnt like this when I bought (2) F i r s t l y , if we stop buying
it. She didnt give me a refund. However, I cheap clothes which were made by children,
think Im entitled to a refund. the shops will stop selling them.
(3) S e c o n d l y , we can shop at
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully charity shops. (4) M o r e o v e r , we
can donate our old clothes to charity shops.
Emma Burns
6 (5) In c o n c l u s i o n , I think
there are many things we can change about
the way we shop.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157853 _ 0015-0020.indd 18 25/8/09 12:23:14

CLIL worksheets C
UNESCO World Heritage Sites
What does the Alhambra in Granada have in common
with the Statue of Liberty in New York? How is the
Tower of London related to the old city of Salamanca?
They are all UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
A World Heritage Site is a place of natural or cultural
importance. UNESCO maintains a list of these sites.
The list includes monasteries, churches, temples
and mosques. Places of natural beauty like forests,
mountains, lakes or deserts are also included. When a new site is added, it often becomes local or world
news. There are articles written about it, and sometimes it is front page news. This often makes it easier
to protect, as Governments and local people pay more attention to its beauty and significance.
In the 1950s there was a world campaign to protect the Abu Simbel and Philae temples in Egypt. The
temples were taken apart, moved to a safer place and put back together again. The project cost
US$80 million. Half of the money was collected from 50 countries. Later, in 1972 an international
agreement was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO. Today, 178 countries have signed this
agreement. It is almost universally accepted that the heritage sites must be protected.
There are over 800 sites on the list and every year the list gets bigger. UNESCO has a website which
contains information on all these heritage sites. The website is It also gives information
on how you can volunteer to help protect a World Heritage Site. After all, we should all make an effort
to protect our heritage.

5 Most countries agree that

1 19
Read the text. Circle the correct
a signing agreements is important.
b heritage sites must be protected.
1 The Alhambra, the Statue of Liberty and c 50 countries must collect money.
the Tower of London 6 You can find information about heritage
a are in the old city of Salamanca. sites
b have nothing in common. a when you visit over 800 sites.
c are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. b if you volunteer to help.
2 A World Heritage Site c if you look at the website
a could be a monastery or a mosque, a
mountain or a lake. 2 20
Listen. True (t) or false (f)?
b is only a place of natural beauty.
1 The programme is talking about which
c can only be in a city.
celebrities have fallen in love. f
3 Media interest in a new site
a can often be negative. 2 A celebrity goodwill ambassador helps
b is always front page news. promote the ideas of the United Nations t .
c sometimes makes the site easier to 3 Nelson Mandela is the president of
protect. UNESCO. f
4 The Abu Simbel and Philae temples 4 Roger Federer, David Beckham and
a were taken apart and moved to the US. Shakira work with the United Nations
b were moved to another place, in the Childrens Fund. t
1950s. 5 If a goodwill ambassador is followed by the
c were in 50 countries. paparazzi, thats normally negative. f
6 Ronaldo works with children. f
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157853 _ 0015-0020.indd 19 25/8/09 12:23:15

CLIL worksheets C
Writing Linkers of reason
so and such
3 Underline the correct option.
1 Write or . Correct the errors. 1 World Heritage Sites are very important.
1 Salamanca is so a beautiful city. Thats why / Because we should protect
Salamanca is such a beautiful city. them.
2 Ive contacted UNESCO because of /
because I want to volunteer with them.
2 Im so interested in World Heritage Sites
3 Our History teacher said its a great
that I want to work for UNESCO.
experience. Because of / Thats why I
decided to do it.
4 Were hoping to travel to the Galapagos
3 It would be such amazing job. Islands because / thats why wed like to
It would be such an amazing job. see the unique species of animals there.
4 Youd travel to such fascinating places. 5 Its a World Heritage Site because /
because of its natural beauty and animal
5 Youd meet such an interesting people. 6 The islands arent easy to travel to because /
Youd meet such interesting people. because of their location.

6 My mums an architect. I think her jobs so Time connectors

an interesting.
My mums an architect. I think her jobs so 4 Complete the sentences. Use as, as soon
interesting. as and by the time.
(1) As we were having breakfast, we
7 is such a cool website.
heard the news about Shakira being in town.
(2) As soon as I told my sister, she ran
out of the house. (3) By the time
2 Match the parts of the sentence.
we arrived at the United Nations building, the
1 My sister, Jen, was so f street was full of Shakira fans. I went to buy
2 Jens such d some water. (4) As I was drinking
3 Nelson Mandela has done such c my water, a woman said, Excuse me. Im very
4 Nelson Mandela is so a thirsty. Can I have some of your water, please?
I turned around and got a shock.
5 Angelina Jolie is so e
(5) As soon as I realised it was Shakira,
6 I read such b I asked her for her autograph. I called my
a inspiring. sister, but (6) by the time she
b great reports about her work with arrived, Shakira had gone.
internally displaced people.
c a great job as a Goodwill Ambassador.
d a huge Shakira fan.
e popular that the paparazzi follow her
f happy when Shakira became a Goodwill

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

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