Archival Ecohouse

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A Thesis

Presented to the
Undergraduate Faculty of the School of Business and Economics

University of San Carlos

Cebu City, Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree







February 2016

This thesis proposal entitled MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL

LEOJE, VILLALON, CARYL MAE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing
Management has been approved for proposal hearing.

Dr. Lolita Velita, DBA, REB, REA



Cover Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgment iii

Table of Contents vii

List of Tables x

List of Figures xi



Rationale of the Study 1


Statement of the Problem 5

Statement of Assumptions (optional) 6

Statement of Hypothesis (optional) 7

Significance of the Study 7

Scope and Limitations of the Study 8




Review of Related Literature 12

Theoretical Framework 32

Conceptual Framework 44

Research Design 46

Research Environment 46

Research Respondents 47

Research Instruments 47

Research Procedures 47

Gathering of Data 48

Treatment of Data 48

BIBLIOGRAPHY (APA style-American Psychological Association)


A Transmittal Letter

B Research Instrument

C Timetable of Activities

D Program Budget

Chapter 1


Rationale of the Study

There is enough on earth for everybodys need, but not for everybodys

greed( Mahatma Gandhi) In our society now a day, more specifically in Cebu City, we

are facing 1different kind of calamities that really affect in every individual in our

society, like floods because of throwing of garbage anywhere. Improper disposal of waste

is the big problem in Cebu City, no matter what the government implemented but still

some consumer didnt follow.

Some businessman operates sustainable businesses to eliminate the environmental

harm caused by the production and consumption of their goods. Sustainable business

leaders also take into account the life cycle costs for the items they produce. There

inputs costs must be considered in regards to regulations, energy use, storage, and

disposal. In United States, they make a program titled Designing for the environment

(DFE) also called as United States Environmental Protection Agency created in 1992, is

also an element of sustainable business that works to prevent pollution. This process

enables users to consider the potential environmental impacts of a product and the

process used to make that product. The Friends for the Earth International (FoEI) is an

international environmental organization dedicated to preserving the health and diversity

of the planet for future generation. This helps to regulate the impact of the garbage in the

society. In Cebu City, the Department of Tourism (DOT) and Department of Trade and

Industry collaborated with other government agencies enhancing competitiveness of

businesses by adopting environment friendly and climate smart strategies. They

encourage the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) to implement the changes

necessary to go green.

Green environmental and Eco-marketing is part of the new marketing approaches

which do not just refocus, adjust or enhance existing marketing thinking and practice. But

seek to challenge those approaches and provide a substantially different perspective.

Green Marketing is just a simple word but its a hard task to do. In US they implement

Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS), describes an integrated, rapidly

growing market that appeal to consumers whose sense of environmental and social

responsibility influences their purchase decisions. It enables to promote awareness to the

people to be responsible in their society. In the Philippines more specifically in Cebu

City, they encourage every individual to Go Green Philippines, helps people to be aware,

to preserve the natural environment.

So, the Eco house, located in Talamban, is the first sustainable and self-sufficient

house in Cebu and in the entire Philippines. Engr. Nestor Archival a professional

electrical engineer and advocate of nature build his own green house and promote

sustainable development in Cebu City and entire Philippines.

Engr. Nestor Archival promote this kind of program because he noticed that the

world, especially in Cebu City facing increasing environmental problems and mankind

desperate to lessen this unfortunate situation in Cebu City. As a result, corporations and

individuals are looking in different ways to contribute a cleaner and greener environment.

The Archival family dedicated themselves to going green by following the three

Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. It seems simple but it simple enough that needs dedication

and a creative mind to achieve all three (according to Engr. Archival). They open an eco-

house, the area is divided into different sections: like the goatery (where you can feed and

pet goats), vermin compost beds (vermin bisexual worms whose job is to help convert

organic wastes into nutrient rich vermicast a.k.a fertilizers).

They also have mickey mouse shaped lagoon and two more pools filled with

rain water as water catchment. They accumulated water to be used to flush toilets, to

wash clothes and plates, and to water the plants. They also have a free environmental

lecture after the tour.

The Archivals have created a true Cebuano legacy and, most importantly, taught

as valuable lesson giving back to nature: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Even down to the

useless piece of scrap, Engr. Archival found ways to turn garbage into something useful.

The furniture was styled with recycled scraps such PVC pipes, tetra packs, empty cans,

plastic cups, crushed eggshells, cable spools, wine bottles and empty bullet shells.

The researchers chose this topic in order to evaluate what are the opportunities

and challenges that the researcher would encounter after the studies and for the upcoming

generations. Researchers are Marketing Management students who are willing to help the

environment and to promote sustainable development in Cebu City, In order to save

mother earth from all the disaster that citizens facing right now.


Global warming is a timely relevant us our generation is currently facing right

now. We humans have been extracting all the resources Mother Nature has to offer

without foreseeing the damages we made to it. Now with the resources running low. We

need to find a renewable energy and recycling our own waste in turn it into another useful


When it comes to protecting our environment, everybody is a

stakeholder.(Johnson 2017) Definitely we are the one who is responsible enough to our

environment. Not knowingly we did not even notice what we can benefit from it. No

doubt there are several advocacy groups who are engaged in encouraging people to do all

that falls within their capacity to help save our world. Everybody should be geared

towards promoting a green environment. It would be essential to promote green

environment in order to lessen such mankind activities that slowly destroying resources.

Archival Eco-house is one of the advocacy groups who are encouraging people not just to

go green but also innovate waste to useful ones.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the 7ps and marketing strategies of Archival Eco-house

in Talamban Cebu City, Philippines, of what opportunities that researcher can get from

their current marketing strategies and improve it.

Research Objectives

1.) To determine the companys profile in terms of:

1.1 Vision, Mission, and Goals

1.2 Company History

1.3 Number of Employees

2.) To determine the employee profile in terms of:

2.1 Demographic

i. Age

ii. Gender

iii. Status

iv. Income

2.2 Employment Status

i. Length of service

ii. Position

3.) How to improve current Marketing Strategies of Archival Eco-house in terms of:

3.1 Product
3.2 Place
3.3 Price
3.4 Promotion
3.5 People

3.6 Process

3.7 Physical Evidence

4.) Base on the findings of the studies, what strategies can be proposed to Archival


5.) Based on the findings, what are the recommendations and interventions that can

be proposed to Archival Eco-house?

Considerably, this will help the researcher in determining the different aspects that

will be connected to the review related literature. After identifying those aspects, the

researcher will be gathering data to support those problems that need appropriate

clarifications. After making the research, the researchers are ready to give conclusions

and recommendations.

Statement of Assumptions

As a group we have this intuition that participating in a green and sustainable

development projects will make Cebu, City a nature friendly and ideal place to live.

Climate change is a huge problem in our society now a days, it refers to the increase of

normal temperature in the surface of the earth. Formulating ideas towards a sustainable

community will help solve the problem and will give opportunities to people toward

change specially those who are living in Talamban Cebu, City. By giving the researchers

broader knowledge about sustainability that will help understands and creates more

useful ideas all throughout.

Statement of Hypothesis

Through innovation of products with trash as raw materials is a very good

solution for a greener and cleaner society. With that idea we could not only reduce trash

we could also benefit from it by using trash as a resources, a very abundant resources.

With advertising we could introduce the positive effect of this projects we could help

them realize that this could be a way for them to save mother earth and benefit from a

product as well. So the innovation and advertising of new product from trash is a great

way to save earth with green and honest purpose to its consumers and beneficiaries.

Significance of the Study

Students - By the study it help us students what we will go to do after we graduate. It

gives us an option in choosing the right work that will fit in our attitude or personality. It

is also an opportunity to develop ourselves and became successful someday.

Customers - The research will give knowledge to the customers on how the Eco House

works by using 3rs reduce; reuse and recycle and it could also them in their own


Entrepreneur - For the labor market and the economy in general. We all know that

entrepreneurs one of the most influential people in the industry. It will give them idea to

create work and to boost the economy. It will help to ready their selves to fight against

other business competitors.

The Researchers. The Researchers will benefit from the study as it will improve their

understanding of how to come up with effective marketing strategies in relation to

sustainable development that could be later on used in their future endeavors.

The University of San Carlos. The University will benefit from this study as it will

provide additional information in its archives and literature on marketing strategies. The

data will then be used by other business students to help them understand better on the

similar subject matter.

Scope and Limitations of the study

Basically, the scope of conducting this research encapsulates the whole boundary

of Cebu City. This City gives the researchers more information about the environmental

aspects of promoting a green environment. In promoting the 3rs (reuse, reduce, and

recycle) the researchers encountered a lot of possible ideas that can help the environment.

Going deeper in our brain storming, the researchers narrowed their minds to the specific

environmental industries that are promoting the 3rs. The researchers definitely found the

right industry that is thoroughly use the three Rs which is the Archival Eco-house that is

very qualified to be studied. The duration of this research is good for one semester.

Although it would be a good research, to know more but we are constraint by a limited

time that we have.

During the research conducted two industries were interview and surveyed, but

definitely the main topic of the study is the eco-house. The researchers were happily able

to gather data from the one of the industries and interviewed the eco-house. During the

field research, industries such as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources

were very proactive in answering and sharing their ideas towards a green environment.

Researchers were able to interview the Eco-house and able to gathered information that is

essential for the environment. From this, the researchers were able to grab opportunities

in promoting the green environment and take note of it as one of the findings.

From the data gathered, it would take a lot of time and process in order to comply

it according to scheduled. Researchers would like to give time and effort for this research

topic knowing it would be beneficial for the environment. And therefore the researchers

are giving the best not just to get good grades but also share facts about the eco-house.


Advertising - the act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service,

need, etc., especially by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or

television, on billboards, etc. to get customer

Marketing - the action or business of promoting and selling products or services,

including market research and advertising.

Product - A good, idea, method, information, object or service created as a result of a

process and a serves a need or satisfies a want. Researchers - diligent and systematic

inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories,

applications, etc.

Sustainability - A state in which the demands placed on the environment can be met

without reducing its capacity to allow all people to live well, now and in the future.

Innovation - Defined simply as a "new idea, device, or method. However,

innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new

requirements, articulated needs, or existing market needs.


This study will contain five chapters, it includes the bibliography and appendices.

The first chapter contains four parts, the introduction, The Problem, Definition of Terms

and The Organization of the Study. Under Introduction is the Rationale of the Study. This

part gives us an interview of the overall context of this research. Under The Problem is

the Statement of the Problem, where is states the purpose of the problem, the research

questions and their respective objectives.

The statement of the Assumption is another part where there assertions,

propositions, and situation and that enable us to conduct the research. Another sub-part is

the Statement of the Hypothesis where this part gives you hypothesis or educated guess

towards the research. Another Sub-part is the significance of the study. The last sub-part

under the Problem is the Scope and Limitations of the Study, where it provides an

overview of the context bounded within our reach. Another part of the chapter is the

Definition of Terms where the unfamiliar terms are defined and explained. And the last

part of the chapter is the Organization of the study.

The second chapter will contain the Theoretical Background. This section is

divided into three sections which are the Review of Related Literature, Theoretical

Framework, and the Conceptual Framework.

After a thorough review of all the related data, the next part, chapter three

contains the Research Methodology. An overview will be written to show the flow of

research. This chapter shows the Research Environment, Research Respondents,

Research Instruments, and Research Procedures where the Gathering and Treatment of

Data will be accompanied.

The fourth chapter contains the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

that we gather from our respondents during our field research. This chapter is divided into

two, one is for the data from the Industry respondents and second is from the customers.

The fifth chapter contains the Summary, Conclusion, and the Recommendations

of the Study. The succeeding parts will enclosed the Bibliography and the Appendices

which will include the Supplementary Data, Transmittal Letters; the Research Instrument

used Documentation, Project Budget, Time Table of Activities and Curriculum Vitae of

the Researchers.

Chapter 2


Review of the Related Literature

Going Green

This day and age, we actually hear everyone talking about going green. This is

actually because the rate of the earth is not that sustainable. We are creating a project

what we call green building in such a way to promote a healthy environment. Green

Buildings are designed in such a way to reduce overall impact on environment and

human health. (Rinkesh Kukreja, 2017)

According to Atula Gupta (2010) "An environment is all of the conditions,

circumstances, etc. that surround and influence life on earth, including atmospheric

conditions, food chains, and the water cycle." the environment is our surrounding that

includes living as well as non-living things. The non-living components like land, water,

air, temperature etc. influence how animals, plants and we as human beings live in a

particular area. Living creatures too are dependent on each other for food, shelter etc.

These are basic things we need for our survival. If any of the environmental elements

change, it automatically becomes harder and sometimes fatal for living organisms like

these to survive. Like an ecosystem, an ecological house conserves resources (energy,

water, food and materials). It also produces resources, or at least gathers and stores more

of them than it uses. The extra resources are distributed back into the larger

environment to support life elsewhere. (Wenz, 2007)

When it comes to protecting our environment, everybody is a

stakeholder.(Johnson, 2017) Definitely we are the one who is responsible enough to our

environment. Not knowingly we did not even notice what we can benefit from it. No

doubt there are several advocacy groups who are engaged in encouraging people to do all

that falls within their capacity to help save our world. Everybody should be geared

towards promoting a green environment. It would be essential to promote green

environment in order to lessen such mankind activities that slowly destroying resources.

Archival Eco-house is one of the advocacy groups who are encouraging people not just to

go green but also innovate waste to useful ones.

We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to. (Swearingen,

2010) Yes definitely, we do not have another planet where we can survive. Definitely the

purpose of having one planet is for us to care about it. It is made to be care and put it

under our protection. We are changing the climate and health of the planet by our every

choice. Our natural environment becomes unbalanced and unsustainable when it is

polluted and stripped of its natural resources by over-consumption. Our lives are at stake

as we find our health being affected by environmental toxins in the air, water, and foods

we consume. Our earth is a fragile planet with limited resources. The growing threat of

climatic changes means everyone from individuals to businesses must reassess their

environmental impact and daily choices.

Clear air. Clean water. Clean Earth. Whats good for the planet is good for you!

(Carlson 2005) Behind the statistics are real families spending real dollars to invest in a

lifestyle that matches their beliefs, or at least their personal health concerns. Perhaps

youve already made some eco-friendly changes to your lifestyle. Perhaps youre just

getting plugged into what the green craze is all about. Either way, we thought you might

want to know how the eco-trend is changing the way more and more of us are living (or

at least trying to live), and about what you can do to make the world around you just a

little bit greener.

Marketing Strategies

A marketing strategy is a method by which a firm attempts to reach its target

markets. Marketing strategy starts with market research, in which needs and attitudes and

competitors' products are assessed and continues through into advertising, promotion,

distribution and where applicable, customer servicing, packaging, sales and distribution.

Marketing strategy must focus on delivering greater value to customers and the firm at a

lower cost. However, quantifying the return on investment from marketing expenditure

on activities such as advertising, promotion and distribution is one of the most complex

issues facing decision makers. Marketing performance is central to success in todays fast

moving competitive markets, and measuring marketings performance is critical to

managing it effectively.

In order to measure marketing strategy effectiveness, a business has to break

down its marketing function into constituent parts, along with a mechanism through

which to analyse the interaction between those parts. By doing this, decision-makers will

finally be in a position to relate marketing expenses to shareholder value and to

understand how to tie marketing initiatives back into the value created for the company.

Decision-makers will be able to understand the internal motives that propel the marketing

value of the business. The manipulation of the following marketing variables namely

price variation and price promotion, research, advertising, product differentiation, quality,

packaging and place will yield in-creased returns for firms. (Herbst and Lombard, 2009)

Life for marketers used to be simpler. We had just a few TV channels, some radio

stations, a handful of top magazines and a newspaper or two in each market. Reaching

consumers was easy, if you were able craft a compelling message, you could move

product. (Satell, 2013) What used to be a matter of identifying needs and communicating

benefits now requires us to build immersive experiences that engage consumers. That

means we have to seamlessly integrate a whole new range of skills and

capabilities. Marketing executives are busy people. They need to actively monitor the

marketplace, identify business opportunities, collaborate with product people and run

promotional campaigns. It is unreasonable to expect them to keep up with the vast array

of emerging technology and tactics, especially since most of it won't pan out anyway.

Marketing strategy is fundamentally different from innovation. As noted above, a

good strategy is one that achieves specific objectives. Innovation, however, focuses on

creating something completely new and new things, unfortunately, tend to not work as

well as standard solutions (at least at first). The truth is that innovation is a messy

business. The primary focus of marketing promotion used to be to create compelling

advertising campaigns that would get the consumers attention and drive awareness.

Once potential customers were aware of the product, direct sales and retail promotions

could then close the deal. (Satell, 2013)

7Ps of Marketing

According to Tracy (2004) once you've developed your marketing strategy, there

is a "Seven P Formula" you should use to continually evaluate and reevaluate your

business activities. These seven are: product, price, promotion, place, packaging,

positioning and people. As products, markets, customers and needs change rapidly.

Develop the habit of looking at your product as though you were an outside

marketing consultant brought in to help your company decide whether or not it's in the

right business at this time. Develop the habit of continually examining and reexamining

the prices of the products and services you sell to make sure they're still appropriate to

the realities of the current market. Many companies have found that the profitability of

certain products or services doesn't justify the amount of effort and resources that go into

producing them. Promotion includes all the ways you tell your customers about your

products or services and how you then market and sell to them. Small changes in the way

you promote and sell your products can lead to dramatic changes in your results. Even

small changes in your advertising can lead immediately to higher sales. Small changes in

the way you promote and sell your products can lead to dramatic changes in your results.

Even small changes in your advertising can lead immediately to higher sales.

The fifth element in the marketing mix is the packaging. Develop the habit of

standing back and looking at every visual element in the packaging of your product or

service through the eyes of a critical prospect. Remember, people form their first

impression about you within the first 30 seconds of seeing you or some element of your

company. Small improvements in the packaging or external appearance of your product

or service can often lead to completely different reactions from your customers.

Packaging refers to the way your product or service appears from the outside. Positioning

is the need to develop the habit of thinking continually about how you are positioned in

the hearts and minds of your customers. Develop the habit of thinking about how you

could improve your positioning. Begin by determining the position you'd like to have. If

you could create the ideal impression in the hearts and minds of your customers, what

would it be? The final P of the marketing mix is people. Develop the habit of thinking in

terms of the people inside and outside of your business who are responsible for every

element of your sales, marketing strategies, and activities. To be successful in business,

you must develop the habit of thinking in terms of exactly who is going to carry out each

task and responsibility. (Tracy, 2004)

It was then said by Zhou, Brown and Dev (2009) "Market Orientation,

Competitive Advantage, and Performance: A Demand Based Perspective" The study

assesses how customer value affects a firm's market orientation and consequently,

competitive advantage and organizational performance in a services and hospitality

industry. The findings show that if a firm perceives its customers as valuing services, the

firm is more likely to adapt both customer and a competitor orientation, if the firm thinks

its customers are price sensitive, the firm tends to develop a competitor orientation.

Moreover the firm is able to develop a competitive advantage based on innovation and

market differentiation.

Crook, Ketchen and Snow (2008) "Competitive Edge: A Strategic Management

Model" The purpose of strategic management research is to help companies find the way

to improve their performance, based on that this study examines the Competitive-edge

model which provides a framework for managers to engage in systematic strategic

thinking and deception making. The competitive-edge model, along with the concepts,

tools and data required to activate it, provides managers with an explicit pictures of what

is occurring inside and around the firm by using the industry analysis, competitors

analysis, country analysis, stakeholder analysis, legal and regulatory analysis and

company analysis.

Green Furniture

According by Ritzenthaler (2008) Being eco-friendly and living a more

sustainable lifestyle is a hot topic these days. As a result eco-friendly furniture is hitting

the online shopping market with full force.

Many retailers are now offering various environmentally friendly products. Many

furniture retailers are actually now selling more environmentally friendly furniture pieces

along with their other products due to customer wants, so don't hesitate to ask staff if eco-

friendly furniture pieces are available. For this type of product, shopping online is ideal;

you can compare and contrast designs, costs, and level of eco-friendly materials faster

and in the convenience of your own home; it's also the perfect place for environmentally

sustainable furniture because most online retailers are using less energy due to not having

a brick and mortar store, thereby making them greener too! Also be sure to use the

internet for finding tips on how to buy and find environmentally friendly products.

Some people obsess over furniture. Others hardly even notice it's there. One way

or the other, making environmentally savvy choices in furnishing your home or office can

make a big difference in your impact on the planet and your health. The modern

sustainability movement has attracted such a large number of innovative designers that

it's hard to know where to start.(Gordon, 2014)

Whether a piece of furniture is made from wood, cloth, metal, plastic, or whatever

else, there are earth-friendly options. When cave people realized that boulders weren't the

most comfortable things to sit on, wood was almost certainly where they looked, Not

only do trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, they keep the surface of the

planet cool, they hold soil together so it can stay rich, and they provide the habitat that

animals, insects, birds, and other plants call home, not to mention they support many

people's livelihood. (Gordon, 2014)

Furniture never used to be throwaway, replaced every few years either because

it was too shabby or had ceased to be fashionable. Dr Chapman says that in the Thirties

economists came up with planned obsolescence, meaning that if people had to replace

items more frequently, they would buy more and thus stimulate economic recovery. The

past few years of recession and stagnant growth have underlined the flaws in this theory:

building an economy on consumer spending does not necessarily result in sustainable

growth. (Lonsdale, 2011) The eco-friendly decors are no doubt very useful for home

owners because they do not only benefit the homeowner by saving money but also

benefit others as they are sustainable furniture. Because the world is becoming more

conscious about their surroundings and environment, the demand for this furniture has

increased. People find the trend catchy and choose to keep the "Go Green" theme for

their houses to benefit the humanity.

Many furniture companies claim their products are green, a designation usually

referring to material sourcing. Maybe their sofa frames are made out of dumpster-sourced

scrap metal or their cushions are filled with used ticker tape. Responsible material

sourcing is important, but it does not necessarily make something sustainable; that is,

able to exist in perpetuity from an environmental and resource consumption standpoint.

To be sustainable, furniture should be high quality and support a lifestyle with

reduced energy and resource needs. (Barth, 2016)

Article according to Tucker (2016) Not all furniture is hazardous to the

environment. Today there are many companies that pledge to have a line of green

furniture, which is specialty furniture that is made from eco-friendly materials and was

constructed in a way that does not cause pollution. There are various types of green

furniture. One of the most popular is recycled furniture. Recycled furniture isnt as simple

as buying someone elses used sofa, rather it refers to a piece of furniture built from the

still-sturdy pieces of old furniture. In a way, recycled furniture is a hodgepodge of wood

from other items. As recycled furniture is usually built from older pieces, it usually has a

more antiquated appearance than the newest item on the market and can be a perfect fit

for some homes.

Recycled furniture doesnt necessarily have to be made from wood either. Many

metal sofas, sectionals, tables, chairs and bed frames are still very solid after other parts

of the furniture sink or are considered otherwise unusable. Recycled furniture artists can

reuse and reconstruct this metal to make a unique addition for any home. (Tucker, 2016)

Health and safety should be a top concern when it comes to the furniture we buy

for ourselves and our families. Since our average time indoors can be 90% of the day,

good air quality is a must. Poor indoor air quality is often related to toxins in furnitures,

and can cause all sorts of health problems like emphysema, asthma, headaches and

fatigue. Metal furniture is often a great bet in terms of recyclability and steel and

aluminum furniture is likely already made of recycled content. Build quality is the real

sustainable choice in the end its more than you get what you pay for, its about your

acknowledgement that there is no away in throw away and that what you fill your life

with is a reflection of the quality of the life you want to live. (Michler, 2010)

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy has the potential to play an important role in providing energy

with sustainability to the vast populations in developing countries who as yet have no

access to clean energy. Although economically viable for several applications, renewable

energy has not been able to realise its potential due to several barriers to its penetration. A

framework has been developed in this paper to identify the barriers to renewable energy

penetration and to suggest measures to overcome them. (Painuly, 2001)

Oil crises in the past years made more obvious the dependency of economies on

fossil fuels. As a consequence, the need for new energy sources became more urgent.

Renewable energy sources could provide a solution to the problem, as they are

inexhaustible and have less adverse impacts on the environment than fossil fuels. Yet,

renewable energy sources technology has not reached a high standard at which it can be

considered competitive to fossil fuels. The present study deals with the energy analysis of

solar energy, wind power and geothermal energy. That is, the actual use of energy from

the existing available energy is discussed. In addition, renewable energy sources are

compared with the non-renewable energy sources on the basis of efficiency. (Koroneos,


Production of methane via anaerobic digestion of energy crops and organic wastes

would benefit society by providing a clean fuel from renewable feedstocks. This would

replace fossil fuel-derived energy and reduce environmental impacts including global

warming and acid rain. Although biomass energy is more costly than fossil fuel-derived

energy, trends to limit carbon dioxide and other emissions through emission regulations,

carbon taxes, and subsidies of biomass energy would make it cost competitive. Methane

derived from anaerobic digestion is competitive in efficiencies and costs to other biomass

energy forms including heat, synthesis gases, and ethanol. (Chynoweth, 2001)

Energy policies may lead to important industrial outcomes. Different renewable

energy technologies and geographical regions are considered covering over 50% of the

world markets of the technology fields considered. Market deployment measures that

enhance home markets of domestic industries will in most cases lead to growing

industrial activities. Irrespective of the domestic market situation, pure investment or

R&D support alone to already strong industries in related fields may be powerful to help

with diversification into sustainable energy business. Several exogenous factors such as

timing, size factors, geography, etc. will influence both the industrial and policy

positioning in practice. The results indicate that there are increased industrial

opportunities in renewable energy to be captured not only by large countries or through

large public resources, but also smaller countries can gain success through clever policies

and optimal managing of the commercialization process. (Lund, 2009)

The associated harmful environmental, health and social effects with the use of

traditional biomass and fossil fuel has enhanced the growing interest in the search for

alternate cleaner source of energy globally. Ghana, a developing country depends heavy

on woodfuel as a source of fuel contributing about 72% of the primary energy supply

with crude oil and hydro making up the rest. Biogas generation has simply been seen as a

by-product of anaerobic digestion of organic waste. Having proven to be a practicable

and promising technology, it has been very successful and a very reliable and clean

source of energy when proper management programmes are followed. There are vast

biomass resources including organic waste in Ghana that have the potential for use as

feedstock for biogas production to reduce the over reliance of woodfuel and fossil fuel,

and to help reduce the it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions which may be affecting

climate change. Ghana having the technical potential of constructing about 278,000

biogas plants, only a little over 100 biogas plants has so far been established. This paper

presents the energy situation and the status of the biogas technology and utilization in

Ghana. It also presents the potential benefits, prospects and challenges of the biogas

technology. (Arthur, 2011)

According to Berg and Agren (2003) Investments in renewable energy plants

normally only take standard economic key figures into account, such as installed rated

power, the market price of energy and the interest rate. They propose that the degree of

utilisation, i.e. the ratio of yearly produced energy in the installation to the installed

power, must be included due to its significant impact on the present value of the



Global warming is viral due to the different pollution from manmade

activities. So companies have decided to share their part in creating a green environment

by reducing such pollutions. One major cause of pollution that is cause by jeepneys that

burns out a definite smoke that is harmful in the environment. They have decided to come

up with an idea instead of using fuel why not solar energy converted into electricity.

Philippine Utility Vehicle, or PhUV, which claims to be "the first to locally design,

fabricate, assemble and actually put on the road an electric vehicle in the Philippines,"

thinks it has a better idea. PhUV wants companies to "adopt" an electric jeepney (or a

fleet of these vehicles) through a specified period and let these eJeepneys replace the

traditional public-utility jeepneys. adopting an eJeepney for a fixed rate for a year or

more, a company can fund a new fleet of eJeepneys to replace the old, dilapidated and

gas-guzzling jeepneys that are currently plying our roads. (Sarne, 2015)

Pollution is everywhere. It is one of the worlds biggest environmental

battles that destroys wildlife and causes health problems to millions of people. It takes

different forms of energy like heat, noise, and light. Everything can be polluted like air,

water, and even the pollution itself. One thing that most of the people use which enhances

pollution to our environment are the vehicles. Jeepneys are the most popular means of

public transportation in the Philippines. They are known for their crowded seating and

flamboyant decorations, which have become a ubiquitous symbol of Philippine culture

and art. The word jeepney came from the combination of the words jeep and jitney, a

small bus that carries passengers on a regular route with flexible schedule. The jeepney is

the cheapest way to commute in the Philippines. Because of its open rear door design,

picking up and dropping off is easy for both passengers and drivers, they can stop

anywhere unlike buses. But also because of this convenience, some jeepney drivers are

the source of traffic congestion by indiscriminately loading and unloading passengers in

the middle of the street, blocking traffic and risking the safety of some passengers.

(Cabalonga, 2013)

Is it e-jeepneys are useful for us? Well yes, definitely yes. Electric vehicles

are finally gaining a foothold in the local transport scene. Public transport operators are

realizing that using electric vehicles for their vehicle fleets is not only environmentally-

friendly, good for the air around us, much more quiet and convenient to use, requires less

maintenance, but most importantly, cheaper to operate. With the cost of electricity to

operate it being only 40% of the money you spend on fuel for the same distance traveled.

This e-jeepneys provide such benefits for us Filipinos. There will be new jobs that could

arise for those unskilled workers. It can also add taxes to the government upon signing up

to the Alternative Fuel Vehicles Incentives Act. (Rommel Juan, 2014)

The Philippine passenger jeepney has started to shed its image as a smoke-

belching, eardrum-busting public utility vehicle. Originally fashioned out of WWII

American military jeeps, these colorful and iconic "kings of the road" are going green.

This past summer, electric-powered jeepneys made their first commercial run in Manila's

financial district of Makati City. The new environment-friendly jeepneys rolled smoothly

and quietly down Makati City's main avenue, painted in bright hues and tropical designs.

Gone were the traditional exhaust pipes and rumbling diesel engines. (Oviedo, 2016)


What is vermicomposting actually defines? Vermicomposting is a quick, efficient

way to convert kitchen scraps into a rich soil amendment using earthworms.

Vermicompost worms break down organic matter, such as kitchen scraps, into waste

products called castings. Although castings may be waste to the worms, they are a rich

treasure for gardeners. Vermicompost is richer in essential plant nutrients such as

nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium than traditional compost. It also contains microbes

that help plants grow. (Jackie Caroll, 2015)

We actually know that worms are remarkably un-fussy and just need organic food

to eat, a moist earthy bed and warmth. But you did not know that they have been a great

part of promoting in good environment. Composting and the reduction of waste is a

sensible way to help the environment and keep landfills free of excess organic waste.

Worms are decomposing waste so that it can be a fertilizer. These fertilizers are definitely

good for the environment unlikely from a process fertilizers that has chemicals on it.

(Grant, 2015)

There actually specific worms to be use in such vermicomposting. You wont

find red wigglers in garden soil. You may find redworms near compost, under rotting

logs, and in other organic situations. The problem is identifying them. You wont be able

to tell the difference between Lumbricus rubellus and other worms. The best types of

worms for vermicomposting are red wigglers (Eisenia fetida) and redworms (Lumbricus

rubellus). These two species make great worms for the compost bin because they prefer a

compost environment to plain soil, and they are very easy to keep. Worms that feed on

vegetable waste, compost, and organic bedding produce richer casting than those that

feed on plain soil. (Jackie Caroll,2015)

It is not actually right to feed worms with anything, they have a desired food to

feed them. Worms love to eat and spend most of their time doing so. Just like you and I,

worms have culinary likes and dislikes. When vermiculture feeding, basically go green.

Worms will eat most anything that you would put in a traditional compost bin such as

coffee grounds, crushed eggshells, plant waste, and tea leaves. Green additions are

nitrogen based, but the worm bin also needs browns or carbon based items such as

shredded newspaper, copy paper, egg cartons and cardboard. They are likely to eat

pumpkin, leftover corn cobs, banana peels, fruit and veggie detritus. They are not to be

feed with oily and salty foods, tomatoes and potatoes, meat and other dairy products.

(Amy Grant, 2015)

If we are most likely love a fair weather, well worms are different. Worms are

happiest when the temperature is about between 55 and 80 degrees F. (12 to 26 C.).

Colder weather can kill worms off by freezing, but they are in just as much danger if

unwatched in hotter weather. Caring for worms in hot weather is an exercise in natural air

conditioning, working with nature to create a cooler environment in the worm compost

bin. High heat and worm bins normally make a bad combination, but you can still

experiment with vermicomposting when its hot outside as long as you make the right

preparations. The hottest temperatures can kill off an entire worm population if you do

nothing to help save it. Even if your worms survive, a heat wave can make them sluggish,

sick, and useless for composting. (Anne Baley, 2015)

According to research, vermicompost is naturally essential for the environment.

But definitely it has issues also. Cut food scraps into small pieces that the worms can

break down quickly and easily. This prevents moldy chunks in the compost. Worms can

eat most food scraps that you or I might digest, but avoid greasy, smelly and animal

products. These types of foods may cause your castings to smell rotten or the worms may

not even break them down. There are flies and other pest that can be attracted to the food

scraps it should be necessary to put the vermicompost in a desired temperature to avoid

such problems. (Bonnie L. Grant, 2015)

Recyclable Plastics

Plastics are inexpensive, lightweight and durable materials, which can readily be

moulded into a variety of products that find use in a wide range of applications. As a

consequence, the production of plastics has increased markedly over the last 60 years.

However, current levels of their usage and disposal generate several environmental

problems. Around 4 per cent of world oil and gas production, a non-renewable resource,

is used as feedstock for plastics and a further 34% is expended to provide energy for

their manufacture. A major portion of plastic produced each year is used to make

disposable items of packaging or other short-lived products that are discarded within a

year of manufacture. These two observations alone indicate that our current use of

plastics is not sustainable. In addition, because of the durability of the polymers involved,

substantial quantities of discarded end-of-life plastics are accumulating as debris in

landfills and in natural habitats worldwide. (Hopewell, 2009)

According to Pohlen and Farris (1992) Recycling has been a rapid growing

technique to reduce the solid waste stream volume. Despite the public appeal and

acceptance of recycling, the reverse logistics channels used in recycling have received

minimal attention. However, the reverse channels membership and capabilities have a

significant impact on the efficiency of processing recyclable material for remanufacture

into recycled products. Differing product characteristics, extensive handling, and low

density shipments pose considerable obstacles to establishing an efficient reverse channel

for recyclable commodities. A framework, based on interviews and current literature,

describes the reverse logistics channel structure, membership and functions, and provides

a foundation for identifying the issues affecting efficiency and marketability, and possible

future directions for improving efficiency within the reverse channel structure.

A recyclable plastics material includes a polystyrene compatible label which is

attachable to an object, such as a hanger which is also manufactured from a polystyrene

or a polystyrene compatible material. The main rail hook is also manufactured from a

recyclable plastics material. (Jevens and Warwick, 2003)

Because plastics have only been mass-produced for around 60 years, their

longevity in the environment is not known with certainty. Most types of plastics are not

biodegradable (Andrady 1994), and are in fact extremely durable, and therefore the

majority of polymers manufactured today will persist for at least decades, and probably

for centuries if not millennia. Even degradable plastics may persist for a considerable

time depending on local environmental factors, as rates of degradation depend on

physical factors, such as levels of ultraviolet light exposure, oxygen and temperature

(Swift & Wiles 2004), while biodegradable plastics require the presence of suitable

micro-organisms. Therefore, degradation rates vary considerably between landfills,

terrestrial and marine environments (Kyrikou & Briassoulis 2007). Even when a plastic

item degrades under the influence of weathering, it first breaks down into smaller pieces

of plastic debris, but the polymer itself may not necessarily fully degrade in a meaningful

timeframe. As a consequence, substantial quantities of end-of-life plastics are

accumulating in landfills and as debris in the natural environment, resulting in both

waste-management issues and environmental damage ( Gregory &Thompson 2009)

Recycling is clearly a waste-management strategy, but it can also be seen as one

current example of implementing the concept of industrial ecology, whereas in a natural

ecosystem there are no wastes but only products (Frosch & Gallopoulos 1989;

McDonough & Braungart 2002). Recycling of plastics is one method for reducing

environmental impact and resource depletion. Fundamentally, high levels of recycling, as

with reduction in use, reuse and repair or re-manufacturing can allow for a given level of

product service with lower material inputs than would otherwise be required. Recycling

can therefore decrease energy and material usage per unit of output and so yield

improved eco-efficiency (WBCSD 2000).

Theoretical Framework

Figure 1: The 7ps of Marketing

Marketing Mix is the arrangement of consider advertising device implanted by the

organizations to get the result they need to the objective market. These instrument help

the firm achieve their showcasing objectives to their objective market. What's more,

every component will be utilized by the organization to shape advertising procedure for

their objective market. The advertising blend is capable instruments for the organizations,

which in this review are the Archival Eco-house accomplish their showcasing

destinations for their particular target advertise. The model creates techniques and

actualizes it to achieve the objective market and to enhance the promoting procedures of

the organization.

A showcasing procedure can fill in as the establishment of advertising

arrangement, (Jemaiyo, B., 2013). These methodologies will likewise help the

organization particularly Archival Eco-house to frame a decent advertising arrangement

that they can to catch piece of the overall industry particularly in the market of Cebu.

Promoting system frame a vital piece of the organization's general methodologies, with

this organization the Archival Eco-house will have the capacity to know how to

arrangement to their clients as to their needs and to arrangement potential financial

specialists keeping in mind the end goal to build up a decent client's relationship, to catch

the piece of the pie and have the edge among contenders.


Product is increasingly a substantial thing and an item address the issues and

needs of clients and notwithstanding an unmistakable esteem this item additionally has a

theoretical esteem. (Philip Kotler) As per Vincent Van Vliet, it is a thing that can be

offered to market to fulfill a need and need. It is vital and the most esteemed in angle in

the market for it is containing physical and visual embodiment to the clients that they

need to purchase or buy.

The product idea embraces the customers to support the items that bids the utmost

quality, creative components and execution. So creating a product that the customer find

and get more value from is the key to put time in making an item. As per D. Dragnic,

each item is liable to an existence cycle that begins with presentation and took after by

development, development and to decay arrange where deals tumble down and it is

crucial for the advertisers to comprehend and arrange prior for each stages. It is

additionally imperative for the advertisers to brand items in detail. An item should be

presented in notable components so this can be viable in promoting commercial. (K.

Lorette, 2015)

Product involves by the accompanying: outline, innovation, value, comfort,

esteem, quality, bundling, marking, adornments, and guarantees. In plan, it is the point by

point detail of a fabricated thing's parts and their relationship to the entirety. In

innovation, reason use of data in the plan, generation, and use of products and enterprises,

and in the association of human exercises. In handiness, it can be evaluated by measuring

its points of interest over option measures in view of particular criteria related with

essentials needs. In comfort, it is a purchaser thing that is readily available in the most

convenient way as possible. In quality, the gathering of elements and attributes of a

saleable decent which decide its attractive quality and which can be controlled by a

producer to meet certain fundamental prerequisites. Most organizations that deliver

merchandise available to be purchased have an item quality or affirmation office that

screens active items for buyer agreeableness. In esteem, the gathering of components and

attributes of a saleable decent which decide its allure and which can be controlled by a

maker to meet certain fundamental necessities. Most organizations that create

merchandise available to be purchased have an item quality or affirmation office that

screens active items for purchaser worthiness. In bundling, is expanding and may

incorporate capacities, for example, to pull in consideration, aid advancement, give

machine recognizable proof (scanner tags, and so on.), confer basic or extra data, and

help in usage. Ultimately, marking includes in making an interesting name and picture for

an item in the shoppers' brain, chiefly through promoting efforts with a steady subject and

it plans to set up a critical and separated nearness in the market that draws in and holds

faithful clients.


As indicated by Philip Kotler, price is the measure of cash clients must pay to get

the item. Fundamentally, cost is something you give or the sum clients trade by the

advantages and administration they get from purchasing the item. Price is the measure of

cash or great that is required to gain another great or administrations. Once in a while

clients see that the esteem or the nature of item and administration depends on the cost.

Whatever the evaluating of the item it will specifically influence the item quality.

Price is one of the determinants of a fruitful business and value covers the real sum the

end that clients are relied upon to pay for the item and administrations got. In doing the

correct pricing, specialist will get the clients regard for purchase the items and that is the

reason it is critical to concentrate the estimating techniques base in item cost as well as in

clients point of view in light of the fact that in evaluating it is one of the motivation

behind why clients have their ready to purchase the item.

Price is comprised of methodologies, skimming, entrance, mental, cost-in addition

to and misfortune pioneer. In a decent marketing strategy, it must be drawn from

statistical surveying and concentrate on the correct item blend keeping in mind the end

goal to accomplish the most extreme benefit potential and support the business. In

skimming, it is an approach wherein a maker sets a high cost for another top of the line

item or particularly separated specialized item and its goal is to acquire most extreme

income from the market before substitutes items show up. In infiltration, it is the

movement or certainty of expanding the piece of the pie of a current item or advancing an

item. In mental, adds to the gathering's general contributing attitude or notion. In cost-

furthermore, is a cost-based strategy at setting the costs of merchandise and ventures.

Finally, misfortune pioneer is a decent administration promoted and sold at beneath cost.


Place alludes to the organization exercises that make the item accessible. Put

choices are those related with channels of conveyance that fill in as the primary way of

getting the item to the objective market or clients. The appropriation framework performs

value-based, calculated and encouraging capacities. The dispersion choices incorporate

market scope, channel part determination, collections, areas, inventories and

transportation. (C. Shanka, 2015) Circulation is a key component of arrangement, Place is

essential in advertising blend apparatus in light of the fact that the area and place of the

business can be helpful for the clients and it ought to be open and reachable for the


As indicated by Philip Kotler, place is the different exercises the organization

embrace to make the item and administration that open and accessible to the objective

clients. Numerous exercises held by the organization to make their item and

administration less demanding, open and accessible to the clients. The reason for the

dispersion is to give the great and administration that is required and need of the clients in

the ideal place at the quick time to get the item. This is the essential part of place since it

bolsters the organization in guaranteeing the item. (C. Shanka, 2015)

Place is comprise of retail, discount, mail arrange, web, coordinate deals, shared,

and multi-channel. In retail marketing, it is the scope of exercises attempted by a retailer

to advance mindfulness and offers of the organization's items. This is not the same as

different sorts of advertising in light of the parts of the retail exchange, for example,

pitching completed merchandise in little amounts to the customer or end client, typically

from a settled area. In discount, it is a man or firm that purchases vast amount of

merchandise from different makers or merchants, distribution centers them, and

exchanges to retailers. Wholesalers who convey just non-contending merchandise or lines

are called distributors. In mail arrange, it is a strategy for offering in which purchasers

and dealers don't reach. Mail arranges firms (likewise called standard mail firms) utilize

customized letters and lists (disparagingly called garbage mail) sent on the premise of

exceedingly particular address records (called mailing records) sold via mailing research

firms. They likewise produce enquiries and requests through notices in appropriate media

including web. But mechanical gear and excessively massive products, nearly everything

is sold through mail arrange, for the most part at lower than retail location prices. In web

is a sort of promoting uses different online notices to direct people to a promoter's site.

Flag notices, pay per click (PPC), and focused on email records are frequently techniques

utilized as a part of Web marketing to convey the most incentive to the publicist. Web

marketing is a developing business for the most part since an ever increasing number of

individuals utilize the web each day. Well known web crawlers, for example, Google and

Hurray have possessed the capacity to benefit from this new rush of advertising. In direct

deals, it is an up close and personal introduction, exhibit, and offer of items or

administrations, typically at the home or office of a prospect by the autonomous direct

deals agents. Utilized by firms, for example, Avon, Mary Kay, and Tupperware,

coordinate offering varies from system advertising in that it offers practically zero

motivating forces for enlisting regularly expanding number of offers agents. While

distributed is a decentralized model whereby two people connect to purchase or offer

merchandise and enterprises specifically with each other, without intermediation by an

outsider, or without the utilization of an organization of business. The utilization of a

wide range of sorts of showcasing, for example, sites, inventories, phone calls, mail, and

TV promotions keeping in mind the end goal to acquire the matter of a purchaser. This

sort of showcasing must have great frameworks of administration in the store network, in

order to outfit the suitable merchandise as well as costs and points of interest over all the

distinctive media.


Promotion is a method for making clients mindfulness on the item and making the

item well known. It is the scaffold method for correspondence the business and the clients

and the most ideal approach to characterize the entire business association and its

exercises. Thought this the general population the group will have the capacity to know

and assembled data about the item and the advantages it can give the clients. "The buyers

should first know that the item exists, to rouse them and give them consideration

regarding the item and what may it give" (Languilaire, 2011). This makes the view of the

clients in the market and in like manner brings a decent and appealing marking and great

situating of business in the market. Promotiont fills in as the scaffolds for the customers

and potential financial specialists in the market since it drag the prominence of the

business and item.

These days, distinctive sorts of limited time exercises are extraordinarily

extending and incorporating the current universe of business. Associations attempt to get

and catch the enthusiasm of the clients. Advances contribute an extraordinary change for

picking powerful special exercises for the new eras. The best limited time apparatus is

utilizing the social medias as a method for connecting their objective clients since very

nearly hundred percent of individual now are into web-based social networking as of


Promotion comprise of exceptional offers, promoting, support, client trials,

coordinate mailing, handouts, rivalries, and joint endeavors. In exceptional offers, it is the

utilization of any extraordinary offer expected to raise a client's advantage and impact a

buy, and to make a specific item or organization emerge among its competitors. In

publicizing, it is a movement or calling of delivering data for advancing the offer of

business items or services. In support, it is a type of brand or promoting effort that

includes a notable individual utilizing their popularity to help advance an item or

administration. Makers of fragrances and apparel are probably the most widely

recognized business clients of great big name support systems, for example, TV

promotions and dispatch occasion appearances, in the showcasing of their products. In

client trials, it is an impermanent offering proposed to give advertise data by permitting

purchasers to look at, utilize or test an item before completely submitting organization
assets to a full launch. In coordinate mailing, is an immediate advertising strategy in

which painstakingly focused on prospects (picked on the premise of age, pay, area,

calling, purchasing design, and so on.) are given specially customized offers for

merchandise or administrations by means of standard mail or email. Promoting firms for

the most part "lease" arrangements of prospects from mailing list gathering firms who

keep up a huge stock of names and addresses of prospects, separated into many

classifications and sub-categories. In handouts, it is a showcasing strategy for

organizations and in light of current circumstances. Way to-entryway advertising is basic

and moderate and can get new clients and lift sales. Free blessings otherwise called the

razor and edges plan of action, is a plan of action wherein one thing is sold at a low cost

(or given away for nothing) with a specific end goal to build offers of a correlative

decent, for example, supplies. Rivalry in business is when an organization in a similar

industry or a comparative industry offers a comparative item or administration. The

nearness of at least one of the contenders can diminish the costs of merchandise and

ventures as the organizations endeavor to pick up a bigger piece of the pie. Rivalry

additionally obliges organizations to end up distinctly more proficient keeping in mind

the end goal to lessen costs. Fast-food eateries McDonald's and Burger Ruler are

contenders, as are Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and Wal-Shop and Target. Ultimately, joint

endeavors is an assertion between two organizations in which both associations

combine marketing strategies keeping in mind the end goal to build their share of the

commercial center and increment their incomes.

Physical Evidence
Physical evidence alludes to the earth in which the administration is conveyed and

any unmistakable great that is encourage the execution and correspondence of the

administration (Rafiq& Ahmed, 2008). It is critical on the grounds that clients utilize

substantial intimations to evaluate the nature of administration gave. The physical

condition itself, for example, the stylistic theme, building, outfitting, format and so on is

instrumental in client appraisal of the quality and the level of the administration.

Muala&Qurneh (2012) uncovered that this variable alludes to the earth in which the

administration is conveyed and any substantial great that is encourage the execution and

correspondence of the administrations. This holds awesome significance in light of the

fact that the clients regularly judge the nature of administration gave through the physical


Physical evidence speaks to the physical measurements including the

encompassing condition, space, signs, images, ancient rarities and in addition the

administration scope. As indicated by Philip Kotler, the impressions made by the

encompassing condition where the administration gave, rely on upon the particular

offices, building design, beautifications, lighting, aerating and cooling, very,

advancements, gear, operation and route execution.

Physical evidence comprises of shrewd, summary, interface, solace, and offices.

In keen, all organizations need to set destinations, goals are critical they center

associations. Organizations that have particular points are typically more effective than

those that don't; on account of a business with targets comprehends what it is attempting

to accomplish. Goals can be set in every aspect of the business e.g. deals, creation, back

and promoting. A successful approach to set targets is through the prevalent acronym
SMART. In rundown, it is a progression of goals that is being taken after separately. In

interface, is a typical limit where coordinate contact between two distinct societies,

gadgets, substances, conditions, frameworks, and so on., happens, and where vitality,

data, as well as material is exchanged. In comfort, it is a piece of endeavors to console

customers who request an incentive for cash that they are purchasing items that have

stood the trial of time. In conclusion, offices are a formal monetary help program offered

by a loaning establishment to help an organization that requires working capital. Sorts of

offices include overdraft services, conceded installment plans, lines of credit, revolving

credit, term loans, and letters of credit and swing line advances. An office is basically

another name for an advance taken out by an organization.


Process alludes to the systems and strategies for giving the administration.

Prepare essentially for administration elements since it is the imperative for clients

fulfillment (Su-Mei Lin, 2011). "Process is the strategies, system and stream of the

exercises, which lead a trade of esteem (KattaRavindre, 2013). Process is a marketing

component which is utilized to convey certain item with the purchaser inclination to give

their fulfillment. To accomplish something there is process in the middle of, it influence

the execution of the administration offered by the association or by the business.

Process is comprised of administration industry and administration utilization.

Benefit industry is an industry made up of organizations that basically gain income

through giving elusive items and administrations. Benefit industry organizations are

included in retail, transport, circulation, sustenance administrations, and in addition other

administration ruled organizations. While benefit utilization, it is the procedure in which

the substance of a thing is totally devastated, spent, or consolidated or changed into

something else. Utilization of products and enterprises is the measure of them utilized as

a part of a specific era.


People allude to the administration representatives who create and conveyed the

item and administrations. These are the people who give administration to the clients

(Muala&Qurneh, 12012). Individuals are the main issue in today's business and business

is around clients and clients driven. The development of business additionally relies on

upon the general population who offer support of the clients. Communication is

imperative since it influence the impression of the clients.

People comprise of representative, administration, culture and client benefit. In

worker, it is a person who works low maintenance or full-time under an agreement of

business, regardless of whether oral or composed, expressed or suggested, and has

perceived rights and obligations. It is additionally called laborer. In administration, it is

comprises of the interlocking elements of making corporate arrangement and sorting out,

arranging, controlling, and guiding an association's assets with a specific end goal to

accomplish the targets of that strategy. In culture, it isa particular kind of marketing that

is equipped towards elevating a message to a specific gathering of potential buyers from a

specific culture or statistic. Finally, client benefit, it is a cooperation between a client and

an item supplier at the season of offer, and from that point. Client benefit increases the

value of an item and assembles persisting relationship.

Conceptual Framework

Employees Profile

7 ps of Marketing
Years of Service
Companys Profile
Proposed Marketing
Vision, Mission, Goals
Promotion Strategy
Year Established
Industry Size
Number of Employees
Physical Environment
Figure 2: Conceptual Framework of the Study
Asset Size

conceptual framework, the researcher will use the input-process-output that
Revenue (For past 3
will indicate the Employees demographic in terms of age, gender, position, and years of

service in Archival eco-house and also the company's profile in terms of Vision, Mission,

Goals; Year Established, Industry Size, Number of Employees, Asset Size(for the past 3

years), and Average Annual Revenue will make a significance towards the current

marketing strategies used by Archival Eco-house. The information that will be gather are

going to be the basis of our proposed marketing strategies. Archival Eco-houses Vision,

Mission and Goals will be the fundamental basis of our proposed marketing strategies by

helping achieving it. And with the given information we will be able to determine and

recommend a promising strategy that will be used in attaining bigger market in Cebu.

Chapter 3


This chapter describes the research methodology used in the study. The research

environment pertains where the research setting took place and the like, the respondents

which could benefit the research/study. The instruments used to collect the data,

including the methods implemented to maintain validity and reliability of the instruments

are describe. The procedures on how the data is collected and on how we used the data

we have collected.

Research Environment

This study started in a Marketing Class at the University of San Carlos.

Researcher thought of a study that could help solve major problems that our society is

facing right now, one of the example is Global Warming. This study is conducted at

Archival Eco-house located in Talamban Cebu City, Philippines.

Figure 3.1


In choosing our respondents, researchers divided the group of people within the

Eco-house according to their position. The only problem with some of the respondents,

caretakers doesnt know what could be the beneficial effects of the Eco-house, because

some of them are just there to watch and guard the house. Not just mainly the agricultural

related individual are interviewed, researchers also made a survey to the students,

professional, and unprofessional workers. The Researchers respondents most focus on the

Head manager or the owner of the Eco-house and the other persons behind of this

wonderful success in promoting renewable materials.

Research Instruments

In making this research, he researcher used gadgets to gather more information, as

well as survey questionnaires that helped in assessing the respondents. The researcher

also used self-administered questionnaire in gathering data. The content of the

questionnaire is all about the Objectives of the Research Study. This questionnaire served

as the guide and key answer of the research problem. The purpose of our research is to

understand the current marketing strategies of the Archival Eco-house.

Research Procedures

The researcher had to consider other things like following the tips and processes

in doing a research study. Procedure must be follow in order to come up a successful

output. In choosing this topic researchers also consider each other ideas and from those

ideas, they chose the best one that will get a good impact to the readers. Researchers use

clear reference for the reader to find the original cited publications. Researchers also use

Delphi Technique (collect research ideas & distribute to the member of the group).

Researchers apply the four (4) areas in developing research topic Utility, Universal,

Innovation, and Solvability.

Gathering of Data

Researchers will be gathering data from the Archival Eco House. Researchers

will give questionnaires to get as full details on how the Eco House works and the

maintenance of the place. The owner Engr. Archival made it a point to install turbines, a

bio-gas facility, and solar panels that help sustain the needs for electricity. As for the

waste management, the Eco-house boasts their waste recycling programs. Bottles,

plastics, styrofoam and tin cans can be found everywhere you can't imagine they would

be in the house.

Treatment of Data

All data collected were analyzed and were treated confidentially. From the

questionnaire, the demographic data of the entire respondent were gathered. Responses

that identified workers perceived skills and experiences and the number of hours spent on

asynchronous reflective practice and discussion activities were collected, scored and


The Statistical Tool

In order to get the percentage of the data researchers use Slovens Formula:

F / n (100) = % Percentage

f- The number of people related specific answers

n Total number of respondents and choices provided

(100) to determine the position in a percentile rank

% Percentage Position of data in a percentile rank


Researcher used a scale of 700 customers by the last 3 months.

Weighted Average

Researcher used the weighted average to determine the weight of the choices

provided in the survey questionnaires.



Kotler P., Armstrong G. (2011). Principle of Marketing 14th Edition

Marc (2014).Marketing 101Understanding the Marketing Concept.


Unpublished Materials:

Internet Resources:

Note: Should be in APA style


Mr. Nestor Archival

Archival Eco-house
Talamban, Cebu City

Dear Mr. Archival:

The University Of San Carlos Of Business Administration requires its

students to complete a thesis as a prerequisite for graduation. It is a way to
see if the students are able to understand and effectively implement the
lessons they have learned in class to a real-life setting.

Part of this process involves studying a company and relating it to an

issue relevant to their respective course. Your company, Archival Eco-house,
has been selected for a research about marketing strategies for archival eco-

Should you decide to partake in this study, you can expect to get an in
depth analysis about your companys marketing performance. The findings of
the study will help us, the researchers, to propose interventions and
improvements to your current marketing strategies for archival eco-house

The information that you provide to the researchers will be kept

confidential and will be protected from unauthorized disclosure, tampering, or

Feel free to contact Leoje Miranda, 09434497420,

if you have questions about the study or any other concerns.

Sincerely Yours,

Albarando, Chiara Miranda, Leoje Dy, Joanna

Villalon, Caryl Mae Malalay, Justine Ralph

Approved by: Engr. Nestor Archival

Noted by: Dr. Lolita Velita, DBA, REB, REA



Good day,
from the University of San Carlos to conduct a study of MARKETING STRATEGIES
get even a little bit of your time to complete our analysis of the study. Rest assured that
your answers will remain confidential. This study is for academic purposes only. Thank
you very much!

Name (Optional): _________________________________________________
Age: ________ Gender: ____________ Civil Status: _____________________
Position in the company: ___________________________________________

1. What are the products you are selling to the market?
2. What are the major components/raw materials used to produce your
3. What values do you think your product gives to the customers?
4. What are the competitive edges of your product from your competitors?
5. Do you consider your products as an eco-friendly product? Why?
6. Can you tell us about your product quality?
7. Who are your competitors?
8. Do you provide warranties?
Yes: Others:______


7. What are the prices of the market you sell to the market?
8. What type of pricing strategy you are currently using?
9. How do you see about your competitors price?
10. Do you give discounts to get more customers?

11. How can we buy or attain your product?

12. Does your company offer retail on selling your product?

Yes Others: ________
13. Does your company offer wholesale on selling your product?
Yes Others: ________

14. Are your products available online?

Yes Others: ________

15. Do you have a showroom for your products?

Yes Others: ________

16. Do you have your website?

Yes Others: ________
17. How do you advertise your products?

18. Which media have you found more effective to get the attention of
consumers? Check all that apply
Radio Social Media
Leaflet Newspaper
Magazine Email
Television Other (Please Specify): ______

19. Are there any product special offers?

Yes Others: ________

20. Do you have a Yearly Marketing Plan or Advertising Campaign mapped

Yes Others: ________
22. Have you done enough to convince your audience that there are no better
substitutes to what you offer?
Yes Others: ________

23. Does your workers/co-workers regularly come forward with ideas,
problems or suggestions?
Yes Others: ________

24. What are your challenges encountered in the company?


25. What do you do to surpass the challenge?


26. What can you say about this line The reputation of your brand rests in the
hands of your staff

27. What is your golden rule in customer service?



28. How long is the purchasing process of the product?


29. What are the processes in purchasing your product?


30. Do the customers have a comfortable waiting lounge?

Yes Others: ________

31. Do the company do after sales feedback?



32. Do you provide a prototype of your products?


33. Do you have a showroom to present your products?

Yes Others: ________
34. If yes. Is your showroom convenient enough for the customers?

35. Do you have any place where you are going to stock your products?

36. Does the weather do affect your products?

Yes Others: ________
37. If yes. What would be your solution to these?

Good day,


from the University of San Carlos to conduct a study of MARKETING STRATEGIES
get even a little bit of your time to complete our analysis of the study. Rest assured that
your answers will remain confidential. This study is for academic purposes only. Thank
you very much!

Legal name of the business: ______________________________________________
Address of the company: _________________________________________________
Year established: _______________________________________________________
Industry size: __________________________________________________________
Average Annual Revenue: ________________________________________________
Asset size: _____________________________________________________________
Number of employees: ___________________________________________________

1. What is the nature of the business?


2. What is the vision and mission of the business?


3. Describe the organizational structure of the company?





Activities From To

Started making the Chapter 1 February 6, 2017 February 12,


Scheduled interview with February 11, 2017

Archival eco houses owner

Started making Chapter 2 February 13, 2017 February 26, 2017

Started making Chapter 3 February27, 2017 March 5, 2017

Started making March 6, 2017 March 12, 2017


Completion of Final Proposed

Thesis Paper




For Printing 320

Ring Bound 180


Personal Information

Name: Malalay, Justine Ralph c.

Date of Birth: August 23, 1995

Address: 28 B-Rodriguez Street, Cebu City, Philippines

Contact Information

Cellphone number: 09770915470


Educational Background

Elementary Education: Southwestern University Cebu City, Philippines

Secondary Education: Southwestern University Cebu City, Philippines

College Education: University Of San Carlos BSBA Marketing Management

Relevant Work Experience

Contact Solutions - 2 years and 6 months

July 2013 - Feb 2014 - Web Research Specialist

Feb 2014 - April 2015 - HR Assistant/Officer

April 2015 - Jan 2016 - Chat Support Specialist


Personal Information

Name: Leoje I. Miranda.

Date of Birth: August 10, 1996

Address: Curva, San Vicente Yati Liloan Cebu

Contact Information

Cellphone number: 09434497420


Educational Background

Elementary Education: Lahug Christian School

Secondary Education: San Roque Child Development School

College Education: University Of San Carlos BSBA Marketing Management


Personal Information

Name: Caryl Mae M. Villalon

Date of Birth: June 8, 1995

Address: Yati, Liloan Cebu, Philippines

Contact Information

Cellphone number: 09433057005


Educational Background

Elementary Education: Consolacion Central School

Secondary Education: San Roque Child Development School

College Education: University Of San Carlos BSBA Marketing Management


Personal Information

Name: Joanna T. Dy

Date of Birth: June 16 1996

Address: : #38 Happy Valley Vrama Road, Cebu City, Philippines

Educational background

Elementary Education: St. Pauls Beaconhouse Cebu City Philippines

Secondary Education: St. Pails Beaconhouse Cebu City Philippines

Tertiary Education: University of San Carlos BSBA Marketing Management


Personal Information

Name: Chiara Jessielie Albarando

Date of Birth: April 17, 1996

Address: Bulacao, Cebu City, Philippines

Contact Information

Cellphone number: 0933-560-3271


Educational Background

Elementary Education: Bulacao Community School

Secondary Education: University of San Carlos Basic Education Department - South


College Education: University Of San Carlos BSBA Marketing Management

Relevant Work Experience

ESL Teacher

Aplus English Online

Talamban Road, Banilad, Cebu City

ESL Teacher

Golden Great Peak English Incorporated

P. Remedio St., Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu


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