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Artefact 2

Note the focus area and Note the type of Describe the artefact / document and indicate the possible Describe how the artefact / document
standard descriptor/s the artefact / document impact or result on teaching and/ or student learning met the standard descriptors you have
artefact / document reflects identified.

2.1 This artefact is a lesson This lesson comprises of four components: The lesson evidences my knowledge of
Content and teaching plan for a year 3 1. Recollection of the 3 states of matter (orientation) the science concept viscosity and my
strategies of the teaching science lesson on 2. Explicit teaching of viscosity (guided discovery) knowledge of strategies of how to
area viscosity. 3. Experiment/test to determine which liquids have effectively teach it, as I selected and used
Demonstrate knowledge and higher/lower viscosity using PROE record a relevant experiment to back up and
understanding of the concepts, (exploration) extend explicit teaching, as well used a
4. Recall learning undertaken of viscosity and categorise
substance and structure of the scientific investigation model, PROE, to
liquids into high/low viscosity groups (reflection)
content and teaching strategies guide the experiment process [APST:
The impact of organising and planning the lesson to follow the
of the teaching area. 2.1].
Orientation, Guided Discovery, Exploration, Reflection
[OGER] framework is the lesson being sequential and logical.
2.2 My university advisor wrote (Edwards,
In this particular plan, being sequential meant allowing
Content selection and 2015):
students first the opportunity to learn what viscosity was before
organisation Good knowledge of viscosity of liquids.
undertaking an experiment that enabled them to put theory into
Organise content into effective You have researched well to provide an
practice. The impact of this for students, was a more
learning and teaching interesting lesson.
meaningful experience as they were first guided in their
learning to ensure they were on-track before discovering and
The lesson plan also demonstrates my
constructing their own knowledge based on the experiment
4.2 ability to organise content into an
(Berk, 2013).
Manage classroom activities effective learning sequence. I have
Demonstrate the capacity to organised the lesson to flow from explicit
In addition to this, the lesson plan also shows use of the
organise classroom activities teaching via a PowerPoint and video to
Predict, Reason, Observe, Explain [PROE] record during the
and provide clear directions. students discovering and constructing
experiment. This is significant, as using a method of scientific
knowledge on their own through a hands-
enquiry during a scientific experiment is appropriate and
5.1 on experience [APST: 2.2].
suitable to the teaching area (Feasey, 2016), the impact of
Assess student learning
which, is a relevant learning experience for students.
Demonstrate understanding of My university advisor wrote (Edwards,
Artefact 2

assessment strategies, Furthermore, this lesson plan shows how all required 2015):
including informal and formal, equipment was considered and organised prior to the lesson Good planning. Lesson was sequential
diagnostic, formative and beginning as a management strategy (Marsh, 2010). This was and appropriate to class level.
summative approaches to to safeguard the experiment running smoothly without any
assess student learning. organisational interruptions, in turn not interrupting student A well prepared lesson that showed you
learning. had a clear purpose/objective for this
Lastly, this lesson plan demonstrates use of strategies to assess
student learning. This includes diagnostically questioning Furthermore, this lesson shows my ability
students during the orientation of the lesson to access prior to manage classroom activities by making
knowledge and uncover any misconceptions that need to be appropriate considerations to ensure
addressed (Groundwater-Smith, Ewing, & Le Cornu, 2006), as learning is not unnecessarily interrupted.
well as formatively assessing students by marking their This includes organising equipment prior
completed PROE records. From this marking, it can be to the lesson starting to ensure that it did
determined if the learning intention of the lesson was achieved not have to be done between lesson
or if additional teaching is required or if there are any students sections [APST: 4.2].
who require extension (Groundwater-Smith, et al., 2006).
My university advisor wrote (Edwards,
Transitions between sections of the
lesson was smooth.

Lastly, this lesson plan demonstrates my

ability to use different types of strategies
such as questioning, observation and
collecting work samples to assess student
knowledge for and as learning to inform
my teaching [APST: 5.1].

My university advisor wrote (Edwards,

Artefact 2

Good questioning to access student

understanding. You checked for
understanding and gave positive feedback

KLA: Science Date: 16/05/15 Time: Middle session Class: 3D School:
2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
2.2 Content selection and organisation
4.2 Manage classroom activities
5.1 Assess student learning
Outcome / Standard:
With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and predict what might happen based on prior knowledge (ACSIS053)
Safely use appropriate materials, tools or equipment to make and record observations, using formal measurements and digital technologies as appropriate
A change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat (ACSSU046)
Objective / Learning Intention: The objective of this lesson is for students to know what viscosity means and predict which liquids will have higher/lower viscosity based
on this knowledge. Students will then test their predication through a guided experiment before explaining the outcome of results.

3.1 & 3.2 Background / Cultural / Prior Knowledge: Prior to this lesson, students have been introduced to the concept that everything is made up of matter, either in the
form of a solid, liquid or gas.


3.4 Inclusivity 1.1 Deep Knowledge 1.4 Higher order thinking 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social support
3.5 Connectedness 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Student self regulation
3.6 Narrative 1.3 Problematic knowledge 1.6 Substantive 2.3 High expectations 2.6 Student direction
Artefact 2

Timing Procedure Considerations Assessment Differentiation Strategies
1. Gain attention using mirror exercise. Students seated at Diagnostic: Visual learners: Concept
2. Introduce lesson about liquids, stating the lesson objective. their desks. Observation. map on board.
3. Recall knowledge of states of matter from previous lesson. Create a Do students
concept map on the board, listing examples under the different types. recall the
different types
of matter and
examples of
each? Do
students need
to be reminded
of this in the
lesson later on?
50 mins 1. Show definition of viscosity on the IWB from PowerPoint. Have Have PowerPoint Repeating viscosity
students record this in their books. Get class to repeat the word ready and loaded (Warren)
viscosity together a few times. prior to lesson
2. Watch video on liquids (slide 3). Note with students the main point beginning.
that liquids with a higher viscosity are thick, whilst liquids with a
lower viscosity are runny.

1. Explain to class that they will be exploring viscosity further through Have all Formative:
an experiment, answering the question, Which liquid has the lowest equipment Questioning. Provide Warren with a
viscosity? Liquids in the experiment include detergent, water, prepared and Can students dictionary for lesson.
shampoo and vegetable oil. ready before identify how to
2. Explain experiment: the different types of liquids are going to be beginning. maintain safety
poured down a flat surface to see which travels the fastest/slowest Have a class set of in the
and therefore has the lowest/highest viscosity. Ask students how they PROE record experiment?
think we can maintain safety during the experiment (ensure lids are worksheets
on all liquids so there are no spills, checking there are no allergies to printed.
any of the liquids being used, etc.)
Artefact 2

3. Explain how the experiment will be a fair test:

a. All liquids will travel down the same surface (baking paper)
b. All liquids will travel down the same slope angle and for the
same distance.
c. The same volume of liquid will be used of each type. Formative:
d. Only one variable will be changed the liquid. Work samples.
e. Using the same unit of measure to record results (seconds). Collect and
4. Recall with students the PROE record of scientific enquiry predict, mark PROE
reason, observe, explain. Hand out PROE worksheet to each student. records looking
5. Get students to predict which liquid they think will have the highest for
and lowest viscosity and give a reason (predict and reason). understanding Use Angel, Jai and Bae
6. Carry out experiment using students as helpers (need 4 timekeepers that the liquid as some of the helpers to
for each liquid, 1 to hold the tray/baking paper). with the lowest keep them on task.
7. Get students in the observe section of their PROE to record what viscosity was
happened in the experiment (note down how long each liquid took to the one that
travel down the surface). Get students to then complete the explain travelled the
section. Which liquid was the fastest and the slowest? What does this slowest
mean about their viscosity? Ensure students answer the original because it was
question of the experiment here with reference to their prediction. the thickest.
8. Collect PROE records when completed.

5 mins CONCLUSION (R):

1. Recall with class the meaning of viscosity. Ensure equipment Formative: When reading out words,
2. Play a word game with students: Sitting down represents a low used in the Observation. use them in a
viscosity, standing up represents a high viscosity. Different adjectives experiment is Are students sentence/provide
associated with low and high viscosity will be called out as well as packed away correctly explanation and write
examples and students must stand or sit depending on which they before beginning identifying them on the board to
think the word is associated with. game. words and show spelling (Warren)
Low viscosity thick, gluggy, dense, gooey, coagulated, syrupy + examples
examples (honey, shampoo, etc.) associated with
High viscosity runny, thin, fluid + examples (water, juice, etc.) high and low
Supervising teacher: Date:
Artefact 2

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