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ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet

Module 4 Food & Nutrition Reading


Before You Read Words

A What do the words in bold mean? Circle the correct answers.
1. From recent research, scientists may have evidence that coffee is not harmful to health.
a. facts that prove b. a theory they want to prove
2. There was no rain for months and the crops didnt grow; as a result, there was a shortage of food.
a. not enough b. too much
3. This factory is responsible for the production of various breakfast cereals.
a. eating b. making
4. The fact that their children are eating unhealthy foods is a concern of many parents.
a. something that pleases b. something that worries
5. Dan stays healthy by following a unique diet, which I had never heard of until he told me about it.
a. different from others b. similar to others
6. Be a clever consumer: compare prices before you go shopping.
a. seller b. buyer
7. Researchers always examine the long-term effects of a new medicine.
a. quick and brief b. continuing for a long time
8. One characteristic of this vegetable is that it has a sweet taste.
a. thing that is typical b. thing that is unusual

B What do you understand from the following sentences? Circle the correct answers.
1. They are against making this land available for agriculture because they want to use it for housing projects.
a. They think that this land should be available for agriculture.
b. They disagree with the idea that this land should be available for agriculture.
2. So many crops were destroyed during the storm that its difficult to assess the damage.
a. Its difficult to repair the damage caused by the storm.
b. Its difficult to judge how much damage was caused.
3. People today realize that smoking poses a health risk, not only to smokers themselves but to people
around them.
a. Smoking is not as dangerous to peoples health as they once thought.
b. Smoking is dangerous to the health of smokers and non-smokers.
4. Labeling fruit with information about where it was grown is done in many parts of the world.
a. Its often possible to identify where a fruit was grown by looking at the label that is attached to it.
b. Its often possible to identify where a fruit was grown by looking at it carefully.
5. They want to pass a law that will raise the minimum wage of agricultural workers.
a. They want to raise the wage.
b. They dont want to raise the wage.
6. Researchers have been able to link high-fat diets to heart disease.
a. Researchers have shown a connection between high-fat diets and heart disease.
b. Researchers have shown that there is no connection between high-fat diets and heart disease.

Reading: Page 1 of 5
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Reading

While You Read

You are going to read an article about foods that have been genetically changed.
Choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Changing Food, Changing Opinions

Did you know that 90% of the corn, cotton and soy allergies to cancer. Until more research is done,
grown in the United States comes from genetically I prefer to be careful.
modified (GM) crops? Whenever you enjoy some Scientist Layla Katiraee from the University of
potato chips, a cookie, a bowl of cereal, or just Toronto says most of the research on the health
5 a plain tomato, chances are that you are eating 45 risks of GM foods is not reliable. From a scientific
food that has been genetically modified. Genetic point of view, GMOs are safe and do not pose a
modification is altering a plant or an animals DNA health risk to humans, she says. This view could
the material that makes all living organisms unique. change, however, if we find new evidence against
In other words, their characteristics are changed by it. GM foods are relatively new, and long-term
10 either adding to or removing certain parts of their 50 research is needed to properly assess the effects
DNA. But why would we want our food modified in that these foods could have on our health.
this way?
This means that parents like Emily face a dilemma:
One reason might be to make food look or taste whether to feed their families GM foods or not.
better. When youre shopping at the supermarket, Even if they decide against GM foods, they have
15 which apple in the pile would you pick a rosy ripe 55 no way of knowing which products are genetically
one, or one that is brown and bruised? Another modified and which are not. Unlike a large number
reason might be to make food more nutritious of European countries, the U.S. has no laws that
by adding vitamins and minerals. But the main require the labeling of GM products. However,
reason behind the development of GM foods for Americans of all ages have been fighting to change
20 commercial production is to help feed the world. 60 this. In a 2013 interview with CBC News, 14-year-
Concerns about future food shortages have been old Rachel Parent, who founded Kids Right to Know,
growing. Since scientists can modify GM crops to said, Everyone has a right to know whats in their
be more resistant to the insects that attack them, food and thats why I want GMO labeling that
it becomes possible to produce crops in larger way people are able to make informed decisions
25 quantities and to feed more people at a lower price. 65 about what they want to eat. Rachels views are
All in all, genetic modification seems to have many shared by 92 percent of American consumers, who
benefits. want more information about the products in their
On the other hand, not everyone thinks so. Although shopping carts.
GM crops are widely grown in many parts of the And things slowly seem to be going their way.
30 world, genetic modification of food remains an issue 70 In 2014, Vermont was the first U.S. state to pass
that not everyone agrees on. In October 2015, 19 a GMO labeling law. In January 2016, the large
European countries decided against growing GMOs American food company Campbells announced
(genetically modified organisms). In the same year, a that it would start labeling all GMO products, even
law was passed in Taiwan, banning GM foods from though there is still no law saying that it has to do
35 school lunches. Why? I think we really should be 75 so. This doesnt mean that Campbells is opposed
concerned about the safety of genetically modified to genetic engineering. It believes that GM foods
food, says Emily, a nurse from Taipei and mother are safe and play an important role in feeding the
of two. I may have accepted it, but Ive read a lot world. But it also believes customers should have
about how harmful GM foods can be. Studies have the right to choose and wouldnt you be happy
40 linked them to many health problems, from food 80 with that?

GLOSSARY genetically modified with changes to its genetic structure living organisms living things
chances are its very likely bruised dark or damaged
DNA the chemical which has genetic information resistant to not harmed by

Reading: Page 2 of 5
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Reading

STRATEGY  o find specific information and details:  Read the text once to understand the topic and main ideas.
R  ead again to find specific information or scan for details you
are asked about.

1. What is the main purpose of the opening paragraph?

A. to present a positive view of genetic modification
B. to explain what genetic modification is
C. to describe how foods are genetically modified
D. to warn the reader about genetic modification
2. As a result of genetically modifying crops,
A. there is a decrease in the amount of food produced. Question 2 Read the second
B. more people can be fed for less money. paragraph carefully to find the
C. more food is produced but the production costs are higher. specific information that will help
D. the number of insects that attack crops increases. you answer this question.
3. What does the word so in line 28 refer to?
A. that there are advantages to genetic modification
Question 3 The word so refers to
B. that genetic modification has many disadvantages
something mentioned before this
C. that too many GM crops are produced
D. that food should be cheaper
4. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. People who have read about GM foods do not accept them.
B. Not everyone thinks GMOs are a good thing.
C. Most people believe in the safety of GMOs.
D. According to Taiwanese law, GM foods mustnt be served
in school lunches.
What might both Emily and Layla agree on? Question 5 The answer is not found
A. Its important to continue researching GM foods. directly in the text and you have to
B. All the research shows that GMOs can harm our health. infer it.
C. We should try not to eat GMOs until we know more
about their effects.
D. There is no scientific reason to think that GMOs are unsafe.
6. What is the meaning of make informed decisions in line 64?
A. give others information
B. ask others for their opinions
C. make well-based choices
D. get information regarding decisions
What is true about the issue of labeling?
A. The U.S. has the same labeling laws as other countries.
B. Rachel Parent believes we should not have labeling laws.
C. Ninety-two percent of Americans disagree with Rachels
views on labeling GMOs.
D. Most Americans want GMO foods to be labeled.
8. The food company Campbells is mentioned because
Question 8 Make sure you understand
A. it decided to label GM products although the law doesnt require it. how the specific information about
B. it fought against genetic engineering. the company supports the main idea
C. it demanded that the government pass labeling laws. of this paragraph.
D. it has played an important role in feeding the world.

Think About It
Do you agree that GM foods are the only hope for the future? Do you think we will survive without them? Why / Why not?

Reading: Page 3 of 5
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Reading

After You Read Words

A There are different ways to say the same thing. Which pairs of sentences
have similar meanings? Which have different meanings? Similar Different

1. The factory workers are opposed to the long working hours.

The factory workers accept that they must work long hours.

2. As a blogger, Jackie gives her point of view on educational issues.

In her blog, Jackie gives her personal opinion about educational issues.

3. Your new hairstyle has really altered the way you look.
You look exactly the same, although youve changed your hairstyle.

4. My father founded a food company twenty years ago.

Twenty years ago my father was employed by a food company.

5. Peter and Susan have traveled widely.

Peter and Susan have visited many different places.

B Circle the correct answers.

1. The exam was widely / relatively easy, so I managed to finish it in an hour.
2. They bought the land for commercial / reliable development they plan to build homes and sell them.
3. Some people are worried about the safety / shortage of genetically modified foods, so they prefer
not to eat them.
4. Frank is a sculptor who works with wood, steel and other building characteristics / materials.
5. In an emergency, try to remain / require calm. It will help you think more clearly.
6. I posed a risk / faced a dilemma when I saw the man shoot the woman.
7. Building such a large house will cost too much, so the architect will have to modify / label these plans.

Word Expansion
A WORD BUILDING Complete the chart using words from Changing Food, Changing Opinions.
Verb Noun Adjective

modify 1 2

nutrition 3

productive / unproductive
acceptance acceptable / unacceptable

oppose opposition 9

Reading: Page 4 of 5
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Reading

B Complete the sentences with words from Exercise A. Make any necessary changes.
1. Your report is full of mistakes. This kind of work is totally !
2. My son is allergic to dairy such as cheese, cream and yogurt.
3. Previous work experience is an important for this job.
4. Scientists are now able to genetically vegetables to make them taste better.
5. Parents will strongly the plan to close the local school.
6. What is the teachers of the boys difficulties in English?
7. White bread has very little value.
8. Good is necessary for normal development.

EXPRESSIONS WITH HAND AND FACE Look at how expressions with hand and face are used.

The words hand and face can be used in different ways to form expressions. Notice how hand
and face are used in Changing Food, Changing Opinions.
All in all, genetic modification seems to have many benefits. On the other hand, not everyone
thinks so. (as opposed to the other person)
This means that parents like Emily face a dilemma: whether to feed their families GM foods or not.
(have to make a difficult choice)

go hand in hand: exist together; be connected
hand in: give a piece of written work to a teacher
hand over: give a person or thing to someone else
on the one hand on the other hand: to compare two ideas or opinions
at face value: accept something as it seems to be, without thinking about it deeply

cant face: not want to do something or deal with someone because its difficult or unpleasant
face a dilemma: have to deal with a difficult decision or make a difficult choice
face up to: accept that a difficult situation exists

Complete the sentences using the expressions above. Make any necessary changes.
1. The teacher asked us to our essays within a week.
2. Im not sure which course to take. , I love art, but on the other hand,
I would enjoy studying music.
3. Sarah is : to work abroad or to look for a job here.
4. Education and work opportunities . If people are educated, they have
a better chance of getting a good job.
5. I really hate cold weather and now I another week of snow.
6. Dont take what youve heard about the school . Ask more people what
they think before you decide to send your child to another school.
7. The criminal was told to his gun.
8. We have to the fact that we dont have the money to buy a new house.

Reading: Page 5 of 5
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Grammar 1

Modals, Semi-modals
The article Changing Food, Changing Opinions includes many sentences with Modals and Semi-modals.

A The chart below shows sentences using Modals and Semi-modals. Pay attention to how they are used.
Then complete each sentence with the correct word(s) from the word bank and match it to the correct use.

Modal, Semi-modal + base form of the verb

a. Polite request: could, would you ?
Could you please let me get through?
b. Necessity: have to, must
You have to improve your grades this year.
c. Asking for permission: can, could, may
Can I speak to her about what youve just told me?
d. Advice: should, ought to
You should be concerned about the food your children eat.
can could would should have to must may ought to
1. Can / / I please leave early today? C
2. Could / you please close the door?
3. You have to / register on the website to get the information.
Food companies should / give their customers the right to decide
about GM foods.

e. Ability: can, cant, be able to

Today scientists can modify crops.
f. Prohibition: mustnt
You mustnt get into a car with someone you dont know.
g. Lack of necessity: dont have to, neednt
You dont have to make a decision right away.
can dont have to cant will be able to neednt mustnt
5. You / work in the factory without a hard hat.
6. Im sure you / solve this problem if you try.
7. You / eat this if you dont want to.

h. Refusal: wouldnt
The researcher wouldnt tell the reporter about the new study.
i. Almost certainty: must
They must be at home because the lights are on.
j. Possibility: may, might, could
We may see you tomorrow if we also go to the lecture.
wouldnt must may might could
8. Be careful about eating these foods. They may / /
harm your health.
9.  She asked Jim for his computer password, but he give it to her.
10. That be Simon I recognized his voice.

Grammar: Page 1 of 4
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Grammar 1

B Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the positive
or negative form of the modals or semi-modals in parentheses.
1. Sean has been working all day. Hes probably exhausted. (must)
Sean has been working all day. He exhausted.
2. We dont expect you to fly all the way to New York for the party. (have)
You all the way to New York for the party.
3. If I were you, I would start looking for another job. (ought)
In my opinion, you looking for another job.
4. You are not allowed to bring food into the theater. (must)
You food into the theater.

C Choose the correct answers.

1. The lights are all out. Everyone asleep.
a. must be b. has to be c. can be d. would be
2. Sarah study law she hasnt decided yet.
a. oughtnt b. neednt c. may not d. isnt able to
3. You buy any milk or bread Ive just been to the supermarket.
a. neednt b. mustnt c. wouldnt d. cant
4. Try not to kick the ball over the fence. The neighbors get angry.
a. should b. must c. ought to d. could
5. you help me get this suitcase into the car? Its really heavy.
a. May b. Could c. Must d. Should
6. Its hot in here! You really install an air conditioner.
a. can b. may c. ought to d. dont have to
7. I get to school by 8:30. Thats when my exam starts.
a. have to b. can c. dont have to d. cant
8. I have to get to Maple Street for my job interview. I take the bus?
a. May b. Should c. Would d. Might

D Complete the sentences by using a suitable modal or semi-modal. There may be more than one correct
can couldmaymightwouldshallshould ought to must have to be able to
1. I find my car keys anywhere. I dont know where I put them.
2. Excuse me, but you tell me how to get to the train station?
3. The caller asked me for my credit card details, but I give them to him.
4. This restaurant looks very expensive, so I think we look for a cheaper one.
5. Do you think it snow tonight? Its very cold.
6. Its much too noisy here the baby sleep.
7. you please answer the door? Im on the phone with someone.
8. He helped you with the painting last year, so you help him in return this year.
9. Gail and Benny have not answered my calls for days. They be away on vacation.
10. Cathy thinks that genetic modification is a good thing, but she change her
mind if further research shows that it is harmful.

Grammar: Page 2 of 4
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Grammar 2

Modal Perfect
The article Changing Food, Changing Opinions includes sentences using the Modal Perfect.
The chart below shows more sentences using the Modal Perfect.

Modal + have + past participle

a. Likely or almost certain that this is what happened: must have + past participle
Everythings so clean they must have cleaned the house while we were away.
b. Possible that this is what happened: may / might / could have + past participle
They may have come to visit us while we were out.
c. Willing to do something but didnt: would have + past participle
I would have invited you to the lecture, but I thought you were out of town.
d. Had ability or opportunity to do something but didnt: could have + past participle
I could have helped you with the project, but I thought you were managing on your own.
e. Expected someone to do something but he / she didnt; regretted not following advice:
should / ought to have + past participle
You should have visited your aunt when she was in the hospital.
f. Unlikely or impossible that this is what happened: cant have + past participle
They cant have left already they said they would wait for us.

A What do the sentences mean? Circle the correct answers. Then match each sentence
to the correct use.
1. Its a lovely day, so they might have gone to the beach. b
a. Maybe they went to the beach.
b. They definitely didnt go to the beach.
2. We could have gone to the movies last night, but decided against it.
a. We had the chance to go to the movies last night, but we didnt.
b. Going to the movies last night wasnt an option.
3. I would have come to your party, but it was too late.
a. I came to your party even though it was very late.
b. I wanted to come to your party, but I didnt.
4. Simon cant have missed his train! He got to the station on time.
a. Its certain that he missed the train.
b. Its impossible that he missed the train.
5. The student must have completed his project. He worked on it all night.
a. Im sure he completed the project.
b. Its not possible that he completed the project.
6. She ought to have apologized for being so rude. Why hasnt she said anything?
a. It wasnt necessary for her to apologize.
b. We expected her to apologize, but she didnt.

Grammar: Page 3 of 4
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Grammar 2

B Choose the correct answers.

1. Why is your daughter upset?
Im not sure. I think her friend at her new dress.
a. would have laughed b. may have laughed c. should have laughed
2. I didnt know where to buy a copy of that book you mentioned.
Why didnt you ask me? I you the name of the bookstore.
a. would tell b. will tell c. would have told
3. All the guests at Pams party seemed very hungry, didnt they?
Yes, Pam more food.
a. should be prepared b. should prepare c. should have prepared
4. I broke my leg while skiing.
How awful! That a lot.
a. must have hurt b. would have hurt c. should have hurt
5. I heard that Mike came first in the race.
But hes a terrible runner. He !
a. neednt have won b. cant win c. cant have won
6. We took a taxi from the airport.
You all that money. I could have picked you up.
a. cant have spent b. neednt have spent c. may not have spent
7. Why didnt you pass the exam?
I didnt study. I harder.
a. would have worked b. must have worked c. ought to have worked

C Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the correct form
of the verbs in parentheses and choose a modal. There may be more than one correct answer.
ought to cancantcouldcouldntneedntmaymightmustwould

1. It was wrong of you not to wait for him.

You (wait) for him.
2. Its not possible that Patrick used my computer.
He (use) my computer.
3. It was possible for you to borrow my car, but you didnt.
You (borrow) my car.
4. It wasnt necessary to organize a surprise party for me.
You (organize) a surprise party for me.
5. She had the ability to become a great opera singer, but she chose a different career.
She (become) a great opera singer.
6. Im guessing she went to Greece on vacation, but Im not sure.
She (go) to Greece on vacation.
7. I think I forgot my phone at home because I dont have it with me.
I (forget) my phone at home.
8. Sarah was willing to help you with the baby, but you didnt accept her help.
Sarah (help) you with the baby if you had accepted her help.

Grammar: Page 4 of 4
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Listening

STRATEGY Be careful of distractors answer choices that use the same words as the speaker, but dont
express the same idea.

Five Short Monologues

A You will hear five short monologues in which people are talking about solo dining eating out
by oneself. Look at the picture. What do you think are some of the pros and cons of dining solo?
Have you ever eaten out by yourself? How did you feel about it?

B Listen to the monologues and choose from the list (A-H) TIP Wait until you have heard everything
what each speaker said about solo dining. the speaker has to say before you answer.

I enjoy the extra attention I get from
the waitresses.
Sentence B More than one B I feel lonely when I dine solo.
speaker uses the word lonely. Be C 
Technology has made dining solo a bit Speaker 1
careful not to choose an answer too isolated.
just because you hear the same Speaker 2
D Its often other people who make
dining solo a negative experience.
Speaker 3
E I see things differently than I used to.
Sentence F The keywords in the F T
 he people I eat with sometimes get Speaker 4
sentences are often paraphrased, annoyed with me.
so you wont hear the word Speaker 5
Eating solo is a good way to meet new
annoyed. Listen for other words people.
that express the same idea, such
Dining solo allows me to concentrate
as bothered or impatient.
on my meal.

Listening: Page 1 of 1
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Speaking

Discussing and Reaching a Decision

TIP Dont reach a decision
A Think about what you usually eat over a period of several days. too quickly. Try to discuss all
What are some things you think you could change in order to have the options in detail.
healthier eating habits?

to create a dialogue. Pay attention to the expressions in bold. Then practice the dialogue with a partner.
1. If we want to improve our eating habits, it seems to me that we should start with a healthy breakfast.
2. OK. Then maybe we should consider eating less fried food.
3. S
 o weve decided to cut down on fried food. We should also agree not to have anything to eat after dinner.
Eating at night isnt very healthy.
a. Youre right about that. But I have to have something to eat in the evenings!
b. I think that would be a good idea because it means wed have fewer calories too.
c. That makes sense, but I have a problem getting up early enough as it is, so Im not sure it would work.

C TOPIC VOCABULARY Match to form sentences. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. Eating a well-balanced breakfast a. eat only until you feel satisfied, not stuffed.
2. Its a good idea to take reasonably sized b. more of the essential vitamins and minerals we
portions of food and need for good health.
3. We should replace unhealthy snacks c. with healthier options, such as fruits and nuts.
4. Its important to eat whole foods d. provides longer-lasting energy during
that have the day.
5. We should limit the amount of soft drinks e. have calories with no nutritional value.
we drink because those drinks

YOUR TASK Imagine that you want to improve your eating habits. Look at the question and the ideas
below. With a partner, discuss how these ideas could improve your health. Then choose the one you think
would provide the most health benefits. Use some of the words and expressions from Exercises B and C.

having a healthy breakfast cutting down on fried food

How important
are these things
for a healthy diet?
paying attention to
having smaller,
the nutritional value
more frequent meals
of the food you eat

reducing the amount of sugar in your food

Speaking: Page 1 of 1
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Writing

A Review
1. How do you usually decide which movie to go to? Do you ever read movie reviews? Why or why not?

2. Skim the model review of a movie. What is the name of the movie and what kind of movie is it?

3. Does the writer recommend seeing the movie?

Paragraph 1 Chef is an American comedy about Carl Casper, the chef at a popular Los
1 Angeles restaurant. Carls life changes when he begins a new business
after leaving his job.

Carl feels frustrated because he isnt using his creative talents at the
restaurant. He is divorced and doesnt spend enough time with his
Paragraph 2 10-year-old son, Percy. Carl finally quits his job at the restaurant and
2 goes to Miami where Percy is on vacation with his ex-wife. There Carl
makes a fresh start by opening a Cuban food truck with his friend, Martin.
Together with his son, he sets off for California. The success of the food
truck is absolutely astonishing at every stop they make.

Paragraph 3 Although the plot is predictable, this is still a really-good movie. It is

extremely amusing and upbeat, and it has a great cast with top actors
like Dustin Hoffman and Scarlet Johansson. What I particularly enjoyed
was Jon Favreaus warm and convincing performance as Carl.

Paragraph 4 I highly recommend seeing Chef, not only because its so enjoyable, but
4 it also shows the delicious food that Chef Carl serves. I promise you that
youll be running to the nearest restaurant when the movie ends!

The model review is made up of four paragraphs. In the above plan, label (a-d) the part that
a. presents the movies strong and weak points.
b. gives more information about the plot and characters.
c. gives the writers opinion and makes a recommendation.
d. gives the name of the movie and a brief description.

Writing: Page 1 of 2
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Writing

STRATEGY To write a convincing review, combine adverbs and adjectives to add emphasis to
your recommendation, and use appropriate phrases to express your opinion.

IMPROVING YOUR STYLE Complete the sentenceswith the Topic Vocabulary.
 a. Since all romantic comedies have a similar
adverbs and adjectives to add emphasis , the ending was
to what you are saying. .
1. Circle examples of phrases combining adverbs b. Leonardo DiCaprios in The
and adjectives in the model review. Revenant was extremely . He
made it seem as though he actually experienced
2. Describe each of the aspects of a movie with at
all those hardships.
least one adverb-adjective combination below.
c. Hollywood is always looking for new
There may be more than one correct answer.
. They
Adverb-Adjective: want young actors and actresses.
really good highly entertaining d. The comedy we saw last night was extremely
absolutely astonishing extremely amusing and .
truly impressive completely original We laughed throughout the whole movie and
Aspects of a Movie: left with a positive feeling.
acting plotcharacterssoundtrack e. The continued success of the Star Wars movies
special effects costume design is absolutely , especially
since the first of the series came out in 1977.
certain phrases to express what you E 
YOUR TASK Write a review in 140-190 words.
found special about the movie. Use the useful expressions to help you.

I was expecting , but You see this announcement on an English

My (only) complaint is that language website.
What really impressed me was
What I particularly enjoyed was Movie Reviews Wanted

Have you seen a movie about food recently? If you

3. Complete each sentence below so it means the
have, we want to know about it. Send us a review
same as the first sentence. Use the phrases above.
including information about the main characters
a. The plot is predictable.
and details about what happens in the movie. Say
My only complaint is that .
if you would recommend it or not.
b. I found Jon Favreaus performance enjoyable.
What I . Write your review.
c. The cast of actors was impressive.
... has something for everyone.
I highly recommend ...
amusing (adj) particularly (adv) predictable (adj) I wouldnt advise
astonishing (adj) performance (n) talent (n) I wouldnt hesitate to recommend
convincing (adj) plot (n) upbeat (adj) This movie will appeal to ...

1. I followed the plan. 4. I used appropriate vocabulary.
2. I used phrases with adjectives and adverbs 5. I checked my spelling and grammar.
to emphasize my recommendation. 6. I stated my recommendation clearly.
3. I used phrases to express my opinion about
what I found special about the movie.

Writing: Page 2 of 2
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 4 Food & Nutrition Assessing Your Learning

A Check (3) whether you know the meanings of the words and phrases you learned in this module.
Use a dictionary to find the meanings of words and phrases you still dont know.



against (prep) materials (n)
alter (v) pass a law I think that

characteristic (n) point of view Im not sure

commercial (adj) pose a risk It seems to me that

concern (n) relatively (adv) make sense

consumer (n) reliable (adj) So weve decided

evidence (n) remain (v) We should consider

found (v) safety (n) Youre right

label (v) shortage (n) TOPIC VOCABULARY

link (v) unique (adj)
essential vitamins and minerals
long-term (adj) widely (adv)
healthier options
limit the amount of
WORD EXPANSION longer-lasting energy
Word Building nutritional value
Verb Noun Adjective reasonably sized portions
replace unhealthy snacks
acceptable /
accept acceptance satisfied (adj)
well-balanced (adj)
assess assessment ---
whole foods (n)
modify modification modified

nutritional / WRITING
--- nutrition
oppose opposition opposed amusing (adj) plot (n)
product / productive / astonishing (adj) predictable (adj)
production unproductive convincing (adj) talent (n)
particularly (adv) upbeat (adj)
require requirement ---
performance (n)

Expressions with hand and face

go hand in hand at face value
has something for everyone.
hand in cant face
I highly recommend
hand over face a dilemma
I wouldnt advise
on the one hand on the face up to (something)
I wouldnt hesitate to recommend
other hand
This movie will appeal to

B These are the grammar topics you learned in this module. Check (3) those you
feel you know well and those you need to practice more.


know well need to practice know well need to practice

For further practice, go to the Grammar Index.

Assessing Your Learning: Page 1 of 1

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