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Nepal does not have an independent day because Nepal was never colonized.

Nepal is also the

oldest country in South Asia.

Nepal Is The Only Country With A Non-

Rectangular Flag. Nepals flag is maroon with two triangular shapes stacked on
one another with blue border. The upper triangle consists of moon and the lower triangle
consists of the sun. The basic design of this flag is over 2000 years old.

The literal meaning of Kumari is Virgin. In Nepal these kumari, or living goddesses, are
pre-pubescent girls considered to be the earthly manifestations of divine female energy,
incarnations of the goddess known as Taleju, the Nepalese name for Durga.Selected as
children, they live in temples, are carried in chariots during festivals and are worshipped
by thousands of Hindus and Buddhists. They retire upon puberty.

Mount Everest being the peak of the world at the height of 8,848 m, there are others like
the Tilicho lake- the highest lake on earth at the height of 4800m, Shey Phoksundo
Lake- the deepest lake of 145m at the height of 3600m, the deepest gorge of Kalidanki
of 1200m and the highest valley on Earth- the Arun valley. Nepal also holds some of the
world famous Guinness world records and different international prizes, international
recognitions and involvements that have made the profile of this small country to be one
of the best.

Not A Single Drop Of Blood Has Ever Been Shed In Nepal

In The Name Of Religious And Ethnic Riot.Something for the world
to learn from these people who hold the best feeling for Unity and Patriotism. There hasnt been
a single case were there has been a clash in the name of religion in Nepal.
The Himalayas mountains is shared between five countries in descending order: Nepal, Bhutan,
India, China and Pakistan. The mountainous north of Nepal has eight of the worlds ten tallest
mountains, including the highest point on Earth, Mount Everest (after Sir George Everest)
Nepals local name for Everest is Sagarmatha, which means goddness of the sky.

27.474.000 the number of people living in Nepal

741.000 the number of people living in Nepals capital, Kathmandu

81% people are hindu

1. Namaste is the standard greeting in Nepal. It can mean Hello, Good Bye,
Thank You but translates to I salute the God in you. People put their
palms together and then bow their forehead, and say Namaste."

1. Nepali is the chief or official language. There are many ethnic groups in
Nepal and they speak hundreds of different languages. Not accents, but
languages. Sometimes Nepali people can't communicate as they speak
different languages.

1. The Nepali calendar called Bikram Sambhat is approximately 67 years and

8.5 months ahead of Gregorian calendar. It is the year 2073 in Nepal.
(2016). They celebrate the new year on April 13th.

Lumbini, is where Siddhartha Gautama, the Lord Buddha was born in 623 B.C.
Today its a pilgrim center where Buddhist from all over the world come in
search of peace and self actualization.

As a national animal of the country, slaughtering of cows is illegal in Nepal. It is

not uncommon to see cows wandering around the streets of Kathmandu.

Nepal is the only country with altitudinal variation that ranges from 59 meters
to 8848 meters. Nepal holds some of the most extreme places on the earth such
as the highest lake on the earth (Tilicho 4800 meters), the highest valley on
earth (Arun valley), the deepest gorges (1200 meter) in Kaligandaki and the
tallest grassland in the world in Chitwan.
$ 1 per person/per day the amount of money half the population of Nepal survives
The left hand must not be used for eating in Nepal.
75.3 % of adult women who have never drank alcohol. 52% of adult men who have
never drank alcohol.

Statul Nepalez, aa cum este el astzi, a aprut doar spre sfritul secolului al XVIII-lea. De-a lungul secolelor,
elementele culturii de cast a vecinilor s-au rspndit i n Nepal. Sistemul de caste este o divizare a oamenilor pe
ranguri ierarhice, n funcie de gradul de curenie exterioar (castele inferioare sunt mai murdare dect cele
superioare, la ndemna crora se afl mai multe mijloace de a se purifica). Cele mai multe societi hinduse, aa
cum se tie, au sistemul de cast ca trstur definitorie. n timp, pe msur ce hinduismul a continuat s se
rspndeasc, practicile sale au concurat cu tradiii care existau i care de multe ori prevalau. A fost o tendin care s-
a consolidat odat cu crearea statului nepalez de ctre regii Shah, spre sfritul secolului al XVIII-lea. Procesul de
sanscritizare s-a produs de-a lungul secolelor, eclipsnd tradiiile existente. i astfel s-a nrdcinat societatea
bazat pe caste.

Everestul continu s se nale

Un studiu din 1994 a demonstrat c Everestul se nal cu 4 milimetri pe an, datorit activitii
plcilor terestre. n 1999, cercettorii de la American Millennium Expedition au pus n funciune
un satelit, destinat s msoare, cu exactitate, cu ct crete Everestul/an. Astfel, au ajuns la
concluzia c vrful himalayan are, n prezent, 8.850 de metri.

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