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Daily Topic

SPG Proclamation
March 23, 2016,
Tuesday, the day when the
winners of SPG is announced.
This event happened at Oca
Rodriguez Court. All the SPG
candidates were there,
waiting for the results. The
teacher announced, The
winner for the president is
Jade Ivory Guevarra. The vice
president is Alexandra
Gabrielle Supan. The
secretary is Nicollete Del
Rosario. The treasurer is
Christian Jascel Castro. The
auditor is Ramon Rafael Viray.
The P.I.O is Macyli Nicole
All the officers pledged that
Guevarra. And the peace
they will serve us fair and
officer is Hermenegildo
square and never turn their
Ugalino III. After the
back at any problem.
announcement was
announced, a round of
applause echoed the court. All
the new official officers gave
a small speech to the voters.

Clean Up-
Last month, February 1, important. We need to take care
2016, Monday, all the students of of it because when it disappears,
SFES wore blue t-shirt and jogging we are nothing. So, we should
pants. All section of the SFES start at our school.
participated in this event. SFES
students cleaned up the hallway,
collected garbage, and cleaned
their rooms. Helping the
environment is important
Daily Topic
The Vice-President
Is Her?
We were
shocked after the news
spread at the class that she
was the vice-president.
Nobody expected that she
will become the vice-
president. We expected him
to win, but shes the one
who won. We started doubt.
Some of us think that the SPG
counting is wrong. But she
can be really a vice-
president. Despite at her
attitude, she is really kind
and soft-hearted and most
of the time she is humble.
But most of the time, she
always appear her naughty
side. But when she was Some might think that she
warned by her teacher, she is not a deserving president.
is always humble. But sometimes she can be a
good leader and a follower.

Leader Every student should vote Officers should discipline the
wisely. A voter should have students properly. Choose a great
decent president to manage the leader.
school. A peace officer that can
control a fight. The officers that
we should vote should be
responsible officers. Being an
officer is like leading an army.
Daily Topic
Students Life A
Every student
student thinks
thinks A teacher is a
that education is just a
education is just a big
big perfectionist at handling a
obstacle in
in life.
life. But
But its
its one
one class. Always understands
of the
the items
items that
that wewe need
need to
to every students, supports
past the obstacle to
past the obstacle to get aget a them, and care for them.
successful life.
life. A teacher is unselfish.
Its very
very hard
hard toto study.
study. Always look out the
Being dump
Being dump by by students. She or he
assignments, projects,
projects, and
and observes a student
many more
many more. stress many behavior to make the
students. environment relaxing to the
But its more easier to students.
study But
to more
study than tothe
you reached work.
age A teacher is loving.
you reached the right
to work, having assignment age She always look out at the
to work, having
is easier assignment
than being students who are left
is easier than being
assigned of different task. behind. She or he leads the
assigned of different task. students that are lost to the
So, having a student right path. She or he makes
So, having
life is more easiera than
sure no one is left behind.
life is more easier
having a business life.than
having a business life.

My Second
My school is my Having friends in
second home. This is where school is like your brother
the teachers treat us like and sister. They always give
their own children. They you advice. They always by
watch us from behind. They your side.
never turn their back at us. School is fun. Its like
Our classmates are like you are in your own home.
our siblings. They treat us Youre very comfortable.
kindly and always care about Everyone cared about you.
Daily Topic

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