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Amy Keith 22269786 Standard Six Professional

Experience 3

Standard Six
Engage in professional learning

On my last professional experience placement I noticed that I needed additional support in teaching my secondary English classes
the Seven Steps to Writing Success program as I had never used this before. (Standard 6.1). I was able to attend a professional
development session for this program which helped to improve my English teaching practice. (Standard 6.2). Within this
professional experience workshop I had the opportunity to work with teachers from different schools in the area, a mixture of
primary and secondary teachers. Working with these colleagues I gathered ideas for my own teaching practice regarding the
English Writing program. (Standard 6.3). Attending this professional experience workshop helped me to improve my teaching of the
seven steps which ultimately improved student learning within my class, I became more confident when teaching this program and
gained a better understanding of its importance. (Standard 6.4).

Amy Keith 22269786 Standard Six Professional
Experience 3

Annotations for Standard Six

Note the focus area and standard Note the type of artefact / Describe the document / artefact and indicate the Describe how the document / artefact
descriptor/s the artefact / document document possible impact or result of the artefact / document meets the standard descriptors you
reflects on teaching and/ or student learning have identified.

6.2 Engage in professional This artefact is a This professional development program The Seven Steps to Writing
learning and improve certificate of helped to enhance my knowledge on the Success professional
practice completion of the English program implemented and development helped me to
Understand the relevant and seven steps to writing taught within the school. The seven improve my skills in teaching
appropriate sources of success professional steps to writing success was the basis of English, I also had an
professional learning for development my English lessons while on my third opportunity to work with
teachers. workshops that I placement, this professional experience different colleagues from
attended while on my allowed me to solidify my knowledge of various schools. (Standards
6.3 Engage with colleagues third professional the seven steps before teaching these to 6.2 and 6.3)
and improve practice experience at my class, I believe that partaking in this
Seek and apply constructive Elanora State High professional development helped me to This professional learning
feedback from supervisors and School. improve the learning of my students. opportunity allowed me to
teachers to improve teaching enhance the learning of my
practices. students by giving me a
Teacher professional development can knowledge of the Seven Steps

Amy Keith 22269786 Standard Six Professional
Experience 3

6.4 Apply professional help teachers in a range of ways, some to Writing Success. The
learning and improve of which will help students. (Dyer, knowledge gained from this
student learning 2013). This professional development professional development and
Demonstrate an understanding supplied many ideas for teaching and the teaching examples
of the rationale for continued implementation within the classroom supplied helped me as a
professional learning and the including supplied PowerPoint teacher to implement these
implications for improved presentations as well as a booklet full of skills into the classroom.
student learning. activities that can be used within a (Standard 6.2 and 6.4)
classroom and modified for almost any
age and student level. Attending this
professional development allowed me a
chance to meet other professionals from
different schools, learn the content,
which then helped me to teach the
content to the students.

Artefact: Certificate of Completion of Seven Steps to Writing Success

Amy Keith 22269786 Standard Six Professional
Experience 3


Amy Keith 22269786 Standard Six Professional
Experience 3

Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership. (2011). Australian professional standards for teachers. Retrieved from:

Dyer, K. (2013). Improving Student Performance Requires Varied Teaching Strategies and Techniques. Teach. Learn. Grow.
Retrieved from

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