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Ge Ss Bee ee Ree ee et ee ee oe ries, veel JE 2S UeYy Design of Wy Blast Resistant Buildings in Petrochemical Facilities Prepared by the oo “ TASK COMMITTEE ON BLAST RESISTANT DESIGN PETROCHEMICAL COMMITTEE of the ENERGY DIVISION of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS TECNIMONT's property Prot. N® 3166 Published by ASCE wreirnjecun Insrntocl cong pie cl en fn rt perch ii tg chjesive sng eet Sree gens me a aes = ces wich oy etna cee ‘uy of Cog Cuaeig i tision Da = tt son oer B sce cei onei eraser eget cmamensuans Deore Psat Pammites of Oe Bnergy Division af the Amer Socety ofl Engnewn fc tae ttn 3 ern eee nd pro, 3 Aen Cl ges Cnr are ge ths pbiain tater repre nace 0 cific wi geal rcp omatn aT wlormaea : yk wher xr oink cncing ny etrnaen war pte erp ee ‘vow wilting islet ume lntnensn tony pt ape iy atsig em che nee tot in edo re ats eid by ASCE w lbs nf ohana gy, Sein Mong Sr roel on Sete Pe ‘i ana MA O82) The enn USS «535 peroge, Ragen er reo ‘estdesede Resins & pal ba eee eens tte fi Lan of Cone Caos CN 9 2019 Wane mtsurns's * apes cr ad windows wea ecuied haw 9 ‘ASCE Petrochemical Energy Committee This publication is one of five state-othe-practce engineering reports produced, to date, by the ASCE Petrochemical Energy Committe. These enginoering topmts ‘are intended to be a summary of current engineering knowlege and design practice, or ‘resent guidelines for the design of petrochemical feilities. They represent consenses opinion of task committee members active in ther development. Tuese five ASCE engioesring ceports are 3) Design of Anchor Bolts in Petrochemical Facilities 2) Design of Blas Resistant Buildings in Petrochemical Facies 3) Design of Secondary Containment in Petrochemical Facilities 4) Guidelines for Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical Facilities 8) Wind Loads on Petrochemical Facilites ‘The ASCE Petrochemical Energy Committee was organized by A. K. Gupta in 199) 4nd intaly chaired by Curley Turmer. Under thei leadership the five task eommitiees were formed. More recently, the Conerittes hs boen chaired by Joseph A. Bolinsky and Frank J, Hei, Frank J. Hsiu 4. Marcell Huet Chevron Research and Technology Company Hudson Engineering Corporation chairman secretary Joseph A. Bohinsky Brown & Root, Inc. Wiliam Bounds Fluor Danie, Inc. Clay Fine Bechtel, ne Jobn Geigel Exxon Chemical Company Ajaya K. Gupta North Carotna State Uriversiyy Magdy H. Hanna Jacobs Engineering Group, Steven R. Herler Eastman Chemical Co Gayle 8. Johnion, BOE International, in. James Maple 1A Maple & Assocites Douglas J. Nyman D.J. Nyman & Associates ‘Norman C. Rennals BASF Corporation Curley Turner Fluor Das, Tne, ‘The ASCE Task Committee on last Resistant Design ‘This report was prepared to provide miidance in the blast resistant design of Petrochemical files. ‘Though the makeup of the committee and the writing of this ‘document are directed at petrachemical faites, these guidelines are applicable to similar ‘design situations in other industries. Those interested in this report should include Sinuciural design engineers with dynamic design tering. and experience a8 well a5 ‘operating company persone! responsible to eslablish intemal design and construction Dractices. ‘The task comuritice was established because of a sigcant interest in the Pelrochemnical industry in dealing with costly process secidens, in. interpreting _sovesmneotsafety siandards, and in the desire Lo proteet employees. One purpose ofthis ‘spor is to help provide some unifommity to Uke current mix of intemal and published ester This report is intended 10 be a Stateofthe-Practice set of guidelines, ‘The ne provided are based on published information and actual design. A bractce, intemal company standards, published documents, and the cut work of rlated groups was conducted The repot includes alist of referesces to Provide addtional information. ‘The reference list emphasizes an emphasis on readily availble commercial pubbiations and government reports. Because ofthis relevance to this repon, several pubictions deserve mention here, Two widely used documents Bight L118 G18 inp ise ‘last Loading: wa ‘A bias: wave has been given and will be applied normal to the long side of the building. Is farther decried that the distance to the explosion and the length of ihe building are sock thatthe overpressure and duration do not change signifcanly ‘ver the length ofthe building, The bast (shock) wave parameters areas follow side-on overpressute, a= Gpsi (41 KPa) Figure 3.3) duration, = 0.03 seo fares) stock fron velocity, U-=1130(1 +0.088 P,P 130 [1 + oss (psp? Laie sec (400 w/s06) (Equation 3.5) lenuth of pressure wave, (Equation 3.6) Ta Uh) = (1,312 see) (0.05 see) =66. (20.1 m) peak dynamic wind pressure, (Equation 3.4 64 0022 (P= 0022 (6 ps)?=0.8 psi (6 kPa) , Froat Wall Loading: Ti ont wal is assumed to span vertically ftom foundation to roof The design willbe fora typical wall segment one foot wide ected overpressure, (Equations 3.2 and 3.3) P= [2+ 0.05 (Po)] Po [2 + 0.05 (6 ps] (6 ps) = 13.8 psi (9S KPa) clearing distance, (ection S= minimum of Hor B/2= 15 (4.5m) > reflected overpressure clearing time, (Equation 3.8) WF (G/U)

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