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Lesson Plan Template

Date 19 - 3 2017 Student Alia Ali.


Time 9:30 Am School Al Noor kindergarten

Theme/To revising sight words Class KG2 -1


No of students 24

Context of the lesson (what happened this week/yesterday)

They revise the letters that they toke in this semester.

My Aim: (what do you want to do well?)

Organize students.

Explain the lesson in interesting way.

Teaching goal:

Learn how to spell the letters to make words.

Know the sound of each letter in the word.

Learn how to write the words.

Doing the activity like draw and organize the paper to see the picture and know the
words letter.

Learning objectives (Students will be able to):

Write the words.

Use the word in sentence.

Assumptions about prior learning

Words from 3 or 4 letters that they use it in real live every day.

Possible problems and solutions

Weakness in writing the word _____< Form the word on the sand.

Students Language (what they will Teachers language (what you will say/write)
Mum \ Can \ Hat \
Sock Ask them to write the word on the board and
try to spell It.
Kit \ Red \ Dog .

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