08 Januar

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1881.g. osnovana Narodna radikalna stranka

1922.g. umro ^arls Jang, pukovnik ameri~ke vojske, prvi ~ovek koji je do{ao do ~ina pukovnika u ameri~koj vojsci, a da je bio crnac
1945.g. oslobo|ena Sjenica
1954.g. prvi slu~aj poku{aja otmice aviona u SSSR. Dva napada~a savladani od ~lanova posade. Jedan, radista, poginuo, odlikovan ordenom heroja
1971.g. po~eo prvi festival filmskih ostvarewa Fest, pod sloganom hrabri novi svet. Prvi prikazan film M.A.S.H
2010.g. u napadu na fudbalsku reprezentaciju Togoa u Ugandi, stradalo 3 ~lana ekipe
2011.g. umro Jur`i Dinstbir, nekada{wi ~e{ki disident, ministar inostranih poslova i izvestilac za qudska prava u biv{oj SFRJ
2013.g. sukobi izme|u protestanata i katolika u severnoj irskoj
2013.g. osam turskih rudara poginulo usled eksplozije metana u rudniku

1297. - , , , ,
. - - 1314.

1324. - , . 17. 1271.

, , , , , 1275. ,
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1807. - , 380 , .
12. 1806. ,
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1807. - Srpski ustanici su u Prvom srpskom ustanku zauzeli Kalemegdansku tvravu u koju su se Turci sklonili nakon zauzimanja Beograda 12. decembra 1806. Beograd je posle 380 godina
ponovo postao prestonica srpske drave. est godina kasnije, nakon sloma ustanka, Turci su ponovo osvojili Beograd.
1923. - Nakon izvetaja Reparacione komisije krajem 1922. da Nemaka kasni sa isporukama uglja na ime ratne odtete Francuskoj i Belgiji, francuske i belgijske trupe ule su u Rursku oblast.
Kriza je sporazumno reena sredinom 1924, a u julu 1925. Francuzi su poeli da evakuiu trupe iz Rura.
1973. - Ameriki i severnovijetnamski pregovarai Henri Kisinder i Le Duk To obnovili su u Parizu pregovore o okonanju Vijetnamskog rata.
1998. - Arapski terorista Remzi Ahmed Jusef osuen je na doivotnu robiju, kao organizator podmetanja eksploziva 1993. u Svetski trgovinski centar u Njujorku, kada je poginulo estoro ljudi.
Dve zgrade Centra sa preko sto spratova sruene su 11. septembra 2001. u samoubilakom teroristikom napadu sa dva oteta aviona.
1324. - Marko Polo iz Venecije, poreklom sa Korule, najpoznatiji svetski putnik srednjeg veka, preminuo je u 70. godini. Godine 1271. krenuo je na Daleki istok i proputovao jugozapadnu i
srednju Aziju i stigao u Peking 1275. godine. Prvi je Evropljanin koji je preao preko Pamira, Turkestana i Mongolije. Proputovao je skoro celu Kinu, a u Evropu se vratio 1295. godine, preko
Indonezije, Singapura, Indijskog okeana, Persije i Crnog mora. Opis svojih putovanja objavio je 1928. godine u knjizi koju je po njegovom kazivanju napisao italijanski pisac Rusticijano.

1589. - Roen je srpski pisac Ivan (Divo) Gunduli, ija je poezija proeta strasnim pozivima na slobodu i borbu porobljenih Slovena protiv Turaka. U najznaajnijem delu, epu "Osman", opevao
je turski poraz u Hoimskoj bici 1621. i smrt sultana Osmana II u janiarskoj pobuni godinu dana kasnije, videi u tim dogaajima predznak propasti Otomanskog carstva i osloboenja Junih
Slovena. U mladosti je pisao melodrame, pastorale i lirske pesme, koje su najveim delom izgubljene. Ostala dela: drama "Dubravka", spev "Suze sina razmetnoga".

1807. - Srbi su u Prvom srpskom ustanku izbacili Turke iz Kalemegdanske tvrave i Beograd je, posle 380 godina, ponovo postao prestonica srpske drave. Prethodno su ustanici 12. decembra
1806. oslobodili beogradsku varo i potisli Turke u Kalemegdansku tvravu, a turski komandant Alija Guanac je krajem decembra utekao iz tvrave, uvidevi da je njena odbrana beznadena.
Novom komandantu Sulejman-pai potom je preostalo jedino da se sa svojim snagama preda ustanicima pod Karaorevim vostvom.

1856. - Doktor John A. Veatch otkrio je boraks, natrijumovu so borne kiseline. Danas se iroko upotrebljava u industriji stakla, u kozmetici, medicini i domainstvu.

1900. - Roena je princeza Marija, druga ker rumunskog kralja Ferdinanda Hoencolerna i kraljice Marije, princeze od Britanije i Irske. Princeza Marija se 1922. godine udala za kralja Aleksandra
Karaorevia, sa kojim je dobila tri sina: Petra, Tomislava i Andreja. Umrla je 1961. godina u izgnanstvu u Londonu.

1916. - Posle dugotrajne i estoke borbe, povuene su sve saveznike trupe sa Galipolja. Ovde je u aprilu 1915. godine obrazovan Galipoljski front, na kome su se protiv Turaka borili uglavnom
australijske, novozelandske, junoafrike i kanadske trupe.

1918. - Ameriki predsednik Vudrov Vilson objavio je etrnaest taaka u kojima je izneo naela za uspostavljanje svetskog mira. U jednoj taki govori se o "autonomiji naroda u Austrougarskoj",
to je bio pokuaj da se parira Dekretu o miru koji je objavila sovjetska vlada.

1954. - Elvis Prisli platio je etiri dolara memfiskom studiju za snimanje svojih prvih dveju pesama: "Casual Love" i "I'll Never Stand in Your Way".

1993. - Majkl Dordan, igra ikago bulsa, postigao je svoj 20.000-ti poen u karijeri.


307 Jin Huidi, Chinese Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, is poisoned and succeeded by his son Jin Huaidi.

871 Alfred the Great leads a West Saxon army to repel an invasion by Danelaw Vikings.

1297 Franois Grimaldi, disguised as monk, leads his men to capture the fortress protecting the Rock of Monaco, establishing his family as the rulers of Monaco.

1455 The Romanus Pontifex is written.

1499 Louis XII of France marries Anne of Brittany.

1734 Premiere performance of George Frideric Handel's Ariodante at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.

1746 Second Jacobite Rising: Bonnie Prince Charlie occupies Stirling.

1780 An earthquake of estimated magnitude 7.7 hits the city of Tabriz, Iran, killing about 80,000 people and causing major damage.

1790 George Washington delivers the first State of the Union address in New York, New York.

1806 Cape Colony becomes a British colony.

1811 An unsuccessful slave revolt is led by Charles Deslondes in St. Charles and St. James, Louisiana.

1815 War of 1812: Battle of New Orleans Andrew Jackson leads American forces in victory over the British.

1835 The United States national debt is 0 for the only time.

1838 Alfred Vail demonstrates a telegraph system using dots and dashes (this is the forerunner of Morse code).

1863 American Civil War: Second Battle of Springfield

1867 African American men are granted the right to vote in Washington, D.C.

1877 Crazy Horse and his warriors fight their last battle against the United States Cavalry at Wolf Mountain, Montana Territory.

1889 Herman Hollerith is issued US patent #395,791 for the 'Art of Applying Statistics' his punched card calculator.

1904 The Blackstone Library is dedicated, marking the beginning of the Chicago Public Library system.

1906 A landslide in Haverstraw, New York, caused by the excavation of clay along the Hudson River, kills 20 people.

1912 The African National Congress is founded.

1918 President Woodrow Wilson announces his "Fourteen Points" for the aftermath of World War I.

1920 The steel strike of 1919 ends in a complete failure for the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers labor union.

1940 World War II: Britain introduces food rationing.

1945 World War II: Philippine Commonwealth troops under the Philippine Commonwealth Army units enter the province of Ilocos Sur in Northern Luzon and

attack Japanese Imperial forces.

1956 Operation Auca: Five U.S. missionaries are killed by the Huaorani of Ecuador shortly after making contact with them.

1961 In France a referendum supports Charles de Gaulle's policies in Algeria.

1962 The Harmelen train disaster killed 93 people in the Netherlands.

1963 Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is exhibited in the United States for the first time, at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson declares a "War on Poverty" in the United States.

1971 Bowing to international pressure, President of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto releases Bengali leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from prison, who had been arrested

after declaring the independence of Bangladesh.

1973 Soviet space mission Luna 21 is launched.

1973 Watergate scandal: The trial of seven men accused of illegal entry into Democratic Party headquarters at Watergate begins.

1975 Ella T. Grasso becomes Governor of Connecticut, the first woman to serve as a Governor in the United States other than by succeeding her husband.

1977 Three bombs explode in Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union within 37 minutes, killing seven. The bombings are attributed to an Armenian separatist group.

1979 The tanker Betelgeuse explodes in Bantry Bay, Ireland.

1981 A local farmer reports a UFO sighting in Trans-en-Provence, France, claimed to be "perhaps the most completely and carefully documented sighting of all time".

1982 The break up of AT&T: AT&T agrees to divest itself of twenty-two subdivisions.

1989 The Kegworth air disaster. British Midland flight 92 crashes into the M1 motorway killing 47 people out of 127 on board.

1989 Beginning of Japanese Heisei period.

1994 Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov on Soyuz TM-18 leaves for Mir. He would stay on the space station until March 22, 1995, for a record 437 days in space.

1996 An Antonov 32 cargo turboprop powered plane crashes into the central market in Kinshasa, Zaire killing more than 350 people.
2002 President George W. Bush signs into law the No Child Left Behind Act.

2003 Turkish Airlines Flight 634 crashes near Diyarbakr Airport, Turkey, killing the entire crew and 70 of 75 passengers.

2004 The RMS Queen Mary 2, the largest passenger ship ever built, is christened by her namesake's granddaughter, Queen Elizabeth II.

2005 The nuclear sub USS San Francisco collides at full speed with an undersea mountain south of Guam. One man is killed, but the sub surfaces and is repaired.

2010 Gunmen from an offshoot the Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda attacked the bus carrying the Togo national football team on its way to the 2010

Africa Cup of Nations, killing three.

2011 An attempted assassination of Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and subsequent shooting in Casas Adobes, Arizona at a Safeway grocery store kills 6

people and wounds 13, including Giffords.


1556 Uesugi Kagekatsu, Japanese samurai and warlord (d. 1623)

1583 Simon Episcopius, Dutch theologian (d. 1643)

1587 Johannes Fabricius, German astronomer (d. 1616)

1601 Baltasar Gracin y Morales, Spanish writer (d. 1658)

1628 Franois Henri de Montmorency-Bouteville, duc de Luxembourg, French general (d. 1695)

1632 Samuel Pufendorf, German jurist (d. 1694)

1635 Luis Manuel Fernndez de Portocarrero, Spanish Archbishop (d. 1709)

1735 John Carroll, American Roman Catholic archbishop (d. 1815)

1763 Edmond Charles Gent, French diplomat (d. 1834)

1786 Nicholas Biddle, American banking executive (d. 1844)

1788 Archduke Rudolph of Austria (d. 1831)

1788 Pavel Kiselyov, Russian general and politician (d. 1874)

1792 Lowell Mason, American composer (d. 1872)

1805 John Bigler, American lawyer, politician and diplomat; 3rd Governor of California; and former United States Envoy to Chile (d. 1871)

1805 Orson Hyde, American religious leader (d. 1878)

1812 Sigismond Thalberg, Swiss virtuoso pianist and composer (d. 1871)

1817 Sir Theophilus Shepstone, South African statesman (d. 1893)

1821 James Longstreet, American Confederate general and diplomat; and former United States Minister to the Ottoman Empire (d. 1904)

1821 W.H.L. Wallace, American Union general (d. 1862)

1823 Alfred Russel Wallace, British naturalist and biologist (d. 1913)

1824 Francisco Gonzlez Bocanegra, Mexican poet (d. 1861)

1824 Wilkie Collins, British novelist (d. 1889)

1830 Albert Bierstadt, German/American painter (d. 1902)

1830 Hans von Blow, German pianist and composer (d. 1894)

1836 Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Dutch artist (d. 1912)

1843 Frederick Abberline, British police investigator (d. 1929)

1843 John H. Moffitt, American politician (d. 1926)

1852 James Milton Carroll, American pastor and author (d. 1931)

1854 John Rahm, American golfer (d. 1935)

1860 Emma Booth, daughter of William and Catherine Booth (d. 1903)
1862 Frank Nelson Doubleday, American publisher (d. 1934)

1864 Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale (d. 1892)

1865 Winnaretta Singer, Princesse Edmond de Polignac, an American patron of French music, and of the arts, sciences, and letters (d. 1943)

1866 William G. Conley, American politician and 18th Governor of West Virginia (d. 1940)

1867 Emily Greene Balch, American writer and pacifist, Nobel Peace Prize laureate (d. 1961)

1870 Miguel Primo de Rivera, Spanish politician (d. 1930)

1871 James Craig, 1st Viscount Craigavon, Irish politician (d. 1940)

1873 Elena of Montenegro, queen of Italy (d. 1956)

1873 Iuliu Maniu, Romanian politician and Prime Minister (d. 1953)

1879 Charles Bryant, British actor and film director (d. 1948)

1881 Henrik Shipstead, American politician (d. 1960)

1883 Pavel Filonov, Russian painter (d. 1941)

1883 Patrick J. Hurley, American soldier, statesman, and diplomat; 51st United States Secretary of War and former United States Ambassador to the Republic of

China (d. 1963)

1885 John Curtin, Australian politician, 14th Prime Minister of Australia

(d. 1945)

1885 A. J. Muste, Dutch pacifist and activist (d. 1967)

1886 Thomas January, American soccer player (d. 1957)

1888 Richard Courant, German-American mathematician (d. 1972)

1888 Matthew Moore, Irish-American actor (d. 1960)

1891 Walther Bothe, German physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics laureate (d. 1957)

1891 Storm Jameson, English writer (d. 1986)

1891 Bronislava Nijinska, Russian choreographer (d. 1972)

1894 Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Polish martyr (d. 1941)

1896 Arthur Ford, American medium (d. 1971)

1896 Jaromir Weinberger, Czech-American composer (d. 1967)

1897 Dennis Wheatley, British author (d. 1977)

1899 Solomon Bandaranaike, Ceylonese Prime Minister (d. 1959)

1900 Dame Merlyn Myer, Australian philanthropist (d. 1982)

1902 Georgy Malenkov, Soviet politician (d. 1988)

1902 Carl Rogers, American psychologist (d. 1987)

1904 Karl Brandt, Alsatian Nazi war criminal (d. 1948)

1904 Tampa Red, American blues musician (d. 1981)

1905 Giacinto Scelsi, Italian composer (d. 1988)

1905 Franjo eper, Croatian Catholic cardinal (d. 1981)

1908 William Hartnell, British actor (d. 1975)

1909 Willy Millowitsch, German actor (d. 1999)

1909 Bruce Mitchell, South African cricketer, Wisden COY 1936 (d.1995)
1909 Nikolaos Platon, Greek archaeologist (d. 1992)

1909 Evelyn Wood, American educator (d. 1995)

1910 Galina Sergeyevna Ulnova, Russian prima ballerina assoluta (d. 1998)

1911 Tom Delaney, British racing driver (d. 2006)

1912 Jos Ferrer, Puerto Rican actor (d. 1992)

1912 Lawrence E. Walsh, American jurist and 4th United States Deputy Attorney General

1915 Walker Cooper, American baseball player (d. 1991)

1921 Herta Bothe, Nazi concentration camp guard

1922 Jan Nieuwenhuys, Dutch painter (d. 1986)

1922 Abbey Simon, American pianist

1923 Larry Storch, American actor

1923 Giorgio Tozzi, American bass

1923 Johnny Wardle, English cricketer (d. 1985)

1923 Joseph Weizenbaum, German-American author and computer scientist (d. 2008)

1924 Benjamin Lees, American composer (d. 2010)

1924 Ron Moody, English actor

1925 Helmuth Hubener, German activist (d. 1942)

1926 Jani Christou, Greek composer

1926 Evelyn Lear, American soprano (d. 2012)

1926 Kelucharan Mohapatra, Indian Odissi dancer (d. 2004)

1926 Hanae Mori, Japanese fashion designer

1926 Soupy Sales, American comedian (d. 2009)

1927 Charles Tomlinson, British poet and translator

1928 Slade Gorton, American politician

1928 Gaston Miron, French-Canadian poet and editor (d. 1996)

1929 Saeed Jaffrey, Indian actor

1929 Wolfgang Peters, German footballer (d. 2003)

1931 Bill Graham, German-born American music promoter (d. 1991)

1931 Chuck Metcalf, American jazz double-bassist (d. 2012)

1933 Charles Osgood, American journalist and commentator

1933 Jean-Marie Straub, French film director

1933 Ko Un, Korean poet

1933 Nolan Miller, American fashion designer (d. 2012)

1934 Jacques Anquetil, French cyclist (d. 1987)

1934 Gene Freese, American baseball player

1934 Roy Kinnear, English actor (d. 1988)

1934 Alexandra Ripley, American writer (d. 2004)

1935 Lewis H. Lapham, American writer

1935 Elvis Presley, American singer (d. 1977)

1936 Zdenk Mcal, Czech conductor

1936 Robert May, Baron May of Oxford, Australian-born British scientist

1937 Dame Shirley Bassey, Welsh singer

1938 Bob Eubanks, American game show host

1938 Yevgeny Nesterenko, Russian bass-baritone

1939 Carolina Herrera, Venezuelan fashion designer

1941 Graham Chapman, British comedian (d. 1989)

1941 Boris Vallejo, Peruvian illustrator

1941 Yoshinori Watanabe, Japanese mobster (d. 2012)

1942 Valya Balkanska, Bulgarian folk singer

1942 Stephen Hawking, English physicist and author

1942 Junichiro Koizumi, Japanese politician

1942 Yvette Mimieux, American actress

1943 Charles Murray, American author and pundit

1944 Terry Brooks, American writer

1945 Yvonne Kennedy, American politician (d. 2012)

1945 Jeannie Lewis, Australian actress and singer

1945 Kojo Nnamdi, Guyanese-born American radio host

1945 Kathleen Noone, American actress

1945 Kadir Topba, Turkish politician

1946 Robby Krieger, American musician (The Doors and The Butts Band)

1947 Don Bendell, American author & karate master

1947 William Bonin, American serial killer and sex offender (d. 1996)

1947 David Bowie, English musician

1947 Samuel Schmid, Swiss politician

1947 Terry Sylvester, English singer and musician (The Escorts, The Swinging Blue Jeans and The Hollies)

1947 Laurie Walters, American actress

1948 Gillies MacKinnon, Scottish director

1950 Jos Hermens, Dutch runner

1951 Kenny Anthony, Saint Lucian politician

1951 John McTiernan, American director

1952 Vladimir Feltsman, Russian-American pianist

1952 Mel Reynolds, American politician

1953 Bruce Sutter, American baseball player

1955 Karine Kazinian, Armenian diplomat (d. 2012)

1955 Spiros Livathinos, Greek footballer

1955 Mike Reno, Canadian musician (Loverboy and Moxy)

1957 Nacho Duato, Spanish classical dancer and choreographer

1957 David Lang, American composer

1958 Rey Misterio, Sr., Mexican wrestler

1959 Paul Hester, Australian drummer (Crowded House and Split Enz) (d. 2005)

1959 Duk Koo Kim, Korean boxer (d. 1982)

1961 Keith Arkell, English chess grandmaster

1961 Calvin Smith, American athlete

1962 Chris Marion, American musician (Little River Band and Western Flyer)

1964 Ron Sexsmith, Canadian singer-songwriter

1965 Michelle Forbes, American actress

1965 Maria Pitillo, American actress

1966 Igor Vyazmikin, Russian ice hockey player (d. 2009)

1966 Andrew Wood, American singer (Mother Love Bone and Malfunkshun) (d. 1990)

1967 Willie Anderson, American basketball player

1967 Torsten Gowitzke, German footballer

1967 R. Kelly, American singer

1968 Keith Mullings, American boxer

1969 Jeff Abercrombie, American musician (fuel)

1969 Ami Dolenz, American actress

1970 Rachel Friend, Australian actress

1971 Jason Giambi, American baseball player

1971 Mike Ssser, German chef

1971 Pascal Zuberbhler, Swiss footballer

1972 Giuseppe Favalli, Italian footballer

1972 Sean McKeever, American writer

1973 Mike Cameron, American baseball player

1973 Mark Knight, English sound designer

1973 Sean Paul, Jamaican reggae and dancehall musician

1973 Henning Solberg, Norwegian rally driver

1973 Jason Stevens, Australian rugby league footballer

1974 Maria Matsouka, Greek politician

1975 DJ Clue, American DJ and producer

1975 Harris Jayaraj, Indian music composer

1975 Tift Merritt, American singer-songwriter (The Two Dollar Pistols with Tift Merritt)

1976 Jenny Lewis, American actress and musician (Rilo Kiley and Jenny & Johnny)

1976 Josh Meyers, American actor

1976 Carl Pavano, American baseball player

1977 Amber Benson, American actress

1977 Ron Pederson, Canadian actor

1977 Melanie Seeger, German race walker

1977 Lee Yoo-jin, Korean actress

1978 Boris Avrukh, Israeli chess grandmaster

1978 Marco Fu, Hong Kong snooker player

1979 Torry Castellano, American musician (The Donnas)

1979 Seol Ki-Hyeon, South Korean footballer

1979 Mirella van Melis, Dutch track and road cyclist

1979 Adrian Mutu, Romanian footballer

1979 Stipe Pletikosa, Croatian footballer

1979 Sarah Polley, Canadian actress

1980 Rachel Nichols, American actress

1981 Jeff Francis, Canadian baseball player

1981 Carmen Schfer, Swiss curler

1981 Xie Xingfang, Chinese badminton player

1982 Emanuele Calai, Italian footballer

1982 Wil Francis, American singer (Aiden)

1982 Gaby Hoffmann, American actress

1982 John Utaka, Nigerian footballer

1983 Kim Jong-un, North Korean leader (year disputed, possibly 1984)

1983 Felipe Colombo, Argentine/Mexican actor and singer

1983 Chris Mordetzky, American wrestler

1984 Jeff Francoeur, American baseball player

1985 Rachael Lampa, American singer

1985 Raghavendran T, Chartered Accountant, India

1986 Jessica Parker Kennedy, Canadian actress

1986 Jaclyn Linetsky, Canadian actress (d. 2003)

1986 Maria Ozawa, Japanese/French-Canadian pornstar

1986 David Silva, Spanish footballer

1987 Carmen Klaschka, German tennis player

1988 Allison Harvard, American artist and fashion model

1988 Michael Mancienne, English footballer

1988 Adrin Lpez lvarez, Spanish footballer

1989 Aaron Cruden, New Zealand rugby player

1989 Kristjn Einar, Icelandic racing driver

1991 Jorge Enrquez, Mexican footballer

1991 Asuka Hinoi, Japanese singer (Hinoi Team)

1992 Apostolos Vellios, Greek footballer

1993 Brooke Greenberg, American child who has remained the size of a toddler, in spite of being in her late teens.

2000 Noah Cyrus, American actress

2011 Princess Josephine of Denmark

2011 Prince Vincent of Denmark


307 Jin Huidi, Chinese emperor of the Jin Dynasty (b. 259)

482 Saint Severinus of Noricum

1100 Antipope Clement III (b. c.1029)

1107 Edgar of Scotland (b. 1074)

1198 Pope Celestine III (b. c. 1106)

1324 Marco Polo, Italian explorer (b. 1254)

1337 Giotto di Bondone, Italian artist (b. 1267)

1456 St. Lawrence Justinian, Italian bishop and first Patriarch of Venice (b. 1381)

1464 Thomas Ebendorfer, Austrian historian (b. 1385)

1557 Albert the Warlike, Prince of Bayreuth (b. 1522)

1570 Philibert de l'Orme, French architect (b. c. 1510)

1598 John George, Elector of Brandenburg (b. 1525)

1642 Galileo Galilei, Italian astronomer and scientist (b. 1564)

1664 Moses Amyraut, French theologian (b. 1596)

1707 John Dalrymple, 1st Earl of Stair, Scottish politician (b. 1648)
1713 Arcangelo Corelli, Italian composer (b. 1653)

1775 John Baskerville, English printer (b. 1706)

1789 Jack Broughton, English boxer (b. c. 1703)

1794 Justus Mser, German statesman (b. 1720)

1815 Edward Pakenham, British general (b. 1778)

1825 Eli Whitney, American inventor (b. 1765)

1853 Mihly Bertalanits, Slovene (Prekmurian poet and teacher in Kingdom of Hungary (b. 1788)

1854 William Carr Beresford, 1st Viscount Beresford, British general and politician (b. 1768)

1865 Aim, duc de Clermont-Tonnerre, French general (b. 1779)

1874 Charles-tienne Brasseur de Bourbourg, French writer and historian (b. 1814)

1878 Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, Russian poet (b. 1821)

1883 Miska Magyarics, Slovene poet in Hungary (b. 1825)

1880 Joshua A. Norton, "Emperor of the United States, Protector of Mexico" (b. 1811)

1896 William Rainey Marshall, Governor of Minnesota (b. 1825)

1896 Paul Verlaine, French poet (b. 1844)

1901 John Barry, Irish recipient of the Victoria Cross (b. 1873)

1916 Rembrandt Bugatti, Italian sculptor (b. 1884)

1916 Ada Rehan, Irish-born American actress (b. 1860)

1918 Johannes Psuke, Estonian photographer and filmmaker (b. 1892)

1918 Ellis H. Roberts, American politician (b. 1827)

1925 Fernand Sanz, French racing cyclist (b. 1881)

1932 Eurosia Fabris, Italian Catholic (b. 1866)

1934 Andrei Bely, Russian writer (b. 1880)

1934 Serge Stavisky, French financier and embezzler (b. 1886)

1938 Johnny Gruelle, Creator of Raggedy Ann and Andy (b. 1880)

1941 Lieutenant-General Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell, British soldier, author, and founder of the Scout movement (b. 1857)

1942 Joseph Franklin Rutherford, American religious publisher (b. 1869)

1943 Richard Hillary, Australian Spitfire pilot and author (b. 1919)

1944 William Kissam Vanderbilt II, member of the Vanderbilt family (b. 1878)

1945 Karl Krafft, Swiss astrologer who was manipulated by the Nazi regime (b. 1900)

1948 Kurt Schwitters, German painter (b. 1887)

1948 Richard Tauber, Austrian tenor (b. 1891)

1950 Joseph Schumpeter, Austrian economist (b. 1883)

1953 Admiral Sir Hugh Binney, British naval commander and Governor of Tasmania (b. 1883)

1956 Jim Elliot, American Christian missionary (b. 1928)

1958 Mary Jane Colter, American architect (b. 1869)

1958 Paul Pilgrim, American athlete (b. 1883)

1961 Schoolboy Rowe, American baseball player (b. 1910)

1963 Kay Sage, American artist and poet (b. 1898)

1967 Zbigniew Cybulski, Polish actor (b. 1927)

1969 Albert Hill, British athlete (b. 1889)

1970 Georges Guibourg, French performer (b. 1891)

1972 Kenneth Patchen, American poet (b. 1911)

1975 John Gregson, English actor (b. 1919)

1975 Richard Tucker, American tenor (b. 1913)

1976 Zhou Enlai, Premier of the People's Republic of China (b. 1898)

1976 Robert Forgan, British fascist (b. 1891)

1979 Sara Carter, American country musician (Carter Family) (b. 1898)

1980 John Mauchly, American physicist (b. 1907)

1981 Matthew "Stymie" Beard, American actor (b. 1925)

1982 Grgoire Aslan, Armenian actor (b. 1908)

1983 Gerhard Barkhorn, German fighter pilot (b. 1919)

1983 Ron Frazer, Australian actor (b. 1924)

1983 Tom McCall, Governor of Oregon (b. 1913)

1986 Pierre Fournier, French cellist (b. 1906)

1990 Terry-Thomas, British actor, comedian (b. 1911)

1991 Steve Clark, English guitarist (Def Leppard) (b. 1960)

1994 Pat Buttram, American actor (b. 1915)

1994 Harvey Haddix, American baseball player (b. 1925)

1995 Carlos Monzn, Argentinian boxer (b. 1942)

1996 John Hargreaves, Australian actor (b. 1945)

1996 Franois Mitterrand, President of France (b. 1916)

1996 Howard Taubman, American music and theater critic (b. 1907)

1997 Melvin Calvin, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1911)

1998 Michael Tippett, English composer (b. 1905)

2000 Fritz Thiedemann, German equestrianist (b. 1918)

2002 Alexander Mikhaylovich Prokhorov, Nobel Prize in Physics laureate (b. 1916)

2002 Dave Thomas, American fast food entrepreneur (b. 1932)

2003 Ron Goodwin, British composer and conductor (b. 1925)

2004 John A. Gambling, American radio talk-show host (b. 1930)

2005 Campbell McComas, Australian impersonator and broadcaster (b. 1952)

2005 Warren Spears, American choreographer and dancer (b. 1954)

2005 Michel Thomas, Polish linguist (b. 1914)

2006 Tony Banks, British politician (b. 1943)

2007 Jane Bolin, first African American female judge (b. 1908)

2007 Yvonne De Carlo, Canadian-born actress (b. 1922)

2007 Francis Cockfield, British politician (b. 1916)

2007 David Ervine, Northern Irish politician (b. 1953)

2007 Iwao Takamoto, American animator (b. 1925)

2008 George Moore, Australian champion jockey (b. 1923)

2009 Richard John Neuhaus, Canadian-American Christian writer and editor (b. 1936)

2009 Lasantha Wickrematunge, Sri Lankan journalist (b. 1958)

2010 Tony Halme, Finnish boxer and politician (b. 1963)

2010 Monica Maughan, Australian actor (b. 1933)

2011 John Roll, United States federal judge (b.1947)

2011 Thorbjrn Svenssen, Norwegian footballer (b. 1924)

2011 Ji Dienstbier, Czech journalist and politician (b. 1937)

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8 1994 -18.

8 1977 -24 (-6)

8 1975 - SSN-670 Finbac SSN-637 Sturgeon

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